# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # build.properties.sample # # This is an example "build.properties" file, used to customize building # Scaffold for your local environment. Make any changes you need, and # rename this file to "build.properties" in the same directory that contains the # "build.xml" file. # # $Id: build.properties.sample,v 1.2 2001/12/28 13:34:56 vmassol Exp $ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # WARNING: The relative paths below are relative to the directory where the # build.xml file is located. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mandatory properties # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Location of the Jakarta Commons Digester jar digester.jar=../../../jakarta-commons/digester/dist/commons-digester.jar # Location of the Jakarta Commons Beanutils jar beanutils.jar=../../../jakarta-commons/beanutils/dist/commons-beanutils.jar # Location of the Jakarta Commons Collections jar collections.jar=../../../jakarta-commons/collections/dist/commons-collections.jar # Location of the Jakarta Struts jar struts.jar=../../dist/lib/struts.jar # Location of the Jakarta Lucene jar lucene.jar=../../../jakarta-lucene/bin/lucene-1.2-rc3-dev.jar # Location of the CodeStudio.com Poolman jar poolman.jar=../../../poolman/poolman.jar # Location of the Servlet API (2.2 or 2.3) jar servlet.jar=../../../jakarta-servletapi-4/lib/servlet.jar # Location of the JDBC 2.0 Optional Package extensions API jar (javax.sql) jdbc20ext.jar=../../../jdbc20/jdbc2_0-stdext.jar # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Optional properties # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Location of the Struts Bean tag library. Needed to generate the sample # application struts-bean.tld=../../dist/lib/struts-bean.tld # Location of the Struts Logic tag library. Needed to generate the sample # application struts-logic.tld=../../dist/lib/struts-logic.tld # Location of the Struts HTML tag library. Needed to generate the sample # application struts-html.tld=../../dist/lib/struts-html.tld # Location the Jakarta Cactus jar. Needed for running the unit tests and to # generate the sample application cactus.jar=../../../jakarta-cactus/target/servlet23/dist/lib/cactus.jar # Location of the Jakarta Cactus custom Ant tasks. Needed for running the unit # tests and to generate the sample application cactus.ant.jar=../../../jakarta-cactus/target/cactus-ant.jar # Location of the Junit jar. Needed by Cactus. junit.jar=../../../junit/junit3.7/junit.jar # Location of the Jakarta Commons HttpClient jar. Needed by Cactus. httpclient.jar=../../../jakarta-commons/httpclient/dist/commons-httpclient.jar # Location of the AspectJ runtime jar. Needed by Cactus. aspectjrt.jar=../../../aspectj/lib/aspectjrt.jar # Location of the Tomcat 4.x installation directory. Needs to be defined to # execute the Cactus tests on Tomcat 4.x. tomcat.home.40=c:/Apps/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1 # Port to use to start the servlet engines for the unit tests test.port=8080