The Struts-Faces Integration Library (Version 0.4) README File $Id: README.txt,v 1.6 2003/12/31 07:17:48 craigmcc Exp $ ============ INTRODUCTION: ============ This package contains an add-on library that supports the use of JavaServer Faces user interface technology in a Struts based web application, in place of the Struts custom tag libraries. As a proof of concept, it also includes the canonical "struts-example" example web application, converted to use JavaServer Faces tags, as well as tags from the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), version 1.0 or later. It also includes a very basic Tiles based applicaton, modified in a simiar manner. Note that this software is based on the Beta release of JavaServer Faces technology, and is itself very new. Therefore, it is appropriate only for evaluation and learning, and not yet appropriate for production application deployments. EXAMPLE APPLICATION NOTE -- Because the JavaServer Faces reference implementation is an early access release, the license under which it is available does not allow redistribution. See RUNNING THE EXAMPLE APPLICATION, below, for information on how to integrate your own copy of the required JAR files into the example app, which is required before it will run. ======================== NEW AND REVISED FEATURES: ======================== This release of the Struts-Faces Integration Library (Version 0.5) has the following new features relative to the previous (0.4) release: * It is now possible to mix pure JavaServer Faces pages, and those using the struts-faces integration library, in the same webapp. Previously, it was required to use only Stuts-based handlers for form submts. * All attributes of the component tags in the Struts-Faces integration library have been "value binding enabled", meaning you can use value binding expressions ("#{...}") to calculate attribute values dynamically. * It is now possible to use the Struts-Faces Integration Library in conjunction with application modules using Tiles. This release of the Struts-Faces Integration Library (Version 0.5) has the following revised features relative to the previous (0.4) release: * The "focus" attribute on the tag should work properly in all cases now. * Integration with the Validator Framework should work properly in all cases now. The previous release of the Struts-Faces Integration Library (Version 0.4) had the following new features relative to the previous (0.3) release: * Value reference expressions in "valueRef" attributes of UI component tags can now recognize and support the properties of DynaBeans directly, thanks to the use of the pluggable PropertyResolver made available in JavaServer Faces 1.0ea4. For backwards compatibility, the ".map" pseudo-property on DynaActionForm and its subclasses is still recognized. The previous release of the Struts-Faces Integration Library (Version 0.4) had the following revised features relative to the previous (0.3) release: * In all UI tags for input and output components, the "modelReference" attribute has been replaced with "valueRef", for consistency with the corresponding change in the standard JavaServer Faces component tags. * In all UI tags corresponding to JavaServer Faces components, the following changes have been made to reflect the corresponding changes in the underlying API classes: - Replaced javax.faces.webapp.FacesTag by javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTag. - Replaced createComponent() method that returned a new component instance by getComponentType() method that returns a component type. * The library utilizes the new (in EA4) capability to embed a configuration file in the struts-faces.jar file (META-INF/faces-config.xml) to automatically register the custom components and renderers included in the library. Previously, these application elements needed to be registered programmatically in a ServletContextListener. * Previously, the (deprecated) ApplicationHandler API was used to connect form submits to the Struts request processing lifecycle. This has been replaced by plugging a custom implementation of the new ActionListener interface. * The renderer implementation classes have been substantially simplified due to the removal of the requirement to provide information about supported render-dependent attributes. ======================== CONTENTS OF THIS RELEASE: ======================== Top Level Directory: ------------------- LICENSE.txt -- The Apache Software License, under which all software included in this bundle is licensed. README.txt -- This README file. build.xml -- Ant build script (only required for building from source). -- Sample "" file that may be customized (only required for building from source). Directory "conf": ---------------- faces-config.xml -- Configuration file used by the struts-faces.jar file to automatically register JavaServer Faces components and renderers that are implemented in the library. This is for reference only; your application does not need to do anything to include this file. struts-faces.tld -- The JSP tag library descriptor file for the Struts-Faces integration tag library. Directory "docs": ---------------- struts-faces.html -- Reference documentation for the Struts-Faces integration tag library. api/ -- Javadocs for the classes included in the Struts-Faces integration library (org.apache.struts.faces.