#!/usr/bin/perl -w # settings are located in $HOME/.corpus use strict; use Getopt::Long; use File::Path; use File::Copy; use Time::ParseDate; use POSIX qw(nice strftime); use Cwd; our ( $opt_dir, $opt_override, $opt_tag ); GetOptions( "tag=s" => \$opt_tag, "dir=s" => \$opt_dir, "override=s" => \$opt_override, ); $opt_override ||= ''; $opt_tag ||= 'n'; # nightly is the default nice(15); # daterevs -- e.g. "20060429/r239832-r" -- are aligned to 0800 UTC, just before # the time of day when the mass-check tagging occurs; see # http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/DateRev for more details. use constant DATEREV_ADJ => - (8 * 60 * 60); # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $configuration = "$ENV{HOME}/.corpus"; my %cf; configure(); init(); if (!$opt_dir) { $opt_dir = $cf{corpus}; update_rsync(); } chdir $opt_dir; print "reading logs from '$opt_dir'\n"; my $linkdir = "$cf{html}/logs"; (-d $linkdir) or mkdir $linkdir; locate_and_link(); exit; sub configure { # does rough equivalent of source open(C, $configuration) || die "open failed: $configuration: $!\n"; my $pwd = Cwd::getcwd; # add 'override' options my @lines = (, split(/\|/, $opt_override)); foreach $_ (@lines) { chomp; s/#.*//; if (/^\s*(.*?)\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$/) { my ($key, $val) = ($1, $2); $val =~ s/\$PWD/$pwd/gs; $cf{$key} = $val; } } close(C); } sub init { $ENV{RSYNC_PASSWORD} = $cf{password}; $ENV{TIME} = '%e,%U,%S'; $ENV{TZ} = 'UTC'; } sub update_rsync { chdir $opt_dir; if (!$cf{rsync_command}) { die "no 'rsync_command' set"; } system $cf{rsync_command}; system "chmod +r *.log > /dev/null 2>&1"; } sub locate_and_link { opendir(CORPUS, $opt_dir); my @files = sort readdir(CORPUS); closedir(CORPUS); print "Found ", $#files + 1, " files in $opt_dir\n"; @files = grep { /^(?:spam|ham)-(?:net-)?[-\w.]+\.log$/ && -f "$opt_dir/$_" && -M _ < 30 } @files; print "Kept ", $#files + 1, " files\n"; foreach my $file (@files) { my $ftime; my $frevision; print "Processing $opt_dir/$file\n"; open(FILE, "$opt_dir/$file") or warn "cannot read $opt_dir/$file"; while (my $line = ) { last if $line !~ /^#/; if ($line =~ /, on (... ... .. )(..)(:..:.. ... ....)/) { my ($datepre, $hh, $datepost) = ($1,$2,$3); $ftime = Time::ParseDate::parsedate($datepre.$hh.$datepost, GMT => 1, PREFER_PAST => 1); } elsif ($line =~ m/^# Date:\s*(\S+)/) { # a better way to do the above. TODO: parse it instead } elsif ($line =~ m/^# SVN revision:\s*(\S+)/) { $frevision = $1; } } close(FILE); if (!defined $ftime) { warn "$opt_dir/$file: no time found, ignored\n"; next; } if (!defined $frevision) { warn "$opt_dir/$file: no revision found, ignored\n"; next; } if ($frevision eq 'unknown') { warn "$opt_dir/$file: not tagged with a revision, ignored\n"; next; } my $daterev = mk_daterev($ftime, $frevision, $opt_tag); link_file($file, $daterev); } } sub mk_daterev { my ($timet, $rev, $tag) = @_; return strftime("%Y%m%d", gmtime($timet + DATEREV_ADJ)) . "/r$rev-$tag"; } sub link_file { my ($file, $daterev) = @_; my $f = "$opt_dir/$file"; # /^(?:spam|ham)-(?:net-)?[-\w]+\.log$/ my $linkfile = $file; my $dr = $daterev; $dr =~ s/\//-/gs; $linkfile =~ s/\.log$/.$dr.log/i; my $t = "$linkdir/$linkfile"; print "ln $f $t\n"; (-f $t) and unlink $t; # cannot hardlink unless we have ownership or RW perms on the file symlink $f, $t or die "cannot ln"; system "/usr/bin/touch -h -r '$f' '$t'"; # preserve modtimes }