[Tapestry Logo] Tapestry

Tapestry is a powerful, open-source, all-Java framework for creating leading edge web applications in Java. Tapestry has been developed by Howard Lewis Ship.

Tapestry reconceptualizes web application development in terms of objects, methods and properties instead of URLs and query parameters.

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Tapestry is an alternative to scripting environments such as JavaServer Pages or Velocity. Tapestry goes far further, providing a complete framework for creating extremely dynamic applications with minimal amounts of coding.

Tapestry's approach, using a component object model similar to a traditional GUI, provides the following benefits:

  • Very high level of reuse, within and between projects
    Everything in Tapestry is a reusable component
  • Frees developers from writing boring, buggy code
    Code in terms of objects, methods and properties, not URLs and query parameters
  • Allows applications' complexity to scale well
    Framework does all the URL building and message dispatching, transparently
  • Easy Internationalization/Localization
    Framework selects localized version of text, templates and images
  • Extremely robust applications
    Less code is less bugs; plus sophisticated built-in exception reporting and other developer tools built in
  • Easy team integration
    Graphic designers and Java developers can work together without having to know each other's jobs

Tapestry may be downloaded from SourceForge.

Tapestry exploits the dynamic nature of the Java language, leveraging the JavaBeans API, as well as servlets and other J2EE technology. Tapestry applications are fast, scalable, robust and powerful.

Tapestry components are a combination of a specification file (in XML), an HTML template and a Java class (extending a framework class, with simple additions). Tapestry components are combined together to form larger components or complete Tapestry pages.

The Tapestry project began in January, 2000. It was released onto SourceForge in July, 2000. Release 1.0.0 occured in May, 2001 and Release 2.0.0 in April, 2002.

Tapestry has been described in the print journal The Java Report in the September 2001 issue. Other articles includes the on-line journal OnJava, in November 2001.

Tapestry has a very active Developer Mailing List (with complete archives).

In addition, there is an old discussion forum at SourceForge (which has been replaced by the mailing list).

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©2000-2002 Howard Lewis Ship. All rights reserved.