Library: Input/output
basic_istringstream basic_istream basic_ios ios_base
allocator_type basic_istringstream() char_type |
int_type off_type pos_type |
rdbuf() str() traits_type |
~basic_istringstream() |
Class that supports reading objects of specializations of class template basic_string from an array in memory
#include <sstream> namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT> > class basic_istringstream; }
The class template basic_istringstream reads from an array in memory. It supports reading objects of class basic_string, and uses a basic_stringbuf object to control the associated storage. It inherits from basic_istream, and therefore can use all the formatted and unformatted input functions.
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<void> > class basic_istringstream : public basic_istream<charT, traits> { public: typedef traits traits_type; typedef charT char_type; typedef Allocator allocator_type; typedef typename traits_type::int_type int_type; typedef typename traits_type::pos_type pos_type; typedef typename traits_type::off_type off_type; explicit basic_istringstream(ios_base::openmode = ios_base::in); explicit basic_istringstream(const basic_string<char_type, traits_type, allocator_type>&, ios_base::openmode = ios_base::in); virtual ~basic_istringstream(); basic_stringbuf<char_type, traits_type, allocator_type> * rdbuf() const; basic_string<char_type, traits_type, allocator_type> str() const; void str(const basic_string<char_type, traits_type, allocator_type>&); }; }
The type allocator_type is a synonym for the template parameter Allocator.
The type char_type is a synonym for the template parameter charT.
The type int_type is a synonym of type traits::in_type.
The type off_type is a synonym of type traits::off_type.
The type pos_type is a synonym of type traits::pos_type.
The type traits_type is a synonym for the template parameter traits.
The type istringstream is an instantiation of class basic_istringstream on type char:
typedef basic_istringstream<char> istringstream;
The type wistringstream is an instantiation of class basic_istringstream on type wchar_t:
typedef basic_istringstream<wchar_t> wistringstream;
explicit basic_istringstream(ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in);
Constructs an object of class basic_istringstream, initializing the base class basic_istream with the associated string buffer. The string buffer is initialized by calling the basic_stringbuf constructor:
explicit basic_istringstream(const basic_string<char_type, traits_type, allocator_type>& str, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in);
Constructs an object of class basic_istringstream, initializing the base class basic_istream with the associated string buffer. The string buffer is initialized by calling the basic_stringbuf constructor:
basic_stringbuf<char_type, traits_type,
virtual ~basic_istringstream();
Destroys an object of class basic_istringstream.
basic_stringbuf<char_type, traits_type, allocator_type>* rdbuf() const;
Returns a pointer to the basic_stringbuf associated with the stream.
basic_string<char_type, traits_type, allocator_type> str() const;
Returns rdbuf()->str().
void str(const basic_string<char_type, traits_type, allocator_type>& str);
Calls rdbuf()->str(str).
// // istringstream.cpp // #include <iomanip> // for setw #include <iostream> // for wcout, dec, endl, hex, oct, wostream #include <sstream> // for strstream, wistringstream #include <string> // for wstring int main ( ) { try { // create a read/write stream object std::wistringstream in (std::ios::in | std::ios::out); // associate the ostream object's buffer with // the ifstream object std::wostream out (in.rdbuf ()); // enable exceptions in both streams in.exceptions (std::ios::badbit); out.exceptions (std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit); // write string into out out << "Il avait l'air heureux." << std::endl; // seek to the beginning of the stream in.seekg (0); wchar_t c; // output each space-separated word on a separate line while (in.get (c)) { if (std::isspace (c, in.getloc ())) std::wcout << std::endl; else std::wcout << c; } std::wcout << std::endl; // clear stream state, failbit | eofbit set by // last call to get () in.clear (); // move back to the beginning of the stream in.seekg (0); wchar_t buf [40]; // guard against buffer overflow in.width (sizeof buf); // set right justification std::wcout << std::right; // does the same thing as the previous code // output each word on a separate line // in a field of width 10 while (in >> buf) { std::wcout.width (10); std::wcout << buf << std::endl; } std::wcout << std::endl; // clear flags, last in >> buf set fail bit // because of a newline at end of string in.clear (); // output the base info before each integer out << std::showbase; std::wostream::pos_type pos= out.tellp (); const long l = 10; // output l in hex with a field with of 10 out << std::hex << std::setw (10) << l << std::endl; // output l in oct with a field with of 10 out << std::oct << std::setw (10) << l << std::endl; // output l in dec with a field with of 10 out << std::dec << std::setw (10) << l << std::endl; // move back to the beginning of the stream in.seekg (0); // output the entire stream std::wcout << in.rdbuf () << std::endl; // clear the flags in.clear (); // seek the input sequence to pos in.seekg (pos); in.unsetf (std::ios::basefield); int a, b, d; // read the previous outputted integer in >> a >> b >> d; // output 3 times 10 std::wcout << a << std::endl << b << std::endl << d << std::endl; } catch (std::ios::failure &e) { std::wcerr << e.what () << std::endl; } return 0; } Program Output:
4848525670694967 0048FE1C 0048FE1C 0xa 012 10 10 10 10
char_traits, ios_base, basic_ios, basic_stringbuf, basic_string, basic_ostringstream, basic_stringstream
ISO/IEC 14882:1998 -- International Standard for Information Systems --Programming Language C++, Section 27.7.2