Why Build?

Most developers will never need to build the framework from source. The distribution package contains everything a developer needs to get started and become productive with the framework. For more on how to go to work with the distributed binaries right away, see Ready, Set, Go\!. However, there are situations when someone will want to build the framework from scratch. You may want to try out new tweaks and patches, or you might want to try writing your own tweak or patch.

Getting the Sources

The source code for the framework is available as distribution you can download directly or from the source code repository.


The distributions of the framework contain all sources, as well as all needed libraries for building JARs and running. Distributions can be downloaded from here.

After downloading simply unzip it using:

unzip ./xwork-xxx.zip -d ./xwork

Respository (SVN)

Use Subversion to checkout the source code.

svn --username xxx --password xxxx checkout https://svn.opensymphony.com/svn/xwork/trunk ./xwork

or without username and password

svn checkout https://svn.opensymphony.com/svn/xwork/trunk ./xwork

Building XWork2 using Maven2

Building XWork2 requires JDK 1.5 (Tiger)

To build XWork2 one will need Maven2 which could be obtained here. More information about Maven2 could be obtained here.

To generate a packaged jar file, run

mvn clean package

This will do some clean up, compile (both the core and tests) and the core as a jar file under /target directory

To install it in one's local repository simply run,

mvn clean install

Building XWork2 for Java 1.4

To build a Java 1.4 compliant version of the jars, we use retroweaver to translate the classes.

You need to have a Java 1.4 VM installed

On Windows/Linux/Solaris point the java14.jar property to tools.jar

OS X Sample
mvn clean install -Pj4 -Djava14.jar=$JAVA14_HOME/../Classes/classes.jar