Struts Validator ================== You must do the following to have the build script work. 1. Edit the file. 2. Add the follwing to the lib directory. Struts - struts.jar ( Jakarata Regexp - jakarta-regexp.jar ( JDBC 2.0 Optonal Package - jdbc2_0-stdext.jar ( 3. Place the following Struts tlds from the Struts download in 'struts/WEB-INF/tlds'. (struts-bean.tld struts-html.tld struts-logic.tld struts-template.tld) Overview --------- The Validation Framework was made to work with Struts. It can perform basic validations to check if a field is required, matches a regular expression, email, credit card, and server side type checking and date validation. Different validation rules can be defined for different locales. The framework has basic support for user defined constants which can be used in some field attributes. The validation routines are modifiable in the validation.xml file so custom validation routines can be created and added to the framework.