Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /**
00002  * @copyright
00003  * ====================================================================
00004  *    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
00005  *    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
00006  *    distributed with this work for additional information
00007  *    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
00008  *    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
00009  *    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
00010  *    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
00011  *
00012  *
00013  *
00014  *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
00015  *    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
00017  *    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
00018  *    specific language governing permissions and limitations
00019  *    under the License.
00020  * ====================================================================
00021  * @endcopyright
00022  *
00023  * @file svn_repos.h
00024  * @brief Tools built on top of the filesystem.
00025  */
00027 #ifndef SVN_REPOS_H
00028 #define SVN_REPOS_H
00030 #include <apr_pools.h>
00031 #include <apr_hash.h>
00032 #include <apr_tables.h>
00033 #include <apr_time.h>
00035 #include "svn_types.h"
00036 #include "svn_string.h"
00037 #include "svn_delta.h"
00038 #include "svn_fs.h"
00039 #include "svn_io.h"
00040 #include "svn_mergeinfo.h"
00043 #ifdef __cplusplus
00044 extern "C" {
00045 #endif /* __cplusplus */
00047 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
00049 /**
00050  * Get libsvn_repos version information.
00051  *
00052  * @since New in 1.1.
00053  */
00054 const svn_version_t *
00055 svn_repos_version(void);
00058 /* Some useful enums.  They need to be declared here for the notification
00059    system to pick them up. */
00060 /** The different "actions" attached to nodes in the dumpfile. */
00061 enum svn_node_action
00062 {
00063   svn_node_action_change,
00064   svn_node_action_add,
00065   svn_node_action_delete,
00066   svn_node_action_replace
00067 };
00069 /** The different policies for processing the UUID in the dumpfile. */
00070 enum svn_repos_load_uuid
00071 {
00072   svn_repos_load_uuid_default,
00073   svn_repos_load_uuid_ignore,
00074   svn_repos_load_uuid_force
00075 };
00078 /** Callback type for checking authorization on paths produced by (at
00079  * least) svn_repos_dir_delta2().
00080  *
00081  * Set @a *allowed to TRUE to indicate that some operation is
00082  * authorized for @a path in @a root, or set it to FALSE to indicate
00083  * unauthorized (presumably according to state stored in @a baton).
00084  *
00085  * Do not assume @a pool has any lifetime beyond this call.
00086  *
00087  * The exact operation being authorized depends on the callback
00088  * implementation.  For read authorization, for example, the caller
00089  * would implement an instance that does read checking, and pass it as
00090  * a parameter named [perhaps] 'authz_read_func'.  The receiver of
00091  * that parameter might also take another parameter named
00092  * 'authz_write_func', which although sharing this type, would be a
00093  * different implementation.
00094  *
00095  * @note If someday we want more sophisticated authorization states
00096  * than just yes/no, @a allowed can become an enum type.
00097  */
00098 typedef svn_error_t *(*svn_repos_authz_func_t)(svn_boolean_t *allowed,
00099                                                svn_fs_root_t *root,
00100                                                const char *path,
00101                                                void *baton,
00102                                                apr_pool_t *pool);
00105 /** An enum defining the kinds of access authz looks up.
00106  *
00107  * @since New in 1.3.
00108  */
00109 typedef enum svn_repos_authz_access_t
00110 {
00111   /** No access. */
00112   svn_authz_none = 0,
00114   /** Path can be read. */
00115   svn_authz_read = 1,
00117   /** Path can be altered. */
00118   svn_authz_write = 2,
00120   /** The other access credentials are recursive. */
00121   svn_authz_recursive = 4
00122 } svn_repos_authz_access_t;
00125 /** Callback type for checking authorization on paths produced by
00126  * the repository commit editor.
00127  *
00128  * Set @a *allowed to TRUE to indicate that the @a required access on
00129  * @a path in @a root is authorized, or set it to FALSE to indicate
00130  * unauthorized (presumable according to state stored in @a baton).
00131  *
00132  * If @a path is NULL, the callback should perform a global authz
00133  * lookup for the @a required access.  That is, the lookup should
00134  * check if the @a required access is granted for at least one path of
00135  * the repository, and set @a *allowed to TRUE if so.  @a root may
00136  * also be NULL if @a path is NULL.
00137  *
00138  * This callback is very similar to svn_repos_authz_func_t, with the
00139  * exception of the addition of the @a required parameter.
00140  * This is due to historical reasons: when authz was first implemented
00141  * for svn_repos_dir_delta2(), it seemed there would need only checks
00142  * for read and write operations, hence the svn_repos_authz_func_t
00143  * callback prototype and usage scenario.  But it was then realized
00144  * that lookups due to copying needed to be recursive, and that
00145  * brute-force recursive lookups didn't square with the O(1)
00146  * performances a copy operation should have.
00147  *
00148  * So a special way to ask for a recursive lookup was introduced.  The
00149  * commit editor needs this capability to retain acceptable
00150  * performance.  Instead of revving the existing callback, causing
00151  * unnecessary revving of functions that don't actually need the
00152  * extended functionality, this second, more complete callback was
00153  * introduced, for use by the commit editor.
00154  *
00155  * Some day, it would be nice to reunite these two callbacks and do
00156  * the necessary revving anyway, but for the time being, this dual
00157  * callback mechanism will do.
00158  */
00159 typedef svn_error_t *(*svn_repos_authz_callback_t)
00160   (svn_repos_authz_access_t required,
00161    svn_boolean_t *allowed,
00162    svn_fs_root_t *root,
00163    const char *path,
00164    void *baton,
00165    apr_pool_t *pool);
00167 /**
00168  * Similar to #svn_file_rev_handler_t, but without the @a
00169  * result_of_merge parameter.
00170  *
00171  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with 1.4 API.
00172  * @since New in 1.1.
00173  */
00174 typedef svn_error_t *(*svn_repos_file_rev_handler_t)
00175   (void *baton,
00176    const char *path,
00177    svn_revnum_t rev,
00178    apr_hash_t *rev_props,
00179    svn_txdelta_window_handler_t *delta_handler,
00180    void **delta_baton,
00181    apr_array_header_t *prop_diffs,
00182    apr_pool_t *pool);
00185 /* Notification system. */
00187 /** The type of action occurring.
00188  *
00189  * @since New in 1.7.
00190  */
00191 typedef enum svn_repos_notify_action_t
00192 {
00193   /** A warning message is waiting. */
00194   svn_repos_notify_warning = 0,
00196   /** A revision has finished being dumped. */
00197   svn_repos_notify_dump_rev_end,
00199   /** A revision has finished being verified. */
00200   svn_repos_notify_verify_rev_end,
00202   /** All revisions have finished being dumped. */
00203   svn_repos_notify_dump_end,
00205   /** All revisions have finished being verified. */
00206   svn_repos_notify_verify_end,
00208   /** packing of an FSFS shard has commenced */
00209   svn_repos_notify_pack_shard_start,
00211   /** packing of an FSFS shard is completed */
00212   svn_repos_notify_pack_shard_end,
00214   /** packing of the shard revprops has commenced */
00215   svn_repos_notify_pack_shard_start_revprop,
00217   /** packing of the shard revprops has completed */
00218   svn_repos_notify_pack_shard_end_revprop,
00220   /** A revision has begun loading */
00221   svn_repos_notify_load_txn_start,
00223   /** A revision has finished loading */
00224   svn_repos_notify_load_txn_committed,
00226   /** A node has begun loading */
00227   svn_repos_notify_load_node_start,
00229   /** A node has finished loading */
00230   svn_repos_notify_load_node_done,
00232   /** A copied node has been encountered */
00233   svn_repos_notify_load_copied_node,
00235   /** Mergeinfo has been normalized */
00236   svn_repos_notify_load_normalized_mergeinfo,
00238   /** The operation has acquired a mutex for the repo. */
00239   svn_repos_notify_mutex_acquired,
00241   /** Recover has started. */
00242   svn_repos_notify_recover_start,
00244   /** Upgrade has started. */
00245   svn_repos_notify_upgrade_start
00247 } svn_repos_notify_action_t;
00249 /** The type of error occurring.
00250  *
00251  * @since New in 1.7.
00252  */
00253 typedef enum svn_repos_notify_warning_t
00254 {
00255   /** Referencing copy source data from a revision earlier than the
00256    * first revision dumped. */
00257   svn_repos_notify_warning_found_old_reference,
00259   /** An #SVN_PROP_MERGEINFO property's encoded mergeinfo references a
00260    * revision earlier than the first revision dumped. */
00261   svn_repos_notify_warning_found_old_mergeinfo,
00263   /** Found an invalid path in the filesystem.
00264    * @see svn_fs.h:"Directory entry names and directory paths" */
00265   /* ### TODO(doxygen): make that a proper doxygen link */
00266   /* See svn_fs__path_valid(). */
00267   svn_repos_notify_warning_invalid_fspath
00269 } svn_repos_notify_warning_t;
00271 /**
00272  * Structure used by #svn_repos_notify_func_t.
00273  *
00274  * The only field guaranteed to be populated is @c action.  Other fields are
00275  * dependent upon the @c action.  (See individual fields for more information.)
00276  *
00277  * @note Callers of notification functions should use
00278  * svn_repos_notify_create() to create structures of this type to allow for
00279  * future extensibility.
00280  *
00281  * @since New in 1.7.
00282  */
00283 typedef struct svn_repos_notify_t
00284 {
00285   /** Action that describes what happened in the repository. */
00286   svn_repos_notify_action_t action;
00288   /** For #svn_repos_notify_dump_rev_end and #svn_repos_notify_verify_rev_end,
00289    * the revision which just completed. */
00290   svn_revnum_t revision;
00292   /** For #svn_repos_notify_warning, the warning object. Must be cleared
00293       by the consumer of the notification. */
00294   const char *warning_str;
00295   svn_repos_notify_warning_t warning;
00297   /** For #svn_repos_notify_pack_shard_start,
00298       #svn_repos_notify_pack_shard_end,
00299       #svn_repos_notify_pack_shard_start_revprop, and
00300       #svn_repos_notify_pack_shard_end_revprop, the shard processed. */
00301   apr_int64_t shard;
00303   /** For #svn_repos_notify_load_committed_rev, the revision committed. */
00304   svn_revnum_t new_revision;
00306   /** For #svn_repos_notify_load_committed_rev, the source revision, if
00307       different from @a new_revision, otherwise #SVN_INVALID_REVNUM.
00308       For #svn_repos_notify_load_txn_start, the source revision. */
00309   svn_revnum_t old_revision;
00311   /** For #svn_repos_notify_load_node_start, the action being taken on the
00312       node. */
00313   enum svn_node_action node_action;
00315   /** For #svn_repos_notify_load_node_start, the path of the node. */
00316   const char *path;
00318   /* NOTE: Add new fields at the end to preserve binary compatibility.
00319      Also, if you add fields here, you have to update
00320      svn_repos_notify_create(). */
00321 } svn_repos_notify_t;
00323 /** Callback for providing notification from the repository.
00324  * Returns @c void.  Justification: success of an operation is not dependent
00325  * upon successful notification of that operation.
00326  *
00327  * @since New in 1.7. */
00328 typedef void (*svn_repos_notify_func_t)(void *baton,
00329                                         const svn_repos_notify_t *notify,
00330                                         apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
00332 /**
00333  * Allocate an #svn_repos_notify_t structure in @a result_pool, initialize
00334  * and return it.
00335  *
00336  * @since New in 1.7.
00337  */
00338 svn_repos_notify_t *
00339 svn_repos_notify_create(svn_repos_notify_action_t action,
00340                         apr_pool_t *result_pool);
00343 /** The repository object. */
00344 typedef struct svn_repos_t svn_repos_t;
00346 /* Opening and creating repositories. */
00349 /** Find the root path of the repository that contains @a path.
00350  *
00351  * If a repository was found, the path to the root of the repository
00352  * is returned, else @c NULL. The pointer to the returned path may be
00353  * equal to @a path.
00354  */
00355 const char *
00356 svn_repos_find_root_path(const char *path,
00357                          apr_pool_t *pool);
00359 /** Set @a *repos_p to a repository object for the repository at @a path.
00360  *
00361  * Allocate @a *repos_p in @a pool.
00362  *
00363  * Acquires a shared lock on the repository, and attaches a cleanup
00364  * function to @a pool to remove the lock.  If no lock can be acquired,
00365  * returns error, with undefined effect on @a *repos_p.  If an exclusive
00366  * lock is present, this blocks until it's gone.  @a fs_config will be
00367  * passed to the filesystem initialization function and may be @c NULL.
00368  *
00369  * @since New in 1.7.
00370  */
00371 svn_error_t *
00372 svn_repos_open2(svn_repos_t **repos_p,
00373                 const char *path,
00374                 apr_hash_t *fs_config,
00375                 apr_pool_t *pool);
00377 /** Similar to svn_repos_open2() with @a fs_config set to NULL.
00378  *
00379  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with 1.6 API.
00380  */
00382 svn_error_t *
00383 svn_repos_open(svn_repos_t **repos_p,
00384                const char *path,
00385                apr_pool_t *pool);
00387 /** Create a new Subversion repository at @a path, building the necessary
00388  * directory structure, creating the filesystem, and so on.
00389  * Return the repository object in @a *repos_p, allocated in @a pool.
00390  *
00391  * @a config is a client configuration hash of #svn_config_t * items
00392  * keyed on config category names, and may be NULL.
00393  *
00394  * @a fs_config is passed to the filesystem, and may be NULL.
00395  *
00396  * @a unused_1 and @a unused_2 are not used and should be NULL.
00397  */
00398 svn_error_t *
00399 svn_repos_create(svn_repos_t **repos_p,
00400                  const char *path,
00401                  const char *unused_1,
00402                  const char *unused_2,
00403                  apr_hash_t *config,
00404                  apr_hash_t *fs_config,
00405                  apr_pool_t *pool);
00407 /**
00408  * Upgrade the Subversion repository (and its underlying versioned
00409  * filesystem) located in the directory @a path to the latest version
00410  * supported by this library.  If the requested upgrade is not
00411  * supported due to the current state of the repository or it
00412  * underlying filesystem, return #SVN_ERR_REPOS_UNSUPPORTED_UPGRADE
00413  * or #SVN_ERR_FS_UNSUPPORTED_UPGRADE (respectively) and make no
00414  * changes to the repository or filesystem.
00415  *
00416  * Acquires an exclusive lock on the repository, upgrades the
00417  * repository, and releases the lock.  If an exclusive lock can't be
00418  * acquired, returns error.
00419  *
00420  * If @a nonblocking is TRUE, an error of type EWOULDBLOCK is
00421  * returned if the lock is not immediately available.
00422  *
00423  * If @a start_callback is not NULL, it will be called with @a
00424  * start_callback_baton as argument before the upgrade starts, but
00425  * after the exclusive lock has been acquired.
