[Tapestry Logo] Tapestry

These demos require a running version of Tapestry, and so they are not hosted at SourceForge. Fortunately, the Tapestry community has provided the following sites to run the demos from:

Hosted by Garrett Suhm
United States
Hosted by Sacha Labourey

Two demonstrations are available.

Virtual Library

A demonstration of a complete J2EE application. Its goal is to support sharing of books within an organization ... users register the books they have available to lend, and the application tracks who has what borrowed. It demonstrates how to handle database access (via Entity EJBs), stateless vs. stateful operation, securing pages against unauthorized access and more.

The Virtual Library is built on top of the JBoss application server.

The source code for the Virtual Library is included in the Tapestry distribution.

Tapestry Tutorials

A collection of mini-applications and testbeds that demonstrate different aspects of the framework. You can run these demos live and follow along with the Tutorial documentation.

©2000-2002 Howard Lewis Ship. All rights reserved.