*). Directory "lib": --------------- struts-faces.jar -- The compiled classes (and embedded tag library descriptor) for the Struts-Faces integration library. Directory "src": --------------- conf/ -- Source files for the generated TLD and tag library documentation (only required for building from source), as well as the faces-config.xml file used to register custom components and renderers. example/ -- Source files for the "struts-example" application that has been converted to use JavaServer Faces components. You can compare this to the corresponding sources in a standard Struts release to see what had to be changed. java/ -- Source files for the Struts-Faces integration library classes (only required for building from source). The following packages (under org.apache.struts.faces) contain the necessary code: application -- Integrate with ActionListener, custom PropertyResolver, custom RequestProcessor(s) component -- Custom JavaServer Faces component implementations (only Form for now) renderer -- Custom JavaServer Faces renderer implementations taglib -- Custom JavaServer Faces component tag implementations Directory "web": --------------- example/ -- JSP and web application configuration files for the "struts-example" application that has been converted to use JavaServer Faces components. You can compare this to the corresponding sources in a standard Struts release to see what had to be changed. Directory "webapps": ------------------- struts-faces.war -- The converted example application, minus the required JAR files from the JavaServer Faces reference implementation Early Access 4 release. See RUNNING THE EXAMPLE APPLIATION for information on how to configure and deploy this web application on your container. =============================== RUNNING THE EXAMPLE APPLICATION: =============================== The following steps are required to deploy and run the example application (struts-faces.war) included in this distribution: Install A Java Development Kit: ------------------------------ The Struts-Faces integration library requires a Java Development Kit (not the Java Runtime Environment), version 1.3 or later. It was tested against Sun's JDK 1.4.2 release, available at: Install a Servlet Container: --------------------------- The JavaServer Faces reference implementation beta release has been tested against Tomcat 5.0.16, but should run in any container that supports the Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 specifications. If you attempt to run the example program in a servlet container that has a version of JavaServer Faces installed already (such as the Java Web Services Developer Pack, version 1.2 or 1.3), you must take one of the following two actions before you can successfully use the new Struts-Faces Integration Library and the corresponding beta release of JavaServer Faces. Either: * Replace any existing (EA4) version of JavaServer Faces in your container, following the container's specific instructions for this process (and leave the JavaServer Faces JARs out of your web application); or * Remove any existing (EA4) version of JavaServer Faces in your container, following the container's specific instructions for this process (and plan on including the JavaServer Faces JARs with your webapp. If you plan to build the example application from scratch, be sure to include the property setting "build.standalone=true" in your local "" file. Install The Struts-Faces Integration Library 0.5 Distribution: ------------------------------------------------------------- Download a nightly build of the Struts-Faces Integration Library (what will eventually be version 0.5) from: Note that the source code for this distribution is included in the nightly builds of the jakarta-struts repository, in directory: Add JavaServer Faces JAR Files To Example WAR: --------------------------------------------- If you are planning to execute the sample application on a servlet container containing a previous version of JavaServer Faces (such as EA4), be sure to replace that version with the beta version, following the container provided instructions. If you are planning to execute the example application on a servlet container that does not include JavaServer Faces (such as Tomcat 5.0.16 or later), you will need to manually integrate the required JAR fles into the WAR file. Yo can do this by executing the following steps from the command line, where $JSF_HOME is the directory into which you have downloaded the beta release of JavaServer Faces 1.0, and $STRUTS_FACES_HOME is the directory into which you have downloaded the Struts-Faces