00426  *
00427  * Use @a pool for necessary allocations.
00428  *
00429  * @note This functionality is provided as a convenience for
00430  * administrators wishing to make use of new Subversion functionality
00431  * without a potentially costly full repository dump/load.  As such,
00432  * the operation performs only the minimum amount of work needed to
00433  * accomplish this while maintaining the integrity of the repository.
00434  * It does *not* guarantee the most optimized repository state as a
00435  * dump and subsequent load would.
00436  *
00437  * @since New in 1.7.
00438  */
00439 svn_error_t *
00440 svn_repos_upgrade2(const char *path,
00441                    svn_boolean_t nonblocking,
00442                    svn_repos_notify_func_t notify_func,
00443                    void *notify_baton,
00444                    apr_pool_t *pool);
00446 /**
00447  * Similar to svn_repos_upgrade2(), but with @a start_callback and baton,
00448  * rather than a notify_callback / baton
00449  *
00450  * @since New in 1.5.
00451  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
00452  */
00454 svn_error_t *
00455 svn_repos_upgrade(const char *path,
00456                   svn_boolean_t nonblocking,
00457                   svn_error_t *(*start_callback)(void *baton),
00458                   void *start_callback_baton,
00459                   apr_pool_t *pool);
00461 /** Destroy the Subversion repository found at @a path, using @a pool for any
00462  * necessary allocations.
00463  */
00464 svn_error_t *
00465 svn_repos_delete(const char *path,
00466                  apr_pool_t *pool);
00468 /**
00469  * Set @a *has to TRUE if @a repos has @a capability (one of the
00470  * capabilities beginning with @c "SVN_REPOS_CAPABILITY_"), else set
00471  * @a *has to FALSE.
00472  *
00473  * If @a capability isn't recognized, throw #SVN_ERR_UNKNOWN_CAPABILITY,
00474  * with the effect on @a *has undefined.
00475  *
00476  * Use @a pool for all allocation.
00477  *
00478  * @since New in 1.5.
00479  */
00480 svn_error_t *
00481 svn_repos_has_capability(svn_repos_t *repos,
00482                          svn_boolean_t *has,
00483                          const char *capability,
00484                          apr_pool_t *pool);
00486 /**
00487  * The capability of doing the right thing with merge-tracking
00488  * information, both storing it and responding to queries about it.
00489  *
00490  * @since New in 1.5.
00491  */
00492 #define SVN_REPOS_CAPABILITY_MERGEINFO "mergeinfo"
00494  *
00495  * @c SVN_REPOS_CAPABILITY_foo strings should not include colons, to
00496  * be consistent with @c SVN_RA_CAPABILITY_foo strings, which forbid
00497  * colons for their own reasons.  While this RA limitation has no
00498  * direct impact on repository capabilities, there's no reason to be
00499  * gratuitously different either.
00500  */
00503 /** Return the filesystem associated with repository object @a repos. */
00504 svn_fs_t *
00505 svn_repos_fs(svn_repos_t *repos);
00508 /** Make a hot copy of the Subversion repository found at @a src_path
00509  * to @a dst_path.
00510  *
00511  * Copy a possibly live Subversion repository from @a src_path to
00512  * @a dst_path.  If @a clean_logs is @c TRUE, perform cleanup on the
00513  * source filesystem as part of the copy operation; currently, this
00514  * means deleting copied, unused logfiles for a Berkeley DB source
00515  * repository.
00516  */
00517 svn_error_t *
00518 svn_repos_hotcopy(const char *src_path,
00519                   const char *dst_path,
00520                   svn_boolean_t clean_logs,
00521                   apr_pool_t *pool);
00524 /**
00525  * Possibly update the repository, @a repos, to use a more efficient
00526  * filesystem representation.  Use @a pool for allocations.
00527  *
00528  * @since New in 1.7.
00529  */
00530 svn_error_t *
00531 svn_repos_fs_pack2(svn_repos_t *repos,
00532                    svn_repos_notify_func_t notify_func,
00533                    void *notify_baton,
00534                    svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
00535                    void *cancel_baton,
00536                    apr_pool_t *pool);
00538 /**
00539  * Similar to svn_repos_fs_pack2(), but with a #svn_fs_pack_notify_t instead
00540  * of a #svn_repos_notify_t.
00541  *
00542  * @since New in 1.6.
00543  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
00544  */
00546 svn_error_t *
00547 svn_repos_fs_pack(svn_repos_t *repos,
00548                   svn_fs_pack_notify_t notify_func,
00549                   void *notify_baton,
00550                   svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
00551                   void *cancel_baton,
00552                   apr_pool_t *pool);
00554 /**
00555  * Run database recovery procedures on the repository at @a path,
00556  * returning the database to a consistent state.  Use @a pool for all
00557  * allocation.
00558  *
00559  * Acquires an exclusive lock on the repository, recovers the
00560  * database, and releases the lock.  If an exclusive lock can't be
00561  * acquired, returns error.
00562  *
00563  * If @a nonblocking is TRUE, an error of type EWOULDBLOCK is
00564  * returned if the lock is not immediately available.
00565  *
00566  * If @a notify_func is not NULL, it will be called with @a
00567  * notify_baton as argument before the recovery starts, but
00568  * after the exclusive lock has been acquired.
00569  *
00570  * If @a cancel_func is not @c NULL, it is called periodically with
00571  * @a cancel_baton as argument to see if the client wishes to cancel
00572  * the recovery.
00573  *
00574  * @note On some platforms the exclusive lock does not exclude other
00575  * threads in the same process so this function should only be called
00576  * by a single threaded process, or by a multi-threaded process when
00577  * no other threads are accessing the repository.
00578  *
00579  * @since New in 1.7.
00580  */
00581 svn_error_t *
00582 svn_repos_recover4(const char *path,
00583                    svn_boolean_t nonblocking,
00584                    svn_repos_notify_func_t notify_func,
00585                    void *notify_baton,
00586                    svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
00587                    void * cancel_baton,
00588                    apr_pool_t *pool);
00590 /**
00591  * Similar to svn_repos_recover4(), but with @a start callback in place of
00592  * the notify_func / baton.
00593  *
00594  * @since New in 1.5.
00595  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
00596  */
00598 svn_error_t *
00599 svn_repos_recover3(const char *path,
00600                    svn_boolean_t nonblocking,
00601                    svn_error_t *(*start_callback)(void *baton),
00602                    void *start_callback_baton,
00603                    svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
00604                    void * cancel_baton,
00605                    apr_pool_t *pool);
00607 /**
00608  * Similar to svn_repos_recover3(), but without cancellation support.
00609  *
00610  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.4 API.
00611  */
00613 svn_error_t *
00614 svn_repos_recover2(const char *path,
00615                    svn_boolean_t nonblocking,
00616                    svn_error_t *(*start_callback)(void *baton),
00617                    void *start_callback_baton,
00618                    apr_pool_t *pool);
00620 /**
00621  * Similar to svn_repos_recover2(), but with nonblocking set to FALSE, and
00622  * with no callbacks provided.
00623  *
00624  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.0 API.
00625  */
00627 svn_error_t *
00628 svn_repos_recover(const char *path,
00629                   apr_pool_t *pool);
00631 /** This function is a wrapper around svn_fs_berkeley_logfiles(),
00632  * returning log file paths relative to the root of the repository.
00633  *
00634  * @copydoc svn_fs_berkeley_logfiles()
00635  */
00636 svn_error_t *
00637 svn_repos_db_logfiles(apr_array_header_t **logfiles,
00638                       const char *path,
00639                       svn_boolean_t only_unused,
00640                       apr_pool_t *pool);
00644 /* Repository Paths */
00646 /** Return the top-level repository path allocated in @a pool. */
00647 const char *
00648 svn_repos_path(svn_repos_t *repos,
00649                apr_pool_t *pool);
00651 /** Return the path to @a repos's filesystem directory, allocated in
00652  * @a pool.
00653  */
00654 const char *
00655 svn_repos_db_env(svn_repos_t *repos,
00656                  apr_pool_t *pool);
00658 /** Return path to @a repos's config directory, allocated in @a pool. */
00659 const char *
00660 svn_repos_conf_dir(svn_repos_t *repos,
00661                    apr_pool_t *pool);
00663 /** Return path to @a repos's svnserve.conf, allocated in @a pool. */
00664 const char *
00665 svn_repos_svnserve_conf(svn_repos_t *repos,
00666                         apr_pool_t *pool);
00668 /** Return path to @a repos's lock directory, allocated in @a pool. */
00669 const char *
00670 svn_repos_lock_dir(svn_repos_t *repos,
00671                    apr_pool_t *pool);
00673 /** Return path to @a repos's db lockfile, allocated in @a pool. */
00674 const char *
00675 svn_repos_db_lockfile(svn_repos_t *repos,
00676                       apr_pool_t *pool);
00678 /** Return path to @a repos's db logs lockfile, allocated in @a pool. */
00679 const char *
00680 svn_repos_db_logs_lockfile(svn_repos_t *repos,
00681                            apr_pool_t *pool);
00683 /** Return the path to @a repos's hook directory, allocated in @a pool. */
00684 const char *
00685 svn_repos_hook_dir(svn_repos_t *repos,
00686                    apr_pool_t *pool);
00688 /** Return the path to @a repos's start-commit hook, allocated in @a pool. */
00689 const char *
00690 svn_repos_start_commit_hook(svn_repos_t *repos,
00691                             apr_pool_t *pool);
00693 /** Return the path to @a repos's pre-commit hook, allocated in @a pool. */
00694 const char *
00695 svn_repos_pre_commit_hook(svn_repos_t *repos,
00696                           apr_pool_t *pool);
00698 /** Return the path to @a repos's post-commit hook, allocated in @a pool. */
00699 const char *
00700 svn_repos_post_commit_hook(svn_repos_t *repos,
00701                            apr_pool_t *pool);
00703 /** Return the path to @a repos's pre-revprop-change hook, allocated in
00704  * @a pool.
00705  */
00706 const char *
00707 svn_repos_pre_revprop_change_hook(svn_repos_t *repos,
00708                                   apr_pool_t *pool);
00710 /** Return the path to @a repos's post-revprop-change hook, allocated in
00711  * @a pool.
00712  */
00713 const char *
00714 svn_repos_post_revprop_change_hook(svn_repos_t *repos,
00715                                    apr_pool_t *pool);
00718 /** @defgroup svn_repos_lock_hooks Paths to lock hooks
00719  * @{
00720  * @since New in 1.2. */
00722 /** Return the path to @a repos's pre-lock hook, allocated in @a pool. */
00723 const char *
00724 svn_repos_pre_lock_hook(svn_repos_t *repos,
00725                         apr_pool_t *pool);
00727 /** Return the path to @a repos's post-lock hook, allocated in @a pool. */
00728 const char *
00729 svn_repos_post_lock_hook(svn_repos_t *repos,
00730                          apr_pool_t *pool);
00732 /** Return the path to @a repos's pre-unlock hook, allocated in @a pool. */
00733 const char *
00734 svn_repos_pre_unlock_hook(svn_repos_t *repos,
00735                           apr_pool_t *pool);
00737 /** Return the path to @a repos's post-unlock hook, allocated in @a pool. */
00738 const char *
00739 svn_repos_post_unlock_hook(svn_repos_t *repos,
00740                            apr_pool_t *pool);
00742 /** @} */
00744 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
00746 /* Reporting the state of a working copy, for updates. */
00749 /**
00750  * Construct and return a @a report_baton that will be passed to the
00751  * other functions in this section to describe the state of a pre-existing
00752  * tree (typically, a working copy).  When the report is finished,
00753  * @a editor/@a edit_baton will be driven in such a way as to transform the
00754  * existing tree to @a revnum and, if @a tgt_path is non-NULL, switch the
00755  * reported hierarchy to @a tgt_path.
00756  *
00757  * @a fs_base is the absolute path of the node in the filesystem at which
00758  * the comparison should be rooted.  @a target is a single path component,
00759  * used to limit the scope of the report to a single entry of @a fs_base,
00760  * or "" if all of @a fs_base itself is the main subject of the report.
00761  *
00762  * @a tgt_path and @a revnum is the fs path/revision pair that is the
00763  * "target" of the delta.  @a tgt_path should be provided only when
00764  * the source and target paths of the report differ.  That is, @a tgt_path
00765  * should *only* be specified when specifying that the resultant editor
00766  * drive be one that transforms the reported hierarchy into a pristine tree
00767  * of @a tgt_path at revision @a revnum.  A @c NULL value for @a tgt_path
00768  * will indicate that the editor should be driven in such a way as to
00769  * transform the reported hierarchy to revision @a revnum, preserving the
00770  * reported hierarchy.
00771  *
00772  * @a text_deltas instructs the driver of the @a editor to enable
00773  * the generation of text deltas.
00774  *
00775  * @a ignore_ancestry instructs the driver to ignore node ancestry
00776  * when determining how to transmit differences.
00777  *
00778  * @a send_copyfrom_args instructs the driver to send 'copyfrom'
00779  * arguments to the editor's add_file() and add_directory() methods,
00780  * whenever it deems feasible.
00781  *
00782  * Use @a authz_read_func and @a authz_read_baton (if not @c NULL) to
00783  * avoid sending data through @a editor/@a edit_baton which is not
00784  * authorized for transmission.
00785  *
00786  * All allocation for the context and collected state will occur in
00787  * @a pool.
00788  *
00789  * @a depth is the requested depth of the editor drive.
00790  *
00791  * If @a depth is #svn_depth_unknown, the editor will affect only the
00792  * paths reported by the individual calls to svn_repos_set_path3() and
00793  * svn_repos_link_path3().
00794  *
00795  * For example, if the reported tree is the @c A subdir of the Greek Tree
00796  * (see Subversion's test suite), at depth #svn_depth_empty, but the
00797  * @c A/B subdir is reported at depth #svn_depth_infinity, then
00798  * repository-side changes to @c A/mu, or underneath @c A/C and @c
00799  * A/D, would not be reflected in the editor drive, but changes
00800  * underneath @c A/B would be.
00801  *
00802  * Additionally, the editor driver will call @c add_directory and
00803  * and @c add_file for directories with an appropriate depth.  For
00804  * example, a directory reported at #svn_depth_files will receive
00805  * file (but not directory) additions.  A directory at #svn_depth_empty
00806  * will receive neither.
00807  *
00808  * If @a depth is #svn_depth_files, #svn_depth_immediates or
00809  * #svn_depth_infinity and @a depth is greater than the reported depth
00810  * of the working copy, then the editor driver will emit editor
00811  * operations so as to upgrade the working copy to this depth.
00812  *
00813  * If @a depth is #svn_depth_empty, #svn_depth_files,
00814  * #svn_depth_immediates and @a depth is lower
00815  * than or equal to the depth of the working copy, then the editor
00816  * operations will affect only paths at or above @a depth.
