# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # P R O J E C T P R O P E R T I E S - Modeled after Turbine project.properties # # $Id: project.properties 105881 2004-11-19 21:00:43Z germuska $ # # Do not change this file. Please use build.properties in this directory # to do site or installation specific changes to the project build. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- maven.repo.remote=http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/,http://cvs.apache.org/repository/ maven.checkstyle.properties = conf/qa/CheckStyle.xml #keep ant & maven directories separate. #We do this in struts core, but I think as we move to use Maven more, we will # probably use the normal "target" dir. #maven.build.dir=m-target # doc.dir is a property used in the original Ant-oriented build.xml. # define it here to make it easier to port ant tasks to maven.xml doc.dir=doc # display the date on the site maven.xdoc.date = left # Display the version the web site is documenting maven.xdoc.version = ${pom.currentVersion} # Days to report in the change log maven.changelog.range=30 compile.debug = on compile.optimize = off compile.deprecation = on maven.compile.deprecation = on # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # D E P L O Y M E N T P R O P E R T I E S # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #- maven.repo.central and maven.repo.central.directory are used to deploy #- jars to be used by other projects. # #- For nightly builds, use: #- maven jar:deploy-snapshot #- This will deploy to the 'default' directory, which corresponds to the "remote" repository #- http://cvs.apache.org/repository/ #- For production builds, use: #- maven -Dmaven.repo.central.directory=/www/www.apache.org/dist/java-repository/ jar:deploy #- That directory is periodically mirrored with the "standard" Maven repo at ibiblio #- Specify your username at the remote repository (cvs.apache.org) #- with the maven property 'maven.username' maven.repo.central=cvs.apache.org maven.repo.central.directory=/www/cvs.apache.org/repository/ # nightly builds #maven.repo.central.directory=/www/www.apache.org/dist/java-repository/ # releases # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # N I G H T L Y B U I L D P R O P E R T I E S # ------------------------------------------------------------------- validator.nightly.dist.dir = \ /www/jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-struts/nightly # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # X D O C P R O P E R T I E S # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #maven.xdoc.includeProjectDocumentation=no #Comment out the following line to use the standard Maven stylesheet maven.xdoc.jsl=struts.jsl # Links to Struts Development Process doc instead of Maven default doc maven.xdoc.developmentProcessUrl=/releases.html #Powered By logo #maven.xdoc.poweredby.image=struts-power.gif #maven.xdoc.poweredby.title=Powered by Struts #maven.xdoc.poweredby.url=http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/ maven.xdoc.poweredby.image= maven.xdoc.poweredby.title= maven.xdoc.poweredby.url= maven.ui.banner.background=#ffffff maven.ui.banner.foreground=#000000 maven.ui.banner.border.top=#ffffff maven.ui.banner.border.bottom=#ffffff maven.ui.navcol.background=#ffffff maven.ui.navcol.border.top=#ffffff maven.ui.navcol.border.right=#ffffff maven.ui.navcol.border.bottom=#ffffff maven.ui.breadcrumbs.background=#ffffff maven.ui.breadcrumbs.foreground=#666666 maven.ui.breadcrumbs.border.top=#ffffff maven.ui.breadcrumbs.border.bottom=#000000 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # C A C T U S P L U G - I N P R O P E R T I E S # ------------------------------------------------------------------- cactus.src.dir = src/test cactus.src.includes = org/apache/struts/action/TestActionServlet.java,org/apache/struts/taglib/**/Test*.java ## Cactus Plug-in: Tomcat 4 specific # cactus.tomcat4x.config (optional) # Location of the Tomcat 4.x configuration file if you don't want to use the cactus-provided one. # cactus.tomcat4x.conf.dir (optional) # Location of custom Tomcat 4.x configuration file that will be copied, overwriting the Cactus-provided configuration files. cactus.tomcat4x.conf.dir = conf/test/tomcat41 # cactus.tomcat4x.conf.includes (optional) # Configuration files located at${cactus.tomcat4x.conf.dir that should be included in the Tomcat 4.x container set up by Cactus. # cactus.tomcat4x.conf.excludes (optional) # Configuration files located at${cactus.tomcat4x.conf.dir that should not be included in the Tomcat 4.x container set up by Cactus. # cactus.tomcat4x.tmpdir (optional) # Directory to which the container will be installed for the tests. By default the system temporary directory is used. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # A P A C H E R E P O S I T O R Y P R O P E R T I E S # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Because the repository user name is different for each person, it should not # be defined in the shared "project.properties" # Define this on the command line, or in your own build.properties file: # in order to deploy to the repository: #ssh configuration settings just require your apache id to log on with #maven.username= (DON'T UNCOMMENT THIS LINE IN SHARED project.propert maven.changelog.factory = org.apache.maven.svnlib.SvnChangeLogFactory