Get Subversion!

Subversion packages exist for a number of different operating systems. Remember, once you have it installed, most of your questions can be answered by reading the Subversion Book.

Source Code

The latest source release can be found in this directory, in the file-sharing area of the Subversion website. Be sure to read the general instructions for building from the source tarball, and the specific instructions within the source code itself.

RedHat Linux

Maintainer: David Summers

RPMs for Redhat 7.X (i386):

RPMs for Redhat 8.X (i386):

Debian GNU/Linux

Maintainer: David Kimdon

Information on the latest .deb packages for Debian Unstable ('sid') can be found here:

If you are running Debian unstable, just run 'apt-get install subversion'.

SuSE Linux

Maintainer: Olaf Hering

RPM packages for various older SuSE Linux versions:

A list of available mirror sites can be found here:


Maintainer: Craig Rodrigues

Information about the latest port can be found here:

Assuming your ports tree is up-to-date, just 'cd /usr/ports/devel/subversion; make install'.

Mac OS X

Maintainer: Christian Schaffner

Information about the latest Fink package can be found here:

Just run 'fink install svn-client'.


Maintainer: Branko Cibej

The latest command-line binaries and libraries for Windows can be found in this directory of the file-sharing area. The packages are ".zip" files.

Maintainer: Jostein Andersen

The same command-line binaries and libraries, but packaged within a friendly Installer program, are in the same directory of the file-sharing area, but end with "-setup.exe".

Maintainer: Steve King

If you want a pretty Win32 GUI, TortoiseSVN integrates nicely with the Windows Explorer.