00817  *
00818  * @since New in 1.5.
00819  */
00820 svn_error_t *
00821 svn_repos_begin_report2(void **report_baton,
00822                         svn_revnum_t revnum,
00823                         svn_repos_t *repos,
00824                         const char *fs_base,
00825                         const char *target,
00826                         const char *tgt_path,
00827                         svn_boolean_t text_deltas,
00828                         svn_depth_t depth,
00829                         svn_boolean_t ignore_ancestry,
00830                         svn_boolean_t send_copyfrom_args,
00831                         const svn_delta_editor_t *editor,
00832                         void *edit_baton,
00833                         svn_repos_authz_func_t authz_read_func,
00834                         void *authz_read_baton,
00835                         apr_pool_t *pool);
00837 /**
00838  * The same as svn_repos_begin_report2(), but taking a boolean
00839  * @a recurse flag, and sending FALSE for @a send_copyfrom_args.
00840  *
00841  * If @a recurse is TRUE, the editor driver will drive the editor with
00842  * a depth of #svn_depth_infinity; if FALSE, then with a depth of
00843  * #svn_depth_files.
00844  *
00845  * @note @a username is ignored, and has been removed in a revised
00846  * version of this API.
00847  *
00848  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.4 API.
00849  */
00851 svn_error_t *
00852 svn_repos_begin_report(void **report_baton,
00853                        svn_revnum_t revnum,
00854                        const char *username,
00855                        svn_repos_t *repos,
00856                        const char *fs_base,
00857                        const char *target,
00858                        const char *tgt_path,
00859                        svn_boolean_t text_deltas,
00860                        svn_boolean_t recurse,
00861                        svn_boolean_t ignore_ancestry,
00862                        const svn_delta_editor_t *editor,
00863                        void *edit_baton,
00864                        svn_repos_authz_func_t authz_read_func,
00865                        void *authz_read_baton,
00866                        apr_pool_t *pool);
00869 /**
00870  * Given a @a report_baton constructed by svn_repos_begin_report2(),
00871  * record the presence of @a path, at @a revision with depth @a depth,
00872  * in the current tree.
00873  *
00874  * @a path is relative to the anchor/target used in the creation of the
00875  * @a report_baton.
00876  *
00877  * @a revision may be SVN_INVALID_REVNUM if (for example) @a path
00878  * represents a locally-added path with no revision number, or @a
00879  * depth is #svn_depth_exclude.
00880  *
00881  * @a path may not be underneath a path on which svn_repos_set_path3()
00882  * was previously called with #svn_depth_exclude in this report.
00883  *
00884  * The first call of this in a given report usually passes an empty
00885  * @a path; this is used to set up the correct root revision for the editor
00886  * drive.
00887  *
00888  * A depth of #svn_depth_unknown is not allowed, and results in an
00889  * error.
00890  *
00891  * If @a start_empty is TRUE and @a path is a directory, then require the
00892  * caller to explicitly provide all the children of @a path - do not assume
00893  * that the tree also contains all the children of @a path at @a revision.
00894  * This is for 'low confidence' client reporting.
00895  *
00896  * If the caller has a lock token for @a path, then @a lock_token should
00897  * be set to that token.  Else, @a lock_token should be NULL.
00898  *
00899  * All temporary allocations are done in @a pool.
00900  *
00901  * @since New in 1.5.
00902  */
00903 svn_error_t *
00904 svn_repos_set_path3(void *report_baton,
00905                     const char *path,
00906                     svn_revnum_t revision,
00907                     svn_depth_t depth,
00908                     svn_boolean_t start_empty,
00909                     const char *lock_token,
00910                     apr_pool_t *pool);
00912 /**
00913  * Similar to svn_repos_set_path3(), but with @a depth set to
00914  * #svn_depth_infinity.
00915  *
00916  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.4 API.
00917  */
00919 svn_error_t *
00920 svn_repos_set_path2(void *report_baton,
00921                     const char *path,
00922                     svn_revnum_t revision,
00923                     svn_boolean_t start_empty,
00924                     const char *lock_token,
00925                     apr_pool_t *pool);
00927 /**
00928  * Similar to svn_repos_set_path2(), but with @a lock_token set to @c NULL.
00929  *
00930  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.1 API.
00931  */
00933 svn_error_t *
00934 svn_repos_set_path(void *report_baton,
00935                    const char *path,
00936                    svn_revnum_t revision,
00937                    svn_boolean_t start_empty,
00938                    apr_pool_t *pool);
00940 /**
00941  * Given a @a report_baton constructed by svn_repos_begin_report2(),
00942  * record the presence of @a path in the current tree, containing the contents
00943  * of @a link_path at @a revision with depth @a depth.
00944  *
00945  * A depth of #svn_depth_unknown is not allowed, and results in an
00946  * error.
00947  *
00948  * @a path may not be underneath a path on which svn_repos_set_path3()
00949  * was previously called with #svn_depth_exclude in this report.
00950  *
00951  * Note that while @a path is relative to the anchor/target used in the
00952  * creation of the @a report_baton, @a link_path is an absolute filesystem
00953  * path!
00954  *
00955  * If @a start_empty is TRUE and @a path is a directory, then require the
00956  * caller to explicitly provide all the children of @a path - do not assume
00957  * that the tree also contains all the children of @a link_path at
00958  * @a revision.  This is for 'low confidence' client reporting.
00959  *
00960  * If the caller has a lock token for @a link_path, then @a lock_token
00961  * should be set to that token.  Else, @a lock_token should be NULL.
00962  *
00963  * All temporary allocations are done in @a pool.
00964  *
00965  * @since New in 1.5.
00966  */
00967 svn_error_t *
00968 svn_repos_link_path3(void *report_baton,
00969                      const char *path,
00970                      const char *link_path,
00971                      svn_revnum_t revision,
00972                      svn_depth_t depth,
00973                      svn_boolean_t start_empty,
00974                      const char *lock_token,
00975                      apr_pool_t *pool);
00977 /**
00978  * Similar to svn_repos_link_path3(), but with @a depth set to
00979  * #svn_depth_infinity.
00980  *
00981  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.4 API.
00982  */
00984 svn_error_t *
00985 svn_repos_link_path2(void *report_baton,
00986                      const char *path,
00987                      const char *link_path,
00988                      svn_revnum_t revision,
00989                      svn_boolean_t start_empty,
00990                      const char *lock_token,
00991                      apr_pool_t *pool);
00993 /**
00994  * Similar to svn_repos_link_path2(), but with @a lock_token set to @c NULL.
00995  *
00996  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.1 API.
00997  */
00999 svn_error_t *
01000 svn_repos_link_path(void *report_baton,
01001                     const char *path,
01002                     const char *link_path,
01003                     svn_revnum_t revision,
01004                     svn_boolean_t start_empty,
01005                     apr_pool_t *pool);
01007 /** Given a @a report_baton constructed by svn_repos_begin_report2(),
01008  * record the non-existence of @a path in the current tree.
01009  *
01010  * @a path may not be underneath a path on which svn_repos_set_path3()
01011  * was previously called with #svn_depth_exclude in this report.
01012  *
01013  * (This allows the reporter's driver to describe missing pieces of a
01014  * working copy, so that 'svn up' can recreate them.)
01015  *
01016  * All temporary allocations are done in @a pool.
01017  */
01018 svn_error_t *
01019 svn_repos_delete_path(void *report_baton,
01020                       const char *path,
01021                       apr_pool_t *pool);
01023 /** Given a @a report_baton constructed by svn_repos_begin_report2(),
01024  * finish the report and drive the editor as specified when the report
01025  * baton was constructed.
01026  *
01027  * If an error occurs during the driving of the editor, do NOT abort the
01028  * edit; that responsibility belongs to the caller of this function, if
01029  * it happens at all.
01030  *
01031  * After the call to this function, @a report_baton is no longer valid;
01032  * it should not be passed to any other reporting functions, including
01033  * svn_repos_abort_report(), even if this function returns an error.
01034  */
01035 svn_error_t *
01036 svn_repos_finish_report(void *report_baton,
01037                         apr_pool_t *pool);
01040 /** Given a @a report_baton constructed by svn_repos_begin_report2(),
01041  * abort the report.  This function can be called anytime before
01042  * svn_repos_finish_report() is called.
01043  *
01044  * After the call to this function, @a report_baton is no longer valid;
01045  * it should not be passed to any other reporting functions.
01046  */
01047 svn_error_t *
01048 svn_repos_abort_report(void *report_baton,
01049                        apr_pool_t *pool);
01052 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
01054 /* The magical dir_delta update routines. */
01056 /** Use the provided @a editor and @a edit_baton to describe the changes
01057  * necessary for making a given node (and its descendants, if it is a
01058  * directory) under @a src_root look exactly like @a tgt_path under
01059  * @a tgt_root.  @a src_entry is the node to update.  If @a src_entry
01060  * is empty, then compute the difference between the entire tree
01061  * anchored at @a src_parent_dir under @a src_root and @a tgt_path
01062  * under @a tgt_root.  Else, describe the changes needed to update
01063  * only that entry in @a src_parent_dir.  Typically, callers of this
01064  * function will use a @a tgt_path that is the concatenation of @a
01065  * src_parent_dir and @a src_entry.
01066  *
01067  * @a src_root and @a tgt_root can both be either revision or transaction
01068  * roots.  If @a tgt_root is a revision, @a editor's set_target_revision()
01069  * will be called with the @a tgt_root's revision number, else it will
01070  * not be called at all.
01071  *
01072  * If @a authz_read_func is non-NULL, invoke it before any call to
01073  *
01074  *    @a editor->open_root
01075  *    @a editor->add_directory
01076  *    @a editor->open_directory
01077  *    @a editor->add_file
01078  *    @a editor->open_file
01079  *
01080  * passing @a tgt_root, the same path that would be passed to the
01081  * editor function in question, and @a authz_read_baton.  If the
01082  * @a *allowed parameter comes back TRUE, then proceed with the planned
01083  * editor call; else if FALSE, then invoke @a editor->absent_file or
01084  * @a editor->absent_directory as appropriate, except if the planned
01085  * editor call was open_root, throw SVN_ERR_AUTHZ_ROOT_UNREADABLE.
01086  *
01087  * If @a text_deltas is @c FALSE, send a single @c NULL txdelta window to
01088  * the window handler returned by @a editor->apply_textdelta().
01089  *
01090  * If @a depth is #svn_depth_empty, invoke @a editor calls only on
01091  * @a src_entry (or @a src_parent_dir, if @a src_entry is empty).
01092  * If @a depth is #svn_depth_files, also invoke the editor on file
01093  * children, if any; if #svn_depth_immediates, invoke it on
01094  * immediate subdirectories as well as files; if #svn_depth_infinity,
01095  * recurse fully.
01096  *
01097  * If @a entry_props is @c TRUE, accompany each opened/added entry with
01098  * propchange editor calls that relay special "entry props" (this
01099  * is typically used only for working copy updates).
01100  *
01101  * @a ignore_ancestry instructs the function to ignore node ancestry
01102  * when determining how to transmit differences.
01103  *
01104  * Before completing successfully, this function calls @a editor's
01105  * close_edit(), so the caller should expect its @a edit_baton to be
01106  * invalid after its use with this function.
01107  *
01108  * Do any allocation necessary for the delta computation in @a pool.
01109  * This function's maximum memory consumption is at most roughly
01110  * proportional to the greatest depth of the tree under @a tgt_root, not
01111  * the total size of the delta.
01112  *
01113  * ### svn_repos_dir_delta2 is mostly superseded by the reporter
01114  * ### functionality (svn_repos_begin_report2 and friends).
01115  * ### svn_repos_dir_delta2 does allow the roots to be transaction
01116  * ### roots rather than just revision roots, and it has the
01117  * ### entry_props flag.  Almost all of Subversion's own code uses the
01118  * ### reporter instead; there are some stray references to the
01119  * ### svn_repos_dir_delta[2] in comments which should probably
01120  * ### actually refer to the reporter.
01121  */
01122 svn_error_t *
01123 svn_repos_dir_delta2(svn_fs_root_t *src_root,
01124                      const char *src_parent_dir,
01125                      const char *src_entry,
01126                      svn_fs_root_t *tgt_root,
01127                      const char *tgt_path,
01128                      const svn_delta_editor_t *editor,
01129                      void *edit_baton,
01130                      svn_repos_authz_func_t authz_read_func,
01131                      void *authz_read_baton,
01132                      svn_boolean_t text_deltas,
01133                      svn_depth_t depth,
01134                      svn_boolean_t entry_props,
01135                      svn_boolean_t ignore_ancestry,
01136                      apr_pool_t *pool);
01138 /**
01139  * Similar to svn_repos_dir_delta2(), but if @a recurse is TRUE, pass
01140  * #svn_depth_infinity for @a depth, and if @a recurse is FALSE,
01141  * pass #svn_depth_files for @a depth.
01142  *
01143  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.4 API.
01144  */
01146 svn_error_t *
01147 svn_repos_dir_delta(svn_fs_root_t *src_root,
01148                     const char *src_parent_dir,
01149                     const char *src_entry,
01150                     svn_fs_root_t *tgt_root,
01151                     const char *tgt_path,
01152                     const svn_delta_editor_t *editor,
01153                     void *edit_baton,
01154                     svn_repos_authz_func_t authz_read_func,
01155                     void *authz_read_baton,
01156                     svn_boolean_t text_deltas,
01157                     svn_boolean_t recurse,
01158                     svn_boolean_t entry_props,
01159                     svn_boolean_t ignore_ancestry,
01160                     apr_pool_t *pool);
01163 /** Use the provided @a editor and @a edit_baton to describe the
01164  * skeletal changes made in a particular filesystem @a root
01165  * (revision or transaction).
01166  *
01167  * Changes will be limited to those within @a base_dir, and if
01168  * @a low_water_mark is set to something other than #SVN_INVALID_REVNUM
01169  * it is assumed that the client has no knowledge of revisions prior to
01170  * @a low_water_mark.  Together, these two arguments define the portion of
01171  * the tree that the client is assumed to have knowledge of, and thus any
01172  * copies of data from outside that part of the tree will be sent in their
01173  * entirety, not as simple copies or deltas against a previous version.
01174  *
01175  * The @a editor passed to this function should be aware of the fact
01176  * that, if @a send_deltas is FALSE, calls to its change_dir_prop(),
01177  * change_file_prop(), and apply_textdelta() functions will not
01178  * contain meaningful data, and merely serve as indications that
01179  * properties or textual contents were changed.
01180  *
01181  * If @a send_deltas is @c TRUE, the text and property deltas for changes
01182  * will be sent, otherwise NULL text deltas and empty prop changes will be
01183  * used.
