Changed SortColumn from (common-lang) Enum to JDK 1.5 enum. VlibLibraryEngine activateExceptionPage() - Changed signature (ResponseOutputStream no longer exists) handleStaleSessionException() - Changed signature (ResponseOutputStream no longer exists) getBrowserBinding() - No longer exists (no binding properties, just connected parameter properties) selectBrowserPage() (listener method) - removed IRequestCycle parameter (no longer needed) - added page parameter - Changed interface from PageRenderListener to PageBeginRenderListener loginUser() - IEngine.getServletPath() has been removed, as has RequestContext.addCookie() - Replaced with calls to infrastructure:cookieSource [TAPESTRY-438] - Replace IEngine.forgetPage() with IRequestCycle.forgetPage() pageBeginRender() - Replaced with calls to infrastructure:cookieSource (to read the user's email) application.xml Can't deploy vlib.war as "/" due to conflict with built-in JBoss default app, deployed as "/vlib" (for the moment) Publisher.script org.apache.tapestry.form.AbstractTextField no longer exists, replaced with org.apache.tapestry.form.IFormComponent EditBook.html Inline inputPublisher conflicted with in and was removed Converted Form to specified component Converted ValidFields to TextFields Removed the Hidden for the bookId property Updated to 4.0 DTD Removed s Made displayName attributes reference global messages keys Change return type of formSubmit() to IPage Used @Message annotation Made the bookId property persist on the client vlib.css Added IMG {border:none;} because Tapestry Image/Rollover/etc. components no longer render border="0" automatically. web.xml/hivemodule.xml Added boilerplate friendly URL support vlib.application Set up org.apache.tapestry.vlib.pages as the default page package Created to hold common strings Made getValidationDelegate() and abstract property, with @Bean Uses @InjectState and @InjectPage inside pageValidate() MyLibrary.html Used If not Conditional Use @Persist for sortColumn descending, ownedQuery properties Set default for sortColumn in finishLoad() Use @InjectComponent for browser property @Meta for page-type EditBook.html Made use of proper binding prefixes Border Moved parameters to using @Parameter Converted @Conditional to @If Converted XML to 4.0 DTD Made use of binding prefixes BookMatches Standard changes BorrowedBooks Standard changes