SPAMASSASSIN DEVELOPMENT SNAPSHOT PROCEDURE =========================================== - cd to the directory for the codebase you want the devel tree to come from - run "./build/update_devel" to build the tar.gz files - by default, they're written to ~/ . This Works For Me (tm), as it's my local cvs checkout of the SpamAssassin website. Copy them to wherever you want, yourself. SPAMASSASSIN RELEASE PROCEDURE ============================== - cd to the directory for the codebase you want the release to come from - edit lib/Mail/ and comment the $IS_DEVEL_BUILD line. - cvs commit -m "ready to release" - run cvs2cl to generate the Changes file, like so. For maint branches: TZ=UTC ./build/cvs2cl-branch -f Changes -l "-d'>2002-06-18'" --branch b2_5_0 for HEAD: TZ=UTC ./build/cvs2cl-branch -f Changes -l "-d'>2002-06-18'" --branch HEAD Note that this requires 'cvs2cl-branch' in the 'build' subdir, since there are bugs in std that otherwise result in revisions on HEAD appearing in branches, if those revisions are in files created after the branch was created. (I hate cvs -- jm) - run "make disttest" to ensure all tests pass once the distribution is fully packaged. - run "./build/update_stable" to build the tar.gz files. - by default, they're written to ~/ . This Works For Me (tm), as it's my local cvs checkout of the SpamAssassin website. Copy them to wherever you want, yourself. - take a copy of the MD5sum line output. - test the tar.gz and zip files! redo until they work!! ;) - CVS commit the release files, including 'Changes': cvs commit -m "X.YZ RELEASED" - CVS tag the release files: cvs tag spamassassin_release_X_Y_Z (where X_Y_Z == 2_4_0 or whatever version you're working on.) - Now, start the new development codebase. For minor updates of a 2.x tree (e.g. 2.x1, 2.x2), you don't need to branch; for major updates (2.x0) you should use a new development branch, off HEAD. [todo: command to do this] - In the new development codeline, edit lib/Mail/, bump the $VERSION line to the correct version, and uncomment the $IS_DEVEL_BUILD line. - then, commit the new version number to the new branch: cvs commit -m "X.YN devel cycle started" (where X.YN is the new version number) - edit SpamAssassin site through WebMake, change released_version item at top of file to be X.YZ, then run "webmake" or hit "Build Fully" in the Web interface - run this to update the mirrors: ~/lib/html_spamassassin_put.rsync - upload to CPAN at ( ) - Before doing the next step, run through the Changes file, and write up a quick summary of the important changes in human-readable format. This should be less than 600 chars to fit into Freshmeat's format, and to be easily understandable. - announce to Freshmeat at ( may work ) - announce on SpamAssassin news site: ( ) - announce on ( ) - announce on SpamAssassin-Talk, SpamAssassin-Devel, and SpamAssassin-Announce. Be sure to include the MD5 checksums in this mail, so paranoid folks can check the tarball's integrity. - Approve the posting to SpamAssassin-Announce (the list admins will get a mail indicating how to do this.) lastmod: Aug 28 2003 jm // vim:tw=74: