Steps for building mod_dtcl under NT for Apache with MingW32 ( 1) Get Apache for NT/2000, I used version 1.3.X. You can use the binary release or build it from source. I built from source because I needed to also include mod_ssl. Note that I used VC++ to build Apache - they don't support MingW32 yet AFAIK. 2) Edit the win32\makefile in the mod_dtcl source tree to reflect your environment, i.e. where is Tcl installed, where is Apache installed, where are your Apache sources and object files, etc. The latest version of the makefile has a 'bin_style' target that will allow the use of a binary only install of Apache - see below and the makefile notes for more info. You must now have a threaded version of Tcl around. You must build this yourself as ActiveState's distribution does not include threads! You may also specify values for these variables from the command line, like this : make TEMP_LIBS=C:/TEMP/OBJ NOTE: See the makefile for the complete list of variable options. The latest version of the makefile has a 'bin_style' target that will allow the use of a binary-only install of Apache - see below and the makefile notes for more info. 3) Apply the diffs for Apache. The diff for Apache wraps a few declarations and one #include directive in the os.h file that aren't needed or used with the MingW32 compiler. I used GNU patch to do this with : patch -c -b < os.h.diff NOTE: This patch may not apply cleanly as this file has changed in each revision of Apache. What the patch does is pretty obvious so it can be applied by hand if needed. 4) Run make. There will be some warnings about a redefinition - you can ignore it. You should be left with a file called NOTES: If you are using Apache 1.3.14 or older that uses .dll files for modules, you can run 'make dll_style' to get a dll file. Or you can simply rename the .so file :) If you are using a recent binary install of Apache, you can run 'make bin_style' to produce a '' without needing the Apache sources! See the makefile for details. 5) Run make install. Make the changes to your Apache configuration as described on the mod_dtcl documentation, and you are off. Notes : -- Tcl needs to be in the path of the web server -- These instructions assume you have the MingW32 gcc setup as well as a good collection of GNU tools on your NT machine (sed, grep, etc). They also assume you have Tcl setup. -- The makefile now supports GCC 2.X or GCC 3.x (new default). -- The threaded Tcl support was tested with GCC 3.x and Tcl 8.4.1. -- You will need a fairly recent version of the MingW32 toolset and the associated win32api fileset - see for details on obtaining new releases. -- I've tried my best to make these instructions error free but mistakes are possible. Good Luck, Craig