01184  *
01185  * If @a authz_read_func is non-NULL, it will be used to determine if the
01186  * user has read access to the data being accessed.  Data that the user
01187  * cannot access will be skipped.
01188  *
01189  * @note This editor driver passes SVN_INVALID_REVNUM for all
01190  * revision parameters in the editor interface except the copyfrom
01191  * parameter of the add_file() and add_directory() editor functions.
01192  *
01193  * @since New in 1.4.
01194  */
01195 svn_error_t *
01196 svn_repos_replay2(svn_fs_root_t *root,
01197                   const char *base_dir,
01198                   svn_revnum_t low_water_mark,
01199                   svn_boolean_t send_deltas,
01200                   const svn_delta_editor_t *editor,
01201                   void *edit_baton,
01202                   svn_repos_authz_func_t authz_read_func,
01203                   void *authz_read_baton,
01204                   apr_pool_t *pool);
01206 /**
01207  * Similar to svn_repos_replay2(), but with @a base_dir set to @c "",
01208  * @a low_water_mark set to #SVN_INVALID_REVNUM, @a send_deltas
01209  * set to @c FALSE, and @a authz_read_func and @a authz_read_baton
01210  * set to @c NULL.
01211  *
01212  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.3 API.
01213  */
01215 svn_error_t *
01216 svn_repos_replay(svn_fs_root_t *root,
01217                  const svn_delta_editor_t *editor,
01218                  void *edit_baton,
01219                  apr_pool_t *pool);
01221 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
01223 /* Making commits. */
01225 /**
01226  * Return an @a editor and @a edit_baton to commit changes to the
01227  * filesystem of @a repos, beginning at location 'rev:@a base_path',
01228  * where "rev" is the argument given to open_root().
01229  *
01230  * @a repos is a previously opened repository.  @a repos_url is the
01231  * decoded URL to the base of the repository, and is used to check
01232  * copyfrom paths.  @a txn is a filesystem transaction object to use
01233  * during the commit, or @c NULL to indicate that this function should
01234  * create (and fully manage) a new transaction.
01235  *
01236  * Store the contents of @a revprop_table, a hash mapping <tt>const
01237  * char *</tt> property names to #svn_string_t values, as properties
01238  * of the commit transaction, including author and log message if
01239  * present.
01240  *
01241  * @note #SVN_PROP_REVISION_DATE may be present in @a revprop_table, but
01242  * it will be overwritten when the transaction is committed.
01243  *
01244  * Iff @a authz_callback is provided, check read/write authorizations
01245  * on paths accessed by editor operations.  An operation which fails
01246  * due to authz will return SVN_ERR_AUTHZ_UNREADABLE or
01248  *
01249  * Calling @a (*editor)->close_edit completes the commit.
01250  *
01251  * If @a callback is non-NULL, then before @c close_edit returns (but
01252  * after the commit has succeeded) @c close_edit will invoke
01253  * @a callback with a filled-in #svn_commit_info_t *, @a callback_baton,
01254  * and @a pool or some subpool thereof as arguments.  If @a callback
01255  * returns an error, that error will be returned from @c close_edit,
01256  * otherwise if there was a post-commit hook failure, then that error
01257  * will be returned with code SVN_ERR_REPOS_POST_COMMIT_HOOK_FAILED.
01258  * (Note that prior to Subversion 1.6, @a callback cannot be NULL; if
01259  * you don't need a callback, pass a dummy function.)
01260  *
01261  * Calling @a (*editor)->abort_edit aborts the commit, and will also
01262  * abort the commit transaction unless @a txn was supplied (not @c
01263  * NULL).  Callers who supply their own transactions are responsible
01264  * for cleaning them up (either by committing them, or aborting them).
01265  *
01266  * @since New in 1.5.
01267  *
01268  * @note Yes, @a repos_url is a <em>decoded</em> URL.  We realize
01269  * that's sorta wonky.  Sorry about that.
01270  */
01271 svn_error_t *
01272 svn_repos_get_commit_editor5(const svn_delta_editor_t **editor,
01273                              void **edit_baton,
01274                              svn_repos_t *repos,
01275                              svn_fs_txn_t *txn,
01276                              const char *repos_url,
01277                              const char *base_path,
01278                              apr_hash_t *revprop_table,
01279                              svn_commit_callback2_t callback,
01280                              void *callback_baton,
01281                              svn_repos_authz_callback_t authz_callback,
01282                              void *authz_baton,
01283                              apr_pool_t *pool);
01285 /**
01286  * Similar to svn_repos_get_commit_editor5(), but with @a revprop_table
01287  * set to a hash containing @a user and @a log_msg as the
01289  * respectively.  @a user and @a log_msg may both be @c NULL.
01290  *
01291  * @since New in 1.4.
01292  *
01293  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.4 API.
01294  */
01296 svn_error_t *
01297 svn_repos_get_commit_editor4(const svn_delta_editor_t **editor,
01298                              void **edit_baton,
01299                              svn_repos_t *repos,
01300                              svn_fs_txn_t *txn,
01301                              const char *repos_url,
01302                              const char *base_path,
01303                              const char *user,
01304                              const char *log_msg,
01305                              svn_commit_callback2_t callback,
01306                              void *callback_baton,
01307                              svn_repos_authz_callback_t authz_callback,
01308                              void *authz_baton,
01309                              apr_pool_t *pool);
01311 /**
01312  * Similar to svn_repos_get_commit_editor4(), but
01313  * uses the svn_commit_callback_t type.
01314  *
01315  * @since New in 1.3.
01316  *
01317  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.3 API.
01318  */
01320 svn_error_t *
01321 svn_repos_get_commit_editor3(const svn_delta_editor_t **editor,
01322                              void **edit_baton,
01323                              svn_repos_t *repos,
01324                              svn_fs_txn_t *txn,
01325                              const char *repos_url,
01326                              const char *base_path,
01327                              const char *user,
01328                              const char *log_msg,
01329                              svn_commit_callback_t callback,
01330                              void *callback_baton,
01331                              svn_repos_authz_callback_t authz_callback,
01332                              void *authz_baton,
01333                              apr_pool_t *pool);
01335 /**
01336  * Similar to svn_repos_get_commit_editor3(), but with @a
01337  * authz_callback and @a authz_baton set to @c NULL.
01338  *
01339  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.2 API.
01340  */
01342 svn_error_t *
01343 svn_repos_get_commit_editor2(const svn_delta_editor_t **editor,
01344                              void **edit_baton,
01345                              svn_repos_t *repos,
01346                              svn_fs_txn_t *txn,
01347                              const char *repos_url,
01348                              const char *base_path,
01349                              const char *user,
01350                              const char *log_msg,
01351                              svn_commit_callback_t callback,
01352                              void *callback_baton,
01353                              apr_pool_t *pool);
01356 /**
01357  * Similar to svn_repos_get_commit_editor2(), but with @a txn always
01358  * set to @c NULL.
01359  *
01360  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.1 API.
01361  */
01363 svn_error_t *
01364 svn_repos_get_commit_editor(const svn_delta_editor_t **editor,
01365                             void **edit_baton,
01366                             svn_repos_t *repos,
01367                             const char *repos_url,
01368                             const char *base_path,
01369                             const char *user,
01370                             const char *log_msg,
01371                             svn_commit_callback_t callback,
01372                             void *callback_baton,
01373                             apr_pool_t *pool);
01375 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
01377 /* Finding particular revisions. */
01379 /** Set @a *revision to the revision number in @a repos's filesystem that was
01380  * youngest at time @a tm.
01381  */
01382 svn_error_t *
01383 svn_repos_dated_revision(svn_revnum_t *revision,
01384                          svn_repos_t *repos,
01385                          apr_time_t tm,
01386                          apr_pool_t *pool);
01389 /** Given a @a root/@a path within some filesystem, return three pieces of
01390  * information allocated in @a pool:
01391  *
01392  *    - set @a *committed_rev to the revision in which the object was
01393  *      last modified.  (In fs parlance, this is the revision in which
01394  *      the particular node-rev-id was 'created'.)
01395  *
01396  *    - set @a *committed_date to the date of said revision, or @c NULL
01397  *      if not available.
01398  *
01399  *    - set @a *last_author to the author of said revision, or @c NULL
01400  *      if not available.
01401  */
01402 svn_error_t *
01403 svn_repos_get_committed_info(svn_revnum_t *committed_rev,
01404                              const char **committed_date,
01405                              const char **last_author,
01406                              svn_fs_root_t *root,
01407                              const char *path,
01408                              apr_pool_t *pool);
01411 /**
01412  * Set @a *dirent to an #svn_dirent_t associated with @a path in @a
01413  * root.  If @a path does not exist in @a root, set @a *dirent to
01414  * NULL.  Use @a pool for memory allocation.
01415  *
01416  * @since New in 1.2.
01417  */
01418 svn_error_t *
01419 svn_repos_stat(svn_dirent_t **dirent,
01420                svn_fs_root_t *root,
01421                const char *path,
01422                apr_pool_t *pool);
01425 /**
01426  * Given @a path which exists at revision @a start in @a fs, set
01427  * @a *deleted to the revision @a path was first deleted, within the
01428  * inclusive revision range bounded by @a start and @a end.  If @a path
01429  * does not exist at revision @a start or was not deleted within the
01430  * specified range, then set @a *deleted to SVN_INVALID_REVNUM.
01431  * Use @a pool for memory allocation.
01432  *
01433  * @since New in 1.5.
01434  */
01435 svn_error_t *
01436 svn_repos_deleted_rev(svn_fs_t *fs,
01437                       const char *path,
01438                       svn_revnum_t start,
01439                       svn_revnum_t end,
01440                       svn_revnum_t *deleted,
01441                       apr_pool_t *pool);
01444 /** Callback type for use with svn_repos_history().  @a path and @a
01445  * revision represent interesting history locations in the lifetime
01446  * of the path passed to svn_repos_history().  @a baton is the same
01447  * baton given to svn_repos_history().  @a pool is provided for the
01448  * convenience of the implementor, who should not expect it to live
01449  * longer than a single callback call.
01450  *
01451  * Signal to callback driver to stop processing/invoking this callback
01452  * by returning the #SVN_ERR_CEASE_INVOCATION error code.
01453  *
01454  * @note SVN_ERR_CEASE_INVOCATION is new in 1.5.
01455  */
01456 typedef svn_error_t *(*svn_repos_history_func_t)(void *baton,
01457                                                  const char *path,
01458                                                  svn_revnum_t revision,
01459                                                  apr_pool_t *pool);
01461 /**
01462  * Call @a history_func (with @a history_baton) for each interesting
01463  * history location in the lifetime of @a path in @a fs, from the
01464  * youngest of @a end and @a start to the oldest.  Stop processing if
01465  * @a history_func returns #SVN_ERR_CEASE_INVOCATION.  Only cross
01466  * filesystem copy history if @a cross_copies is @c TRUE.  And do all
01467  * of this in @a pool.
01468  *
01469  * If @a authz_read_func is non-NULL, then use it (and @a
01470  * authz_read_baton) to verify that @a path in @a end is readable; if
01471  * not, return SVN_ERR_AUTHZ_UNREADABLE.  Also verify the readability
01472  * of every ancestral path/revision pair before pushing them at @a
01473  * history_func.  If a pair is deemed unreadable, then do not send
01474  * them; instead, immediately stop traversing history and return
01475  * SVN_NO_ERROR.
01476  *
01477  * @since New in 1.1.
01478  *
01479  * @note SVN_ERR_CEASE_INVOCATION is new in 1.5.
01480  */
01481 svn_error_t *
01482 svn_repos_history2(svn_fs_t *fs,
01483                    const char *path,
01484                    svn_repos_history_func_t history_func,
01485                    void *history_baton,
01486                    svn_repos_authz_func_t authz_read_func,
01487                    void *authz_read_baton,
01488                    svn_revnum_t start,
01489                    svn_revnum_t end,
01490                    svn_boolean_t cross_copies,
01491                    apr_pool_t *pool);
01493 /**
01494  * Similar to svn_repos_history2(), but with @a authz_read_func
01495  * and @a authz_read_baton always set to NULL.
01496  *
01497  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.0 API.
01498  */
01500 svn_error_t *
01501 svn_repos_history(svn_fs_t *fs,
01502                   const char *path,
01503                   svn_repos_history_func_t history_func,
01504                   void *history_baton,
01505                   svn_revnum_t start,
01506                   svn_revnum_t end,
01507                   svn_boolean_t cross_copies,
01508                   apr_pool_t *pool);
01511 /**
01512  * Set @a *locations to be a mapping of the revisions to the paths of
01513  * the file @a fs_path present at the repository in revision
01514  * @a peg_revision, where the revisions are taken out of the array
01515  * @a location_revisions.
01516  *
01517  * @a location_revisions is an array of svn_revnum_t's and @a *locations
01518  * maps 'svn_revnum_t *' to 'const char *'.
01519  *
01520  * If optional @a authz_read_func is non-NULL, then use it (and @a
01521  * authz_read_baton) to verify that the peg-object is readable.  If not,
01522  * return SVN_ERR_AUTHZ_UNREADABLE.  Also use the @a authz_read_func
01523  * to check that every path returned in the hash is readable.  If an
01524  * unreadable path is encountered, stop tracing and return
01525  * SVN_NO_ERROR.
01526  *
01527  * @a pool is used for all allocations.
01528  *
01529  * @since New in 1.1.
01530  */
01531 svn_error_t *
01532 svn_repos_trace_node_locations(svn_fs_t *fs,
01533                                apr_hash_t **locations,
01534                                const char *fs_path,
01535                                svn_revnum_t peg_revision,
01536                                const apr_array_header_t *location_revisions,
01537                                svn_repos_authz_func_t authz_read_func,
01538                                void *authz_read_baton,
01539                                apr_pool_t *pool);
01542 /**
01543  * Call @a receiver and @a receiver_baton to report successive
01544  * location segments in revisions between @a start_rev and @a end_rev
01545  * (inclusive) for the line of history identified by the peg-object @a
01546  * path in @a peg_revision (and in @a repos).
01547  *
01548  * @a end_rev may be #SVN_INVALID_REVNUM to indicate that you want
01549  * to trace the history of the object to its origin.
01550  *
01551  * @a start_rev may be #SVN_INVALID_REVNUM to indicate "the HEAD
01552  * revision".  Otherwise, @a start_rev must be younger than @a end_rev
01553  * (unless @a end_rev is #SVN_INVALID_REVNUM).
01554  *
01555  * @a peg_revision may be #SVN_INVALID_REVNUM to indicate "the HEAD
01556  * revision", and must evaluate to be at least as young as @a start_rev.
01557  *
01558  * If optional @a authz_read_func is not @c NULL, then use it (and @a
01559  * authz_read_baton) to verify that the peg-object is readable.  If
01560  * not, return #SVN_ERR_AUTHZ_UNREADABLE.  Also use the @a
01561  * authz_read_func to check that every path reported in a location
01562  * segment is readable.  If an unreadable path is encountered, report
01563  * a final (possibly truncated) location segment (if any), stop
01564  * tracing history, and return #SVN_NO_ERROR.
01565  *
01566  * @a pool is used for all allocations.
01567  *
01568  * @since New in 1.5.
01569  */
01570 svn_error_t *
01571 svn_repos_node_location_segments(svn_repos_t *repos,
01572                                  const char *path,
01573                                  svn_revnum_t peg_revision,
01574                                  svn_revnum_t start_rev,
01575                                  svn_revnum_t end_rev,
01576                                  svn_location_segment_receiver_t receiver,
01577                                  void *receiver_baton,
01578                                  svn_repos_authz_func_t authz_read_func,
01579                                  void *authz_read_baton,
01580                                  apr_pool_t *pool);
01583 /* ### other queries we can do someday --
01585      * fetch the last revision created by <user>
01586          (once usernames become revision properties!)
01587      * fetch the last revision where <path> was modified
01589 */
01593 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
01595 /* Retrieving log messages. */
01598 /**
01599  * Invoke @a receiver with @a receiver_baton on each log message from
01600  * @a start to @a end in @a repos's filesystem.  @a start may be greater
01601  * or less than @a end; this just controls whether the log messages are
01602  * processed in descending or ascending revision number order.
01603  *
01604  * If @a start or @a end is #SVN_INVALID_REVNUM, it defaults to youngest.
01605  *
01606  * If @a paths is non-NULL and has one or more elements, then only show
01607  * revisions in which at least one of @a paths was changed (i.e., if
01608  * file, text or props changed; if dir, props or entries changed or any node
01609  * changed below it).  Each path is a <tt>const char *</tt> representing
01610  * an absolute path in the repository.  If @a paths is NULL or empty,
01611  * show all revisions regardless of what paths were changed in those
01612  * revisions.
01613  *
01614  * If @a limit is non-zero then only invoke @a receiver on the first
01615  * @a limit logs.
01616  *
01617  * If @a discover_changed_paths, then each call to @a receiver passes a
01618  * hash mapping paths committed in that revision to information about them
01619  * as the receiver's @a changed_paths argument.
01620  * Otherwise, each call to @a receiver passes NULL for @a changed_paths.
01621  *
01622  * If @a strict_node_history is set, copy history (if any exists) will
01623  * not be traversed while harvesting revision logs for each path.
01624  *
01625  * If @a include_merged_revisions is set, log information for revisions
01626  * which have been merged to @a paths will also be returned, unless these
01627  * revisions are already part of @a start to @a end in @a repos's
01628  * filesystem, as limited by @a paths. In the latter case those revisions
01629  * are skipped and @a receiver is not invoked.
01630  *
01631  * If @a revprops is NULL, retrieve all revprops; else, retrieve only the
01632  * revprops named in the array (i.e. retrieve none if the array is empty).
01633  *
01634  * If any invocation of @a receiver returns error, return that error
01635  * immediately and without wrapping it.
01636  *
01637  * If @a start or @a end is a non-existent revision, return the error
01638  * #SVN_ERR_FS_NO_SUCH_REVISION, without ever invoking @a receiver.
01639  *
01640  * If optional @a authz_read_func is non-NULL, then use this function
01641  * (along with optional @a authz_read_baton) to check the readability
01642  * of each changed-path in each revision about to be "pushed" at
01643  * @a receiver.  If a revision has some changed-paths readable and
01644  * others unreadable, unreadable paths are omitted from the
01645  * changed_paths field and only svn:author and svn:date will be
01646  * available in the revprops field.  If a revision has no
01647  * changed-paths readable at all, then all paths are omitted and no
01648  * revprops are available.
01649  *
01650  * See also the documentation for #svn_log_entry_receiver_t.
01651  *
01652  * Use @a pool for temporary allocations.
01653  *
01654  * @since New in 1.5.
01655  */
01656 svn_error_t *
01657 svn_repos_get_logs4(svn_repos_t *repos,
01658                     const apr_array_header_t *paths,
01659                     svn_revnum_t start,
01660                     svn_revnum_t end,
01661                     int limit,
01662                     svn_boolean_t discover_changed_paths,
01663                     svn_boolean_t strict_node_history,
01664                     svn_boolean_t include_merged_revisions,
01665                     const apr_array_header_t *revprops,
01666                     svn_repos_authz_func_t authz_read_func,
01667                     void *authz_read_baton,
01668                     svn_log_entry_receiver_t receiver,
01669                     void *receiver_baton,
01670                     apr_pool_t *pool);
01672 /**
01673  * Same as svn_repos_get_logs4(), but with @a receiver being
01674  * #svn_log_message_receiver_t instead of #svn_log_entry_receiver_t.
01675  * Also, @a include_merged_revisions is set to @c FALSE and @a revprops is
01676  * svn:author, svn:date, and svn:log.  If @a paths is empty, nothing
01677  * is returned.
01678  *
01679  * @since New in 1.2.
01680  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.4 API.
01681  */
01683 svn_error_t *
01684 svn_repos_get_logs3(svn_repos_t *repos,
01685                     const apr_array_header_t *paths,
01686                     svn_revnum_t start,
01687                     svn_revnum_t end,
01688                     int limit,
01689                     svn_boolean_t discover_changed_paths,
01690                     svn_boolean_t strict_node_history,
01691                     svn_repos_authz_func_t authz_read_func,
01692                     void *authz_read_baton,
01693                     svn_log_message_receiver_t receiver,
01694                     void *receiver_baton,
01695                     apr_pool_t *pool);
01698 /**
01699  * Same as svn_repos_get_logs3(), but with @a limit always set to 0.
01700  *
01701  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.1 API.
01702  */
01704 svn_error_t *
01705 svn_repos_get_logs2(svn_repos_t *repos,
01706                     const apr_array_header_t *paths,
01707                     svn_revnum_t start,
01708                     svn_revnum_t end,
01709                     svn_boolean_t discover_changed_paths,
01710                     svn_boolean_t strict_node_history,
01711                     svn_repos_authz_func_t authz_read_func,
01712                     void *authz_read_baton,
01713                     svn_log_message_receiver_t receiver,
01714                     void *receiver_baton,
01715                     apr_pool_t *pool);
01717 /**
01718  * Same as svn_repos_get_logs2(), but with @a authz_read_func and
01719  * @a authz_read_baton always set to NULL.
01720  *
01721  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.0 API.
01722  */
01724 svn_error_t *
01725 svn_repos_get_logs(svn_repos_t *repos,
01726                    const apr_array_header_t *paths,
01727                    svn_revnum_t start,
01728                    svn_revnum_t end,
01729                    svn_boolean_t discover_changed_paths,
01730                    svn_boolean_t strict_node_history,
01731                    svn_log_message_receiver_t receiver,
01732                    void *receiver_baton,
01733                    apr_pool_t *pool);
01737 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
01739 /* Retrieving mergeinfo. */
01741 /**
01742  * Fetch the mergeinfo for @a paths at @a revision in @a repos, and
01743  * set @a *catalog to a catalog of this mergeinfo.  @a *catalog will
01744  * never be @c NULL but may be empty.
01745  *
01746  * @a inherit indicates whether explicit, explicit or inherited, or
01747  * only inherited mergeinfo for @a paths is fetched.
01748  *
01749  * If @a revision is #SVN_INVALID_REVNUM, it defaults to youngest.
01750  *
01751  * If @a include_descendants is TRUE, then additionally return the
01752  * mergeinfo for any descendant of any element of @a paths which has
01753  * the #SVN_PROP_MERGEINFO property explicitly set on it.  (Note
01754  * that inheritance is only taken into account for the elements in @a
01755  * paths; descendants of the elements in @a paths which get their
01756  * mergeinfo via inheritance are not included in @a *catalog.)
01757  *
01758  * If optional @a authz_read_func is non-NULL, then use this function
01759  * (along with optional @a authz_read_baton) to check the readability
01760  * of each path which mergeinfo was requested for (from @a paths).
01761  * Silently omit unreadable paths from the request for mergeinfo.
01762  *
01763  * Use @a pool for all allocations.
01764  *
01765  * @since New in 1.5.
01766  */
01767 svn_error_t *
01768 svn_repos_fs_get_mergeinfo(svn_mergeinfo_catalog_t *catalog,
01769                            svn_repos_t *repos,
01770                            const apr_array_header_t *paths,
01771                            svn_revnum_t revision,
01772                            svn_mergeinfo_inheritance_t inherit,
01773                            svn_boolean_t include_descendants,
01774                            svn_repos_authz_func_t authz_read_func,
01775                            void *authz_read_baton,
01776                            apr_pool_t *pool);
01779 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
01781 /* Retrieving multiple revisions of a file. */
01783 /**
01784  * Retrieve a subset of the interesting revisions of a file @a path in
01785  * @a repos as seen in revision @a end.  Invoke @a handler with
01786  * @a handler_baton as its first argument for each such revision.
01787  * @a pool is used for all allocations.  See svn_fs_history_prev() for
01788  * a discussion of interesting revisions.
01789  *
01790  * If optional @a authz_read_func is non-NULL, then use this function
01791  * (along with optional @a authz_read_baton) to check the readability
01792  * of the rev-path in each interesting revision encountered.
01793  *
01794  * Revision discovery happens from @a end to @a start, and if an
01795  * unreadable revision is encountered before @a start is reached, then
01796  * revision discovery stops and only the revisions from @a end to the
01797  * oldest readable revision are returned (So it will appear that @a
01798  * path was added without history in the latter revision).
01799  *
01800  * If there is an interesting revision of the file that is less than or
01801  * equal to start, the iteration will start at that revision.  Else, the
01802  * iteration will start at the first revision of the file in the repository,
01803  * which has to be less than or equal to end.  Note that if the function
01804  * succeeds, @a handler will have been called at least once.
01805  *
01806  * In a series of calls, the file contents for the first interesting revision
01807  * will be provided as a text delta against the empty file.  In the following
01808  * calls, the delta will be against the contents for the previous call.
01809  *
01810  * If @a include_merged_revisions is TRUE, revisions which a included as a
01811  * result of a merge between @a start and @a end will be included.
01812  *
01813  * @since New in 1.5.
01814  */
01815 svn_error_t *
01816 svn_repos_get_file_revs2(svn_repos_t *repos,
01817                          const char *path,
01818                          svn_revnum_t start,
01819                          svn_revnum_t end,
01820                          svn_boolean_t include_merged_revisions,
01821                          svn_repos_authz_func_t authz_read_func,
01822                          void *authz_read_baton,
01823                          svn_file_rev_handler_t handler,
01824                          void *handler_baton,
01825                          apr_pool_t *pool);
01827 /**
01828  * Similar to svn_repos_get_file_revs2(), with @a include_merged_revisions
01829  * set to FALSE.
01830  *
01831  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.4 API.
01832  * @since New in 1.1.
01833  */
01835 svn_error_t *
01836 svn_repos_get_file_revs(svn_repos_t *repos,
01837                         const char *path,
01838                         svn_revnum_t start,
01839                         svn_revnum_t end,
01840                         svn_repos_authz_func_t authz_read_func,
01841                         void *authz_read_baton,
01842                         svn_repos_file_rev_handler_t handler,
01843                         void *handler_baton,
01844                         apr_pool_t *pool);
01847 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
01849 /**
01850  * @defgroup svn_repos_hook_wrappers Hook-sensitive wrappers for libsvn_fs \
01851  * routines.
01852  * @{
01853  */
01855 /** Like svn_fs_commit_txn(), but invoke the @a repos' pre- and
01856  * post-commit hooks around the commit.  Use @a pool for any necessary
01857  * allocations.
01858  *
01859  * If the pre-commit hook fails, do not attempt to commit the
01860  * transaction and throw the original error to the caller.
01861  *
01862  * A successful commit is indicated by a valid revision value in @a
01863  * *new_rev, not if svn_fs_commit_txn() returns an error, which can
01864  * occur during its post commit FS processing.  If the transaction was
01865  * not committed, then return the associated error and do not execute
01866  * the post-commit hook.
01867  *
01868  * If the commit succeeds the post-commit hook is executed.  If the
01869  * post-commit hook returns an error, always wrap it with
01870  * SVN_ERR_REPOS_POST_COMMIT_HOOK_FAILED; this allows the caller to
01871  * find the post-commit hook error in the returned error chain.  If
01872  * both svn_fs_commit_txn() and the post-commit hook return errors,
01873  * then svn_fs_commit_txn()'s error is the parent error and the
01874  * SVN_ERR_REPOS_POST_COMMIT_HOOK_FAILED wrapped error is the child
01875  * error.
01876  *
01877  * @a conflict_p, @a new_rev, and @a txn are as in svn_fs_commit_txn().
01878  */
01879 svn_error_t *
01880 svn_repos_fs_commit_txn(const char **conflict_p,
01881                         svn_repos_t *repos,
01882                         svn_revnum_t *new_rev,
01883                         svn_fs_txn_t *txn,
01884                         apr_pool_t *pool);
01886 /** Like svn_fs_begin_txn(), but use @a revprop_table, a hash mapping
01887  * <tt>const char *</tt> property names to #svn_string_t values, to
01888  * set the properties on transaction @a *txn_p.  @a repos is the
01889  * repository object which contains the filesystem.  @a rev, @a
01890  * *txn_p, and @a pool are as in svn_fs_begin_txn().
01891  *
01892  * Before a txn is created, the repository's start-commit hooks are
01893  * run; if any of them fail, no txn is created, @a *txn_p is unaffected,
01894  * and #SVN_ERR_REPOS_HOOK_FAILURE is returned.
01895  *
01896  * @note @a revprop_table may contain an #SVN_PROP_REVISION_DATE property,
01897  * which will be set on the transaction, but that will be overwritten
01898  * when the transaction is committed.
01899  *
01900  * @since New in 1.5.
01901  */
01902 svn_error_t *
01903 svn_repos_fs_begin_txn_for_commit2(svn_fs_txn_t **txn_p,
01904                                    svn_repos_t *repos,
01905                                    svn_revnum_t rev,
01906                                    apr_hash_t *revprop_table,
01907                                    apr_pool_t *pool);
01910 /**
01911  * Same as svn_repos_fs_begin_txn_for_commit2(), but with @a revprop_table
01912  * set to a hash containing @a author and @a log_msg as the
01914  * respectively.  @a author and @a log_msg may both be @c NULL.
01915  *
01916  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.4 API.
