/* * core.i : SWIG interface file for various core SVN and APR components * * ==================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2000-2003 CollabNet. All rights reserved. * * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms * are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html. * If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a * newer version instead, at your option. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many * individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision * history and logs, available at http://subversion.tigris.org/. * ==================================================================== */ #if defined(SWIGPERL) %module "SVN::_Core" #elif defined(SWIGRUBY) %module "svn::ext::core" #else %module core #endif %include svn_global.swg %include typemaps.i %{ #include #include #include "svn_md5.h" #include "svn_diff.h" #ifdef SWIGPYTHON #include "swigutil_py.h" #endif #ifdef SWIGPERL #include "swigutil_pl.h" #endif #ifdef SWIGRUBY #include #include #include "swigutil_rb.h" #endif %} /* We don't want to hear about supposedly bad constant values */ #pragma SWIG nowarn=305 /* ### for now, let's ignore this thing. */ #ifndef SWIGRUBY %ignore svn_prop_t; #endif /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The following struct members have to be read-only because otherwise strings assigned to then would never be freed, resulting in memory leaks. This prevents the swig warning "Warning(451): Setting const char * member may leak memory." */ %immutable svn_log_changed_path_t::copyfrom_path; %immutable svn_dirent_t::last_author; %immutable svn_error_t::message; %immutable svn_error_t::file; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- We want the error code enums wrapped so we must include svn_error_codes.h before anything else does. */ %include svn_error_codes_h.swg /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Include svn_types.swg early. Other .i files will import svn_types.swg which then includes svn_types.h, making further includes get skipped. We want to actually generate wrappers for svn_types.h, so do an _include_ right now, before any _import_ has happened. */ %include svn_types.swg /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- moving along... */ %import apr.swg %import svn_types.swg %import svn_string.swg /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- completely ignore a number of functions. the presumption is that the scripting language already has facilities for these things (or they are relatively trivial). */ /* svn_io.h: We cherry-pick certain functions from this file. To aid in this, * EVERY function in the file is listed in the order it appears, and is either * %ignore-d, or present as a comment, explicitly documenting that we wrap it. */ %ignore svn_io_check_path; %ignore svn_io_check_special_path; %ignore svn_io_check_resolved_path; /* This is useful for implementing svn_ra_callbacks_t->open_tmp_file */ // svn_io_open_unique_file %ignore svn_io_create_unique_link; %ignore svn_io_read_link; %ignore svn_io_temp_dir; %ignore svn_io_copy_file; %ignore svn_io_copy_link; %ignore svn_io_copy_dir_recursively; %ignore svn_io_make_dir_recursively; %ignore svn_io_dir_empty; %ignore svn_io_append_file; %ignore svn_io_set_file_read_only; %ignore svn_io_set_file_read_write; %ignore svn_io_set_file_executable; %ignore svn_io_is_file_executable; %ignore svn_io_read_length_line; %ignore svn_io_file_affected_time; %ignore svn_io_set_file_affected_time; %ignore svn_io_filesizes_different_p; // svn_io_file_checksum // svn_io_files_contents_same_p %ignore svn_io_file_create; %ignore svn_io_file_lock; %ignore svn_io_file_lock2; %ignore svn_io_file_flush_to_disk; %ignore svn_io_dir_file_copy; /* Not useful from scripting languages. Custom streams should