Title: The Zemanta enhancement engine Enhancement engine that uses the Zemanta API. You need a Zemanta API key to run this engine. ## Usage If the Engine does not show up in the Componets tab of the Apache Felix Web Console you will first need to build and install this Engine to your OSGI environment 1. build ("mvn install") and deploy the Clerezza bundle org.apache.clerezza.rdf.jena.parser 2. build the jar ("mvn install") 3. import the jar into the OSGi runtime (all default To use this Enhancement Engine it is important to configure your Zemanta API key. * In the OSGi web console, set the property "org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.zemanta.key" with your API key * restart the component in the OSGi console * Watch the console when you add text using commands such as: :::bash curl -T myText.txt -H Content-Type:text/plain http://localhost:8080/enhancer