Information about the installation program for Subversion for Windows ===================================================================== $LastChangedDate$ CONTENTS: ========= * Introduction (read first!) * Directory structure * Programs used for the Subversion installer and instructions - Inno Setup - 7-zip - Perl - Packages for converting XML documentation - MS HTML Help Workshop * Making a distro Introduction ============ This document describes the packages\win32-innosetup directory of the Subversion repository and tells you how you can roll out your own Windows installer for Subversion. This instructions are for anyone who wants to roll out a Windows installer for Subversion. If you have trouble, make sure that you use the packages versions that are noted here (if noted) before asking for help. If you haven't done it already: -Please, Check out the subversion sources to a place you like and download the programs and packages from the links below. Reading the "Directory structure" part should be the next. Inno Setup ---------- Inno Setup QuickStart Pack 4.10. This package gives you Inno Setup (IS) 4.10 and "Inno Setup Pre Processor" (ISPP) wich works with your downloaded version of IS: 7-zip ----- 7-Zip 3.13: Perl ---- Perl 5.8.0 or better with the libwin32 bundle (included in ActivePerl): or make your own (and compile the module libwin32): ( libxml ------ Point your browser to: and grab the following packages: - libxml2-2.6.4 - libxslt-1.1.2 - iconv-1.9.1 - zlib-1.1.4 docbook-xsl ----------- Point your browser to: and grab the most recent docbook-xsl-*.**.*.zip file MS HTML Help Workshop --------------------- Point your browser to: Read in the section named "Programs used for the Subversion Windows installer" below about the packages for notes and info on installing and using the downloaded packages. Directory structure =================== The Inno setup file lives under the packages\win32-innosetup directory of the Subversion repository and are using folders which are both visible and "hidden". The hidden folders have the svn property svn:ignore and only exists on your machine. The setup system gets its files (and have files) from two kinds of places: * Static: This files are allways somwhere in the reposistry. * Dynamic: This files can be picked up anywhere from your computer (even from the repository). All the paths here are determined by the file paths_inno_src.iss wich is variables that is proccessed by Inno Setup Pre Proccessor (ISPP) during the compiling of the setup. A template of this file can be found in the packages\win32-innosetup\templates directory. Copy this file to the packages\win32-innosetup directory and edit it according to the documentation inside it. This file is not under version control (the template is) since the contents will vary from user to user. Visible folders looks like this: [ ] and hidden folders like this: [h]. Do you think that is looks complicated? -Dont worry! The programs in the tools folder takes care of copying and preparing files when your paths_inno_src.iss file are edited and set correctly. Static paths (in the Subversion repository): ------------- [ ] win32-innosetup (svn.iss, main folder for Inno Setup) +->[ ] images (Various images used by the setup) +->[h] in (you can set your path_setup_in here if you want to, see below) +->[h] out (you can set your path_setup_out here if you want to, see below) +->[ ] templates (misc templates used by various tools and the setup) +->[ ] tools (misc. stuff for making and helping to make a setup) | +->[ ] svnpath (C sources for the svnpath.exe program) Dynamic paths (files from anywhere on your machine) --------------------------------------------------- This paths are detemined by values in the file paths_inno_src.iss. The value names of this path variabless is: Path variables: Setup files: --------------- --------------------------------------------------------- path_setup_out Where svn-X.XX.X-rXXXX-setup.exe is to find after compiling the setup path_setup_in Contains misc. files to include in the setup path_is Path to the Inno Setup executable's directory path_svnclient svn.exe path_svnadmin svnadmin.exe path_svnlook svnlook.exe path_svnserve svnserve.exe path_svnversion svnversion.exe path_svndumpfilter svndumpfilter.exe path_davsvn path_authzsvn path_svnpath svnpath.exe path_iconv *.so path_brkdb_bin db_*.exe, ex_*.exe, excxx_*.exe, libdb4*.dll, libdb4*.exp path_brkdb_lib libdb4*.lib path_brkdb_inc db.h, db_cxx.h) path_brkdb_inc2 