Review and comments on the Subversion book listed by chapter. Overall Book Comments #1) Blair It may be a good idea where possible to set up a little example repository for the book. It could live as Chapter 3 #1) ghudson (also affects ch 9 a little bit) The new date parser requires a change to the doc formats. A minimal patch can be found in issue #408. The new date parser accepts three varieties kinds of formats. The first is very nicely documented by the W3C in ; we allow the time zone designator to be missing, in which case we use system local time. The second variety is just like the first variety, except the punctuation characters '-' and ':' are omitted. The third variety is what we use in the output of "svn log", and can look like: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm[:ss[.uuuuuu]][ +hh[:mm]] There can be fewer than six digits in the microseconds designation, and of course the time zone designation may be "-hh[:mm]" instead of "+hh[:mm]". Chapter 5 Section svn-ch-5-sect-6 #1) Blair I don't know if the "Adding Projects" sections works best here. It follows pretty specific information on setting up a repository, debugging, recovering, which are highly specific and not generally used. This section could be missed. This information is also used by people who aren't Subversion "administrator's". For example, at my work, there are people creating new projects pretty consistently and we have 61 projects. While I'm the administrator, the users and programmers also need to know project layout information. There's a repository layout section in chapter 4 that this could well be merged into. If that doesn't work, I would consider moving it up to the front of this chapter. Chapter 9 Section svn-ch-9-sect-1.2 #1) naked "svn diff" synopsis differs from actual usage and there is no explanation or examples of the --old and --new arguments which are bound to be confusing. #2) naked "svn merge" has the same problem as above.