Integration Library binary release: mkdir temp cd temp jar xvf $STRUTS_FACES_HOME/webapps/struts-faces.war cp $JSF_HOME/lib/jsf-api.jar WEB-INF/lib cp $JSF_HOME/lib/jsf-impl.jar WEB-INF/lib jar cvf ../struts-faces.war * cd .. After executing these steps, your current working directory will contain a revised web application archive (WAR) file that has all the required libraries to execute on any Servlet 2.4 / JSP 2.0 (or later) container. VERSION COMPATIBILITY NOTE: The example application is distributed with the JSTL 1.1 JAR files (jstl.jar and standard.jar), and is therefore dependent upon JSP 2.0. You can easily make a version of the webapp that runs on a Servlet 2.3 / JSP 1.2 container (such as Tomcat 4.1.27) by replacing these two JAR with the corresponding JARs from a JSTL 1.0 release. Deploy The Example Application: ------------------------------ Follow the standard instructions for your container to deploy the struts-faces.war web application archive. For the JWSDP 1.2 or 1.3 release, or for any standard Tomcat 5.0.x release, you have the following choices: * Drop the "struts-faces.war" file into the "webapps" subdirectory of the servlet container release, and wait a few moments for the container to recognize the new application and deploy it for you. * Use the dynamic deployment Ant commands, as described below. Execute The Example Application: ------------------------------- By default, the application will be installed at context path "/struts-faces", so the URL to access it will typically be something like: http://localhost:8080/struts-faces/ The example application is functionally identical to the canonical struts-example.war application included in standard Struts 1.1 releases. When first started, the only valid username/password combination is "user" and "pass". ==================== BUILDING FROM SOURCE: ==================== If you wish, you can build the Struts-Faces integration library, and the sample application, from the source code included in this distribution. Follow these steps: Install An Ant Distribution: --------------------------- If you have downloaded the JWSDP 1.2 or 1.3 release described above, Ant is already included. Otherwise, download Apache Ant, version 1.5.2 or later, from: Install this environment as described in the Ant documentation, and ensure that Ant's "bin" directory is on your PATH. Configure Your Build Properties: ------------------------------- Copy the "" file in the top level directory to a file named "", and customize the settings that are specified there. The default values are set up for easy use with the JWSDP 1.2ea download. Build The Sources: ----------------- The simplest way to build is to execute: ant clean dist to recreate the entire distribution in the "dist" subdirectory. Use the "ant -projecthelp" command to see what other targets are available. ======================================================= USING THE STRUTS-FACES LIBRARY IN YOUR OWN APPLICATIONS: ======================================================= Using the Struts-Faces integration library in your own Struts-based web applications is straightforward, and requires the following steps: * Add the "struts-faces.jar" file from the "lib" subdirectory of this release into the "/WEB-INF/lib" subdirectory of your webapp. * Add the following JAR files from the JavaServer Faces reference implementation's "lib" directory to your application's "/WEB-INF/lib" directory: jsf-api.jar, jsf-impl.jar. * Add the following JAR files, containing the JSTL release (or from the JavaServer Faces release) to your application's "/WEB-INF/lib" directory: jstl.jar, standard.jar. * Add the servlet definition for the JavaServer Faces servlet into your web application's deployment descriptor (/WEB-INF/web.xml): faces javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet 1 * If you have a element on your declaration of the Struts controller servlet, modify the value to be "2" or greater so that FacesServlet is initialized first. * Add the servlet mapping for the JavaServer Faces servlet into your web application's deployment descriptor (/WEB-INF/web.xml): faces /faces/* NOTE: Although JavaServer Faces no longer requires ths mapping, the Struts-Faces Integration Library currently still requires it. This isse will be addessed before a final 1.0 release. * The tag library in the Struts-Faces integration library (as well as those in the JavaServer Faces reference implementation) are embedded in the JAR files themselves, and rely on the ability of a Servlet 2.3 (or later) container to automatically recognize them. Therefore, there is no need to copy the TLD files into the WEB-INF subdirectory of your web application. * Modify the JSP pages of your web application to use the JSTL, JavaServer Faces, and Struts-Faces integration library tags, instead of the traditional Struts tag libraries. This migration can occur one page at a time, as you become familiar with the new technologies. You will want to note the following points in particular: - Include the following tag library directives at the top of your page in order to declare them: <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %> <%@ taglib prefix="f" uri="" %> <%@ taglib prefix="h" uri="" %> <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="" %> - The Struts-Faces tag library (prefix "s" above) contains replacements for functionality in the existing Struts HTML tag library that are not directly provided by JavaServer Faces components. You should convert your existing use of the Struts HTML variants of these tags to use the Struts-Faces version instead. (Functionality and attributes should be basically compatible, so this is usually just a matter of changing the tag prefixes.) - In particular, you must use the Struts-Faces version of the form tag () in order to activate standard Struts features like automatic creation of the form bean, and looking up the appropriate action to invoke based on the "action" attribute. - Replace the use of tags from the Struts HTML library with user interface component tags provided by the JavaServer Faces reference implementation, by other third party libraries, or by your application itself. For example, on the logon.jsp page, the username field was changed from: to the following JavaServer Faces Component tag: - JavaServer Faces provides its own mechanisms for internationalizing user interfaces. These can be used directly; however, to ease the transition for existing Struts-based web applications, the Struts-Faces integration library supports the tag, which is functionally equivalent to the previous tag. - Optionally, replace the use of tags from the Struts BEAN and LOGIC libraries with corresponding functionality from JSTL tags. This is recommended, because JSTL tags are more powerful than their Struts library counterparts, and the expression language syntax is the same as that used for value reference expressions. * Modify your struts-config.xml file to include identification of the custom request processor implementation class to be used, by adding the following element in the appropriate location (typically just before any existing and elements), one of the following controller element declarations. If your application module does *not* use Tiles: If your application module *does* use Tiles: * For each JSP page that you have modified to use JavaServer Faces components instead of traditional Struts tags, modify any elements in your webapp's struts-config.xml file to include "/faces" in front of the path to that page. For example, change: to this: * In most circumstances, you should not need to make any changes in your Actions, or the business logic classes invoked by your actions. They are still invoked as part of the standard Struts request processing lifecycle, and are still expected to return an ActionForward (or null) defining what view layer technology should be invoked next. NOTE: If you have a command component whose "immediate" property is set to "true", it will be processed as it would in a pure JavaServer Faces based application. Only command components with immediate="false" (which is the default value), that are nested inside a Struts-Faces tag, will be forwarded through the normal Struts request processing lifecycle. * If your application contains cancel buttons rendered by the tag, you should replace them with an that has an "id" attribute set to "cancel" in order for this button to be recognized by Struts as a cancel button. * If your application itself provides additional UIComponent and/or Renderer implementations, you must register them with the default JavaServer Faces RenderKit before they can be used. The simplest way to do this is to define a "faces-config.xml" file that contains the declaration for your custom classes. Such a file can be included either in the "/WEB-INF" directory of your web application, or in the "META-INF" directory of a JAR file included in "/WEB-INF/lib". (The Struts-Faces Integration Library itself uses the latter technique to register its custom components automatically for any web application that includes "struts-faces.jar" in its "/WEB-INF/lib" directory.) ================= KNOWN LIMITATIONS: ================= The following items identify functionality areas that have not yet been fully implemented or tested: * Use of the Struts-Faces integration library in multiple application modules (although in theory this should "just work"). * Use of the "forwardPattern" or "pagePattern" attributes on the element. * Use of the Struts Nested tag libraries. * Use of the Struts-EL tag library (although this should be unnecessary, since you are free to use JSTL tags directly). * Use of a custom RequestProcessor subclass. The Struts-Faces integration library provides its own custom subclass (org.apache.struts.faces.application.FacesRequestProcessor or org.apache.struts.faces.application.FacesTilesRequestProcessor), which must be used (or subclassed) for the integration to operate successfuly.