FIX is a public-domain messaging standard developed specifically for the real-time electronic exchange of securities transactions. It has a large user base, and the protocol specifications are developed by the collaborative effort of banks, broker-dealers, exchanges, industry utilities, institutional investors, and IT providers around the world.
The FIX protocol specifications can be divided into two sections - the FIX session protocol and the FIX application protocol. The session protocol is concerned with the delivery of data, while the application protocol defines business-related data content.
Apache Synapse supports sending and receiving FIX messages via its FIX transport. This transport is based on Quickfix/J, a popular open source library used to develop applications based on the FIX protocol. The FIX transport enables Synapse to operate as both a FIX acceptor and a FIX initiator. If you have some prior experience working with Quickfix/J, you will realize that most of the features and configuration options available in Quickfix/J are applicable to the Synapse FIX transport as well.
To learn more about the FIX protocol and the Synapse FIX transport, please refer the following articles:
Synapse binary distribution does not contain the Quickfix/J libraries. To use the FIX transport, you must download Quickfix/J separately, and deploy the necessary jar files into the Synapse installation. We recommend using Quickfix/J 1.4.0 with Synapse. Copy the following jar files from the Quickfix/J binary distribution to the SYNAPSE_HOME/lib directory.
Similar to the file transport, the FIX transport is also mostly configured at the proxy service and endpoint level. To receive FIX messages, we expose a proxy service over the FIX transport, and specify the FIX connection settings as proxy service parameters. To send FIX messages, we define an address endpoint with a URL containing the FIX connection settings.
FIX transport listener enables Synapse to receive FIX messages from remote applications. Synapse may operate as a FIX acceptor or as an initiator when receiving FIX messages. To enable the FIX transport listener, uncomment the following transport receiver configuration in the SYNAPSE_HOME/repository/conf/axis2.xml file.
Now you may expose proxy services over the FIX transport by setting the "transports" attribute on the proxy service element to "fix":
It's also possible to expose a proxy service on FIX transport and several other transports. Simply specify the required transports as a space-separated list in the "transports" attribute:
Exposing a proxy service over FIX is not sufficient. We must configure the proxy service with FIX session and connection details. This is done by setting a number of parameters on the proxy service configuration. Please refer sample 257 for an example that demonstrates how this is done. Following table lists all the FIX-specific parameters that can be set on a Synapse proxy service.
Parameter Name | Description/Example | Required | Default |
transport.fix.AcceptorConfigURL |
If a proxy service wishes to listen to incoming FIX messages from a remote
initiator, then Synapse needs to start a FIX acceptor. This parameter
specifies the URL to a file, which contains the FIX configuration
for the acceptor. The URL may point to a file in the local file system
or a remotely hosted file accessible over a standard protocol such as HTTP.
The file itself should be a standard .cfg file,
typically used to
configure FIX acceptors in Quickfix/J. Parameter is required if the proxy
service should receive FIX traffic as an acceptor.
<parameter name="transport.fix.AcceptorConfigURL">file:conf/acceptor.cfg</parameter>
No | N/A |
transport.fix.InitiatorConfigURL |
If a proxy service wishes to listen to incoming FIX messages from a remote
acceptor, then Synapse needs to start a FIX initiator. This parameter
specifies the URL to a file, which contains the FIX configuration
for the initiator. The URL may point to a file in the local file system
or a remotely hosted file accessible over a standard protocol such as HTTP.
The file itself should be a standard .cfg file,
typically used to
configure FIX initiators in Quickfix/J. Parameter is required if the proxy
service should receive FIX traffic as an initiator.
<parameter name="transport.fix.InitiatorConfigURL">file:conf/initiator.cfg</parameter>
No | N/A |
transport.fix.AcceptorMessageStore |
The type of message store to be used with the acceptor. Allowed values for
this parameter are 'file', 'jdbc', 'memory' and 'sleepycat'. Additional
required to configure the message store should be specified in the
acceptor configuration file. Ignored if the proxy service is not operating
in the acceptor mode.
