STRUTS 2 FOR JAVA 4 Struts 2 is targeted for Java 5, but a "backported" version to Java 4 is being made available, using the RetroTranslator tool. To use Struts 2 with Java 4 (preferably Java 1.4.2), place the enclosed Struts, XWork, RetroTranslator, and backport-util-concurrent JARs on your classpath. For complete details on using RetroTranslator JARs, see the RetroTranslator site. * NOTE: The Struts 2 and XWork 2 JARs are complete replacements for the corresponding standard Java 5 JARs. Do not use both sets of JARs in the same environment! If you discover any issues using the Struts 2 for Java 4 JAR, please report them to the Struts Dev list or JIRA ticket ww-1391. * * Cheers!