<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %> AJAX-based remote DIV tag <%@ include file="/ajax/commonInclude.jsp" %>


  1. A simple DIV that refreshes only once
  2. A simple DIV that uses a custom handler
  3. A simple DIV that updates every 2 seconds, with indicator
  4. A simple DIV that updates every 5 seconds with loading text and reloading text and delay
  5. A simple DIV's that cannot contact the server, with fixed error message
  6. A div that calls the server, and JS in the resulting page is executed
  7. A div that will listen to events to refresh and start/stop autoupdate, and gets highlighted in red (when it loads)
  8. A div that will listen to events to refresh and start/stop autoupdate, publish notifyTopics