
Results are string constants that Actions return to indicate the status of an Action execution. A standard set of Results are defined by default: error, input, login, none and success. Developers are, of course, free to create their own Results to indicate more application specific cases. Results are mapped to defined Result Types using a name-value pair structure.

  • Global results
  • Default results

Result tags

Result tags tell XWork what to do next after the action has been called. There are a standard set of result codes built-in to XWork, (in the Action interface) they include:

String SUCCESS = "success";
String NONE    = "none";
String ERROR   = "error";
String INPUT   = "input";
String LOGIN   = "login";

You can extend these as you see fit. Most of the time you will have either SUCCESS or ERROR, with SUCCESS moving on to the next page in your application;

<result name="success" type="dispatcher">
    <param name="location">/thank_you.jsp</param>

...and ERROR moving on to an error page, or the preceding page;

<result name="error" type="dispatcher">
    <param name="location">/error.jsp</param>

Results are specified in a xwork xml config file (xwork.xml) nested inside <action>. If the location param is the only param being specified in the result tag, you can simplify it as follows:

<action name="bar" class="myPackage.barAction">
  <result name="success" type="dispatcher">
    <param name="location">foo.jsp</param>

or simplified

<action name="bar" class="myPackage.barAction">
  <result name="success" type="dispatcher">foo.jsp</result>

or even simplified further

<action name="bar" class="myPackage.barAction">
Default Action Class

If the class attribute is not specified in the action tag, it will default to XWork's ActionSupport.

Default Location Parameter

If no param tag eg. <param name="location"> ,,, </param> is given as child of the <result ..> tag, XWork will assume the text enclosed within the <result> </result> tags to be the location.

Default Result Type

If no type attribute is specified in the <result ...> tag, XWork assume the type to be dispatcher. (Analogus to Servlet's Specs. SerlvetDispatcher's forward).