---- Tapestry Component Parameters Report ---- Tapestry Component Parameters Report This report generates a comprehensive listing of all the components in your module (either a component library or a Tapestry application). For each component, the inheritance, description and complete set of parameters (including inherited parameters) are displayed. The documentation is generated from a mix of JavaDoc and annotations on the classes themselves, and from external documentation you may provide. * Providing External Documentation The external documentation is optional, and takes the form of a file, stored in the same package as the component class, with the extension ".xdoc". External documentation is in the {{{http://maven.apache.org/doxia/references/xdoc-format.html}Maven XDoc Format}}, which can be thought of as a somewhat rigid, stripped down version of XHTML. The component report will extract the content of the \ element and add it to the documention it automatically generates. It will also copy any images (the <<>> attribute of any \ element) to the corresponding output folder. The documentation is generated into a directory structure that mimics the package structure; thus links to component documentation for components in the same package is just a link to another file (with a .html extension) in the same folder. Example: ----
  • Bar
  • The Baz component can be used to generate a gloop style of interface:

    . . . ---- External documentation files (the .xdoc files and any related image files) can be either on the Java main path (i.e., src/main/java) or on the resources path (src/main/resources). At this time, you should place them under src/main/java such that the files are not packaged in your library JAR or application WAR. * Generating the Report Just add the following to the reporting/plugins section of your POM: +---+ org.apache.tapestry tapestry-component-report 5.0.x org.example.myapp +---+ Be sure the update the \ element with the current version of the Maven plugin, and update the \ element with the value for your application (this will match the value you configure inside your {{{../tapestry-core/conf.html}web.xml}}). * Limitations Doesn't have any way to generate parameters for base classes from another library; the tools assume that the components are entirely self-contained within the current model.