be achieved * by passing a scripting language native stream into a svn_stream_t * * parameter, and letting a typemap using svn_swig_xx_make_stream() take * care of the details. */ %ignore svn_stream_create; %ignore svn_stream_set_baton; %ignore svn_stream_set_read; %ignore svn_stream_set_write; %ignore svn_stream_set_close; /* The permitted svn_stream and svn_stringbuf functions could possibly * be used by a script, in conjunction with other APIs which return or * accept streams. This requires that the relevant language's custom * svn_stream_t wrapping code does not obstruct this usage. */ // svn_stream_empty // svn_stream_from_aprfile // svn_stream_for_stdout // svn_stream_from_stringbuf // svn_stream_compressed // svn_stream_read // svn_stream_write // svn_stream_close /* Scripts can do the printf, then write to a stream. * We can't really handle the variadic, so ignore it. */ %ignore svn_stream_printf; %ignore svn_stream_printf_from_utf8; // svn_stream_readline // svn_stream_copy // svn_stringbuf_from_file // svn_stringbuf_from_aprfile %ignore svn_io_remove_file; %ignore svn_io_remove_dir; %ignore svn_io_get_dirents; %ignore svn_io_dir_walk; %ignore svn_io_start_cmd; %ignore svn_io_wait_for_cmd; %ignore svn_io_run_cmd; %ignore svn_io_run_diff; %ignore svn_io_run_diff3; // svn_io_detect_mimetype %ignore svn_io_file_open; %ignore svn_io_file_close; %ignore svn_io_file_getc; %ignore svn_io_file_info_get; %ignore svn_io_file_read; %ignore svn_io_file_read_full; %ignore svn_io_file_seek; %ignore svn_io_file_write; %ignore svn_io_file_write_full; %ignore svn_io_stat; %ignore svn_io_file_rename; %ignore svn_io_dir_make; %ignore svn_io_dir_make_hidden; %ignore svn_io_dir_make_sgid; %ignore svn_io_dir_open; %ignore svn_io_dir_remove_nonrecursive; %ignore svn_io_dir_read; %ignore svn_io_read_version_file; %ignore svn_io_write_version_file; /* Other files */ %ignore apr_check_dir_empty; /* bad pool convention */ %ignore svn_opt_print_generic_help; /* Ugliness because the constants are typedefed and SWIG ignores them as a result. */ %constant svn_revnum_t SWIG_SVN_INVALID_REVNUM = -1; %constant svn_revnum_t SWIG_SVN_IGNORED_REVNUM = -1; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- these types (as 'type **') will always be an OUT param */ %apply SWIGTYPE **OUTPARAM { svn_auth_baton_t **, svn_diff_t **, svn_config_t **, svn_auth_provider_object_t ** } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- handle the MIME type return value of svn_io_detect_mimetype() */ %apply const char **OUTPUT { const char ** }; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- handle the default value of svn_config_get().and the config directory of svn_config_read_auth_data() and svn_config_write_auth_data(). */ %apply const char *MAY_BE_NULL { const char *default_value, const char *config_dir, const char *conflict_original, const char *conflict_modified, const char *conflict_latest, const char *conflict_separator }; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- fix up the svn_stream_read() ptr/len arguments */ %typemap(python, in) (char *buffer, apr_size_t *len) ($*2_type temp) { if (!PyInt_Check($input)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "expecting an integer for the buffer size"); SWIG_fail; } temp = PyInt_AsLong($input); if (temp < 0) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "buffer size must be a positive integer"); SWIG_fail; } $1 = malloc(temp); $2 = ($2_ltype)&temp; } %typemap(perl5, in) (char *buffer, apr_size_t *len) ($*2_type temp) { temp = SvIV($input); $1 = malloc(temp); $2 = ($2_ltype)&temp; } %typemap(ruby, in) (char *buffer, apr_size_t *len) ($*2_type temp) { temp = NUM2LONG($input); $1 = malloc(temp); $2 = ($2_ltype)&temp; } /* ### need to use freearg or somesuch to ensure the string is freed. ### watch out for 