<% request.setAttribute("decorator", "none"); response.setHeader("Cache-Control","no-cache"); //HTTP 1.1 response.setHeader("Pragma","no-cache"); //HTTP 1.0 response.setDateHeader ("Expires", 0); //prevents caching at the proxy server %>

Accessing properties inside Arrays

To access properties inside arrays, use the brackets "[]" operators with the desired index(starting from 0). The action class has an array of String in the field bands.

To access the second element in the bands array type:


on the OGNL console and hit enter. Do it for me

Accessing properties inside Lists

Lists can be accessed on the same way. The action class has a List of String on the field movies.

To access the first element in the movies list type:


on the OGNL console and hit enter. Do it for me

[More details]