# ------------------------------------------------------------ # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Programmable completion for the Subversion svn command under bash. Source # this file (or on some systems add it to ~/.bash_completion and start a new # shell) and bash's completion mechanism will know all about svn's options! # Provides completion for the svnadmin, svndumpfilter, svnlook and svnsync # commands as well. Who wants to read man pages/help text... # Known to work with bash 3.* with programmable completion and extended # pattern matching enabled (use 'shopt -s extglob progcomp' to enable # these if they are not already enabled). shopt -s extglob # Tree helper functions which only use bash, to ease readability. # look for value associated to key from stdin in K/V hash file format # val=$(_svn_read_hashfile svn:realmstring < some/file) function _svn_read_hashfile() { local tkey=$1 key= val= while true; do read tag len [ $tag = 'END' ] && break [ $tag != 'K' ] && { #echo "unexpected tag '$tag' instead of 'K'" >&2 return } read -r -n $len key ; read read tag len [ $tag != 'V' ] && { #echo "unexpected tag '$tag' instead of 'V'" >&2 return } read -r -n $len val ; read if [[ $key = $tkey ]] ; then echo "$val" return fi done #echo "target key '$tkey' not found" >&2 } # _svn_grcut shell-regular-expression # extract filenames from 'svn status' output function _svn_grcut() { local re=$1 line= old_IFS # fix IFS, so that leading spaces are not ignored by next read. # (there is a leading space in svn status output if only a prop is changed) old_IFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' while read -r line ; do [[ ! $re || $line == $re ]] && echo "${line/????????/}" done IFS="$old_IFS" } # extract stuff from svn info output # _svn_info (URL|Repository Root) function _svn_info() { local what=$1 line= LANG=C LC_MESSAGES=C svn info --non-interactive 2> /dev/null | \ while read line ; do [[ $line == *"$what: "* ]] && echo ${line#*: } done } # broken since svn 1.7 | FIXME: change to svn status -v ? # _svn_lls (dir|file|all) files... # list svn-managed files from list # some 'svn status --all-files' would be welcome here? function _svn_lls() { local opt=$1 f= shift for f in "$@" ; do # could try to check in .svn/entries? hmmm... if [[ $opt == @(dir|all) && -d "$f" ]] ; then echo "$f/" elif [[ $opt == @(file|all) ]] ; then # split f in directory/file names local dn= fn="$f" [[ "$f" == */* ]] && dn=${f%\/*}/ fn=${f##*\/} # ??? this does not work for just added files, because they # do not have a content reference yet... [ -f "${dn}.svn/text-base/${fn}.svn-base" ] && echo "$f" fi done } # try to complete TARGET # 1. [nothing] lists available protocols # 2. svn+ssh:// lists servers from .ssh/known_hosts # 3. http[s]:// lists already used svn servers # 4. file:// lists files from dir # 5. ^/ or protocol except file:/ triggers svn ls # this code expects bash 4, $cur is split by : too # # $1 'all' | 'remote_only' # return true if found something function _svn_complete_target() { # echo -e "\n_svn_complete_target: [$cur] 1:[${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}] 2:[${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}] 3:[${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-2]}] | [${COMP_WORDS[@]}] [$COMP_WORDBREAKS]" local prefix=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-2]} local colon=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]} # see about COMP_WORDBREAKS workaround in prop completion if [[ $prefix == "file" && "$colon" == ":" ]] then # file completion for file:// urls COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -d -S '/' -X '*/.*' -- $cur ) ) return elif [[ ( $1 == "all" && $cur == ^/* ) || ( "$colon" == ":" && $cur == //*/* ) ]] then # we already have a protocol and host: autocomplete for svn ls ^/bla | svn ls remote_url | svn checkout remote_url local p if [ "$colon" == ":" ] ; then p="$prefix$colon" fi if [[ $cur =~ ((.*/)([^/]*)) ]] # url = everything up to the last / then local url="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" local path="${BASH_REMATCH[3]}" local remote_files="$(svn ls --non-interactive "$p$url" 2> /dev/null )" COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -P "$url" -W "$remote_files" -- "$path" ) ) compopt -o nospace return 0 fi elif [[ "$colon" == ":" ]] then # get known servers # svn+ssh:// if [[ $prefix == "svn+ssh" && $cur =~ (^//(.*)) ]] ; then local server_start=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} # debian & suse: /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion local suffix=/ _known_hosts_real -p // "$server_start" else local urls= file= for file in ~/.subversion/auth/svn.simple/* ; do if [ -r $file ] ; then local url=$(_svn_read_hashfile svn:realmstring < $file) url=${url/**/} urls="$urls $url" fi done # only suggest/show possible suffixes local suffix=$cur c= choices= for c in $urls ; do [[ $c == $prefix:* ]] && choices="$choices ${c#*:}" done COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$choices" -- $suffix ) ) fi compopt -o nospace return else # show schemas if [ $1 == 'all' ] ; then COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "^/ $urlSchemas" -- $cur) ) else COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$urlSchemas" -- $cur) ) fi compopt -o nospace return fi #echo "nothing found" return 1 } # This completion guides the command/option order along the one suggested # by "svn help", although other syntaxes are allowed. # # - there is a "real" parser to check for what is available and deduce what # can be suggested further. # - the syntax should be coherent with subversion/svn/{cl.h,main.c} # - although it is not a good practice, mixed options and arguments # is supported by the completion as it is by the svn command. # - the completion works in the middle of a line, # but not really