'return' anywhere in the binding code. */ %typemap(python, argout, fragment="t_output_helper") (char *buffer, apr_size_t *len) { $result = t_output_helper($result, PyString_FromStringAndSize($1, *$2)); free($1); } %typemap(perl5, argout) (char *buffer, apr_size_t *len) { $result = sv_newmortal(); sv_setpvn ($result, $1, *$2); free($1); argvi++; } %typemap(ruby, argout, fragment="output_helper") (char *buffer, apr_size_t *len) { $result = output_helper($result, *$2 == 0 ? Qnil : rb_str_new($1, *$2)); free($1); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- fix up the svn_stream_write() ptr/len arguments */ %typemap(python, in) (const char *data, apr_size_t *len) ($*2_type temp) { if (!PyString_Check($input)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "expecting a string for the buffer"); SWIG_fail; } $1 = PyString_AS_STRING($input); temp = PyString_GET_SIZE($input); $2 = ($2_ltype)&temp; } %typemap(perl5, in) (const char *data, apr_size_t *len) ($*2_type temp) { $1 = SvPV($input, temp); $2 = ($2_ltype)&temp; } %typemap(ruby, in) (const char *data, apr_size_t *len) ($*2_type temp) { $1 = StringValuePtr($input); temp = RSTRING($input)->len; $2 = ($2_ltype)&temp; } %typemap(python, argout, fragment="t_output_helper") (const char *data, apr_size_t *len) { $result = t_output_helper($result, PyInt_FromLong(*$2)); } %typemap(perl5, argout, fragment="t_output_helper") (const char *data, apr_size_t *len) { $result = sv_2mortal (newSViv(*$2)); } %typemap(ruby, argout, fragment="output_helper") (const char *data, apr_size_t *len) { $result = output_helper($result, LONG2NUM(*$2)); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- auth provider convertors */ %typemap(perl5, in) apr_array_header_t *providers { $1 = (apr_array_header_t *) svn_swig_pl_objs_to_array($input, $descriptor(svn_auth_provider_object_t *), _global_pool); } %typemap(python, in) apr_array_header_t *providers { svn_auth_provider_object_t *provider; int targlen; if (!PySequence_Check($input)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "not a sequence"); SWIG_fail; } targlen = PySequence_Length($input); $1 = apr_array_make(_global_pool, targlen, sizeof(provider)); ($1)->nelts = targlen; while (targlen--) { provider = svn_swig_MustGetPtr(PySequence_GetItem($input, targlen), $descriptor(svn_auth_provider_object_t *), $svn_argnum, NULL); if (PyErr_Occurred()) { SWIG_fail; } APR_ARRAY_IDX($1, targlen, svn_auth_provider_object_t *) = provider; } } %typemap(ruby, in) apr_array_header_t *providers { $1 = svn_swig_rb_array_to_auth_provider_object_apr_array($input, _global_pool); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- auth parameter set/get */ /* set */ %typemap(python, in) const void *value { if (PyString_Check($input)) { $1 = (void *)PyString_AS_STRING($input); } else if (PyLong_Check($input)) { $1 = (void *)PyLong_AsLong($input); } else if (PyInt_Check($input)) { $1 = (void *)PyInt_AsLong($input); } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "not a known type"); SWIG_fail; } } /* - all values are converted to char* - assume the first argument is Ruby object for svn_auth_baton_t* */ %typemap(ruby, in) const void *value { if (NIL_P($input)) { $1 = (void *)NULL; } else { VALUE _rb_pool; apr_pool_t *_global_pool; char *value = StringValuePtr($input); svn_swig_rb_get_pool(1, argv, Qnil, &_rb_pool, &_global_pool); $1 = (void *)apr_pstrdup(_global_pool, value); } } /* get */ /* assume the value is char* */ %typemap(ruby, out) const void * { char *value = $1; if (value) { $result = rb_str_new2(value); } else { $result = Qnil; } } #ifndef SWIGRUBY %ignore svn_auth_get_parameter; #endif /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- svn_config_read_auth_data() */ %typemap(ruby, in, numinputs=0) apr_hash_t **hash = apr_hash_t **OUTPUT; %typemap(ruby, argout) apr_hash_t **hash { if (*$1) { $result = svn_swig_rb_apr_hash_to_hash_svn_string(*$1); } else { $result = Qnil; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- svn_config_write_auth_data() */ %typemap(ruby, in) apr_hash_t *hash { $1 = svn_swig_rb_hash_to_apr_hash_svn_string($input, _global_pool); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- describe how to pass a FILE* as a parameter (svn_stream_from_stdio) */ %typemap(python, in) FILE * { $1 = PyFile_AsFile($input); if ($1 == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Must pass in a valid file object"); SWIG_fail; } } %typemap(perl5, in) FILE * { $1 = PerlIO_exportFILE (IoIFP (sv_2io ($input)), NULL); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- wrap some specific APR functionality */ apr_status_t apr_initialize(void); void apr_terminate(void); apr_status_t apr_time_ansi_put(apr_time_t *result, time_t input); void apr_pool_destroy(apr_pool_t *p); void apr_pool_clear(apr_pool_t *p); apr_status_t apr_file_open_stdout (apr_file_t **out, apr_pool_t *pool); apr_status_t apr_file_open_stderr (apr_file_t **out, apr_pool_t *pool); /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- pool functions renaming since swig doesn't take care of the #define's */ %rename (svn_pool_create) svn_pool_create_ex; %ignore svn_pool_create_ex_debug; %typemap(default) apr_allocator_t *allocator { $1 = NULL; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Default pool handling for perl. */ #ifdef SWIGPERL /* Fix for SWIG 1.3.24 */ #if SWIG_VERSION == 0x010324 %typemap(varin) apr_pool_t * { void *temp; if (SWIG_ConvertPtr($input, (void **) &temp, $1_descriptor,0) < 0) { croak("Type error in argument $argnum of $symname. Expected $1_mangle"); } $1 = ($1_ltype) temp; } #endif apr_pool_t *current_pool; #if SWIG_VERSION <= 0x010324 %{ #define SVN_SWIGEXPORT(t) SWIGEXPORT(t) %} #else %{ #define SVN_SWIGEXPORT(t) SWIGEXPORT t %} #endif %{ static apr_pool_t *current_pool = 0; SVN_SWIGEXPORT(apr_pool_t *) svn_swig_pl_get_current_pool (void) { return current_pool; } SVN_SWIGEXPORT(void) svn_swig_pl_set_current_pool (apr_pool_t *pool) { current_pool = pool; } %} #endif /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- wrap config functions */ %typemap(perl5,in,numinputs=0) apr_hash_t **cfg_hash = apr_hash_t **OUTPUT; %typemap(perl5,argout) apr_hash_t **cfg_hash { ST(argvi++) = svn_swig_pl_convert_hash(*$1, $descriptor(svn_config_t *)); } %typemap(perl5, in) (svn_config_enumerator_t callback, void *baton) { $1 = svn_swig_pl_thunk_config_enumerator, $2 = (void *)$input; }; %typemap(ruby, in, numinputs=0) apr_hash_t **cfg_hash = apr_hash_t **OUTPUT; %typemap(ruby, argout) apr_hash_t **cfg_hash { $result = svn_swig_rb_apr_hash_to_hash_swig_type(*$1, "svn_config_t *"); } %typemap(ruby, in) (svn_config_enumerator2_t callback, void *baton) { $1 = svn_swig_rb_config_enumerator; $2 = (void *)svn_swig_rb_make_baton($input, _global_svn_swig_rb_pool); }; %typemap(ruby, in) (svn_config_section_enumerator2_t callback, void *baton) { $1 = svn_swig_rb_config_section_enumerator; $2 = (void *)svn_swig_rb_make_baton($input, _global_svn_swig_rb_pool); }; %typemap(python,in,numinputs=0) apr_hash_t **cfg_hash = apr_hash_t **OUTPUT; %typemap(python,argout,fragment="t_output_helper") apr_hash_t **cfg_hash { $result = t_output_helper( $result, svn_swig_NewPointerObj(*$1, $descriptor(apr_hash_t *), _global_svn_swig_py_pool)); } /* Allow None to be passed as config_dir argument */ %typemap(python,in,parse="z") const char *config_dir ""; %typemap(ruby, in) const char *config_dir { if (NIL_P($input)) { $1 = ""; } else { $1 = StringValuePtr($input); } } #ifdef SWIGPYTHON PyObject *svn_swig_py_exception_type(void); #endif /* svn_prop_diffs */ %typemap(ruby, in, numinputs=0) apr_array_header_t **propdiffs (apr_array_header_t *temp) { $1 = &temp; } %typemap(ruby, argout, fragment="output_helper") apr_array_header_t **propdiffs { $result = output_helper($result, svn_swig_rb_apr_array_to_array_prop(*$1)); } %apply apr_hash_t *PROPHASH { apr_hash_t *target_props, apr_hash_t *source_props }; %typemap(ruby, in) apr_array_header_t *proplist { $1 = svn_swig_rb_array_to_apr_array_prop($input, _global_pool); } %apply apr_array_header_t **OUTPUT_OF_PROP { apr_array_header_t **entry_props, apr_array_header_t **wc_props, apr_array_header_t **regular_props }; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- thunk the various authentication prompt functions. */ %typemap(ruby, in) (svn_auth_simple_prompt_func_t prompt_func, void *prompt_baton) { $1 = svn_swig_rb_auth_simple_prompt_func; $2 = (void *)svn_swig_rb_make_baton($input, _global_svn_swig_rb_pool); } %typemap(ruby, in) (svn_auth_username_prompt_func_t prompt_func, void *prompt_baton) { $1 = svn_swig_rb_auth_username_prompt_func; $2 = (void *)svn_swig_rb_make_baton($input, _global_svn_swig_rb_pool); } %typemap(ruby, in) (svn_auth_ssl_server_trust_prompt_func_t prompt_func, void *prompt_baton) { $1 = svn_swig_rb_auth_ssl_server_trust_prompt_func; $2 = (void *)svn_swig_rb_make_baton($input, _global_svn_swig_rb_pool); } %typemap(ruby, in) (svn_auth_ssl_client_cert_prompt_func_t prompt_func, void *prompt_baton) { $1 = svn_swig_rb_auth_ssl_client_cert_prompt_func; $2 = (void *)svn_swig_rb_make_baton($input, _global_svn_swig_rb_pool); } %typemap(ruby, in) (svn_auth_ssl_client_cert_pw_prompt_func_t prompt_func, void *prompt_baton) { $1 = svn_swig_rb_auth_ssl_client_cert_pw_prompt_func; $2 = (void *)svn_swig_rb_make_baton($input, _global_svn_swig_rb_pool); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ %include svn_types_h.swg %include svn_pools_h.swg %include svn_version_h.swg %include svn_time_h.swg #ifdef SWIGRUBY %immutable name; %immutable value; #endif %include svn_props_h.swg #ifdef SWIGRUBY %mutable name; %mutable value; #endif %include svn_opt_h.swg %include svn_auth_h.swg %include svn_config_h.swg %include svn_version_h.swg %include svn_utf_h.swg %include svn_nls_h.swg /* SWIG won't follow through to APR's defining this to be empty, so we need to do it manually, before SWIG sees this in svn_io.h. */ #define __attribute__(x) %include svn_io_h.swg #ifdef SWIGPERL %include svn_md5_h.swg %include svn_diff_h.swg %include svn_error_h.swg %{ #include "svn_private_config.h" %} %init %{ #if defined(SVN_AVOID_CIRCULAR_LINKAGE_AT_ALL_COSTS_HACK) svn_swig_pl_bind_current_pool_fns (&svn_swig_pl_get_current_pool, &svn_swig_pl_set_current_pool); #endif %} #endif #ifdef SWIGPYTHON void svn_swig_py_set_application_pool(PyObject *py_pool, apr_pool_t *pool); void svn_swig_py_clear_application_pool(); %init %{ /* Theoretically, we should be checking for errors here, but I do not know of any useful way to signal an error to Python from within a module initialization function. */ svn_swig_py_initialize(); /* This is a hack. I dunno if we can count on SWIG calling the module "m" */ PyModule_AddObject(m, "SubversionException", svn_swig_py_register_exception()); %} %pythoncode %{ SubversionException = _core.SubversionException %} /* Proxy classes for APR classes */ %include proxy_apr.swg #endif #ifdef SWIGRUBY %init %{ svn_swig_rb_initialize(); %} /* Dummy declaration */ struct apr_pool_t { }; /* Leave memory administration to ruby's GC */ %extend apr_pool_t { apr_pool_t(apr_pool_t *parent=NULL, apr_allocator_t *allocator=NULL) { /* Disable parent pool. */ return svn_pool_create_ex(NULL, NULL); } ~apr_pool_t() { apr_pool_destroy(self); } }; %include svn_diff_h.swg %inline %{ static VALUE svn_default_charset(void) { return INT2NUM((int)APR_DEFAULT_CHARSET); } static VALUE svn_locale_charset(void) { return INT2NUM((int)APR_LOCALE_CHARSET); } %} #endif