SVN-fs-dump-format-version: 2 UUID: 6ad9f820-0205-0410-94a2-c8cf366bb2b3 Revision-number: 0 Prop-content-length: 56 Content-length: 56 K 8 svn:date V 27 2005-11-07T23:36:48.095832Z PROPS-END Revision-number: 1 Prop-content-length: 112 Content-length: 112 K 7 svn:log V 11 add foo.txt K 10 svn:author V 6 rooneg K 8 svn:date V 27 2005-11-07T23:37:17.705159Z PROPS-END Node-path: foo.txt Node-kind: file Node-action: add Prop-content-length: 10 Text-content-length: 0 Text-content-md5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e Content-length: 10 PROPS-END Revision-number: 2 Prop-content-length: 135 Content-length: 135 K 7 svn:log V 34 copy and change at the same time. K 10 svn:author V 6 rooneg K 8 svn:date V 27 2005-11-07T23:37:44.549695Z PROPS-END Node-path: bar.txt Node-kind: file Node-action: add Node-copyfrom-rev: 1 Node-copyfrom-path: foo.txt Text-content-length: 9 Text-content-md5: d2508118d0d39e198d1129d87d692d59 Content-length: 9 modified