in the middle of an argument or option. # - property names are completed: see comments about issues related to handling # ":" within property names although it is a word completion separator. # - unknown properties are assumed to be simple file properties. # - --revprop and --revision options are forced to revision properties # as they are mandatory in this case. # - argument values are suggested to some other options, eg directory names # for --config-dir. # - values for some options can be extended with environment variables: # SVN_BASH_FILE_PROPS: other properties on files/directories # SVN_BASH_REV_PROPS: other properties on revisions # SVN_BASH_ENCODINGS: encodings to be suggested # SVN_BASH_MIME_TYPE: mime types to be suggested # SVN_BASH_KEYWORDS: "svn:keywords" substitutions to be suggested # SVN_BASH_USERNAME: usernames suggested for --username # SVN_BASH_COMPL_EXT: completion extensions for file arguments, based on the # current subcommand, so that for instance only modified files are # suggested for 'revert', only not svn-managed files for 'add', and so on. # Possible values are: # - username: guess usernames from ~/.subversion/auth/... # - urls: guess urls from ~/.subversion/auth/... or others # - svnstatus: use 'svn status' for completion # - recurse: allow recursion (expensive) # - externals: recurse into externals (very expensive) # Former options are reasonable, but beware that both later options # may be unadvisable if used on large working copies. # None of these costly completions are activated by default. # Argument completion outside a working copy results in an error message. # Filenames with spaces are not completed properly. # # TODO # - other options? # - obsolete options could be removed from auto-comp? (e.g. -N) # - obsolete commands could be removed? (e.g. resolved) # - completion does not work properly when editing in the middle of the line # status/previous are those at the end of the line, not at the entry position # - url completion should select more cases where it is relevant # - url completion of http:// schemas could suggest sub directories? # - add completion for experimental 'obliterate' feature? _svn() { local cur cmds cmdOpts pOpts mOpts rOpts qOpts nOpts optsParam opt COMPREPLY=() cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} # Possible expansions, without pure-prefix abbreviations such as "up". cmds='add auth blame annotate praise cat changelist cl checkout co cleanup' cmds="$cmds commit ci copy cp delete remove rm diff export help import" cmds="$cmds info list ls lock log merge mergeinfo mkdir move mv rename" cmds="$cmds patch propdel pdel propedit pedit propget pget proplist" cmds="$cmds plist propset pset relocate resolve resolved revert status" cmds="$cmds switch unlock update upgrade" cmds="$cmds x-shelf-diff x-shelf-drop x-shelf-list x-shelf-list-by-paths" cmds="$cmds x-shelf-log x-shelf-save x-shelve x-shelves x-unshelve" # help options have a strange command status... local helpOpts='--help -h' # all special options that have a command status local specOpts="--version $helpOpts" # options that require a parameter # note: continued lines must end '|' continuing lines must start '|' optsParam="-r|--revision|--username|--password|--targets" optsParam="$optsParam|-x|--extensions|-m|--message|-F|--file" optsParam="$optsParam|--encoding|--diff-cmd|--diff3-cmd|--editor-cmd" optsParam="$optsParam|--old|--new|--config-dir|--config-option" optsParam="$optsParam|--native-eol|-l|--limit|-c|--change" optsParam="$optsParam|--depth|--set-depth|--with-revprop" optsParam="$optsParam|--cl|--changelist|--accept|--show-revs" optsParam="$optsParam|--show-item" # svn:* and other (env SVN_BASH_*_PROPS) properties local svnProps revProps allProps psCmds propCmds # svn and user configured "file" (or directory) properties # the "svn:mergeinfo" prop is not included by default because it is # managed automatically, so there should be no need to edit it by hand. svnProps="svn:keywords svn:executable svn:needs-lock svn:externals svn:ignore svn:eol-style svn:mime-type $SVN_BASH_FILE_PROPS" # svn and user configured revision properties revProps="svn:author svn:log svn:date $SVN_BASH_REV_PROPS" # all properties as an array variable allProps=( $svnProps $revProps ) # subcommands that expect property names psCmds='propset|pset|ps' propCmds="$psCmds|propget|pget|pg|propedit|pedit|pe|propdel|pdel|pd" # possible URL schemas to access a subversion server local urlSchemas='file:/// http:// https:// svn:// svn+ssh://' # Parse arguments and set various variables about what was found. # # cmd: the current command if available # isPropCmd: whether it expects a property name argument # isPsCmd: whether it also expects a property value argument # isHelpCmd: whether it is about help # nExpectArgs: how many arguments are expected by the command # help: help requested about this command (if cmd=='help') # prop: property name (if appropriate) # isRevProp: is it a special revision property # val: property value (if appropriate, under pset) # options: all options encountered # hasRevPropOpt: is --revprop set # hasRevisionOpt: is --revision set # hasRelocateOpt: is --relocate set # hasReintegrateOpt: is --reintegrate set # acceptOpt: the value of --accept # nargs: how many arguments were found # stat: status of parsing at the 'current' word # # prev: previous command in the loop # last: status of last parameter analyzed # i: index local cmd= isPropCmd= isPsCmd= isHelpCmd= nExpectArgs= isCur= i=0 local prev= help= prop= val= isRevProp= last='none' nargs=0 stat= local options= hasRevPropOpt= hasRevisionOpt= hasRelocateOpt= local acceptOpt= URL= hasReintegrateOpt= for opt in "${COMP_WORDS[@]}" do # get status of current word (from previous iteration) [[ $isCur ]] && stat=$last # are we processing the current word isCur= [[ $i -eq $COMP_CWORD ]] && isCur=1 let i++ # FIRST must be the "svn" command [ $last = 'none' ] && { last='first'; continue ; } # SKIP option arguments if [[ $prev == @($optsParam) ]] ; then # record accept value [[ $prev = '--accept' ]] && acceptOpt=$opt prev='' last='skip' continue ; fi # Argh... This looks like a bash bug... # Redirections are passed to the completion function # although it is managed by the shell directly... # It matters because we want to tell the user when no more # completion is available, so it does not necessary # fallback to the default case. if [[ $prev == @(<|>|>>|[12]>|[12]>>) ]] ; then prev='' last='skip' continue ; fi prev=$opt # get the subCoMmanD if [[ ! $cmd && $opt \ && ( $opt != -* || $opt == @(${specOpts// /|}) ) ]] then cmd=$opt [[ $cmd == @($propCmds) ]] && isPropCmd=1 [[ $cmd == @($psCmds) ]] && isPsCmd=1 [[ $cmd == @(${helpOpts// /|}) ]] && cmd='help' [[ $cmd = 'help' ]] && isHelpCmd=1 # HELP about a command asked with an option if [[ $isHelpCmd && $cmd && $cmd != 'help' && ! $help ]] then help=$cmd cmd='help' fi last='cmd' continue fi # HELP about a command if [[ $isHelpCmd && ! $help && $opt && $opt != -* ]] then help=$opt last='help' continue fi # PROPerty name if [[ $isPropCmd && ! $prop && $opt && $opt != -* ]] then prop=$opt [[ $prop == @(${revProps// /|}) ]] && isRevProp=1 last='prop' continue fi # property VALue if [[ $isPsCmd && $prop && ! $val && $opt != -* ]] ; then val=$opt last='val' continue fi if [[ $last != 'onlyarg' ]] then # more OPTions case $opt in -r|--revision|--revision=*) hasRevisionOpt=1 ;; --revprop) hasRevPropOpt=1 # restrict to revision properties! allProps=( $revProps ) # on revprops, only one URL is expected nExpectArgs=1 ;; -h|--help) isHelpCmd=1 ;; -F|--file) val='-F' ;; --relocate) hasRelocateOpt=1 ;; --reintegrate) hasReintegrateOpt=1 ;; esac # no more options, only arguments, whatever they look like. if [[ $opt = '--' && ! $isCur ]] ; then last='onlyarg' continue fi # options are recorded... if [[ $opt == -* ]] ; then # but not the current one! [[ ! $isCur ]] && options="$options $opt " last='opt' continue fi else # onlyarg let nargs++ continue fi # then we have an argument if [[ $cmd = 'merge' && ! $URL ]] ; then # first argument is the source URL for the merge URL=$opt fi last='arg' let nargs++ done # end opt option processing... [[ $stat ]] || stat=$last # suggest all subcommands, including special help if [[ ! $cmd || $stat = 'cmd' ]] then COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmds $specOpts" -- $cur ) ) return 0 fi # suggest all subcommands if [[ $stat = 'help' || ( $isHelpCmd && ! $help ) ]] then COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmds" -- $cur ) ) return 0 fi # URL completion if [[ $cmd == @(co|checkout|ls|list) && $stat = 'arg' && \ $SVN_BASH_COMPL_EXT == *urls* ]] then if [[ $cmd == @(ls|list) ]] ; then _svn_complete_target 'all' && return else _svn_complete_target 'remote_only' && return fi fi if [[ $cmd = 'merge' || $cmd = 'mergeinfo' ]] then local here=$(_svn_info URL) # suggest a possible URL for merging if [[ ! $URL && $stat = 'arg' ]] ; then # we assume a 'standard' repos with branches and trunk if [[ "$here" == */branches/* ]] ; then # we guess that it is a merge from the trunk COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W ${here/\/branches\/*/\/trunk} -- $cur ) ) return 0 elif [[ "$here" == */trunk* ]] ; then # we guess that it is a merge from a branch COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W ${here/\/trunk*/\/branches\/} -- $cur ) ) compopt -o nospace return 0 else # no se, let us suggest the repository root... COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W $(_svn_info Root)/ -- $cur ) ) compopt -o nospace return 0 fi # this part is broken with bash 4 URL contains https only elif [[ $URL == */branches/* && $here == */trunk* && \ ! $hasReintegrateOpt && $cur = '' && $stat = 'arg' ]] ; then # force --reintegrate only if the current word is empty COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W '--reintegrate' -- $cur ) ) return 0 # autocomplete for svn merge ^/bla else _svn_complete_target 'all' && return fi fi # help about option arguments if [[ $stat = 'skip' ]] then local previous=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]} local values= dirs= beep= exes= [[ $previous = '--config-dir' ]] && dirs=1 # external editor, diff, diff3... [[ $previous = --*-cmd ]] && exes=1 [[ $previous = '--native-eol' ]] && values='LF CR CRLF' # just to suggest that a number is expected. hummm. [[ $previous = '--limit' ]] && values='0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' # some special partial help about --revision option. [[ $previous = '--revision' || $previous = '-r' ]] && \ values='HEAD BASE PREV COMMITTED 0 {' [[ $previous = '--encoding' ]] && \ values="latin1 utf8 $SVN_BASH_ENCODINGS" [[ $previous = '--extensions' || $previous = '-x' ]] && \ values="--unified --ignore-space-change \ --ignore-all-space --ignore-eol-style --show-c-functions" [[ $previous = '--depth' ]] && \ values='empty files immediates infinity' [[ $previous = '--set-depth' ]] && \ values='empty exclude files immediates infinity' [[ $previous = '--accept' ]] && \ { # the list is different for 'resolve' if [[ $cmd = 'resolve' ]] ; then # from svn help resolve values='base working mine-full theirs-full' else # checkout merge switch update values="postpone base mine-full theirs-full edit launch \ mine-conflict theirs-conflict" fi } [[ $previous = '--show-revs' ]] && values='merged eligible' [[ $previous = '--show-item' ]] && values="kind url relative-url \ repos-root-url repos-uuid revision last-changed-revision \ last-changed-date last-changed-author wc-root" if [[ $previous = '--username' ]] ; then values="$SVN_BASH_USERNAME" if [[ $SVN_BASH_COMPL_EXT == *username* ]] ; then local file= # digest? others? for file in ~/.subversion/auth/svn.simple/* ; do if [ -r $file ] ; then values="$values $(_svn_read_hashfile username < $file)" fi done fi [[ ! "$values" ]] && beep=1 fi # could look at ~/.subversion/ ? # hmmm... this option should not exist [[ $previous = '--password' ]] && beep=1 # TODO: provide help about other options such as: # --old --new --with-revprop # if the previous option required a parameter, do something # or fallback on ordinary filename expansion [[ $values ]] && COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$values" -- $cur ) ) [[ $dirs ]] && COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -o dirnames -- $cur ) ) [[ $exes ]] && COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -c -- $cur ) ) [[ $beep ]] && { # 'no known completion'. hummm. echo -en "\a" COMPREPLY=( '' ) } return 0 fi # provide allowed property names after property commands if [[ $isPropCmd && ( ! $prop || $stat = 'prop' ) && $cur != -* ]] then # # Ok, this part is pretty ugly. # # The issue is that ":" is a completion word separator, # which is a good idea for file:// urls but not within # property names... # # The first idea was to remove locally ":" from COMP_WORDBREAKS # and then put it back in all cases but in property name # completion. It does not always work. There is a strange bug # where one may get "svn:svn:xxx" in some unclear cases. # # Thus the handling is reprogrammed here... # The code assumes that property names look like *:*, # but it also works reasonably well with simple names. # # This hack is broken in bash4... not sure what to do about it, # especially while keeping the bash3 compatibility:-( local choices= if [[ $cur == *:* ]] then # only suggest/show possible suffixes local prefix=${cur%:*} suffix=${cur#*:} c= for c in ${allProps[@]} ; do [[ $c == $prefix:* ]] && choices="$choices ${c#*:}" done # everything will be appended to the prefix because ':' is # a separator, so cur is restricted to the suffix part. cur=$suffix else # only one choice is fine COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${allProps[*]}" -- $cur ) ) [ ${#COMPREPLY[@]} -eq 1 ] && return 0 # no ':' so only suggest prefixes? local seen= n=0 last= c= for c in ${allProps[@]%:*} ; do # do not put the same prefix twice... if [[ $c == $cur* && ( ! $seen || $c != @($seen) ) ]] then let n++ last=$c choices="$choices $c:" if [[ $seen ]] then seen="$seen|$c*" else seen="$c*" fi fi done # supply two choices to force a partial completion and a beep [[ $n -eq 1 ]] && choices="$last:1 $last:2" fi COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$choices" -- $cur ) ) return 0 fi # force mandatory --revprop option on revision properties if [[ $isRevProp && ! $hasRevPropOpt ]] then COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '--revprop' -- $cur ) ) return 0 fi # force mandatory --revision option on revision properties if [[ $isRevProp && $hasRevPropOpt && ! $hasRevisionOpt ]] then COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '--revision' -- $cur ) ) return 0 fi # possible completion when setting property values if [[ $isPsCmd && $prop && ( ! $val || $stat = 'val' ) ]] then # ' is a reminder for an arbitrary value local values="\' --file" case $prop in svn:keywords) # just a subset? values="Id Rev URL Date Author Header \' $SVN_BASH_KEYWORDS" ;; svn:executable|svn:needs-lock) # hmmm... canonical value * is special to the shell. values='\\*' ;; svn:eol-style) values='native LF CR CRLF' ;; svn:mime-type) # could read /etc/mime.types if available. overkill. values="text/ text/plain text/html text/xml text/rtf image/ image/png image/gif image/jpeg image/tiff audio/ audio/midi audio/mpeg video/ video/mpeg video/mp4 application/ application/octet-stream $SVN_BASH_MIME_TYPE" ;; esac COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$values" -- $cur ) ) # special case for --file... return even if within an option [[ ${COMPREPLY} ]] && return 0 fi # maximum number of additional arguments expected in various forms case $cmd in merge) nExpectArgs=3 ;; mergeinfo) nExpectArgs=1 ;; copy|cp|move|mv|rename|ren|export|import) nExpectArgs=2 ;; switch|sw) [[ ! $hasRelocateOpt ]] && nExpectArgs=2 ;; help|h) nExpectArgs=0 ;; --version) nExpectArgs=0 ;; esac # the maximum number of arguments is reached for a command if [[ $nExpectArgs && $nargs -gt $nExpectArgs ]] then # some way to tell 'no completion at all'... is there a better one? # Do not say 'file completion' here. echo -en "\a" COMPREPLY=( '' ) return 0 fi # if not typing an option, # then fallback on filename expansion... if [[ $cur != -* || $stat = 'onlyarg' ]] ; then # do we allow possible expensive completion here? if [[ $SVN_BASH_COMPL_EXT == *svnstatus* ]] ; then # build status command and options # "--quiet" removes 'unknown' files local status='svn status --non-interactive' [[ $SVN_BASH_COMPL_EXT == *recurse* ]] || \ status="$status --non-recursive" # I'm not sure that it can work with externals in call cases # the output contains translatable sentences (even with quiet) [[ $SVN_BASH_COMPL_EXT == *externals* ]] || \ status="$status --ignore-externals" local cs= files= # subtlety: must not set $cur* if $cur is empty in some cases [[ $cur ]] && cs=$cur* # 'files' is set according to the current subcommand case $cmd in st*) # status completion must include all files files=$cur* ;; ci|commit|revert|di*) # anything edited files=$($status $cs| _svn_grcut '@([MADR!]*| M*|_M*)') ;; add) # unknown files files=$($status $cs| _svn_grcut '\?*') ;; unlock) # unlock locked files files=$($status $cs| _svn_grcut '@(??L*|?????