INFORMATION =========== - This is Struts 2's "Database Portlet" Maven Archetype - To be used to create a simple portlet that displays information in a database and can be deployed as a webapp or JSR168 portlet. USAGE ===== - change directory to where the portlet template is to be created, for example, a 'projects' directory (which you may need to create): cd /home/tmjee/projects - run the following command to generate the sample portlet template, assuming :- - root java package -> com.myCompany.myPortlet - the portlet war name -> myWebApp mvn archetype:generate -B -DgroupId=com.mycompany.mysystem \ -DartifactId=myWebApp \ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.struts \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=struts2-archetype-dbportlet \ -DarchetypeVersion= \ -DremoteRepositories= For more details about the Struts2 archetypes, please take a look at our Wiki page. -> - to compile, execute mvn compile - to run test cases execute mvn test - to clean execute mvn clean - to package execute mvn package - to start it with jetty execute as a servlet mvn jetty:run