This is a -*- text -*- file. Here is a list of all the things that the Subversion Book DOESN'T yet cover. -------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff that needs more discussion: - 'svn diff/merge --ignore-ancestry'. Demonstrate how this switch can be used as an alternate strategy for vendor branching (instead of using just import each new vendor release unrelatedly, and apply the diffs to your vendor-branch working copy. (note: I at least briefly mention --ignore-ancestry and --notice-ancestry in ch09 -Fitz) - (perhaps) suggest the use of environment variables to represent long repository URLs. useful for lots of branching/tagging commands. - some folks want a glossary. that's good, since we have a glossary.xml anyway. :-) probably something we do at the last minute. (I think O'Reilly does this) -------------------------------------------------------------- To be fixed by someone: - explain that while 'svn import' creates intermediate directories for you, 'svn mkdir', 'svn move', and 'svn copy' will not. -------------------------------------------------------------- To be fixed by cmpilato: -------------------------------------------------------------- To be fixed by fitz: - Be clear that PREV, BASE, and COMMITTED only refer to local paths, not to URLs. - Document svnadmin --deltify in Ch09. -------------------------------------------------------------- To be fixed by sussman: * document 'svn log -v --stop-on-copy branchURL' as the easiest way to discover when a branch was created. This is a major FAQ.