============ Apache STeVe ============ .. rubric:: Apache STeVe. Running Web Site In Development Mode ------------------------------------ It's obviously handy to look at your spiffy work from a browser. Apache STeVe can be run locally at port 8080. You can change the port by editing the file ``uwsgi.ini``. You need to have ``pip`` and ``virtialenv`` installed on your machine. In the local directory of ``steve/steve-web``: #. ``virtualenv --python=python2.6 .virtualenv`` #. ``source .virtualenv/bin/activate`` #. ``pip install --editable .`` #. ``pip install uwsgi`` #. ``uwsgi uwsgi.ini`` Browse and click "Create a new election". Note, that the pages do not exactly work but are meant to be representative of how clean the code can be when Flask is used. Also note the general organization of the project which pretty much follows how many Python projects organize their code and tests.