cxx_common.h, cxx_except.h path_ssl libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll Programs used for the Subversion Windows installer ================================================== Inno Setup ---------- The installation program is the exellent Inno Setup made by Jordan Russell (with a lot of additional code by Martijn Laan, mostly the scripting part). IS and friends are probably all you need for 99% of any Windows installer needs made for the various flavors of Windows and has proven to be extremely reliable and stable. The Inno Setup used by Subversion are extended with "Inno Setup Pre Proccessor" made by Alex Yackimoff. "Inno Setup QuickStart Pack" includes both IS and ISPP so all you need is "Inno Setup QuickStart Pack" Installation notes: None ISTool ------ A good installation script for any installation programs are usually very complicated and requires good script editing software. The program used for this is ISTool and it's syntax high-lightning makes it the perfect companion to IS and friends. The author - Bjørnar Henden are doing a great job by updating his program each time Inno Setup are updated. Installation notes: Can be retrived by "Inno Setup QuickStart Pack" 7-zip ----- 7-zip offers a very high compression ratio. Usually, one use the compression Inno offers (gzip or bzip2) but 7-zip are compressing about 25% better than bzip2! In practice this means that the Inno Setup installation itself are uncompressed and a 7-zip SFX archive are triggering the Inno Setup installation after extracting the SFX. Installation notes: None svnpath ------- Inno Setup does not currently edit the systems PATH environment so we need svnpath. This C program are used for updating the user's path to include/exclude the Subversion path after installing/un-installing Subversion. You can find the sources for this program in the Subversion source tree under packages\win32-innosetup\tools\svnpath Have a look in the file main.c for info on how to compile the program. libxml, libxslt and iconv ------------------------- We need to include some documentation and this tools will help us to convert the XML files in the doc directory in the repository to a Windows HTML help file. Installation notes: Unpack the zip-files and place the contents of the 'lib' and 'util' folders from each unzipped packages in a folder which is mentioned in your PATH environment variable. docbook-xsl ----------- This package is needed for making documentation. Unzip the files inside docbook-xsl-*.**.*.zip to a folder named xsl which resides under doc\book\tools in your working copy of the subversion repository. The result should be like this: doc\book\tools\xsl Perl ---- Use a (native Windows) Perl 5.8.0 or better with the libwin32 bundle for automating the setup. Installation notes: If you don't want to use Active Perl, then it's trivial to compile Perl by yourself if you have MS VC5 (or better) or MinGW. Just remember to compile the Perl modules included in libwin32 when Perl itself is done. Making a distro =============== The programs/scripts in the packages\win32-innosetup\tools folder will take care of making the Subversion documentation (a Windows HTML help file) from the sources in the doc directory of the subversion repository and setting version info on the setup. Just follow the steps below and you're set: 1. Make sure that all the programs needed by INNO are installed as described earlier in this file. 2. If you haven't done it already: Copy the file "paths_inno_src.iss" from the packages\win32-innosetup\templates folder to packages\win32-innosetup in your WC and edit it according to the documentation inside it. 3. Copy the file svn_version.iss from packages\win32-innosetup\templates to packages\win32-innosetup and edit it according to the documentation inside it. 4. Make sure that all the files to include in the setup are where they are supposed to be according to the paths_inno_src.iss file. 5. Now, you have two diffrent ways of making the documentation and the setup: A. Change directory (cd) to the packages\win32-innosetup\tools folder on your working Subversion repository and run the following command and follow the instructions: mk_distro B. You may want to make an automatic setup (nightly build, anything else), just run the packages\win32-innosetup\tools\mk_distro file: path\to\packages\win32-innosetup\tools\mk_distro -a A shiny new svn-X.XX.X-rXXXX-setup.exe should now be in your path_setup_out folder if you have done everything right. Good luck!