01917  */
01919 svn_error_t *
01920 svn_repos_fs_begin_txn_for_commit(svn_fs_txn_t **txn_p,
01921                                   svn_repos_t *repos,
01922                                   svn_revnum_t rev,
01923                                   const char *author,
01924                                   const char *log_msg,
01925                                   apr_pool_t *pool);
01928 /** Like svn_fs_begin_txn(), but use @a author to set the corresponding
01929  * property on transaction @a *txn_p.  @a repos is the repository object
01930  * which contains the filesystem.  @a rev, @a *txn_p, and @a pool are as in
01931  * svn_fs_begin_txn().
01932  *
01933  * ### Someday: before a txn is created, some kind of read-hook could
01934  *              be called here.
01935  */
01936 svn_error_t *
01937 svn_repos_fs_begin_txn_for_update(svn_fs_txn_t **txn_p,
01938                                   svn_repos_t *repos,
01939                                   svn_revnum_t rev,
01940                                   const char *author,
01941                                   apr_pool_t *pool);
01944 /** @defgroup svn_repos_fs_locks Repository lock wrappers
01945  * @{
01946  */
01948 /** Like svn_fs_lock(), but invoke the @a repos's pre- and
01949  * post-lock hooks before and after the locking action.  Use @a pool
01950  * for any necessary allocations.
01951  *
01952  * If the pre-lock hook or svn_fs_lock() fails, throw the original
01953  * error to caller.  If an error occurs when running the post-lock
01954  * hook, return the original error wrapped with
01955  * SVN_ERR_REPOS_POST_LOCK_HOOK_FAILED.  If the caller sees this
01956  * error, it knows that the lock succeeded anyway.
01957  *
01958  * The pre-lock hook may cause a different token to be used for the
01959  * lock, instead of @a token; see the pre-lock-hook documentation for
01960  * more.
01961  *
01962  * @since New in 1.2.
01963  */
01964 svn_error_t *
01965 svn_repos_fs_lock(svn_lock_t **lock,
01966                   svn_repos_t *repos,
01967                   const char *path,
01968                   const char *token,
01969                   const char *comment,
01970                   svn_boolean_t is_dav_comment,
01971                   apr_time_t expiration_date,
01972                   svn_revnum_t current_rev,
01973                   svn_boolean_t steal_lock,
01974                   apr_pool_t *pool);
01977 /** Like svn_fs_unlock(), but invoke the @a repos's pre- and
01978  * post-unlock hooks before and after the unlocking action.  Use @a
01979  * pool for any necessary allocations.
01980  *
01981  * If the pre-unlock hook or svn_fs_unlock() fails, throw the original
01982  * error to caller.  If an error occurs when running the post-unlock
01983  * hook, return the original error wrapped with
01984  * SVN_ERR_REPOS_POST_UNLOCK_HOOK_FAILED.  If the caller sees this
01985  * error, it knows that the unlock succeeded anyway.
01986  *
01987  * @since New in 1.2.
01988  */
01989 svn_error_t *
01990 svn_repos_fs_unlock(svn_repos_t *repos,
01991                     const char *path,
01992                     const char *token,
01993                     svn_boolean_t break_lock,
01994                     apr_pool_t *pool);
01998 /** Look up all the locks in and under @a path in @a repos, setting @a
01999  * *locks to a hash which maps <tt>const char *</tt> paths to the
02000  * #svn_lock_t locks associated with those paths.  Use @a
02001  * authz_read_func and @a authz_read_baton to "screen" all returned
02002  * locks.  That is: do not return any locks on any paths that are
02003  * unreadable in HEAD, just silently omit them.
02004  *
02005  * @a depth limits the returned locks to those associated with paths
02006  * within the specified depth of @a path, and must be one of the
02007  * following values:  #svn_depth_empty, #svn_depth_files,
02008  * #svn_depth_immediates, or #svn_depth_infinity.
02009  *
02010  * @since New in 1.7.
02011  */
02012 svn_error_t *
02013 svn_repos_fs_get_locks2(apr_hash_t **locks,
02014                         svn_repos_t *repos,
02015                         const char *path,
02016                         svn_depth_t depth,
02017                         svn_repos_authz_func_t authz_read_func,
02018                         void *authz_read_baton,
02019                         apr_pool_t *pool);
02021 /**
02022  * Similar to svn_repos_fs_get_locks2(), but with @a depth always
02023  * passed as svn_depth_infinity.
02024  *
02025  * @since New in 1.2.
02026  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
02027  */
02029 svn_error_t *
02030 svn_repos_fs_get_locks(apr_hash_t **locks,
02031                        svn_repos_t *repos,
02032                        const char *path,
02033                        svn_repos_authz_func_t authz_read_func,
02034                        void *authz_read_baton,
02035                        apr_pool_t *pool);
02037 /** @} */
02039 /**
02040  * Like svn_fs_change_rev_prop2(), but validate the name and value of the
02041  * property and invoke the @a repos's pre- and post-revprop-change hooks
02042  * around the change as specified by @a use_pre_revprop_change_hook and
02043  * @a use_post_revprop_change_hook (respectively).
02044  *
02045  * @a rev is the revision whose property to change, @a name is the
02046  * name of the property, and @a new_value is the new value of the
02047  * property.   If @a old_value_p is not @c NULL, then @a *old_value_p
02048  * is the expected current (preexisting) value of the property (or @c NULL
02049  * for "unset").  @a author is the authenticated username of the person
02050  * changing the property value, or NULL if not available.
02051  *
02052  * If @a authz_read_func is non-NULL, then use it (with @a
02053  * authz_read_baton) to validate the changed-paths associated with @a
02054  * rev.  If the revision contains any unreadable changed paths, then
02055  * return #SVN_ERR_AUTHZ_UNREADABLE.
02056  *
02057  * Validate @a name and @a new_value like the same way
02058  * svn_repos_fs_change_node_prop() does.
02059  *
02060  * Use @a pool for temporary allocations.
02061  *
02062  * @since New in 1.7.
02063  */
02064 svn_error_t *
02065 svn_repos_fs_change_rev_prop4(svn_repos_t *repos,
02066                               svn_revnum_t rev,
02067                               const char *author,
02068                               const char *name,
02069                               const svn_string_t *const *old_value_p,
02070                               const svn_string_t *new_value,
02071                               svn_boolean_t
02072                               use_pre_revprop_change_hook,
02073                               svn_boolean_t
02074                               use_post_revprop_change_hook,
02075                               svn_repos_authz_func_t
02076                               authz_read_func,
02077                               void *authz_read_baton,
02078                               apr_pool_t *pool);
02080 /**
02081  * Similar to svn_repos_fs_change_rev_prop4(), but with @a old_value_p always
02082  * set to @c NULL.  (In other words, it is similar to
02083  * svn_fs_change_rev_prop().)
02084  *
02085  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
02086  * @since New in 1.5.
02087  */
02089 svn_error_t *
02090 svn_repos_fs_change_rev_prop3(svn_repos_t *repos,
02091                               svn_revnum_t rev,
02092                               const char *author,
02093                               const char *name,
02094                               const svn_string_t *new_value,
02095                               svn_boolean_t
02096                               use_pre_revprop_change_hook,
02097                               svn_boolean_t
02098                               use_post_revprop_change_hook,
02099                               svn_repos_authz_func_t
02100                               authz_read_func,
02101                               void *authz_read_baton,
02102                               apr_pool_t *pool);
02104 /**
02105  * Similar to svn_repos_fs_change_rev_prop3(), but with the @a
02106  * use_pre_revprop_change_hook and @a use_post_revprop_change_hook
02107  * always set to @c TRUE.
02108  *
02109  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.4 API.
02110  */
02112 svn_error_t *
02113 svn_repos_fs_change_rev_prop2(svn_repos_t *repos,
02114                               svn_revnum_t rev,
02115                               const char *author,
02116                               const char *name,
02117                               const svn_string_t *new_value,
02118                               svn_repos_authz_func_t
02119                               authz_read_func,
02120                               void *authz_read_baton,
02121                               apr_pool_t *pool);
02123 /**
02124  * Similar to svn_repos_fs_change_rev_prop2(), but with the
02125  * @a authz_read_func parameter always NULL.
02126  *
02127  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.0 API.
02128  */
02130 svn_error_t *
02131 svn_repos_fs_change_rev_prop(svn_repos_t *repos,
02132                              svn_revnum_t rev,
02133                              const char *author,
02134                              const char *name,
02135                              const svn_string_t *new_value,
02136                              apr_pool_t *pool);
02140 /**
02141  * Set @a *value_p to the value of the property named @a propname on
02142  * revision @a rev in the filesystem opened in @a repos.  If @a rev
02143  * has no property by that name, set @a *value_p to zero.  Allocate
02144  * the result in @a pool.
02145  *
02146  * If @a authz_read_func is non-NULL, then use it (with @a
02147  * authz_read_baton) to validate the changed-paths associated with @a
02148  * rev.  If the changed-paths are all unreadable, then set @a *value_p
02149  * to zero unconditionally.  If only some of the changed-paths are
02150  * unreadable, then allow 'svn:author' and 'svn:date' propvalues to be
02151  * fetched, but return 0 for any other property.
02152  *
02153  * @since New in 1.1.
02154  */
02155 svn_error_t *
02156 svn_repos_fs_revision_prop(svn_string_t **value_p,
02157                            svn_repos_t *repos,
02158                            svn_revnum_t rev,
02159                            const char *propname,
02160                            svn_repos_authz_func_t
02161                            authz_read_func,
02162                            void *authz_read_baton,
02163                            apr_pool_t *pool);
02166 /**
02167  * Set @a *table_p to the entire property list of revision @a rev in
02168  * filesystem opened in @a repos, as a hash table allocated in @a
02169  * pool.  The table maps <tt>char *</tt> property names to
02170  * #svn_string_t * values; the names and values are allocated in @a
02171  * pool.
02172  *
02173  * If @a authz_read_func is non-NULL, then use it (with @a
02174  * authz_read_baton) to validate the changed-paths associated with @a
02175  * rev.  If the changed-paths are all unreadable, then return an empty
02176  * hash. If only some of the changed-paths are unreadable, then return
02177  * an empty hash, except for 'svn:author' and 'svn:date' properties
02178  * (assuming those properties exist).
02179  *
02180  * @since New in 1.1.
02181  */
02182 svn_error_t *
02183 svn_repos_fs_revision_proplist(apr_hash_t **table_p,
02184                                svn_repos_t *repos,
02185                                svn_revnum_t rev,
02186                                svn_repos_authz_func_t
02187                                authz_read_func,
02188                                void *authz_read_baton,
02189                                apr_pool_t *pool);
02193 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
02195 /* Prop-changing wrappers for libsvn_fs routines. */
02197 /* NOTE: svn_repos_fs_change_rev_prop() also exists, but is located
02198    above with the hook-related functions. */
02201 /** Validating wrapper for svn_fs_change_node_prop() (which see for
02202  * argument descriptions).
02203  *
02204  * If @a name's kind is not #svn_prop_regular_kind, return
02205  * #SVN_ERR_REPOS_BAD_ARGS.  If @a name is an "svn:" property, validate its
02206  * @a value and return SVN_ERR_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE if it is invalid for the
02207  * property.
02208  *
02209  * @note Currently, the only properties validated are the "svn:" properties
02210  * #SVN_PROP_REVISION_LOG and #SVN_PROP_REVISION_DATE. This may change
02211  * in future releases.
02212  */
02213 svn_error_t *
02214 svn_repos_fs_change_node_prop(svn_fs_root_t *root,
02215                               const char *path,
02216                               const char *name,
02217                               const svn_string_t *value,
02218                               apr_pool_t *pool);
02220 /** Validating wrapper for svn_fs_change_txn_prop() (which see for
02221  * argument descriptions).  See svn_repos_fs_change_txn_props() for more
02222  * information.
02223  */
02224 svn_error_t *
02225 svn_repos_fs_change_txn_prop(svn_fs_txn_t *txn,
02226                              const char *name,
02227                              const svn_string_t *value,
02228                              apr_pool_t *pool);
02230 /** Validating wrapper for svn_fs_change_txn_props() (which see for
02231  * argument descriptions).  Validate properties and their values the
02232  * same way svn_repos_fs_change_node_prop() does.
02233  *
02234  * @since New in 1.5.
02235  */
02236 svn_error_t *
02237 svn_repos_fs_change_txn_props(svn_fs_txn_t *txn,
02238                               const apr_array_header_t *props,
02239                               apr_pool_t *pool);
02241 /** @} */
02243 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
02245 /**
02246  * @defgroup svn_repos_inspection Data structures and editor things for \
02247  * repository inspection.
02248  * @{
02249  *
02250  * As it turns out, the svn_repos_replay2(), svn_repos_dir_delta2() and
02251  * svn_repos_begin_report2() interfaces can be extremely useful for
02252  * examining the repository, or more exactly, changes to the repository.
02253  * These drivers allows for differences between two trees to be
02254  * described using an editor.
02255  *
02256  * By using the editor obtained from svn_repos_node_editor() with one of
02257  * the drivers mentioned above, the description of how to transform one
02258  * tree into another can be used to build an in-memory linked-list tree,
02259  * which each node representing a repository node that was changed.
02260  */
02262 /** A node in the repository. */
02263 typedef struct svn_repos_node_t
02264 {
02265   /** Node type (file, dir, etc.) */
02266   svn_node_kind_t kind;
02268   /** How this node entered the node tree: 'A'dd, 'D'elete, 'R'eplace */
02269   char action;
02271   /** Were there any textual mods? (files only) */
02272   svn_boolean_t text_mod;
02274   /** Where there any property mods? */
02275   svn_boolean_t prop_mod;
02277   /** The name of this node as it appears in its parent's entries list */
02278   const char *name;
02280   /** The filesystem revision where this was copied from (if any) */
02281   svn_revnum_t copyfrom_rev;
02283   /** The filesystem path where this was copied from (if any) */
02284   const char *copyfrom_path;
02286   /** Pointer to the next sibling of this node */
02287   struct svn_repos_node_t *sibling;
02289   /** Pointer to the first child of this node */
02290   struct svn_repos_node_t *child;
02292   /** Pointer to the parent of this node */
02293   struct svn_repos_node_t *parent;
02295 } svn_repos_node_t;
02298 /** Set @a *editor and @a *edit_baton to an editor that, when driven by
02299  * a driver such as svn_repos_replay2(), builds an <tt>svn_repos_node_t *</tt>
02300  * tree representing the delta from @a base_root to @a root in @a
02301  * repos's filesystem.
02302  *
02303  * The editor can also be driven by svn_repos_dir_delta2() or
02304  * svn_repos_begin_report2(), but unless you have special needs,
02305  * svn_repos_replay2() is preferred.
02306  *
02307  * Invoke svn_repos_node_from_baton() on @a edit_baton to obtain the root
02308  * node afterwards.
02309  *
02310  * Note that the delta includes "bubbled-up" directories; that is,
02311  * many of the directory nodes will have no prop_mods.
