ArticleID Title 1 Restrict Mouse Movement to an Area of the Desktop 2 Get the Desktop Device Context 3 Get a Picture of the Desktop's Contents 4 Force an area of a Window to Repaint 5 Prevent a window from repainting 6 Get the state of a key at any time 7 Read the NumLock and CapsLock key states 8 Copy the entire contents of a PictureBox to the clipboard 9 Start a document based on its filename 10 "Invoke the ""Open With..."" Dialog for a file" 11 Start a Web site or Active Channel in VB code 12 Determine every format available on the clipboard, including custom formats 13 Read a custom clipboard format 14 Mark a window with a clearly identifiable property which can be detected from any other window 15 Create a mask image (all black for the transparent colour otherwise white) from a bitmap 16 Show and Hide a Form's Titlebar at run-time 17 Replace one Colour with another in a Picture using BitBlt 18 Get an RGB Colour from an OLE_COLOR 19 How to Shutdown the System in Windows 9x and NT 20 Retrieving the Error Message for a Windows API Call Error 21 Forcing a local or remote NT system to reboot 22 Make a ComboBox drop down when you press the down arrow key 23 Change the drop-down width of a combo box 24 Create a VB Picture from an API Icon Handle 25 Create a VB Picture Object from a GDI Bitmap Handle