------ Ajax/DHTML Guide - Dojo Tips ------ Andreas Andreou ------ 13 Nov 2007 ------ Dojo Tips * Dojo and L10N Dojo and its widgets support l10n and include by default localized messages for the following locales: +----------------------------------------------------------- "en-us", "de-de", "de", "en-gb", "es-es", "es", "fr-fr", "fr", "zh-cn", "zh-tw", "zh" , "it-it", "it", "ja-jp", "ja", "ko-kr", "ko", "pt-br", "pt", "en", "xx" +----------------------------------------------------------- Tapestry's {{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry/dojo/AjaxShellDelegate.html}AjaxShellDelegate}} takes care of including the related setting in djConfig if the page's locale matches one of the above. To support more locales, you'll need to: * Add your translation of dojo messages in the classpath location /dojo-0.4.3/nls/dojo_*.js * Override {{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry/dojo/AjaxShellDelegate.html#isLocaleSupported(java.lang.String)}AjaxShellDelegate#isLocaleSupported(String)}} to return true for the newly added locale.