Prefix: tbox: Prefix: query: Prefix: xml: Prefix: rdf: Prefix: swrl: Prefix: swlrx: Prefix: swrla: Prefix: xsd: Prefix: swrlb: Prefix: owl: Prefix: abox: Prefix: temporal: Prefix: : Prefix: rdfs: Ontology: Import: Import: Import: Import: Import: Import: Import: Import: AnnotationProperty: swrla:isRuleEnabled AnnotationProperty: swrl:propertyPredicate AnnotationProperty: swrl:argument1 Datatype: xsd:boolean ObjectProperty: hasDaughter SubPropertyOf: hasChild Domain: Person Range: Woman Rule: Person(?), Woman(?), hasChild(?, ?) -> hasDaughter(?, ?) ObjectProperty: hasFather SubPropertyOf: hasParent Characteristics: Functional Domain: Person Range: Man Rule: Man(?), Person(?), hasParent(?, ?) -> hasFather(?, ?) ObjectProperty: hasUncle Domain: Person Range: Man Rule: Person(?), hasBrother(?, ?), hasParent(?, ?) -> hasUncle(?, ?) ObjectProperty: hasConsort Characteristics: Symmetric, Functional Domain: Person Range: Person ObjectProperty: hasNiece Domain: Person Range: Woman Rule: Person(?), hasDaughter(?, ?), hasSibling(?, ?) -> hasNiece(?, ?) ObjectProperty: hasBrother SubPropertyOf: hasSibling Domain: Person Range: Man Rule: Man(?), Person(?), hasSibling(?, ?) -> hasBrother(?, ?) ObjectProperty: hasAunt Domain: Person Range: Woman Rule: Person(?), hasParent(?, ?), hasSister(?, ?) -> hasAunt(?, ?) ObjectProperty: hasMother SubPropertyOf: hasParent Characteristics: Functional Domain: Person Range: Woman Rule: Person(?), Woman(?), hasParent(?, ?) -> hasMother(?, ?) ObjectProperty: hasNephew Domain: Person Range: Man Rule: Person(?), hasSibling(?, ?), hasSon(?, ?) -> hasNephew(?, ?) ObjectProperty: swrl:argument2 ObjectProperty: hasSon SubPropertyOf: hasChild Domain: Person Range: Man Rule: Man(?), Person(?), hasChild(?, ?) -> hasSon(?, ?) ObjectProperty: hasSibling Characteristics: Symmetric Domain: Person Range: Person Rule: Person(?), hasChild(?, ?), hasChild(?, ?), DifferentFrom (?, ?) -> hasSibling(?, ?) ObjectProperty: hasParent Domain: Person Range: Person InverseOf: hasChild Rule: Person(?), hasConsort(?, ?), hasParent(?, ?) -> hasParent(?, ?) ObjectProperty: hasSister SubPropertyOf: hasSibling Domain: Person Range: Woman Rule: Person(?), Woman(?), hasSibling(?, ?) -> hasSister(?, ?) ObjectProperty: hasChild Domain: Person Range: Person InverseOf: hasParent ObjectProperty: hasSex Characteristics: Functional Domain: Person Range: Gender Class: owl:Thing Class: Aunt EquivalentTo: Woman and ((hasNephew min 1 owl:Thing) or (hasNiece min 1 owl:Thing)) SubClassOf: Relative DisjointWith: Uncle Class: Nephew EquivalentTo: Man and ((hasAunt min 1 owl:Thing) or (hasUncle min 1 owl:Thing)) SubClassOf: hasSex value Male, Relative DisjointWith: Niece Class: Uncle EquivalentTo: Man and ((hasNephew min 1 owl:Thing) or (hasNiece min 1 owl:Thing)) SubClassOf: hasSex value Male, Relative DisjointWith: Aunt Class: Sister EquivalentTo: Sibling and Woman DisjointWith: Brother Class: Woman EquivalentTo: Person and (hasSex value Female) Class: Father EquivalentTo: Man and Parent Class: Niece EquivalentTo: Woman and ((hasAunt min 1 owl:Thing) or (hasUncle min 1 owl:Thing)) SubClassOf: hasSex value Female, Relative DisjointWith: Nephew Class: Child EquivalentTo: Person and (hasParent min 1 owl:Thing) Class: Mother EquivalentTo: Parent and Woman Class: Person EquivalentTo: Man or Woman Class: Daugther EquivalentTo: Child and Woman DisjointWith: Son Class: Sibling EquivalentTo: Person and (hasSibling min 1 owl:Thing) Class: Brother EquivalentTo: Man and Sibling DisjointWith: Sister Class: Man EquivalentTo: Person and (hasSex value Male) Class: Parent EquivalentTo: Person and (hasChild min 1 owl:Thing) Class: Relative EquivalentTo: Aunt or Child or Nephew or Niece or Parent or Sibling or Uncle SubClassOf: Person Class: Son EquivalentTo: Child and Man DisjointWith: Daugther Class: Gender EquivalentTo: {Female , Male} Individual: M10 Types: Man Facts: hasMother F06, hasParent M08, hasSex Male Individual: z Individual: F10 Types: Woman Facts: hasSex Female, hasChild M09 Individual: M05 Types: Man Facts: hasSex Male, hasParent M02, hasParent F04 Individual: M06 Types: Man Facts: hasParent M04, hasParent F03, hasConsort F10, hasChild M09, hasSex Male Individual: M07 Types: Man Facts: hasChild M04, hasConsort F07, hasSex Male Individual: M08 Types: Man Facts: hasSex Male, hasConsort F06, hasChild M10 Individual: Male Types: Gender Individual: M01 Types: Man Facts: hasSex Male, hasChild F03, hasChild M02, hasConsort F01, hasChild F02 Individual: M02 Types: Man Facts: hasChild F05, hasParent M01, hasMother F01, hasConsort F04, hasChild M03, hasSex Male, hasChild M05 Individual: M03 Types: Man Facts: hasMother F04, hasChild F09, hasSex Male, hasConsort F08, hasParent M02 Individual: M04 Types: Man Facts: hasSex Male, hasParent M07, hasMother F07, hasChild M06, hasConsort F03, hasChild F06 Individual: F08 Types: Woman Facts: hasSex Female, hasChild F09 Individual: M09 Types: Man Facts: hasSex Male, hasParent M06, hasParent F10 Individual: F09 Types: Woman Facts: hasParent M03, hasParent F08, hasSex Female Individual: F04 Types: Woman Facts: hasSex Female, hasChild F05, hasChild M05 Individual: F05 Types: Woman Facts: hasSex Female, hasParent F04, hasParent M02 Individual: F06 Types: Woman Facts: hasSex Female, hasParent F03, hasParent M04 Individual: F07 Types: Woman Facts: hasSex Female Individual: F01 Types: Woman Facts: hasSex Female, hasChild F03 Individual: Female Types: Gender Individual: F02 Types: Woman Facts: hasSex Female, hasMother F01, hasParent M01 Individual: F03 Types: Woman Facts: hasChild M06, hasParent M01, hasSex Female, hasParent F01, hasChild F06 Individual: _: Annotations: swrl:argument1 , swrl:propertyPredicate Facts: swrl:argument2 z Rule: Man(?), Person(?), hasChild(?, ?) -> hasSon(?, ?) Rule: Man(?), Person(?), hasSibling(?, ?) -> hasBrother(?, ?) Rule: Person(?), hasParent(?, ?), hasSister(?, ?) -> hasAunt(?, ?) Rule: Person(?), Woman(?), hasSibling(?, ?) -> hasSister(?, ?) Rule: Person(?), hasConsort(?, ?), hasParent(?, ?) -> hasParent(?, ?) Rule: Person(?), hasChild(?, ?), hasChild(?, ?), DifferentFrom (?, ?) -> hasSibling(?, ?) Rule: Man(?), Person(?), hasParent(?, ?) -> hasFather(?, ?) Rule: Person(?), hasSibling(?, ?), hasSon(?, ?) -> hasNephew(?, ?) Rule: Person(?), Woman(?), hasParent(?, ?) -> hasMother(?, ?) Rule: Person(?), Woman(?), hasChild(?, ?) -> hasDaughter(?, ?) Rule: Person(?), hasBrother(?, ?), hasParent(?, ?) -> hasUncle(?, ?) Rule: Person(?), hasDaughter(?, ?), hasSibling(?, ?) -> hasNiece(?, ?)