/* * apr.i : SWIG interface file for selected APR types * * ==================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2000-2003 CollabNet. All rights reserved. * * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms * are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html. * If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a * newer version instead, at your option. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many * individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision * history and logs, available at http://subversion.tigris.org/. * ==================================================================== */ /* This is the interface for the APR headers. This is not built as a module because we aren't going to wrap the APR functions. Thus, we only define the various types in here, as necessary. Actually, core.i wraps a few, key functions. */ %include typemaps.i /* This is default in SWIG 1.3.17 and is a really good idea */ %typemap(javagetcptr) SWIGTYPE, SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE [], SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) %{ protected static long getCPtr($javaclassname obj) { return (obj == null) ? 0 : obj.swigCPtr; } %} /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* define an OUTPUT typemap for 'apr_off_t *'. for now, we'll treat it as a 'long' even if that isn't entirely correct... */ %typemap(python,in,numinputs=0) apr_off_t * (apr_off_t temp) "$1 = &temp;"; %typemap(python,argout,fragment="t_output_helper") apr_off_t * "$result = t_output_helper($result,PyInt_FromLong((long) (*$1)));"; %typemap(perl5,argout) apr_off_t * { /* ### FIXME-perl apr_off_t out*/ } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ %include apr.h /* ### be nice to have all the error values and macros. there are some ### problems including this file, tho. SWIG isn't smart enough with some ### of the preprocessing and thinks there is a macro redefinition */ //%include apr_errno.h typedef int apr_status_t; /* ### seems that SWIG isn't picking up the definition of size_t */ typedef unsigned long size_t; /* Define the time type (rather than picking up all of apr_time.h) */ typedef apr_int64_t apr_time_t; typedef apr_int32_t time_t; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- handle the mappings for apr_time_t Note: we don't generalize this to 'long long' since SWIG is starting to handle that. */ #if APR_INT64_T_FMT == "lld" %apply long long { apr_time_t }; %typemap(python,argout,fragment="t_output_helper") apr_time_t * "$result = t_output_helper($result, PyLong_FromLongLong(*$1));"; #elif APR_INT64_T_FMT = "ld" %apply long { apr_time_t }; %typemap(python,argout,fragment="t_output_helper") apr_time_t * "$result = t_output_helper($result, PyLong_FromLong(*$1));"; #endif /* 'apr_time_t *' will always be an OUTPUT parameter */ %typemap(in,numinputs=0) apr_time_t * (apr_time_t temp) "$1 = &temp;"; %typemap(java,argout) apr_time_t * { /* FIXME: What goes here? */ } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- create some INOUT typemaps for apr_size_t */ %apply unsigned long *INOUT { apr_size_t *INOUT }; %typemap(python,in) apr_size_t *INOUT (apr_size_t temp) { temp = (apr_size_t) PyInt_AsLong($input); $1 = &temp; } %typemap(java,in) apr_size_t *INOUT (apr_size_t temp) { temp = (apr_size_t) JCALL2(CallLongMethod, jenv, $input, svn_swig_java_mid_long_longvalue); $1 = &temp; } %typemap(perl5,in) apr_size_t *INOUT (apr_size_t temp) { temp = (apr_size_t) SvIV($input); $1 = &temp; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- create an OUTPUT argument typemap for an apr_hash_t ** */ %typemap(python,in,numinputs=0) apr_hash_t **OUTPUT (apr_hash_t *temp) "$1 = &temp;"; %typemap(perl5,in,numinputs=0) apr_hash_t **OUTPUT (apr_hash_t *temp) "$1 = &temp;"; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- create an OUTPUT argument defn for an apr_hash_t ** which is storing property values */ %typemap(python,in,numinputs=0) apr_hash_t **PROPHASH = apr_hash_t **OUTPUT; %typemap(python,argout) apr_hash_t **PROPHASH { /* toss prior result, get new result from the hash */ Py_DECREF($result); $result = svn_swig_py_prophash_to_dict(*$1); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Handle an apr_hash_t ** in Java */ %typemap(jni) apr_hash_t ** "jobject" %typemap(jtype) apr_hash_t ** "java.util.Map" %typemap(jstype) apr_hash_t ** "java.util.Map" %typemap(javain) apr_hash_t ** "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) apr_hash_t ** { return $jnicall; } %typemap(java,in) apr_hash_t **(apr_hash_t *temp){ $1 = &temp; } %typemap(java,out) apr_hash_t ** { svn_swig_java_add_to_map(jenv, *$1, $input); } %typemap(java,argout) apr_hash_t ** { svn_swig_java_add_to_map(jenv, *$1, $input); } %typemap(java,argout) apr_hash_t **PROPHASH { svn_swig_java_add_to_map(jenv, *$1, $input); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Handle an apr_array_header_t * in Java */ %typemap(jni) apr_array_header_t * "jobject" %typemap(jtype) apr_array_header_t * "java.util.List" %typemap(jstype) apr_array_header_t * "java.util.List" %typemap(javain) apr_array_header_t * "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) apr_array_header_t * { return $jnicall; } %typemap(java, argout) apr_array_header_t * { svn_swig_java_add_to_list(jenv, $1, $input); } %typemap(perl5,in,numinputs=0) apr_hash_t **PROPHASH = apr_hash_t **OUTPUT; %typemap(perl5,argout) apr_hash_t **PROPHASH { $result = svn_swig_pl_prophash_to_hash(*$1); argvi++; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- handle apr_file_t * */ %typemap(python, in) apr_file_t * { $1 = svn_swig_py_make_file($input, _global_pool); } %typemap(perl5, in) apr_file_t * { $1 = svn_swig_pl_make_file($input, _global_pool); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- apr_file_t ** is always an OUT param */ %typemap(in, numinputs=0) apr_file_t ** (apr_file_t *temp) "$1 = &temp;"; %typemap(python,argout,fragment="t_output_helper") apr_file_t ** "$result = t_output_helper( $result, SWIG_NewPointerObj(*$1, $*1_descriptor, 0));"; %typemap(perl5, argout) apr_file_t ** { ST(argvi) = sv_newmortal(); SWIG_MakePtr(ST(argvi++), (void *)*$1, $*1_descriptor,0); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */