Running the User Guide samples ============================== To run these samples, please use Ant 1.5 or above. Ant can be downloaded from For help on running these samples try > ant help To start Synapse with the default configuration execute \bin\synapse.bat (on Windows and .sh on Unix). This starts up an instance of Synapse using the Synapse and Axis2 configuration files found at \synapse_repository\conf. Specific sample configurations could be started with the command \bin\synapse.bat -sample or the equivalent in Unix, which will pick up the Synapse configuration file to be used from \synapse_repository\conf\sample\synapse_sample_.xml These samples are based on the WebserviceX and invesbot stock quote services, and the client programs sends a stock quote request which maybe already in the standard format as required by these services, or a custom format. In the examples the request is simply forwarded, transformed and forwarded, validated & transformed and then forwarded to the actual services using the different configurations. The Samples are avilable in three categories 1. The samples.userguide package contains the samples from Synapse M1, and these should be tested against the equivalent M2 Synapse configurations - default or sample 0. i.e. by executing \bin\synapse.bat or \bin\synapse.bat -sample 0 or equivalents under Unix StockQuoteClient (ant stockquote) - Sends a stock quote request to the WebserviceX stock quote service by specifying the EPR to WebServiceX, but the transport URL to Synapse. ProxyStockQuoteClient (ant proxystockquote) - Sends the same stock quote request using the HTTP proxy model. There is no WS-Addressing To URL but we set the HTTP proxy URL to point to Synapse. This results in the destination XMethods URL being embedded in the POST header. Synapse will pick this out and use it to direct the message DumbStockQuoteClient (ant dumbstockquote) -Sends the same stock quote request to XMethods stockquote service. There is no EPR and there is no proxy config. It's sort of a Gateway case. It relies on a Synapse config that will look at the URL or message and send it to the right place 2. The samples.mediation package contains samples which illustrate and showcase the different mediators and the new configuration language syntax. CustomStockQuoteClient (ant customquote) - Synapse server should be started with \bin\synapse.bat -sample 1 or equivanlent under Unix to run this sample. This sample shows the introduction of support to handle custom stock quote requests to the previous configuration used in the examples of section 1. - The configuration used in this sample transforms the custom request messages into the format understood by the actual services. It also shows the usage of the and mediators and support for the correlation of messgaes, so that when a standard stock quote response is received, Synapse knows how to mediate this response back to the correct client - i.e. as is or performing a transformation back to a custom format. - Depending on which JDK you use, you will have to setup Xerces 2.8.0 such that the JDK will properly pick it up (i.e. xml-apis.jar and xercesImpl.jar). Usually this could be accomplished by placing the Xerces JAR's into the \lib\endorsed directory of the JDK (or JRE). You could also place Xerces jars into \lib\endorsed directory without altering your JDK/JRE. In addition the synapse-extensions.jar should be placed into the \lib folder so that the extensions are properly picked up. As the Spring extension and Transform mediator is bundled with the extensions distribution you will also need the Spring 1.2.8 JAR file(spring.jar) and Xalan JAR files (xalan.jar and serializer.jar) placed into the \lib AdvancedQuoteClient (ant advancedquote) - Synapse server should be started with \bin\synapse.bat -sample 2 or equivanlent under Unix to run this sample. This sample shows the validation mediator extension. The validation mediator is kept outside of the core Synapse distribution as it relies on the Xerces parser. - Depending on which JDK you use, you will have to setup Xerces 2.8.0 such that the JDK will properly pick it up (i.e. xml-apis.jar and xercesImpl.jar). Usually this could be accomplished by placing the Xerces JAR's into the \lib\endorsed directory of the JDK (or JRE). You could also place Xerces jars into \lib\endorsed directory without altering your JDK/JRE. In addition the synapse-extensions.jar should be placed into the \lib folder so that the extensions are properly picked up. As the Spring extension and Transform mediator is bundled with the extensions distribution you will also need the Spring 1.2.8 JAR file(spring.jar) and Xalan JAR files (xalan.jar and serializer.jar) placed into the \lib 3. The samples.config package contains a sample which shows how a custom Synapse/Axis2 instance could be started up and configured. The examples demonstrates that the SynapseConfiguration to be used could be created programatically as well, and thus not dependent on a XML configuration file. To start up this server, use the custom.bat or equivalent file. To run the simple client to test this configuration run the SimpleStockQuoteClient example from Ant. The programatically created Synapse configuration simply sends the messages coming into Synapse using to thier implicit destinations. i.e. Using WS-A To address. This excercise will require you to place the Spring.jar file into the \lib directory. The test client can be started by ant simplequote Thanks The Synapse team