This branch exists for the tracking of node-revision successor IDs in the FS backends. It is being managed as a reintegrate-able branch, with regular catch-up merges from the trunk. THE IDEA ======== Currently the Subversion filesystem backends track the direct predecessor of every node-revision that has one. (Only those node-revisions which are the first in a line of history for a given versioned object don't have predecessors.) It is this pred-ID tracking that allows us to efficiently walk backwards through history to find the previous versions of modified files and directories and such. But what we canNOT do is walk *forward*. We cannot today efficiently answer these questions for a given node-revision: Q: In what revision was /path/to/foo.c@r15 next changed? Q: To what locations has this /some/fixed/file.c@r45 been copied? By also storing for each node-revision a list of its successors (the exact opposite of the predecessor mapping), we provide a basis for answering those questions: Q: In what revision was /path/to/foo.c@r15 next changed? A: Lookup the node-revision-ID for /path/to/foo.c@r15. Lookup the successor IDs for that node-revision-IDs. Sort successors by the revisions in which they appeared, and choose the first of them. Q: To what locations has this /some/fixed/file.c@r45 been copied? A: Lookup the node-revision-ID for /some/fixed/file.c@r45. Lookup the successor IDs for that node-revision-IDs. For each successor, check for a corresponding copy record. If you find one, the destination of that copy is one of the places that this node revision was copied; if you don't, this was a normal in-place modification of the file or directory, not a copy. And, of course, this could lead to expansion of the svn_fs_history_* API set, allowing for the likes of svn_fs_history_next() or svn_fs_history_copies() or somesuch. From there we could perhaps improve our peg-and-operative-revision resolution algorithm to favor one or another flavor of successor (copy or not). STATUS ====== The BDB backend has been tweaked. The code is believed to cover the basic maintenance of the successor ID mapping, adding map items when new nodes are created, removing them when nodes are deleted. The code assumes that the only node revisions every removed from the filesystem are those which have no successors (which might not hold up if an obliteration feature is added, depending on the implementation). FSFS has been tweaked too. This branch adds svn_fs_history_next() to the public API. TODO ==== - implement FS format bumping for both backends - expand the unit test - convert all internal APIs to return results via s/array/callback/ - update design docs (both backends) and move out them out of this file (FSFS) - implement successors data construction logic on top of existing filesystem for 'svnadmin upgrade' - review '### TODO(sid)' comments (note: at least one of these is a blocker --- the 'layout linear' one) - danielsh: review FSFS readers code - (optional) sync merge from trunk - 'svnadmin verify' could validate the successors cache against the revisions and predecessors data. - extend 'hotcopy' as required fsfs: need to filter out { rev | rev > youngest } from the copy's candidates files Implementation proposal ======================= - On-disk File Format - All files related to the map are stored in the repos/db/successors directory ("successors directory"). The successor map contains 3 kinds of files: 1) Node-revision map files. These files map node-revision IDs to lists of revisions. This map answers the question: "In which revisions were successors of a node-revision created?" 2) Created-revision map file. These files map revision numbers of file offsets in successor data files. This map answers the question: "Where in the successor data are those successors which were created in revision N?" 3) Successor data files. These files store raw successor data. The different kinds of files refer to each other as shown below: node_rev_id map revision map successor data +-------+ +--------+ +-----------+ | ... | | ... | | ... | +------>rN---------+ | offset | +----->successor | | | ... | | | offset | | | successor | | | ... | +----->offset----+ | END | node_rev_id --+ | rQ | | ... | | successor | | | ... | | offset | | ... | +------>rX---------+ | ... | | ... | | ... | | | ... | | END | | ... | +----->offset---------->successor | | rZ | | ... | | END | +-------+ +--------+ +-----------+ Each type of file is described below in detail. -- Common aspects -- Sharding. All three kinds of files are sharded in a manner similar to revision files. The Nth shard contains data for noderevs in revisions { r | r % shard_size == N }: so, 0..999, 1000..1999, etc. -- Node-revision-ID map files -- The purpose of node-revision-id map files is to facilitate lookup of successors of a given node-revision. The files are named after the number of the revision the node-revision was created in, modulo some fixed to-be-determined value (i.e. there won't be one file per node revision, but one file for every 10, 100, or so, node-revisions). The files are stored within the "node-revs" sub-directory: db/successors/node-revs/1 db/successors/node-revs/2 db/successors/node-revs/3 ... db/successors/node-revs/N db/successors/node-revs/M ... Each node-revision map file stores a mapping of the form node_rev_id => [revnum, revnum, ...] The revision numbers identify those revisions in which one or more successors of a given node-revision were added. In the first iteration of this design, the mapping is stored as lines of ASCII text. Each line contains an unparsed node_revision_id, a space separator (ASCII 0x20), and a revision number in ASCII decimal representation. (The design may be refined later to use a more efficient storage model.) -- Revision map files -- The purpose of the revision map file is to facilitate lookup of successor data created in a given revision. The files are named after the numbers of revisions they are responsible for, modulo some fixed to-be-determined value (i.e. there won't be one file per revision, but one file for every 10, 100, or so, revisions; each file is responsible for some range of revisions). The files are stored within the "revs" sub-directory: db/successors/revs/1 db/successors/revs/2 db/successors/revs/3 ... db/successors/revs/N db/successors/revs/M ... Each file consists of an array of 64bit big-endian integers. The N'th integer (starting from N=1) in the file specifies the offset of successor data (in the corresponding successor data file) which was added in the N'th revision within the revision range the map file is responsible for. -- Successor-data files -- These files use the same naming scheme as the revision map files (i.e. each successor data file is responsible for successors created within a specific range of revisions). The files are stored within the "successor-ids" sub-directory: db/successors/successor-ids/1 db/successors/successor-ids/2 db/successors/successor-ids/3 ... db/successors/successor-ids/N db/successors/successor-ids/M ... Each file consists of lines each containing two unparsed node_rev_id ASCII strings, separated by ASCII 0x20. The first node-revision ID is a predecessor, and the second one is one of its successors. The special string "END" on a single line signifies that the following successor data belongs to the next revision. (The design may be refined later to use a more efficient storage model.) - Procedure for Readers - A reader first reads the 'current' file and remembers the revision number. It locates the node-revision map file corresponding to the given node_rev_id, based on the node_rev_id's revision modulo a known fixed value. It opens this file and reads it to obtain a list of revisions which created successors of the given node_rev_id. It ignores lines listing node_rev_ids not matching the given node_rev_id. It also ignores revisions greater than 'current'. Next, the reader opens the corresponding revision map files, based on revision numbers in the list, each modulo a known fixed value. For each revision N in the revision list, it seeks to the revision's byte offset within a revision map file and reads 4 bytes to obtain the offset corresponding to revision N within a successor data file. The reader then opens the corresponding successor data files, based on revision numbers in the list, each modulo a known fixed value. For each revision offset, it seeks to this offset and reads lines until it finds the line "END". It loops through all lines and appends those successor IDs to the set of successors which list a predecessor matching the given node_rev_id. In exceptional cases (see below) it is possible that a given revision does not actually contain any successors of the given node_rev_id. - Procedure for Writers - Assume that the writer has access to a mapping from predecessor node-revision ID to one or more successor node-revision IDs. (The exact mechanism managing this mapping still needs to be determined. But it can be assumed to be available as all predecessors and successors are known within the context of a commit.) When committing a finished transaction (in fs_fs.c:commit_body()), the writer obtains a write-lock on all files within the successors directory it needs to modify. Let rN be the new revision the writer is committing. The writer creates an empty temporary file. If rN falls within the revision range of an existing successor data file, the writer looks up the offset of revision N-1 in the corresponding revision map file. It copies content from the corresponding successor data file to a temporary file up to this offset, and copies any data that follows until a line containing "END" has been copied. (Note that this step discards data left behind by any previous attempt at committing rN). The writer appends any new successor data to the temporary file (note that there may be no successor data in case the revision is empty). It then adds a terminating "END". The writer creates another empty temporary file. If rN falls within the revision range of an existing revision map file, it copies ((N-2)*4) bytes of content from the revision map file into the temporary file. (Note that this step discards data left behind by any previous attempt at committing rN). The writer appends, to the temporary file, the offset of the new data it wrote into the successor data file. Likewise, the writer creates empty temporary files for each node-revision map files is needs to modify. It copies all content from any such node-revision map files which already exist, and appends a line to each file containing the node_revision ID and the new revision number. After moving the proto-revprop file into place, and before updating 'current', the writer moves temporary files into place in the successors directory, in the following order: 1) the new successor data file 2) the new revision map file 3) each new node_rev_id map file If the writer fails to update all files in the successors directory, it will also fail to update 'current'. In this case, readers will ignore the new successor data until another commit succeeds in creating rN. Once a commit of rN has succeeded, readers following node-rev-id map entries updated by the failing commit might end up with an empty successors list for rN. Such erroneous entries will not be cleaned up automatically, but can be eliminated by re-creating the repository (e.g. via a dump/load cycle). However, the actual successor data stored for committed revisions is always correct, and the likelihood of incorrect node-revision ID map entries to occur is small.