Introduction ------------ The FSFS external data format can be changed to allow for significantly reduced I/O overhead without changing the fundamental ideas behind FSFS. The whole idea is to rearrange packed revision info in a new FSFS format "6". A two-way conversion between format "5" and "6" should be possible as well as supporting both formats for different repositories on the same server. Revision Order -------------- FSFS format "5" packs revisions by putting revision 0 at the beginning of the file and concatenating the others in ascending order. This intuitive design is counter-productive because we always trace data HEAD -> r0 and scanning a file backwards is expensive. +-------+ | rev 0 | +-------+ | rev 1 | +-------+ : ... : +-------+ | rev N | +-------+ A counter-intuitive but more efficient reversed order (de- scending revision order in a packed file) results in always reading forward through a file. +-------+ | rev N | +-------+ : ... : +-------+ | rev 1 | +-------+ | rev 0 | +-------+ Don't Interleave Revision and Content Data ------------------------------------------ Format "5" keeps each revision as a single block. When re-constructing a node content from the diffs, we jump through a number of distant revision blocks. For each node. +--------------+ | rev N Reps | +--------------+ | rev N Header | +--------------+ : ... : +--------------+ | rev 1 Reps | +--------------+ | rev 1 Header | +--------------+ | rev 0 Reps | +--------------+ | rev 0 Header | +--------------+ Instead, delta-info should be removed from the revision blocks and put at the end of the file. This speeds up header-only operations like "log" without impairing node content lookup. And it lays the foundation for further improvements. +--------------+ | rev N Header | +--------------+ : ... : +--------------+ | rev 1 Header | +--------------+ | rev 0 Header | +--------------+ | rev N Reps | +--------------+ : ... : +--------------+ | rev 1 Reps | +--------------+ | rev 0 Reps | +--------------+ The only downside is that putting headers first is somewhat more computationally expensive since offsets needs to be calculated in advance. This is made even more difficult by using a variable length encoding for those offsets. Group the Representations by Delta Tree --------------------------------------- All diffs that are based on the same node within the packed revision file are put in one place. Re-constructing a node would then involve reading the revision headers (relatively close together) and the content deltas after that (again with high locality). +------------------+ | rev N Header | +------------------+ : ... : +------------------+ | rev 1 Header | +------------------+ | rev 0 Header | +------------------+ | node tree A Reps | +------------------+ | node tree B Reps | +------------------+ : ... : +------------------+ | node tree Z Reps | +------------------+ We can optimize that even further by exploiting the skip- delta information: the "walks" through the delta tree for a given node will merge bit by bit into a main "trunk". The nodes on these paths can be re-ordered such that very few seek() operations are required on average to reconstruct the node content in this file. Example of 8 changes in revs r0 .. r7 (for simplicity), looking at the delta-info only ("->" means "stored as diff against"): r0 r1->r0 r2->r0 r3->r2 r4->r0 r5->r4 r6->r4 r7->r6 Default ordering r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7 requires 1/1/2/2/2/2/3/3 seeks. For 2^N changes (N integer > 0), we need (N+1)/2 seeks on average. A path-optimized ordering r0,r4,r6,r7,r5,r2,r3,r1 requires 1/1/1/1/2/2/2/2 seeks. It's (N+3)/4 on average. That optimized ordering can easily be constructed by * select the highest rev not covered, yet * add its diff path to the existing result (starting with the first revision not already is in the result) * repeat until all revs are covered Note that revision paths start with the low end of the revision range because contents gets reconstructed from r0 upwards. Move the Manifest Info into the Packed File ------------------------------------------- Once we mastered the offset pre-calculation issue (see above), we may as well put the manifest info at the be- ginning of the file. This will benefit "log" in particular as only one consecutive chunk of data needs to be read from only one file. +------------------+ | rev 0 Offset | +------------------+ | rev 1 Offset | +------------------+ : ... : +------------------+ | rev N Offset | +------------------+ | rev N Header | +------------------+ : ... : +------------------+ | rev 1 Header | +------------------+ | rev 0 Header | +------------------+ | node tree A Reps | +------------------+ | node tree B Reps | +------------------+ : ... : +------------------+ | node tree Z Reps | +------------------+