" $Revision$ " $Date$ " Vim syntax file for the Norwegian XML files in the Subversion Book. " Options set fenc=utf8 set tw=72 set fo+=w fo-=2 set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et set si set cinw=,,,,,,,,,,, set fdm=marker set nowrap " Mappings for translation work " F5: Mark a paragraph in linewise visual mode and press F5 to comment " out the English text and copy all the elements and go into insert mode " after the first element. Expects the dings_it Perl script to be placed " as ~/bin/dings_it . noremap <f5> :!~/bin/dings_it<cr>zo/@ENGLISH }}}<cr>j0f>a " F6: Mark a paragraph of the translated text in linevise visual mode " and press F6 to let Vim reformat the paragraph, then search to the " next ENGLISH marker and go into linewise visual mode again. noremap <f6> gq/@ENGLISH }}}<cr>jV runtime! syntax/xml.vim " vim: set fdm=manual tw=72 ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et fenc=utf8 :