RPM GENERATION This directory contains the scripts necessary and sufficient to build the subversion*.i386.rpm and subversion*.src.rpm files as a non-root user in the user's home (rpms) directory. This build requires certain other packages to be installed. 1. Requirements *** Note: apache now also contains apr and apr-util packages. A. To run: db >= 4.0.14 expat (comes with RedHat) neon = 0.18.5 apache >= 2.0.32 (for subversion-server) B. To compile: autoconf >= 2.52 apache >= 2.0.32 apache-devel >= 2.0.32 expat-devel libtool >= 1.4.2 neon = 0.18.5 python >= 1.5.2 (2.0 or greater to run check programs) The non-standard packages apache-2.0.32, db, and neon, can be found at: http://summersoft.fay.ar.us/pub/linux/RPMS/i386 http://summersoft.fay.ar.us/pub/linux/RPMS/ppc http://summersoft.fay.ar.us/pub/linux/RPMS/src 2. Building a source and binary RPM To build the latest release directly from the subversion repository: cd ../..; svn update; cd packages/rpm; make To make a particular release: cd ../..; svn update -r ; cd packages/rpm; make If you have any questions or problems, please direct them to the dev@subversion.tigris.org mailing list. I'm on that list and will help out if I can. If you can try compiling RPMS on other platforms, please send email to david@summersoft.fay.ar.us and I'll help out if I can. It would be nice to see RPMS for Solaris Intel and SPARC, SUSE, Caldera, Mandrake, and other platforms that I don't currently have access to.