This Software should compile and run under win32 and linux. The integration into the subversion build system has been done by Justin Erenkrantz for non win32 systems. The intergration for win32 system will be provided later. It will produce or libsvnjavahl.dll (the native library for Unix or win32, respectively) and svnjavahl.jar (platform independent archive of Java bytecode). For build non win32 platforms, add "--enable-javahl" to the configure parameters. "--with-jdk" can be provided to specify the path to a jdk. "--with-junit" can be provided to specify the path to a junit.jar. JUnit version 3.8.1 has been tested. The following make target are provided: javahl build javahl install-javahl install javahl check-javahl run javahl tests. JUnit and installation is needed. MacOS X: After building libsvnjavahl.dynlib it has to be renamed to libsvnjavahl.jnilib. Windows: You need the bin directory of the JDK (>= 1.2) in your path and the include and the include\win32 directory have to be in the include path of your visual studio. To build use the project/target "__JAVAHL__" of the main subversion workspace. The private project/workspace is not used anymore.