Update the docs

Export the wiki docs from Confluence http://wiki.opensymphony.com/display/XW

1 Add a press release page for the new release
2 Click on browse Space → Advanced Tab → Export Space
3 Check OFF everything that isn't under XWork2, except for the path to Documentation (ie: XWork)
4 Uncheck include comments
5 Open to disable the refresh buttons for the export of wiki pages http://wiki.opensymphony.com/plugins/snippet/toggle.action
6 Export both HTML and PDF (will take a while...)
7 Open to enable the refresh buttons for the SNIPPET macro http://wiki.opensymphony.com/plugins/snippet/toggle.action
8 Delete everything in docs/wikidocs, remove from SVN and commit
9 Add everything back in, when the HTML stuff is one
10 Add the PDF to docs/wikidocs/docs.pdf
11 Commit changes to SVN

Build the release bundles with maven

1 Update the POMs to remove "-SNAPSHOT" from the version
2 Commit the POM changes
3 Tag the release by making a SVN copy of the head or designated revision
svn copy -r ###### 
  -m "Tag r###### as XWork #.#.#"
4 Assemble the release
OS X Sample
mvn clean install site assembly:assembly -Pj4 -Djava14.jar=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4.2/Home/../Classes/classes.jar
5 Upload the release bundles to https://xwork.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList
  Create a new folder for the release as Version #.#.#
  Upload the file bundles and add file comments
6 Deploy the artifacts to our Maven repository
You need shell access for this step!
Don't forget to upload the pom.xml as well!
  Prune any obsolete snapshots from opensymphony.com://opt/repository/ibiblio.org/opensymphony/jars/
7 Update the POMs to next version number and add the "-SNAPSHOT" suffix
8 Commit the POM changes
9 Deploy the new snapshot
mvn -N install
10 Add the next version to our issue tracker for scheduling new features and fixes
11 Update docs/meta.xml with the newly added download bundles
12 Clear the project cache so that he latest meta.xml information is used www.opensymphony.com/clearProjectCache.jsp
13 Verify the download link
14 Announce the release http://blogs.opensymphony.com