Review and comments on the Subversion book listed by chapter. Chapter 5 Section svn-ch-5-sect-2.1 #1) Blair There is this paragraph Currently there are five true hooks implemented by the Subversion repository: My question is, what makes a hook considered a "true" hook? Section svn-ch-5-sect-3.1.1 #1) Blair I think this section on svnlook tree requires more explanation of what is being printed, what is a node revision ID, etc. It makes statements on how it can be helpful to administrators but doesn't say how. It also doesn't say how to decide if a dead transaction is really dead. I suggest either removing it entirely, increasing the description substantially, or least preferably, just linking to an external document that explains this in greater detail, but that's not really appropriate for a book, it it then :) Section svn-ch-5-sect-6 #1) Blair I don't know if the "Adding Projects" sections works best here. It follows pretty specific information on setting up a repository, debugging, recovering, which are highly specific and not generally used. This section could be missed. This information is also used by people who aren't Subversion "administrator's". For example, at my work, there are people creating new projects pretty consistently and we have 61 projects. While I'm the administrator, the users and programmers also need to know project layout information. There's a repository layout section in chapter 4 that this could well be merged into. If that doesn't work, I would consider moving it up to the front of this chapter. Chapter 6 Section svn-ch-6-sect-4 #1) Blair In this sentence: The result is a standardized, robust system that is conveniently packaged as part of the Apache 2.0 software, is supported by numerous pieces of core operating system and third-party products, and which doesn't require network administrators to open up yet another custom port. What does this mean "is supported by numerous pieces of core operating system ... products"? It would seem that Apache supports running on these OSes. Maybe changing it to read "is supported by numerous operating systems and third-party products, and which ..." makes more sense.