Apache Syncope (incubating) - CHANGES Licensed under Apache License 2.0 - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Notes - Syncope - Version 1.0.0-RC1-incubating ================================================================================ ** Sub-task * [SYNCOPE-5] - Report configuration UI * [SYNCOPE-6] - Add Selenium test case for Report ** Bug * [SYNCOPE-1] - ASF license headers not correct * [SYNCOPE-3] - Include NOTICE and LICENSE in all artifacts * [SYNCOPE-8] - ERROR: type "clob" does not exist * [SYNCOPE-10] - ConnInstance update doesn't imply related connector spring beans reloading * [SYNCOPE-11] - Editing a virtual attribute, error after submit * [SYNCOPE-12] - Error Selenium Tests * [SYNCOPE-16] - Update propagation fails in case of virtual attributes * [SYNCOPE-17] - Manage ConnID's configuration exception * [SYNCOPE-18] - Virtual attributes cannot be mapped as AccountId * [SYNCOPE-21] - ACT_HI_ACTINST:Unique index or primary key violation on non-empty database * [SYNCOPE-23] - TODO tab glitches * [SYNCOPE-27] - Reflection aware REST methods don't consider classes not explicitly implementing interfaces * [SYNCOPE-29] - Deployment on JBoss AS 7.1.0-Final does not work * [SYNCOPE-30] - Generation from archetype fails with error 'The defined artifact is not an archetype' * [SYNCOPE-31] - User status is not propagated during update * [SYNCOPE-32] - Missing SMALLINT type in ImportExport class * [SYNCOPE-33] - Virtual attribute missing during synchronization * [SYNCOPE-34] - No propagation fo virtual attributes retrieved/generated during synchronization * [SYNCOPE-36] - User read fails in case of error during virtual attribute retrieving * [SYNCOPE-37] - Using console, create a new report feature does not work. * [SYNCOPE-39] - Notification task is not created during synchronization * [SYNCOPE-40] - Notification task error: small field size (htmlbody and txtbody) * [SYNCOPE-41] - NotificationManager: extend email.schema to derived and virtual attributes * [SYNCOPE-43] - Report does not keep a reference to its executions for a new report * [SYNCOPE-46] - Error: Search from console with LIKE condition * [SYNCOPE-47] - User resource set update fails during synchronization * [SYNCOPE-48] - Incorrect entitlement inheritance * [SYNCOPE-49] - Make utility maps returned by TO's methods read-only * [SYNCOPE-52] - Recipient search does not work * [SYNCOPE-54] - Notification e-mails can be sent forever * [SYNCOPE-58] - User request approval duplicates requests * [SYNCOPE-61] - WARNING: DB connection abandoned * [SYNCOPE-63] - PolicyBeanPanel doesn't work fine * [SYNCOPE-65] - Export/Import doesn't work with MySQL * [SYNCOPE-68] - Existing memberships removed during synchronization * [SYNCOPE-70] - Source artifacts include either 'syncope-1.0.0-RC1-incubating-source' and 'syncope-root-1.0.0-RC1-incubating-source' root dirs * [SYNCOPE-71] - Foreign key constraints missed with OpenJPA * [SYNCOPE-72] - JSP files don't contain the required ASF license header * [SYNCOPE-75] - User create fails providing more than one value for a multivalued attribute of type date * [SYNCOPE-77] - Save button not displayed in MembershipModalPage * [SYNCOPE-80] - Changin Rows to display value in Propagation Tasks does not take effect * [SYNCOPE-81] - NotificationTasks cannot be deleted * [SYNCOPE-82] - Propagation task executions don't get persisted * [SYNCOPE-84] - Projects generated with maven artifacts fail because of missing legal files * [SYNCOPE-85] - Replace dependency on openjpa-all * [SYNCOPE-86] - TaskExec instances are not associated with owning NotificationTask ** Improvement * [SYNCOPE-14] - Solve some warnings and verify if generated projects still work * [SYNCOPE-22] - Improve virtual attribute value retrieving * [SYNCOPE-24] - Remove code replication managing resource schema mappings * [SYNCOPE-28] - SyncJobActions interface improvement * [SYNCOPE-38] - Todo icon is different compared to other icons. * [SYNCOPE-42] - Add the ability to delete a user by username via the REST API * [SYNCOPE-45] - Make all delete operations consistent in the REST API * [SYNCOPE-50] - Cache custom implementation classes * [SYNCOPE-53] - Make the whole UserTO object available in mail templates * [SYNCOPE-55] - Allow users to read roles assigned to them by membership * [SYNCOPE-60] - Display Excecutions in Synhronization Tasks with descendent order as default * [SYNCOPE-62] - Improve enum schema by giving the possibility to specify labels * [SYNCOPE-67] - Display all Execute Tasks (Propagation, Notification and Scheduled) and related Execution history items sortered in descending order * [SYNCOPE-69] - Increase compile performance * [SYNCOPE-74] - Make configuration params available in mail templates ** New Feature * [SYNCOPE-7] - Role/Membership attributes propagation ** Task * [SYNCOPE-2] - Fix NOTICE and LICENSE content * [SYNCOPE-4] - Report features * [SYNCOPE-9] - Update logo in console web UI * [SYNCOPE-13] - Migrate documentation from old wiki * [SYNCOPE-19] - Update Activiti to release 5.9 * [SYNCOPE-20] - Audit features * [SYNCOPE-25] - Update glassfish-it profile to latest glassfish 3.1.2 * [SYNCOPE-35] - Update to Wicket 1.5.5 and verify selenium tests * [SYNCOPE-56] - Package rename * [SYNCOPE-64] - Issues fixed since last non-ASF release (0.7.1) * [SYNCOPE-66] - Add source distribution sub-module --------------------------------------------------------------------------------