02312  *
02313  * Allocate the tree and its contents in @a node_pool; do all other
02314  * allocation in @a pool.
02315  */
02316 svn_error_t *
02317 svn_repos_node_editor(const svn_delta_editor_t **editor,
02318                       void **edit_baton,
02319                       svn_repos_t *repos,
02320                       svn_fs_root_t *base_root,
02321                       svn_fs_root_t *root,
02322                       apr_pool_t *node_pool,
02323                       apr_pool_t *pool);
02325 /** Return the root node of the linked-list tree generated by driving the
02326  * editor (associated with @a edit_baton) created by svn_repos_node_editor().
02327  * This is only really useful if used *after* the editor drive is completed.
02328  */
02329 svn_repos_node_t *
02330 svn_repos_node_from_baton(void *edit_baton);
02332 /** @} */
02334 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
02336 /**
02337  * @defgroup svn_repos_dump_load Dumping and loading filesystem data
02338  * @{
02339  *
02340  * The filesystem 'dump' format contains nothing but the abstract
02341  * structure of the filesystem -- independent of any internal node-id
02342  * schema or database back-end.  All of the data in the dumpfile is
02343  * acquired by public function calls into svn_fs.h.  Similarly, the
02344  * parser which reads the dumpfile is able to reconstruct the
02345  * filesystem using only public svn_fs.h routines.
02346  *
02347  * Thus the dump/load feature's main purpose is for *migrating* data
02348  * from one svn filesystem to another -- presumably two filesystems
02349  * which have different internal implementations.
02350  *
02351  * If you simply want to backup your filesystem, you're probably
02352  * better off using the built-in facilities of the DB backend (using
02353  * Berkeley DB's hot-backup feature, for example.)
02354  *
02355  * For a description of the dumpfile format, see
02356  * /trunk/notes/fs_dumprestore.txt.
02357  */
02359 /* The RFC822-style headers in our dumpfile format. */
02360 #define SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_MAGIC_HEADER            "SVN-fs-dump-format-version"
02361 #define SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_FORMAT_VERSION           3
02362 #define SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_UUID                      "UUID"
02363 #define SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_CONTENT_LENGTH            "Content-length"
02365 #define SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_REVISION_NUMBER           "Revision-number"
02367 #define SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_NODE_PATH                 "Node-path"
02368 #define SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_NODE_KIND                 "Node-kind"
02369 #define SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_NODE_ACTION               "Node-action"
02370 #define SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_NODE_COPYFROM_PATH        "Node-copyfrom-path"
02371 #define SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_NODE_COPYFROM_REV         "Node-copyfrom-rev"
02372 /** @since New in 1.6. */
02373 #define SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_TEXT_COPY_SOURCE_MD5      "Text-copy-source-md5"
02374 /** @since New in 1.6. */
02375 #define SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_TEXT_COPY_SOURCE_SHA1     "Text-copy-source-sha1"
02377                                         SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_TEXT_COPY_SOURCE_MD5
02378 /** @since New in 1.6. */
02379 #define SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_TEXT_CONTENT_MD5          "Text-content-md5"
02380 /** @since New in 1.6. */
02381 #define SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_TEXT_CONTENT_SHA1         "Text-content-sha1"
02383                                         SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_TEXT_CONTENT_MD5
02385 #define SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_PROP_CONTENT_LENGTH       "Prop-content-length"
02386 #define SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_TEXT_CONTENT_LENGTH       "Text-content-length"
02388 /** @since New in 1.1. */
02389 #define SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_PROP_DELTA                "Prop-delta"
02390 /** @since New in 1.1. */
02391 #define SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_TEXT_DELTA                "Text-delta"
02392 /** @since New in 1.6. */
02393 #define SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_TEXT_DELTA_BASE_MD5       "Text-delta-base-md5"
02394 /** @since New in 1.6. */
02395 #define SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_TEXT_DELTA_BASE_SHA1      "Text-delta-base-sha1"
02396 /** @since New in 1.5. */
02398                                         SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_TEXT_DELTA_BASE_MD5
02400 /**
02401  * Verify the contents of the file system in @a repos.
02402  *
02403  * If @a feedback_stream is not @c NULL, write feedback to it (lines of
02404  * the form "* Verified revision %ld\n").
02405  *
02406  * If @a start_rev is #SVN_INVALID_REVNUM, then start verifying at
02407  * revision 0.  If @a end_rev is #SVN_INVALID_REVNUM, then verify
02408  * through the @c HEAD revision.
02409  *
02410  * For every verified revision call @a notify_func with @a rev set to
02411  * the verified revision and @a warning_text @c NULL. For warnings call @a
02412  * notify_func with @a warning_text set.
02413  *
02414  * If @a cancel_func is not @c NULL, call it periodically with @a
02415  * cancel_baton as argument to see if the caller wishes to cancel the
02416  * verification.
02417  *
02418  * @since New in 1.7.
02419  */
02420 svn_error_t *
02421 svn_repos_verify_fs2(svn_repos_t *repos,
02422                      svn_revnum_t start_rev,
02423                      svn_revnum_t end_rev,
02424                      svn_repos_notify_func_t notify_func,
02425                      void *notify_baton,
02426                      svn_cancel_func_t cancel,
02427                      void *cancel_baton,
02428                      apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
02430 /**
02431  * Similar to svn_repos_verify_fs2(), but with a feedback_stream instead of
02432  * handling feedback via the notify_func handler
02433  *
02434  * @since New in 1.5.
02435  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
02436  */
02438 svn_error_t *
02439 svn_repos_verify_fs(svn_repos_t *repos,
02440                     svn_stream_t *feedback_stream,
02441                     svn_revnum_t start_rev,
02442                     svn_revnum_t end_rev,
02443                     svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
02444                     void *cancel_baton,
02445                     apr_pool_t *pool);
02447 /**
02448  * Dump the contents of the filesystem within already-open @a repos into
02449  * writable @a dumpstream.  Begin at revision @a start_rev, and dump every
02450  * revision up through @a end_rev.  Use @a pool for all allocation.  If
02451  * non-@c NULL, send feedback to @a feedback_stream.  If @a dumpstream is
02452  * @c NULL, this is effectively a primitive verify.  It is not complete,
02453  * however; see svn_fs_verify instead.
02454  *
02455  * If @a start_rev is #SVN_INVALID_REVNUM, then start dumping at revision
02456  * 0.  If @a end_rev is #SVN_INVALID_REVNUM, then dump through the @c HEAD
02457  * revision.
02458  *
02459  * If @a incremental is @c TRUE, the first revision dumped will be a diff
02460  * against the previous revision (usually it looks like a full dump of
02461  * the tree).
02462  *
02463  * If @a use_deltas is @c TRUE, output only node properties which have
02464  * changed relative to the previous contents, and output text contents
02465  * as svndiff data against the previous contents.  Regardless of how
02466  * this flag is set, the first revision of a non-incremental dump will
02467  * be done with full plain text.  A dump with @a use_deltas set cannot
02468  * be loaded by Subversion 1.0.x.
02469  *
02470  * If @a notify_func is not @c NULL, then for every dumped revision call
02471  * @a notify_func with @a rev set to the dumped revision and @a warning_text
02472  * @c NULL. For warnings call @a notify_func with @a warning_text.
02473  *
02474  * If @a cancel_func is not @c NULL, it is called periodically with
02475  * @a cancel_baton as argument to see if the client wishes to cancel
02476  * the dump.
02477  *
02478  * @since New in 1.7.
02479  */
02480 svn_error_t *
02481 svn_repos_dump_fs3(svn_repos_t *repos,
02482                    svn_stream_t *dumpstream,
02483                    svn_revnum_t start_rev,
02484                    svn_revnum_t end_rev,
02485                    svn_boolean_t incremental,
02486                    svn_boolean_t use_deltas,
02487                    svn_repos_notify_func_t notify_func,
02488                    void *notify_baton,
02489                    svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
02490                    void *cancel_baton,
02491                    apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
02493 /**
02494  * Similar to svn_repos_dump_fs3(), but with a feedback_stream instead of
02495  * handling feedback via the notify_func handler
02496  *
02497  * @since New in 1.1.
02498  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
02499  */
02501 svn_error_t *
02502 svn_repos_dump_fs2(svn_repos_t *repos,
02503                    svn_stream_t *dumpstream,
02504                    svn_stream_t *feedback_stream,
02505                    svn_revnum_t start_rev,
02506                    svn_revnum_t end_rev,
02507                    svn_boolean_t incremental,
02508                    svn_boolean_t use_deltas,
02509                    svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
02510                    void *cancel_baton,
02511                    apr_pool_t *pool);
02513 /**
02514  * Similar to svn_repos_dump_fs2(), but with the @a use_deltas
02515  * parameter always set to @c FALSE.
02516  *
02517  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.0 API.
02518  */
02520 svn_error_t *
02521 svn_repos_dump_fs(svn_repos_t *repos,
02522                   svn_stream_t *dumpstream,
02523                   svn_stream_t *feedback_stream,
02524                   svn_revnum_t start_rev,
02525                   svn_revnum_t end_rev,
02526                   svn_boolean_t incremental,
02527                   svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
02528                   void *cancel_baton,
02529                   apr_pool_t *pool);
02532 /**
02533  * Read and parse dumpfile-formatted @a dumpstream, reconstructing
02534  * filesystem revisions in already-open @a repos, handling uuids in
02535  * accordance with @a uuid_action.  Use @a pool for all allocation.
02536  *
02537  * If the dumpstream contains copy history that is unavailable in the
02538  * repository, an error will be thrown.
02539  *
02540  * The repository's UUID will be updated iff
02541  *   the dumpstream contains a UUID and
02542  *   @a uuid_action is not equal to #svn_repos_load_uuid_ignore and
02543  *   either the repository contains no revisions or
02544  *          @a uuid_action is equal to #svn_repos_load_uuid_force.
02545  *
02546  * If the dumpstream contains no UUID, then @a uuid_action is
02547  * ignored and the repository UUID is not touched.
02548  *
02549  * If @a parent_dir is not NULL, then the parser will reparent all the
02550  * loaded nodes, from root to @a parent_dir.  The directory @a parent_dir
02551  * must be an existing directory in the repository.
02552  *
02553  * If @a use_pre_commit_hook is set, call the repository's pre-commit
02554  * hook before committing each loaded revision.
02555  *
02556  * If @a use_post_commit_hook is set, call the repository's
02557  * post-commit hook after committing each loaded revision.
02558  *
02559  * If @a validate_props is set, then validate Subversion revision and
02560  * node properties (those in the svn: namespace) against established
02561  * rules for those things.
02562  *
02563  * If non-NULL, use @a notify_func and @a notify_baton to send notification
02564  * of events to the caller.
02565  *
02566  * If @a cancel_func is not @c NULL, it is called periodically with
02567  * @a cancel_baton as argument to see if the client wishes to cancel
02568  * the load.
02569  *
02570  * @since New in 1.7.
02571  */
02572 svn_error_t *
02573 svn_repos_load_fs3(svn_repos_t *repos,
02574                    svn_stream_t *dumpstream,
02575                    enum svn_repos_load_uuid uuid_action,
02576                    const char *parent_dir,
02577                    svn_boolean_t use_pre_commit_hook,
02578                    svn_boolean_t use_post_commit_hook,
02579                    svn_boolean_t validate_props,
02580                    svn_repos_notify_func_t notify_func,
02581                    void *notify_baton,
02582                    svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
02583                    void *cancel_baton,
02584                    apr_pool_t *pool);
02586 /**
02587  * Similar to svn_repos_load_fs3(), but with @a feedback_stream in
02588  * place of the #svn_repos_notify_func_t and baton and with
02589  * @a validate_props always FALSE.
02590  *
02591  * @since New in 1.2.
02592  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
02593  */
02595 svn_error_t *
02596 svn_repos_load_fs2(svn_repos_t *repos,
02597                    svn_stream_t *dumpstream,
02598                    svn_stream_t *feedback_stream,
02599                    enum svn_repos_load_uuid uuid_action,
02600                    const char *parent_dir,
02601                    svn_boolean_t use_pre_commit_hook,
02602                    svn_boolean_t use_post_commit_hook,
02603                    svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
02604                    void *cancel_baton,
02605                    apr_pool_t *pool);
02607 /**
02608  * Similar to svn_repos_load_fs2(), but with @a use_pre_commit_hook and
02609  * @a use_post_commit_hook always @c FALSE.
02610  *
02611  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.1 API.
02612  */
02614 svn_error_t *
02615 svn_repos_load_fs(svn_repos_t *repos,
02616                   svn_stream_t *dumpstream,
02617                   svn_stream_t *feedback_stream,
02618                   enum svn_repos_load_uuid uuid_action,
02619                   const char *parent_dir,
02620                   svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
02621                   void *cancel_baton,
02622                   apr_pool_t *pool);
02625 /**
02626  * A vtable that is driven by svn_repos_parse_dumpstream2().
02627  *
02628  * @since New in 1.1.
02629  */
02630 typedef struct svn_repos_parse_fns2_t
02631 {
02632   /** The parser has discovered a new revision record within the
02633    * parsing session represented by @a parse_baton.  All the headers are
02634    * placed in @a headers (allocated in @a pool), which maps <tt>const
02635    * char *</tt> header-name ==> <tt>const char *</tt> header-value.
02636    * The @a revision_baton received back (also allocated in @a pool)
02637    * represents the revision.
02638    */
02639   svn_error_t *(*new_revision_record)(void **revision_baton,
02640                                       apr_hash_t *headers,
02641                                       void *parse_baton,
02642                                       apr_pool_t *pool);
02644   /** The parser has discovered a new uuid record within the parsing
02645    * session represented by @a parse_baton.  The uuid's value is
02646    * @a uuid, and it is allocated in @a pool.
02647    */
02648   svn_error_t *(*uuid_record)(const char *uuid,
02649                               void *parse_baton,
02650                               apr_pool_t *pool);
02652   /** The parser has discovered a new node record within the current
02653    * revision represented by @a revision_baton.  All the headers are
02654    * placed in @a headers (as with @c new_revision_record), allocated in
02655    * @a pool.  The @a node_baton received back is allocated in @a pool
02656    * and represents the node.
02657    */
02658   svn_error_t *(*new_node_record)(void **node_baton,
02659                                   apr_hash_t *headers,
02660                                   void *revision_baton,
02661                                   apr_pool_t *pool);
02663   /** For a given @a revision_baton, set a property @a name to @a value. */
02664   svn_error_t *(*set_revision_property)(void *revision_baton,
02665                                         const char *name,
02666                                         const svn_string_t *value);
02668   /** For a given @a node_baton, set a property @a name to @a value. */
02669   svn_error_t *(*set_node_property)(void *node_baton,
02670                                     const char *name,
02671                                     const svn_string_t *value);
02673   /** For a given @a node_baton, delete property @a name. */
02674   svn_error_t *(*delete_node_property)(void *node_baton, const char *name);
02676   /** For a given @a node_baton, remove all properties. */
02677   svn_error_t *(*remove_node_props)(void *node_baton);
02679   /** For a given @a node_baton, receive a writable @a stream capable of
02680    * receiving the node's fulltext.  After writing the fulltext, call
02681    * the stream's close() function.