<parameter name="transport.fix.AcceptorMessageStore">file</parameter>
No | memory |
transport.fix.InitiatorMessageStore |
The type of message store to be used with the initiator. Allowed values for
this parameter are 'file', 'jdbc', 'memory' and 'sleepycat'. Additional
required to configure the message store should be specified in the
initiator configuration file. Ignored if the proxy service is not operating
in the initiator mode.
<parameter name="transport.fix.InitiatorMessageStore">file</parameter>
No | memory |
transport.fix.AcceptorLogFactory |
Specifies the type of FIX log factory to be used to log messages going
through the acceptor. FIX messages are logged without putting them in SOAP
envelopes at this level. Accepted values are 'console', 'file' and 'jdbc'.
If not specified no logging will be done at the transport level. Additional
required to configure each of the lof factories should be specified
in the acceptor configuration file. Ignored if the proxy service is not
operating in the acceptor mode.
<parameter name="transport.fix.AcceptorLogFactory">file</parameter>
No | N/A |
transport.fix.InitiatorLogFactory |
Specifies the type of FIX log factory to be used to log messages going
through the initiator. FIX messages are logged without putting them in SOAP
envelopes at this level. Accepted values are 'console', 'file' and 'jdbc'.
If not specified no logging will be done at the transport level. Additional
required to configure each of the lof factories should be specified
in the initiator configuration file. Ignored if the proxy service is not
operating in the initiator mode.
<parameter name="transport.fix.InitiatorLogFactory">file</parameter>
No | N/A |
transport.fix.UseThreadedConnectors |
Use multi-threaded acceptors and initiators. Setting this parameter to
true is equivalent to setting both transport.fix.UseThreadedAcceptor and
transport.fix.UseThreadedInitiator to true.
<parameter name="transport.fix.UseThreadedConnectors">true</parameter>
No | false |
transport.fix.UseThreadedAcceptor |
Run the FIX acceptor in the multi-threaded mode. That is use separate
threads for each acceptor session. Allowed values are true or false.
Has more priority than transport.fix.UseThreadedConnectors.
<parameter name="transport.fix.UseThreadedAcceptor">true</parameter>
No | false |
transport.fix.UseThreadedInitiator |
Run the FIX initiator in the multi-threaded mode. That is use separate
threads for each initiator session. Allowed values are true or false.
Has more priority than transport.fix.UseThreadedConnectors.
<parameter name="transport.fix.UseThreadedInitiator">true</parameter>
No | false |
transport.fix.UseThreadedInitiator |
Run the FIX initiator in the multi-threaded mode. That is use separate
threads for each initiator session. Allowed values are true or false.
<parameter name="transport.fix.UseThreadedInitiator">true</parameter>
No | false |
transport.fix.ProcessSingleThreaded |
Mediate all received FIX messages on the same thread used by Quickfix/J
to perform network I/O. Use this parameter to ensure that Synapse
mediates the FIX messages in the received order. By default Synapse
uses a pool of threads to process received FIX messages in parallel, which
may change their order. Also, using a single thread has the side effect
of forcing the FIX transport to control the request intake based on how
fast Synapse processes them. In some cases this turns out to be the
preferred behavior.
<parameter name="transport.fix.ProcessSingleThreaded">true</parameter>
No | false |
transport.fix.AcceptorSingleThreaded |
Mediate all FIX messages received as an acceptor on the same thread used
by Quickfix/J to perform network I/O. This has more priority over
<parameter name="transport.fix.AcceptorSingleThreaded">true</parameter>
No | false |
transport.fix.InitiatorSingleThreaded |
Mediate all FIX messages received as an initiator on the same thread used
by Quickfix/J to perform network I/O. This has more priority over
<parameter name="transport.fix.InitiatorSingleThreaded">true</parameter>
No | false |
transport.fix.AcceptorSessionEventHandler |
Use this parameter to register a custom acceptor session event handler.
Can be used when it's required to inject some custom logic into the way
how the FIX transport handles key FIX session events. The value of this
parameter should be the full qualified name of a class that implements the
org.apache.synapse.transport.fix.SessionEventHandler interface.
<parameter name="transport.fix.AcceptorSessionEventHandler"></parameter>
No | N/A |
transport.fix.InitiatorSessionEventHandler |
Use this parameter to register a custom initiator session event handler.