[KOTB]*)') ;; resolve*) # files in conflict files=$($status $cs| _svn_grcut '@(?C*|C*)') ;; praise|blame|ann*) # any svn file but added files=$( _svn_lls all $cur* ) ;; p*) # prop commands if [[ $cmd == @($propCmds) && \ $prop == @(svn:ignore|svn:externals) ]] ; then # directory specific props files=$( _svn_lls dir . $cur* ) else # ??? added directories appear twice: foo foo/ files="$( _svn_lls all $cur* ) $($status $cs | _svn_grcut 'A*' )" fi ;; info) # information on any file files="$( _svn_lls all $cur* ) $($status $cs | _svn_grcut 'A*' )" ;; remove|rm|del*|move|mv|rename) # changing existing files files=$( _svn_lls all $cur* ) ;; mkdir) # completion in mkdir can only be for subdirs? files=$( _svn_lls dir $cur* ) ;; log|lock|up*|cl*|switch) # misc, all but added files files=$( _svn_lls all $cur* ) ;; merge) # may do a better job? URL/WCPATH files=$( _svn_lls all $cur* ) ;; ls|list) # better job? what about URLs? files=$( _svn_lls all $cur* ) ;; *) # other commands: changelist export import cat mergeinfo local fallback=1 ;; esac # when not recursive, some relevant files may exist # within subdirectories, so they are added here. # should it be restricted to svn-managed subdirs? no?? if [[ $SVN_BASH_COMPL_EXT != *recurse* ]] ; then files="$files $( _svn_lls dir $cur* )" fi # set completion depending on computed 'files' if [[ $files ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$files" -- $cur ) ) # if empty, set to nope? [[ "${COMPREPLY[*]}" ]] || COMPREPLY=( '' ) elif [[ ! $fallback ]] ; then # this suggests no completion... echo -en "\a" COMPREPLY=( '' ) fi fi # else fallback to ordinary filename completion... return 0 fi # otherwise build possible options for the command pOpts="--username --password --no-auth-cache --non-interactive \ --password-from-stdin \ --trust-server-cert-failures \ --force-interactive" mOpts="-m --message -F --file --encoding --force-log --with-revprop \ --editor-cmd" rOpts="-r --revision" qOpts="-q --quiet" nOpts="-N --non-recursive --depth" gOpts="-g --use-merge-history" cOpts="--cl --changelist" cmdOpts= case $cmd in --version) cmdOpts="$qOpts" ;; add) cmdOpts="--auto-props --no-auto-props --force --targets \ --no-ignore --parents $nOpts $qOpts $pOpts" ;; auth) cmdOpts="--remove --show-passwords $pOpts" ;; blame|annotate|ann|praise) cmdOpts="$rOpts $pOpts -v --verbose --incremental --xml \ -x --extensions --force $gOpts" ;; cat) cmdOpts="$rOpts $pOpts --ignore-keywords" ;; changelist|cl) cmdOpts="--targets $pOpts $qOpts $cOpts \ -R --recursive --depth --remove" ;; checkout|co) cmdOpts="$rOpts $qOpts $nOpts $pOpts --ignore-externals \ --force" ;; cleanup) cmdOpts="$pOpts --include-externals -q --quiet\ --remove-ignored --remove-unversioned --vacuum-pristines" ;; commit|ci) cmdOpts="$mOpts $qOpts $nOpts --targets $pOpts \ --no-unlock $cOpts --keep-changelists \ --include-externals" ;; copy|cp) cmdOpts="$mOpts $rOpts $qOpts $pOpts --parents \ --ignore-externals --pin-externals" ;; delete|del|remove|rm) cmdOpts="--force $mOpts $qOpts --targets $pOpts \ --keep-local" ;; diff|di) cmdOpts="$rOpts -x --extensions --diff-cmd --no-diff-deleted \ $nOpts $pOpts --force --old --new --notice-ancestry \ -c --change --summarize $cOpts --xml --git \ --internal-diff --show-copies-as-adds \ --ignore-properties --properties-only --no-diff-added \ --patch-compatible" ;; export) cmdOpts="$rOpts $qOpts $pOpts $nOpts --force --native-eol \ --ignore-externals --ignore-keywords" ;; help|h|\?) cmdOpts= ;; import) cmdOpts="--auto-props --no-auto-props $mOpts $qOpts $nOpts \ --no-ignore $pOpts --force" ;; info) cmdOpts="$pOpts $rOpts --targets -R --recursive --depth \ --include-externals --incremental --xml \ --show-item --no-newline $cOpts" ;; list|ls) cmdOpts="$rOpts -v --verbose -R --recursive $pOpts \ --incremental --search --xml --depth \ --include-externals" ;; lock) cmdOpts="-m --message -F --file --encoding --force-log \ $qOpts --targets --force $pOpts" ;; log) cmdOpts="$rOpts -v --verbose --targets $pOpts --stop-on-copy \ --incremental --xml $qOpts -l --limit -c --change \ $gOpts --with-all-revprops --with-revprop --depth \ --diff --diff-cmd -x --extensions --internal-diff \ --with-no-revprops --search --search-and" ;; merge) cmdOpts="$rOpts $nOpts $qOpts --force --dry-run --diff3-cmd \ $pOpts --ignore-ancestry -c --change -x --extensions \ --record-only --accept \ --allow-mixed-revisions -v --verbose" ;; mergeinfo) cmdOpts="$rOpts $pOpts --depth --show-revs -R --recursive \ $qOpts -v --verbose --incremental --log" ;; mkdir) cmdOpts="$mOpts $qOpts $pOpts --parents" ;; move|mv|rename|ren) cmdOpts="$mOpts $qOpts --force $pOpts \ --parents --allow-mixed-revisions" ;; patch) cmdOpts="$qOpts $pOpts --dry-run --ignore-whitespace \ --reverse-diff --strip" ;; propdel|pdel|pd) cmdOpts="$qOpts -R --recursive $rOpts $pOpts $cOpts \ --depth" [[ $isRevProp || ! $prop ]] && cmdOpts="$cmdOpts --revprop" ;; propedit|pedit|pe) cmdOpts="$pOpts $mOpts --force" [[ $isRevProp || ! $prop ]] && \ cmdOpts="$cmdOpts --revprop $rOpts" ;; propget|pget|pg) cmdOpts="-v --verbose -R --recursive $rOpts --no-newline \ $pOpts $cOpts --depth --xml --show-inherited-props" [[ $isRevProp || ! $prop ]] && cmdOpts="$cmdOpts --revprop" ;; proplist|plist|pl) cmdOpts="-v --verbose -R --recursive $rOpts --revprop $qOpts \ $pOpts $cOpts --depth --xml --show-inherited-props" ;; propset|pset|ps) cmdOpts="$qOpts --targets -R --recursive \ --encoding $pOpts --force $cOpts --depth" [[ $isRevProp || ! $prop ]] && \ cmdOpts="$cmdOpts --revprop $rOpts" [[ $val ]] || cmdOpts="$cmdOpts -F --file" ;; relocate) cmdOpts="--ignore-externals $pOpts" ;; resolve) cmdOpts="--targets -R --recursive $qOpts $pOpts --accept \ --depth" ;; resolved) cmdOpts="--targets -R --recursive $qOpts $pOpts --depth" ;; revert) cmdOpts="--targets -R --recursive $qOpts $cOpts \ --depth $pOpts" ;; status|stat|st) cmdOpts="-u --show-updates -v --verbose $nOpts $qOpts $pOpts \ --no-ignore --ignore-externals --incremental --xml \ $rOpts $cOpts" ;; switch|sw) cmdOpts="$rOpts $nOpts $qOpts $pOpts --diff3-cmd \ --force --accept --ignore-externals --set-depth \ --ignore-ancestry" ;; unlock) cmdOpts="$qOpts --targets --force $pOpts" ;; update|up) cmdOpts="$rOpts $nOpts $qOpts $pOpts --diff3-cmd \ --ignore-externals --force --accept $cOpts \ --parents --editor-cmd --set-depth \ --adds-as-modification" ;; upgrade) cmdOpts="$qOpts $pOpts" ;; x-shelf-list-by-paths) cmdOpts="$pOpts" ;; x-shelf-diff) cmdOpts="$pOpts --summarize" ;; x-shelf-drop) cmdOpts="$pOpts" ;; x-shelf-list|x-shelves) cmdOpts="$qOpts $pOpts" ;; x-shelf-log) cmdOpts="$qOpts $pOpts" ;; x-shelf-save) cmdOpts="--dry-run \ --depth --targets $cOpts \ $mOpts \ $qOpts $pOpts" ;; x-shelve) cmdOpts="--keep-local --dry-run \ --depth --targets $cOpts \ $mOpts \ $qOpts $pOpts" ;; x-unshelve) cmdOpts="--drop --dry-run \ $qOpts $pOpts" ;; *) ;; esac # add options that are nearly always available [[ "$cmd" != "--version" ]] && cmdOpts="$cmdOpts $helpOpts" cmdOpts="$cmdOpts --config-dir --config-option" # --accept (edit|launch) incompatible with --non-interactive if [[ $acceptOpt == @(edit|launch) ]] ; then cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --non-interactive / } fi # take out options already given for opt in $options do local optBase # remove leading dashes and arguments case $opt in --*) optBase=${opt/=*/} ;; -*) optBase=${opt:0:2} ;; esac cmdOpts=" $cmdOpts " cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ ${optBase} / } # take out alternatives and mutually exclusives case $optBase in -v) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --verbose / } ;; --verbose) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -v / } ;; -N) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --non-recursive / } ;; --non-recursive) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -N / } ;; -R) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --recursive / } ;; --recursive) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -R / } ;; -x) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --extensions / } ;; --extensions) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -x / } ;; -q) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --quiet / } ;; --quiet) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -q / } ;; -h) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --help / } ;; --help) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -h / } ;; -l) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --limit / } ;; --limit) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -l / } ;; -r) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --revision / } ;; --revision) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -r / } ;; -c) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --change / } ;; --change) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -c / } ;; --auto-props) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --no-auto-props / } ;; --no-auto-props) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --auto-props / } ;; -g) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --use-merge-history / } ;; --use-merge-history) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -g / } ;; -m|--message|-F|--file) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --message / } cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -m / } cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --file / } cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -F / } ;; esac # remove help options within help subcommand if [ $isHelpCmd ] ; then cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -h / } cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --help / } fi done # provide help about available options COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmdOpts" -- $cur ) ) return 0 } complete -F _svn -o bashdefault -o default -X '@(*/.svn|*/.svn/|.svn|.svn/)' svn _svnadmin () { local cur cmds cmdOpts optsParam opt helpCmds optBase i COMPREPLY=() cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} # Possible expansions, without pure-prefix abbreviations such as "h". cmds='build-repcache crashtest create delrevprop deltify dump dump-revprops freeze \ help hotcopy info list-dblogs list-unused-dblogs \ load load-revprops lock lslocks lstxns pack recover rev-size rmlocks \ rmtxns setlog setrevprop setuuid unlock upgrade verify --version' if [[ $COMP_CWORD -eq 1 ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmds" -- $cur ) ) return 0 fi # options that require a parameter # note: continued lines must end '|' continuing lines must start '|' optsParam="-r|--revision|--parent-dir|--fs-type|-M|--memory-cache-size" optsParam="$optsParam|-F|--file|--exclude|--include" # if not typing an option, or if the previous option required a # parameter, then fallback on ordinary filename expansion helpCmds='help|--help|h|\?' if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[1]} != @($helpCmds) ]] && \ [[ "$cur" != -* ]] || \ [[ ${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]} == @($optsParam) ]] ; then return 0 fi cmdOpts= case ${COMP_WORDS[1]} in build-repcache) cmdOpts="-r --revision -q --quiet -M --memory-cache-size" ;; create) cmdOpts="--bdb-txn-nosync --bdb-log-keep --config-dir \ --fs-type --compatible-version" ;; deltify) cmdOpts="-r --revision -q --quiet -M --memory-cache-size" ;; dump) cmdOpts="-r --revision --incremental -q --quiet --deltas \ -M --memory-cache-size -F --file \ --exclude --include --pattern" ;; dump-revprops) cmdOpts="-r --revision -q --quiet -F --file" ;; freeze) cmdOpts="-F --file" ;; help|h|\?) cmdOpts="$cmds" ;; hotcopy) cmdOpts="--clean-logs --incremental -q --quiet" ;; load) cmdOpts="--ignore-uuid --force-uuid --parent-dir -q --quiet \ --use-pre-commit-hook --use-post-commit-hook \ --bypass-prop-validation -M --memory-cache-size \ --no-flush-to-disk --normalize-props -F --file \ --ignore-dates -r --revision" ;; load-revprops) cmdOpts="-r --revision -q --quiet -F --file \ --bypass-prop-validation --normalize-props \ --force-uuid --no-flush-to-disk" ;; lstxns) cmdOpts="-r --revision" ;; lock|unlock) cmdOpts="--bypass-hooks -q --quiet" ;; pack) cmdOpts="-M --memory-cache-size -q --quiet" ;; recover) cmdOpts="--wait" ;; rev-size) cmdOpts="-r --revision -M --memory-cache-size -q --quiet" ;; rmlocks) cmdOpts="-q --quiet" ;; rmtxns) cmdOpts="-q --quiet" ;; setlog) cmdOpts="-r --revision --bypass-hooks" ;; setrevprop|delrevprop) cmdOpts="-r --revision -t --transaction \ --use-pre-revprop-change-hook \ --use-post-revprop-change-hook" ;; verify) cmdOpts="-r --revision -t --transaction -q --quiet \ --check-normalization --keep-going \ -M --memory-cache-size --metadata-only" ;; *) ;; esac cmdOpts="$cmdOpts --help -h" # take out options already given for (( i=2; i<=$COMP_CWORD-1; ++i )) ; do opt=${COMP_WORDS[$i]} case $opt in --*) optBase=${opt/=*/} ;; -*) optBase=${opt:0:2} ;; esac cmdOpts=" $cmdOpts " cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ ${optBase} / } # take out alternatives case $optBase in -q) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --quiet / } ;; --quiet) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -q / } ;; -h) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --help / } ;; --help) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -h / } ;; -r) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --revision / } ;; --revision) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -r / } ;; -t) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --transaction / } ;; --transaction) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -t / } ;; -F) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --file / } ;; --file) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -F / } ;; -M) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --memory-cache-size / } ;; --memory-cache-size) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --M / } ;; esac # skip next option if this one requires a parameter if [[ $opt == @($optsParam) ]] ; then ((++i)) fi done COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmdOpts" -- $cur ) ) return 0 } complete -F _svnadmin -o bashdefault -o default svnadmin _svndumpfilter () { local cur cmds cmdOpts optsParam opt helpCmds optBase i COMPREPLY=() cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} # Possible expansions, without pure-prefix abbreviations such as "h". cmds='exclude help include --version' if [[ $COMP_CWORD -eq 1 ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmds" -- $cur ) ) return 0 fi # options that require a parameter # note: continued lines must end '|' continuing lines must start '|' optsParam="--targets" # if not typing an option, or if the previous option required a # parameter, then fallback on ordinary filename expansion helpCmds='help|--help|h|\?' if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[1]} != @($helpCmds) ]] && \ [[ "$cur" != -* ]] || \ [[ ${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]} == @($optsParam) ]] ; then return 0 fi cmdOpts= case ${COMP_WORDS[1]} in exclude|include) cmdOpts="--drop-empty-revs --drop-all-empty-revs --renumber-revs --skip-missing-merge-sources --targets --preserve-revprops --quiet --pattern" ;; help|h|\?) cmdOpts="$cmds" ;; *) ;; esac cmdOpts="$cmdOpts --help -h" # take out options already given for (( i=2; i<=$COMP_CWORD-1; ++i )) ; do opt=${COMP_WORDS[$i]} case $opt in --*) optBase=${opt/=*/} ;; -*) optBase=${opt:0:2} ;; esac cmdOpts=" $cmdOpts " cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ ${optBase} / } # take out alternatives case $optBase in -h) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --help / } ;; --help) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -h / } ;; esac # skip next option if this one requires a parameter if [[ $opt == @($optsParam) ]] ; then ((++i)) fi done COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmdOpts" -- $cur ) ) return 0 } complete -F _svndumpfilter -o bashdefault -o default svndumpfilter _svnlook () { local cur cmds cmdOpts optsParam opt helpCmds optBase i COMPREPLY=() cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} # Possible expansions, without pure-prefix abbreviations such as "h". cmds='author cat changed date diff dirs-changed filesize help history \ info lock log propget proplist tree uuid youngest --version' if [[ $COMP_CWORD -eq 1 ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmds" -- $cur ) ) return 0 fi # options that require a parameter # note: continued lines must end '|' continuing lines must start '|' optsParam="-r|--revision|-t|--transaction|-l|--limit|-x|--extensions" # if not typing an option, or if the previous option required a # parameter, then fallback on ordinary filename expansion helpCmds='help|--help|h|\?' if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[1]} != @($helpCmds) ]] && \ [[ "$cur" != -* ]] || \ [[ ${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]} == @($optsParam) ]] ; then return 0 fi cmdOpts= case ${COMP_WORDS[1]} in author) cmdOpts="-r --revision -t --transaction" ;; cat) cmdOpts="-r --revision -t --transaction" ;; changed) cmdOpts="-r --revision -t --transaction --copy-info" ;; date) cmdOpts="-r --revision -t --transaction" ;; diff) cmdOpts="-r --revision -t --transaction --diff-copy-from \ --no-diff-added --no-diff-deleted -x --extensions" ;; dirs-changed) cmdOpts="-r --revision -t --transaction" ;; filesize) cmdOpts="-r --revision -t --transaction" ;; help|h|\?) cmdOpts="$cmds" ;; history) cmdOpts="-r --revision -l --limit --show-ids" ;; info) cmdOpts="-r --revision -t --transaction" ;; lock) cmdOpts= ;; log) cmdOpts="-r --revision -t --transaction" ;; propget|pget|pg) cmdOpts="-r --revision -t --transaction --revprop" ;; proplist|plist|pl) cmdOpts="-r --revision -t --transaction --revprop -v --verbose --xml" ;; tree) cmdOpts="-r --revision -t --transaction --full-paths -N --non-recursive --show-ids" ;; uuid) cmdOpts= ;; youngest) cmdOpts= ;; *) ;; esac cmdOpts="$cmdOpts --help -h" # take