Apache Synapse 1.2-SNAPSHOT build (January 2008) - http://ws.apache.org/synapse/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- First Steps =================== Once you extract the downloaded binary distribution, it will create the following directory structure. synapse /bin synapse.sh synapse-daemon.sh synapse.bat install-synapse-service.bat uninstall-synapse-service.bat /docs /lib /patches /endorsed trust.jks identity.jks log4j.properties providers.xml /repository /conf synapse.xml axis2.xml wrapper.conf /sample /resources /modules /samples /axis2Client /axis2Server axis2Server.sh axis2Server.bat /src/ You could start Synapse using the bin/synapse.sh or bin/synapse.bat script, which will load the configuration found in repository/conf/synapse.xml. To configure the underlying Axis2 SOAP engine (e.g. to enable JMS) you need to configure the repository/conf/axis2.xml. To configure logging levels and to turn on/off debug level logging, please configure the lib/log4j.properties file, and set the line "log4j.category.org.apache.synapse=INFO" as "log4j.category.org.apache.synapse=DEBUG" to turn on debug logging. ------------------- Documentation =================== Documentation can be found in the 'docs' directory included with the binary distribution and in the 'src/site/resources' directory in the source distribution. For Synapse mediation samples please see the Synapse_Quickstart.html, Synapse_Samples.html and Synapse_Samples_Setup.html For more information on the Synapse Configuration language syntax and usage refer to Synapse_Configuration_Language.html ------------------- Getting Started =================== Refer to the Synapse_Quickstart.html document to get started with Synapse in just a couple of minutes. More indepth samples could be found in Synapse_Samples_Setup.html and Synapse_Samples.html found in the docs directory. The actual sample Synapse configurations could be found at /respository/conf/sample. The resources sub-directory contains the sample XSLT transformations, XSD schemas, WS policies and all other resources required to demonstrate various aspects of Synapse. ------------------- Support =================== Please refer to the release_notes.txt file for information on common issues and the solutions. Any issues with this release can be reported to Apache Synapse mailing list or in the JIRA issue tracker. Mailing list subscription: synapse-dev-subscribe@ws.apache.org synapse-user-subscribe@ws.apache.org Jira: http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/Synapse Thank you for using Synapse! The Synapse Team.