02682    *
02683    * If a @c NULL is returned instead of a stream, the vtable is
02684    * indicating that no text is desired, and the parser will not
02685    * attempt to send it.
02686    */
02687   svn_error_t *(*set_fulltext)(svn_stream_t **stream,
02688                                void *node_baton);
02690   /** For a given @a node_baton, set @a handler and @a handler_baton
02691    * to a window handler and baton capable of receiving a delta
02692    * against the node's previous contents.  A NULL window will be
02693    * sent to the handler after all the windows are sent.
02694    *
02695    * If a @c NULL is returned instead of a handler, the vtable is
02696    * indicating that no delta is desired, and the parser will not
02697    * attempt to send it.
02698    */
02699   svn_error_t *(*apply_textdelta)(svn_txdelta_window_handler_t *handler,
02700                                   void **handler_baton,
02701                                   void *node_baton);
02703   /** The parser has reached the end of the current node represented by
02704    * @a node_baton, it can be freed.
02705    */
02706   svn_error_t *(*close_node)(void *node_baton);
02708   /** The parser has reached the end of the current revision
02709    * represented by @a revision_baton.  In other words, there are no more
02710    * changed nodes within the revision.  The baton can be freed.
02711    */
02712   svn_error_t *(*close_revision)(void *revision_baton);
02714 } svn_repos_parse_fns2_t;
02716 /** @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.2 API. */
02717 typedef svn_repos_parse_fns2_t svn_repos_parser_fns2_t;
02720 /**
02721  * Read and parse dumpfile-formatted @a stream, calling callbacks in
02722  * @a parse_fns/@a parse_baton, and using @a pool for allocations.
02723  *
02724  * If @a cancel_func is not @c NULL, it is called periodically with
02725  * @a cancel_baton as argument to see if the client wishes to cancel
02726  * the dump.
02727  *
02728  * This parser has built-in knowledge of the dumpfile format, but only
02729  * in a general sense:
02730  *
02731  *    * it recognizes revision and node records by looking for either
02732  *      a REVISION_NUMBER or NODE_PATH headers.
02733  *
02734  *    * it recognizes the CONTENT-LENGTH headers, so it knows if and
02735  *      how to suck up the content body.
02736  *
02737  *    * it knows how to parse a content body into two parts:  props
02738  *      and text, and pass the pieces to the vtable.
02739  *
02740  * This is enough knowledge to make it easy on vtable implementors,
02741  * but still allow expansion of the format:  most headers are ignored.
02742  *
02743  * @since New in 1.1.
02744  */
02745 svn_error_t *
02746 svn_repos_parse_dumpstream2(svn_stream_t *stream,
02747                             const svn_repos_parse_fns2_t *parse_fns,
02748                             void *parse_baton,
02749                             svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
02750                             void *cancel_baton,
02751                             apr_pool_t *pool);
02754 /**
02755  * Set @a *parser and @a *parse_baton to a vtable parser which commits new
02756  * revisions to the fs in @a repos.  The constructed parser will treat
02757  * UUID records in a manner consistent with @a uuid_action.  Use @a pool
02758  * to operate on the fs.
02759  *
02760  * If @a use_history is set, then the parser will require relative
02761  * 'copyfrom' history to exist in the repository when it encounters
02762  * nodes that are added-with-history.
02763  *
02764  * If @a validate_props is set, then validate Subversion revision and
02765  * node properties (those in the svn: namespace) against established
02766  * rules for those things.
02767  *
02768  * If @a parent_dir is not NULL, then the parser will reparent all the
02769  * loaded nodes, from root to @a parent_dir.  The directory @a parent_dir
02770  * must be an existing directory in the repository.
02771  *
02772  * Print all parsing feedback to @a outstream (if non-@c NULL).
02773  *
02774  * @since New in 1.7.
02775  */
02776 svn_error_t *
02777 svn_repos_get_fs_build_parser3(const svn_repos_parse_fns2_t **parser,
02778                                void **parse_baton,
02779                                svn_repos_t *repos,
02780                                svn_boolean_t use_history,
02781                                svn_boolean_t validate_props,
02782                                enum svn_repos_load_uuid uuid_action,
02783                                const char *parent_dir,
02784                                svn_repos_notify_func_t notify_func,
02785                                void *notify_baton,
02786                                apr_pool_t *pool);
02788 /**
02789  * Similar to svn_repos_get_fs_build_parser3(), but with @a outstream
02790  * in place if a #svn_repos_notify_func_t and baton and with
02791  * @a validate_props always FALSE.
02792  *
02793  * @since New in 1.1.
02794  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
02795  */
02797 svn_error_t *
02798 svn_repos_get_fs_build_parser2(const svn_repos_parse_fns2_t **parser,
02799                                void **parse_baton,
02800                                svn_repos_t *repos,
02801                                svn_boolean_t use_history,
02802                                enum svn_repos_load_uuid uuid_action,
02803                                svn_stream_t *outstream,
02804                                const char *parent_dir,
02805                                apr_pool_t *pool);
02807 /**
02808  * A vtable that is driven by svn_repos_parse_dumpstream().
02809  * Similar to #svn_repos_parse_fns2_t except that it lacks
02810  * the delete_node_property and apply_textdelta callbacks.
02811  *
02812  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.0 API.
02813  */
02814 typedef struct svn_repos_parse_fns_t
02815 {
02816   /** Same as #svn_repos_parse_fns2_t.new_revision_record. */
02817   svn_error_t *(*new_revision_record)(void **revision_baton,
02818                                       apr_hash_t *headers,
02819                                       void *parse_baton,
02820                                       apr_pool_t *pool);
02821   /** Same as #svn_repos_parse_fns2_t.uuid_record. */
02822   svn_error_t *(*uuid_record)(const char *uuid,
02823                               void *parse_baton,
02824                               apr_pool_t *pool);
02825   /** Same as #svn_repos_parse_fns2_t.new_node_record. */
02826   svn_error_t *(*new_node_record)(void **node_baton,
02827                                   apr_hash_t *headers,
02828                                   void *revision_baton,
02829                                   apr_pool_t *pool);
02830   /** Same as #svn_repos_parse_fns2_t.set_revision_property. */
02831   svn_error_t *(*set_revision_property)(void *revision_baton,
02832                                         const char *name,
02833                                         const svn_string_t *value);
02834   /** Same as #svn_repos_parse_fns2_t.set_node_property. */
02835   svn_error_t *(*set_node_property)(void *node_baton,
02836                                     const char *name,
02837                                     const svn_string_t *value);
02838   /** Same as #svn_repos_parse_fns2_t.remove_node_props. */
02839   svn_error_t *(*remove_node_props)(void *node_baton);
02840   /** Same as #svn_repos_parse_fns2_t.set_fulltext. */
02841   svn_error_t *(*set_fulltext)(svn_stream_t **stream,
02842                                void *node_baton);
02843   /** Same as #svn_repos_parse_fns2_t.close_node. */
02844   svn_error_t *(*close_node)(void *node_baton);
02845   /** Same as #svn_repos_parse_fns2_t.close_revision. */
02846   svn_error_t *(*close_revision)(void *revision_baton);
02847 } svn_repos_parser_fns_t;
02850 /**
02851  * Similar to svn_repos_parse_dumpstream2(), but uses the more limited
02852  * #svn_repos_parser_fns_t vtable type.
02853  *
02854  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.0 API.
02855  */
02857 svn_error_t *
02858 svn_repos_parse_dumpstream(svn_stream_t *stream,
02859                            const svn_repos_parser_fns_t *parse_fns,
02860                            void *parse_baton,
02861                            svn_cancel_func_t cancel_func,
02862                            void *cancel_baton,
02863                            apr_pool_t *pool);
02866 /**
02867  * Similar to svn_repos_get_fs_build_parser2(), but yields the more
02868  * limited svn_repos_parser_fns_t vtable type.
02869  *
02870  * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.0 API.
02871  */
02873 svn_error_t *
02874 svn_repos_get_fs_build_parser(const svn_repos_parser_fns_t **parser,
02875                               void **parse_baton,
02876                               svn_repos_t *repos,
02877                               svn_boolean_t use_history,
02878                               enum svn_repos_load_uuid uuid_action,
02879                               svn_stream_t *outstream,
02880                               const char *parent_dir,
02881                               apr_pool_t *pool);
02884 /** @} */
02886 /** A data type which stores the authz information.
02887  *
02888  * @since New in 1.3.
02889  */
02890 typedef struct svn_authz_t svn_authz_t;
02892 /** Read authz configuration data from @a file (a file or registry
02893  * path) into @a *authz_p, allocated in @a pool.
02894  *
02895  * If @a file is not a valid authz rule file, then return
02896  * SVN_AUTHZ_INVALID_CONFIG.  The contents of @a *authz_p is then
02897  * undefined.  If @a must_exist is TRUE, a missing authz file is also
02898  * an error.
02899  *
02900  * @since New in 1.3.
02901  */
02902 svn_error_t *
02903 svn_repos_authz_read(svn_authz_t **authz_p,
02904                      const char *file,
02905                      svn_boolean_t must_exist,
02906                      apr_pool_t *pool);
02908 /**
02909  * Check whether @a user can access @a path in the repository @a
02910  * repos_name with the @a required_access.  @a authz lists the ACLs to
02911  * check against.  Set @a *access_granted to indicate if the requested
02912  * access is granted.
02913  *
02914  * If @a path is NULL, then check whether @a user has the @a
02915  * required_access anywhere in the repository.  Set @a *access_granted
02916  * to TRUE if at least one path is accessible with the @a
02917  * required_access.
02918  *
02919  * For compatibility with 1.6, and earlier, @a repos_name can be NULL
02920  * in which case it is equivalent to a @a repos_name of "".
02921  *
02922  * @since New in 1.3.
02923  */
02924 svn_error_t *
02925 svn_repos_authz_check_access(svn_authz_t *authz,
02926                              const char *repos_name,
02927                              const char *path,
02928                              const char *user,
02929                              svn_repos_authz_access_t required_access,
02930                              svn_boolean_t *access_granted,
02931                              apr_pool_t *pool);
02935 /** Revision Access Levels
02936  *
02937  * Like most version control systems, access to versioned objects in
02938  * Subversion is determined on primarily path-based system.  Users either
02939  * do or don't have the ability to read a given path.
02940  *
02941  * However, unlike many version control systems where versioned objects
02942  * maintain their own distinct version information (revision numbers,
02943  * authors, log messages, change timestamps, etc.), Subversion binds
02944  * multiple paths changed as part of a single commit operation into a
02945  * set, calls the whole thing a revision, and hangs commit metadata
02946  * (author, date, log message, etc.) off of that revision.  So, commit
02947  * metadata is shared across all the paths changed as part of a given
02948  * commit operation.
02949  *
02950  * It is common (or, at least, we hope it is) for log messages to give
02951  * detailed information about changes made in the commit to which the log
02952  * message is attached.  Such information might include a mention of all
02953  * the files changed, what was changed in them, and so on.  But this
02954  * causes a problem when presenting information to readers who aren't
02955  * authorized to read every path in the repository.  Simply knowing that
02956  * a given path exists may be a security leak, even if the user can't see
02957  * the contents of the data located at that path.
02958  *
02959  * So Subversion does what it reasonably can to prevent the leak of this
02960  * information, and does so via a staged revision access policy.  A
02961  * reader can be said to have one of three levels of access to a given
02962  * revision's metadata, based solely on the reader's access rights to the
02963  * paths changed or copied in that revision:
02964  *
02965  *   'full access' -- Granted when the reader has access to all paths
02966  *      changed or copied in the revision, or when no paths were
02967  *      changed in the revision at all, this access level permits
02968  *      full visibility of all revision property names and values,
02969  *      and the full changed-paths information.
02970  *
02971  *   'no access' -- Granted when the reader does not have access to any
02972  *      paths changed or copied in the revision, this access level
02973  *      denies the reader access to all revision properties and all
02974  *      changed-paths information.
02975  *
02976  *   'partial access' -- Granted when the reader has access to at least
02977  *      one, but not all, of the paths changed or copied in the revision,
02978  *      this access level permits visibility of the svn:date and
02979  *      svn:author revision properties and only the paths of the
02980  *      changed-paths information to which the reader has access.
02981  *
02982  */
02985 /** An enum defining levels of revision access.
02986  *
02987  * @since New in 1.5.
02988  */
02989 typedef enum svn_repos_revision_access_level_t
02990 {
02991   svn_repos_revision_access_none,
02992   svn_repos_revision_access_partial,
02993   svn_repos_revision_access_full
02994 }
02995 svn_repos_revision_access_level_t;
02998 /**
02999  * Set @a access to the access level granted for @a revision in @a
03000  * repos, as determined by consulting the @a authz_read_func callback
03001  * function and its associated @a authz_read_baton.
03002  *
03003  * @a authz_read_func may be @c NULL, in which case @a access will be
03004  * set to #svn_repos_revision_access_full.
03005  *
03006  * @since New in 1.5.
03007  */
03008 svn_error_t *
03009 svn_repos_check_revision_access(svn_repos_revision_access_level_t *access_level,
03010                                 svn_repos_t *repos,
03011                                 svn_revnum_t revision,
03012                                 svn_repos_authz_func_t authz_read_func,
03013                                 void *authz_read_baton,
03014                                 apr_pool_t *pool);
03018 /** Capabilities **/
03020 /**
03021  * Store in @a repos the client-reported capabilities @a capabilities,
03022  * which must be allocated in memory at least as long-lived as @a repos.
03023  *
03024  * The elements of @a capabilities are 'const char *', a subset of
03025  * the constants beginning with @c SVN_RA_CAPABILITY_.
03026  * @a capabilities is not copied, so changing it later will affect
03027  * what is remembered by @a repos.
03028  *
03029  * @note The capabilities are passed along to the start-commit hook;
03030  * see that hook's template for details.
03031  *
03032  * @note As of Subversion 1.5, there are no error conditions defined,
03033  * so this always returns SVN_NO_ERROR.  In future releases it may
03034  * return error, however, so callers should check.
03035  *
03036  * @since New in 1.5.
03037  */
03038 svn_error_t *
03039 svn_repos_remember_client_capabilities(svn_repos_t *repos,
03040                                        const apr_array_header_t *capabilities);
03044 #ifdef __cplusplus
03045 }
03046 #endif /* __cplusplus */
03048 #endif /* SVN_REPOS_H */
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