out options already given for (( i=2; i<=$COMP_CWORD-1; ++i )) ; do opt=${COMP_WORDS[$i]} case $opt in --*) optBase=${opt/=*/} ;; -*) optBase=${opt:0:2} ;; esac cmdOpts=" $cmdOpts " cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ ${optBase} / } # take out alternatives case $optBase in -N) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --non-recursive / } ;; --non-recursive) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -N / } ;; -h) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --help / } ;; --help) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -h / } ;; -l) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --limit / } ;; --limit) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -l / } ;; -r) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --revision / } ;; --revision) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -r / } ;; -t) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --transaction / } ;; --transaction) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -t / } ;; -v) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --verbose / } ;; --verbose) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -v / } ;; -x) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --extensions / } ;; --extensions) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -x / } ;; esac # skip next option if this one requires a parameter if [[ $opt == @($optsParam) ]] ; then ((++i)) fi done COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmdOpts" -- $cur ) ) return 0 } complete -F _svnlook -o bashdefault -o default svnlook _svnsync () { local cur cmds cmdOpts optsParam opt helpCmds optBase i COMPREPLY=() cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} # Possible expansions, without pure-prefix abbreviations such as "h". cmds='copy-revprops help info initialize synchronize --version' if [[ $COMP_CWORD -eq 1 ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmds" -- $cur ) ) return 0 fi # options that require a parameter # note: continued lines must end '|' continuing lines must start '|' optsParam="--config-dir|--config-option|--source-username|--source-password" optsParam="$optsParam|--sync-username|--sync-password" # if not typing an option, or if the previous option required a # parameter, then fallback on ordinary filename expansion helpCmds='help|--help|h|\?' if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[1]} != @($helpCmds) ]] && \ [[ "$cur" != -* ]] || \ [[ ${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]} == @($optsParam) ]] ; then return 0 fi cmdOpts= case ${COMP_WORDS[1]} in copy-revprops|initialize|init|synchronize|sync) cmdOpts="--non-interactive --no-auth-cache --trust-server-cert \ --source-username --source-password --sync-username \ --sync-password --config-dir --config-option \ -q --quiet -M --memory-cache-size" ;; help|h|\?) cmdOpts="$cmds" ;; info) cmdOpts="--non-interactive --no-auth-cache --trust-server-cert \ --source-username --source-password --sync-username \ --sync-password --config-dir --config-option" ;; *) ;; esac cmdOpts="$cmdOpts --help -h" # take out options already given for (( i=2; i<=$COMP_CWORD-1; ++i )) ; do opt=${COMP_WORDS[$i]} case $opt in --*) optBase=${opt/=*/} ;; -*) optBase=${opt:0:2} ;; esac cmdOpts=" $cmdOpts " cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ ${optBase} / } # take out alternatives case $optBase in -h) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --help / } ;; --help) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -h / } ;; -q) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --quiet / } ;; --quiet) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -q / } ;; esac # skip next option if this one requires a parameter if [[ $opt == @($optsParam) ]] ; then ((++i)) fi done COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmdOpts" -- $cur ) ) return 0 } complete -F _svnsync -o bashdefault -o default svnsync # reasonable completion for 'svnversion' _svnversion () { local cmdOpts=" -n --no-newline -c --committed -h --help --version " local cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} COMPREPLY=() # parse current options local options= wcpath= trailurl= last='none' stat= opt= i=-1 isCur= for opt in ${COMP_WORDS[@]} do [[ $i -eq $COMP_CWORD ]] && stat=$last let i++ # are we processing the current word? isCur= [[ $i -eq $COMP_CWORD ]] && isCur=1 # skip first command, should be 'svnversion' if [ $last = 'none' ] ; then last='first' continue fi # get options if [[ $last != 'arg' && $opt == -* ]] then # if '--' is at the current position, it means that we are looking # for '--*' options, and not the end of option processing. if [[ $opt = '--' && ! $isCur ]] then last='arg' else options="$options $opt " last='opt' fi continue fi # get arguments if [[ $opt != -* ]] then last='arg' if [[ ! $wcpath ]] then wcpath=$opt elif [[ ! $trailurl ]] then trailurl=$opt fi fi done [[ $stat ]] || stat=$last # argument part if [[ $cur != -* || $stat = 'arg' ]] then [[ $wcpath && $trailurl ]] && COMPREPLY=( '' ) return 0 fi # suggest options, and take out already given options for opt in $options do # take out options cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ $opt / } # take out alternatives case $opt in -n) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --no-newline / } ;; --no-newline) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -n / } ;; -h) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --help / } ;; --help) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -h / } ;; -c) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --committed / } ;; --committed) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -c / } ;; esac done COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmdOpts" -- $cur ) ) return 0 } # -X option does not seem to work? complete -F _svnversion -o dirnames -X '*.svn*' svnversion