# Test 3 Prefix: xsd: Prefix: owl: Prefix: vs: Prefix: foaf: Prefix: xml: Prefix: rdf: Prefix: dc: Prefix: rdfs: Prefix: wot: Prefix: dbpedia: Prefix: test: Ontology: Import: Annotations: dc:title "This ontology is an example for testing the Stanbol Reasoners: HermiT reasoning service", dc:description "We state here the set of expected axioms" AnnotationProperty: dc:title AnnotationProperty: dc:description Class: foaf:Person Individual: test:enridaga Types: foaf:Person Facts: test:isCollegueOf test:alexdma Individual: test:anuzzolese Types: foaf:Person Facts: test:isCollegueOf test:enridaga Individual: test:alexdma Types: foaf:Person Facts: test:isCollegueOf test:anuzzolese, test:isCollegueOf test:enridaga ObjectProperty: test:isCollegueOf