Title: Website Development Apache Stanbol uses the [ASF CMS](http://www.apache.org/dev/cms.html) to manage its website. With this approach the website sources are hosted in SVN along the software sources. The website source can be checked out from: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/stanbol/site/trunk/ The website content is written using the [Markdown syntax](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax). This makes it very easy to write, edit and update documentation. No need to write HTML. ## How to contribute to the website We are always trying to improve the available documentation and sources of information about Apache Stanbol. To contribute to the website is just as easy as to contribute a patch to the software sources. For your contribution you should first open a new [Jira issue](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/STANBOL) describing your desired changes. Then you checkout the current version of the website sources from the SVN and make your changes. See the existing content for how to add images and additional files. When you have finished, you create a patch from your changes. Zip your patch and upload it to the issue created prior. A committer will catch it up and commit your changes after a short review to the SVN. This will trigger the publishing process. ## Publishing process Changes to the website are committed to the SVN. This trigger an automatic build process of the website. The build process can be [followed here](http://ci.apache.org/builders/stanbol-site-staging). The new version is then [staged](http://stanbol.staging.apache.org/) to the following URL. http://stanbol.staging.apache.org/ The website is now in staging mode meaning that it can be reviewed. You actually see the results of your changes. If you are satisfied with the results you can push the changes in production. For this, connect to the [publishing interface](https://cms.apache.org/stanbol/publish) with your LDAP credentials (as set on people.apache.org).