Can be used when it's required to inject some custom logic into the way
how the FIX transport handles key FIX session events. The value of this
parameter should be the full qualified name of a class that implements the
org.apache.synapse.transport.fix.SessionEventHandler interface.
<parameter name="transport.fix.AcceptorSessionEventHandler"></parameter>
No | N/A |
To enable the FIX transport sender, uncomment the following transport sender configuration in the SYNAPSE_HOME/repository/conf/axis2.xml file.
To send a message using the FIX transport, define a Synapse endpoint with an address that starts with the prefix 'fix://'. The rest of the address should specify the target hostname, port and other FIX session settings. An example is shown below:
The above endpoint describes a FIX 4.0 session with the SenderCompID set to 'SYNAPSE' and the TargetCompID set to 'EXEC'. If this session already exists (created earlier by the proxy service), the message will be sent using that session. Otherwise, the FIX transport sender will create a new initiator session using the available session information and send the message using this new session.
Following list shows all the FIX session settings that can be configured at the endpoint level, as URL query parameters.
The DeliverTo* fields will be actually set on the messages, as the messages are forwarded to the remote FIX endpoint.
There are several parameters that can be set at the proxy service level to configure the behavior of the FIX transport sender. A complete list is given below.
Parameter Name | Description/Example | Required | Default |
transport.fix.BeginStringValidation |
Use this parameter to enable BeginString validation for all outgoing
FIX messages. That is the BeginString value currently set on the message
(typically this is set by the original source application that sent the
message to Synapse), must match with the BeginString field of the target
FIX session. Allowed values are true or false.
<parameter name="transport.fix.BeginStringValidation">true</parameter>
No | false |
transport.fix.DropExtraResponses |
Sometimes FIX endpoints respond to requests with multiple responses. This
could be problematic, if Synapse received the original request via a protocol
like HTTP. In situations such as these, this parameter can be used to
force Synapse to only mediate the first response received from the remote
endpoint and discard the others. Allowed values are true or false.
<parameter name="transport.fix.DropExtraResponses">true</parameter>
No | false |
transport.fix.SendAllToInSequence |
In some integration scenarios it becomes necessary treat all received
FIX messages (both requests and responses) as a single message stream
and mediate them through the in-sequence of the proxy service. This parameter
enables doing that. Allowed values are true or false.
<parameter name="transport.fix.SendAllToInSequence">true</parameter>
No | false |
transport.fix.ResponseDeliverToCompID |
Configure the DeliverToCompID value that should be set on the response
messages sent by the proxy service. To set the DeliverToCompID on
requests, set the DeliverToCompID directly on the target FIX endpoint
as a query parameter.
<parameter name="transport.fix.ResponseDeliverToCompID">APP</parameter>
No | N/A |
transport.fix.ResponseDeliverToSubID |
Configure the DeliverToSubID value that should be set on the response
messages sent by the proxy service. To set the DeliverToSubID on
requests, set the DeliverToSubID directly on the target FIX endpoint
as a query parameter.
<parameter name="transport.fix.ResponseDeliverToSubID">APP</parameter>
No | N/A |
transport.fix.ResponseDeliverToLocationID |
Configure the DeliverToLocationID value that should be set on the response
messages sent by the proxy service. To set the DeliverToLocationID on
requests, set the DeliverToLocationID directly on the target FIX endpoint
as a query parameter.
<parameter name="transport.fix.ResponseDeliverToLocationID">APP</parameter>
No | N/A |
The FIX transport converts all received messages into SOAP (XML). Therefore, you can treat a FIX message as any other XML message at the mediation level. You may use XPath to extract individual fields from the FIX messages, and use XSLT or XQuery to transform them into other formats. An example FIX message and its equivalent SOAP infoset as constructed by the FIX transport are shown below.
Notice how the FIX header, body and trailer sections are grouped under separate parent XML elements. To extract the BeginString field (field no. 8), you may use the following XPath expression:
Similarly to extract the value of field 55 from the FIX message body, you may use the following XPath expression:
Representing FIX messages as XML enables you to use some of the most powerful mediation features of Synapse with FIX message flows. This includes content-based routing, message transformation and protocol switching.