WHAT IS THIS? This is a standalone version of Tiles, extricated from Struts 1.1. HOW IS IT DIFFERENT FROM STRUTS TILES? There are a few differences between this version of Tiles and Tiles included in Struts 1.1. 1. Instead of org.apache.struts.tiles, standalone Tiles uses org.apache.tiles. This means: a. Your Tiles servlet declaration in web.xml should look like this: Tiles Servlet org.apache.tiles.servlets.TilesServlet ... 1 (Note the classname for the Tiles servlet: org.apache.tiles.servlets.TilesServlet) b. The fully qualified name for Tiles controllers has changed to org.apache.tiles.Controller. 2. Instead of http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/tags-tiles for the tag library uri, standalone Tiles uses http://jakarta.apache.org/tiles. So your taglib declaration should like this: <%@ taglib uri="http://jakarta.apache.org/tiles" %> HOW DO I GET STARTED? First, you must build the tiles-core.jar file. Copy build.properties.sample to build.properties and edit properties as appropriate. Then change to the core-library directory and do "ant dist". That will create, among other things, core-library/dist/lib/tiles-core.jar, which you include in the lib directory of your WAR file. To get started using Tiles, you'll find an examples/simple directory in the top-level directory (in which this file resides). That directory contains a simple example that illustrates Tiles fundamentals. That application is documented in tiles.pdf, which is also in the top-level directory.