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Validator Example using DynaValidatorActionForm

Enter information into the fields below. Your entries will be displayed when you Submit the form.

* = required field. Other fields must be blank or in the required format.

Byte: -128 .. 127
Short: -32768 .. 32767
Integer: -2147483648 .. 2147483647
Long: -9223372036854775808 .. 9223372036854775807
Float: 1.4E-45 .. 3.4028235E38
Double: 4.9E-324 .. 1.7976931348623157E308
Credit Card: e.g. 4444333322221111 (no spaces)
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
Mask: US zip code e.g. 90210
Min Length: (minimum 5 characters)
Max Length: (maximum 10 characters)
Range: 100 .. 1000
* Required:

These two fields must contain the same value:

* Password: (minimum 5 characters)
* Password confirmation: