# Creation: 2011-01-14 07:43:59 body __SEEK_FRAUD_FU_XAT / life by earning or upgrading your degree\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UG4QYT / to make a right move and receive your due benefits\.\.\. if you are qualified but are lacking that piece of paper\. Get one from us in a / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XQ8MZW /Get a Degree in . weeks with our program\! / body __SEEK_FRAUD_HJVMDK /\~Our program will .{0,20} with professional experience g/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_87MW_V / phone number with country code if outside USA and / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZH_KG0 /: We can assist with Diplomas from prestigious universities based on your present knowledge and / body __SEEK_FRAUD_4BRQV3 /Do Not Reply to this Email\. We do not reply to text inquiries, and our server will reject all response traffic\. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you\. / # passed hit-rate threshold: 2.0 meta JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_1 (__SEEK_FRAUD_FU_XAT || __SEEK_FRAUD_UG4QYT || __SEEK_FRAUD_XQ8MZW || __SEEK_FRAUD_HJVMDK || __SEEK_FRAUD_87MW_V || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZH_KG0 || __SEEK_FRAUD_4BRQV3) score JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_1 3.0 describe JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_1 Body contains frequently-spammed text patterns body __SEEK_FRAUD_TYXOWS / Call us right now for your customized diploma: Inside U\.SA\.: 1-718-989-5740 Outside U\.S\.A\.: \+1-718-989-5740\. Just leave your NAME \& TEL\. PHONE \# \(with country-code\) on the voicemail and one of our staff members will get back to you promptly\! / body __SEEK_FRAUD_VDKX6_ / with professional experience get a 100\% verified Degree:/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_K_XA95 / with professional experience gain a 100\% verified Degree:/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_G4D6MO / your present knowledge and work experience\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_0JV6YK /impelled to request for your assistance to receive this ..n.. into your bank/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KFUTA3 /Get a Degree in 4 weeks with our program\! / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XUMGK2 / EVERYONE with professional experience g/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_2UZ_BB /Get a Degree in 5 weeks with our program\! / body __SEEK_FRAUD_NEK_SA /I have already submitted an approved end/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NMVK3H /If you accept this offer, I will appreciate your timely/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_RFES2T /Get a Degree in 6 weeks with our program\! / body __SEEK_FRAUD_SOY_IC /hink about it\.\.\. - Realize YOUR Dreams\! - Live a / body __SEEK_FRAUD_TZHP8O / the bank, I cannot be directly connected to this money thus I am/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_C3BRTD / 30\% of this fund to you while 70\% shall be for me\. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XJPS4J /ssure me that you will act accordingly as I / body __SEEK_FRAUD_WGFD9Y /I will appreciate your timely response\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IRYH8O / details and relevant documents that will help you / # passed hit-rate threshold: 1.0 meta JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_2 (__SEEK_FRAUD_TYXOWS || __SEEK_FRAUD_VDKX6_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_K_XA95 || __SEEK_FRAUD_G4D6MO || __SEEK_FRAUD_0JV6YK || __SEEK_FRAUD_KFUTA3 || __SEEK_FRAUD_XUMGK2 || __SEEK_FRAUD_2UZ_BB || __SEEK_FRAUD_NEK_SA || __SEEK_FRAUD_NMVK3H || __SEEK_FRAUD_RFES2T || __SEEK_FRAUD_SOY_IC || __SEEK_FRAUD_TZHP8O || __SEEK_FRAUD_C3BRTD || __SEEK_FRAUD_XJPS4J || __SEEK_FRAUD_WGFD9Y || __SEEK_FRAUD_IRYH8O) score JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_2 3.0 describe JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_2 Body contains frequently-spammed text patterns body __SEEK_FRAUD_5CCXJU / practically no risk involved in this\. It/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_1X7RMW /I am writing to solicit your assistance in the noble transfer of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_6KHCDD / and they will never know of this Excess\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_A4PBQQ /bank transfer to your nominated bank account anywhere you feel / body __SEEK_FRAUD_SB_6CQ / urgent and very confidential business propos/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ERZYBD / is the excess of what my branch in which I am the accountant made as profit / body __SEEK_FRAUD_E3KTBE / confidential business proposition for you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_V3CKGD /documents and letter of probate\/administration in your favo/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_4ZOBTH / on a SUSPENCE ACCOUNT without a beneficiary\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UJZKNM /I will like you to provide immediately your full .ame/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZJ_CTH /My name is Mr\. John Gelsthorp\. I am the accountant of the Fi.{0,20} Victoria Island Lagos\. I am / body __SEEK_FRAUD_6JVR8E /If you want to get better - you must Contact / body __SEEK_FRAUD_CAJIY_ / to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HOFNNA / they will dry you up until you have nothing/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_46LNNK /If you want to get better - you must Call / body __SEEK_FRAUD__KB0LN / 7 days a week\! to start improving your life\!/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_GRYB_A /t need any telephone communication in this / body __SEEK_FRAUD_MZRPNR /hink about it\.\.\. - Follow YOUR Dreams\! - Live a / body __SEEK_FRAUD_W8_TDM /I once again try to notify you as my earlier .etter/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_CLCJCB /I am not afraid of death hence . know .h/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XD3U8U / disbursement according to .he percentage/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_AIWDWD / where this money will be used in an ungodly .a/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_1YKNCJ /On behalf of the Trustees and Executor of the .state of Late / body __SEEK_FRAUD_IYGIHN / unnecessary delays and complications, please/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_8ZPJJE /hink about it\.\.\. - Just follow YOUR Dreams\! - Live a / body __SEEK_FRAUD_GTSAAF / while in the US, trying to get my payment / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZMITTF /This may sound strange and unbelievable to you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_4KBBOJ /ow are you today\? Hope all is well with you and / body __SEEK_FRAUD_GZBMOF / contacting you and telling you that your fund is with them/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HVUAWJ /unfinished transaction or international / body __SEEK_FRAUD_BOG4XB /I hereby attempt to reach you again by this .ame email address / body __SEEK_FRAUD_Y6P5MJ / contacting us through emails are fake\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_27TPNC / as this is an illegal act and will have to stop if you / body __SEEK_FRAUD_DXLGXY /If this proposal is acceptable by you, I expect that you will not take undue advantage of the trust I Will bestow .n you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_L2F6_R / will put you in place as the next of kin\. The Attorney will draft and / body __SEEK_FRAUD__DJDP2 /or get a child outside my .atrimonial home/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_CHFCBK /r 2009 and also submitted report of first quarter of this year/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LC7TDH /man on earth because I have received my / body __SEEK_FRAUD_MZ4KU4 / prepare the necessary documents and affidavit/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_PSN5ER /ed to him by one of his numerous .riends / body __SEEK_FRAUD_M_6KLX /, but can only be approved to a foreigner\. If you will stand as next of kin to the fund, it will be shared / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QFFEQP /His great .hilanthropy earned him numerous awards during his/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZJRDRZ /hey are not with your fund, they are .nly / body __SEEK_FRAUD_VKUVK9 / stop any further communication with anybody or office/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_B5_Q5F / and whereby you are not interested; please indicate in your reply so that I can seek for the assistance of someone else\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD__2JC4J / as I have done my Home-work and fine tune the best way to create you as the beneficiary of the fund\. My position as the branch manager of the bank will be used to advance this deal\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_AFBYWT / that has remained dormant for years now\. I discovered that the account holder died without making a / body __SEEK_FRAUD_EYJYD5 /I will appreciate your early reply for commencement of business\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_DT9WM6 /hink about it\.\.\. - You can realize YOUR Dreams\! - Live a / body __SEEK_FRAUD_1_DZIV /led man, he must have been in contact with you in the past/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_CGIKXS / have agreed to compensate them with the/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WGGBW4 / the obligations giving to you in respect to your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_GZ7JBR / to stop dealing with some non-officials in the bank/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MEWT_S /t be deceived by anybody to pay any other money except / body __SEEK_FRAUD_CCW67M / to enable us see this transaction through\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_TDHO9C /s and a forwarding address to enable .. file / body __SEEK_FRAUD_TFGP0H / you have not received your payment due to your lack of co-operation and not fulfilling the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_IGL8BZ / part of our precautionary measure to avoid / body __SEEK_FRAUD_NI2M7O /complications, please remember to .uote your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_BGO5Z1 / activities and to help the poor and the needy/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_GHC0LN / and subsequent disbursement since nobody / body __SEEK_FRAUD_BEH_E0 / start by introducing myself\. My name is / body __SEEK_FRAUD_GXZFNG /trying to get my payment all to no .vail\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QHM0YN /ed by an advanced automated random computer/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NEZYJA / and his WILL is now ready for execution/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_U0YN9X / as I am hopeful, endeavor to get back to me as soon as possible to enable me conclude my job/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZBJZVN / who is the rightful person to deal with in regards to your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_OVKMST /isregard any email you get from any impostors or offices claiming to be in posses/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_0WHPB1 /we have resolved in finding a solution to / body __SEEK_FRAUD__UWRPH /s to all the people that have been scammed in any part of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_5PEVEG / instead of dealing with those liars that will be turning you around asking for different kind of money to complete/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NAUNZC /CHUBB PERSONAL INSURANCE CASH ACCUMULATION MASTERPIECE POLICYHOLDER OWNERSHIP\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_GZNCSH /FORGIVE MY INDIGNATION IF THIS MESSAGE COMES TO YOU AS A SURPRISE AND MAY OFFEND YOUR PERSONALITY FOR CONTACTING YOU WITHOUT YOUR PRIOR CONSENT AND.?WRITING THROUGH THIS CHANNEL\.I GOT YOUR CONTACT FROM A PROFESSIONAL DATABASE FOUND ON THE INTERNET WHILE SEARCHING FOR A RELIABLE AND HONEST PERSON THAT WILL ASSIST ME TO SAFE GUARD/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JWAJKB /I PERSONALLY HAVE WATCHED WITH KEEN INTEREST TO SEE THE BENEFICIARY TO HIS MASTERPIECE POLICYHOLDER, BUT ALL HAS PROVED ABORTIVE AS NO ONE HAS REPORTED TO CLAIM HIS BENEFIT OF \[PERSONAL INSURANCE CASH ACCUMULATION MASTERPIECE POLICYHOLDER OWNERSHIP\] OF TOTAL SUM AMOUNTING TO .{0,3}15,860 000\.00 \[FIFTEEN MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED AND SIXTY THOUSAND POUNDS STERLING\] ONLY, EXITING WITH THE INSURANCE COMPANY WHEN ADDED UP THE FOLLOWING BONUS: BASIC ALLOWANCE, WAIVER PREMIUM AND ACCIDENTAL INDEMNITY, WHICH HAS BEEN WITH THE INSURANCE COMPANY FOR A VERY LONG TIME UNCLAIMED\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_0XHMDO /I THEREFORE PROPOSE THAT 40\% OF THIS ABOVE FUND WILL BE FOR YOU AS A FOREIGN PARTICIPANT IN RESPECT OF YOUR INVOLVEMENT, COMPLIANCE AND FULL CO-OPERATION TOWARDS THE SUCCESSFUL CLAIMANT, WHILE 5\% WILL BE FOR ANY EXPENSES THAT MIGHT BE INCURRED IN THE PROCESS OF PROCURING SATISFACTORY PROOF DOCUMENTS TO BE ISSUED ON YOUR NAME LEGALLY FOR BACK-UP TO ENABLE CHUBB INSURANCE COMPANY OF EUROPE S\..{0,3} PAY THE LUMP SUMS AND ALLOWANCE BENEFITS AS SET OUT UNDER THE CHUBB PERSONAL INSURANCE CASH ACCUMULATION MASTERPIECE POLICY HOLDER OWNERSHIP SCALE OF COMPENSATION AND THE REST FUND WILL BE FOR ME\. THEREAFTER, I WILL VISIT YOUR COUNTRY FOR DISBURSEMENT OF FUND AS I AM ALMOST DUE FOR RETIREMENT\.UPON THE RECEIPT OF YOUR POSITIVE REPLY, I WILL THEN INFORM YOU THE NEXT STEP TO TAKE\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KGPTES /I WILL NOT FAIL TO BRING TO YOUR GOOD NOTICE THAT THIS DEAL IS 100\% HITCH FREE, AS THE WHOLE REQUIRED ARRANGEMENT HAS BEEN SKILLFULLY PERFECTED FOR THE MASTERPIECE POLICY HOLDER OWNERSHIP CLAIM\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_3WKRVR /IN VIEW OF THE AFOREMENTIONED, AFTER I WAS CONVINCED IN MY MIND THAT YOUR NAME COULD BE USED AS THE BENEFICIARY TO THIS MASTERPIECE POLICY HOLDER OWNERSHIP CLAIM\.THE NEED FOR A FOREIGNER AS THE BENEFICIARY TO CLAIM THE MASTER PIECE POLICY HOLDER OWNERSHIP IS OCCASIONED BY THE FACT THAT THE \[CLIENT\] MASTERPIECE POLICY HOLDER OWNERSHIP WAS A FOREIGNER AND AS A STAFF OF THE COMPANY I CANNOT STAND AS THE BENEFICIARY TO A FOREIGNER IN THIS CLAIM\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_YRLEBH /INSPIRED TO PICK YOUR NAME AMONG ALL OTHER NAMES FOUND IN THE DATABASE\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_D_URQY /MY HIGHEST CONSIDERATIONS AND REGARDS AS I AWAIT YOUR URGENT RESPONSE\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD__Y9XPU /ON THIS VERY NOTE; AS NO ONE HAS COME TO PUT UP ANY CLAIM REPORT TO OUR OFFICE AS REGARDS TO THE BENEFICIARY TO THE MASTERPIECE POLICYHOLDER OWNERSHIP AND THE INSURANCE ETHIC HERE IN THE UK, REGULATED BY THE FINANCIAL SERVICE AUTHORITY \(FSA\) RULES FOR THE CONDUCT OF UK BUSINESS, INSURANCE CODE AND BUSINESS INSURANCE CODE STANDARDS OF WHICH CHUBB INSURANCE COMPANY IS A MEMB.?ER OF THE FINANCIAL OMBUDSMAN SCHEME\. DOES NOT ALLOW SUCH CLAIM TO STAY FOR OVER MORE THAN MANY YEARS, BECAUSE THE COMPANY SHALL HAVE POWER AFTER TEN GOOD YEARS TO DISCONTINUE THE POLICY AND TERMINATE THE INSURED MASTERPIECE POLICYHOLDER OWNERSHIP BENEFITS\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EYYR3G /SINCE THE DEMISE OF ENGR\.WILLIAM F\. ABRAHAMSON,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_8AR9FD /\. I AM WRITING IN RESPECT OF A FOREIGN CLIENT \[MASTERPIECE POLICYHOLDER\] OF THE ABOVE NAMED INSURANCE COMPANY \[ENGR\.WILLIAM F\. ABRAHAMSON OF AMERICA\] WHO PERISHED IN THE U\.S 9\/11\/2001,TERRORIST ATTACK WITH OTHER PASSENGERS ABOARD AS YOU ARE AWARE OF THIS FACT OR CAN CONFIRM IT YOURSELF\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JJQFVB /I know within me that nothing ventured is / body __SEEK_FRAUD_1F4_68 /efore his death we were both born again Christian/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_I3HLDY /m one of those that took part in the Compensation in / body __SEEK_FRAUD_RCLBZD / \"Just leave your NAME \& PHONE NO\. \(with CountryCode\)\" in the voicemail\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NN_XIN /If you are looking for a fast and effective way to get a diploma,\(non accredited\) this is the best way out for you\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_YM7Q1U /Our staff will get back to you in next few days\!/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_2811F9 /Provide us with degree you are interested in\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_FS94C5 / was a member of the Helicopter Society and the Institute of Electr/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IBW3KJ / Drug Money or meant to sponsor Terroris. attack in your Country/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_75EPGH /now that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the .oney in the world\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MCEI6K / from public notice until your claim has been / body __SEEK_FRAUD_GAABY3 / that are active online, among the .illions that / body __SEEK_FRAUD__2H_ZF /I have not particularly lived my life so well,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JMW_MA /e took me to the paying bank for the claim of my Compensation payment\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_G9KM9V /did not declare any next of kin in his official papers including the paper/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XQPYRV /othing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_YITL7Q / Development Bank of Singapore \(DBS\)\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XTYRNI /e said whoever is contacting us through e/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UD45OB / might come to you as a surprise and the temptation to/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QNKQRV /divine wish and accept it with a deep sense of humility/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WG7MJR /l you to stop dealing with those people, they are not with your fund,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EXMVGJ /You should also let me know through email as soon as you receive your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_YKISUY / foreign partner that made me to contact you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XMJLB6 / and forward any emails you get from impostors to .{0,40} so we could act upon / body __SEEK_FRAUD_AGOTOV /I wish to seek your assistance for the transfer of US\$25M depository made by a foreign investor / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XL24FM / FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE WASHINGTON, D\.C\. 20535/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_CTSHG_ / your letter of acceptance; your current / body __SEEK_FRAUD_OCO1GZ /s that will help you understand the transaction\. I need your assistance and co-operation to this reality/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_012H4S /ed all forms of medical treatment, and .ight now/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JMEGUU /e that no one except me knew of his deposit in my .ank\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EWPMRD / I decided not to re-marry or get a .hild outside my matrimonial home/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_6GPS4I /nd he also confided in me the last time he was .. my..f/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_0ENSZN / within the next ten official working days/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_C0A401 /nviting you for a business deal where this ..n/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HWMBYB / that failed due to Government problems / body __SEEK_FRAUD_RBMZ20 / As this is a TWO-man business deal transaction\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_X1E2EB / to come over and claim his money because we can/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_DPTPJ2 / I had taken pains to find your contact through / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QZQFG_ /void any further delay and remember to pay the/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZIZCXR /he explained everything to me\. He said whoever is/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_PTGWBT /as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I / body __SEEK_FRAUD_UDD6SD /you are hereby advice only to be in contact with / body __SEEK_FRAUD_Y1JTCA /hat my health has deteriorated so badly,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LNN7PT / want you to help me collect this deposit and .i/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QYJ0F_ / understand that blessed is the hand that / body __SEEK_FRAUD_U5YTAO /Against this backdrop, my suggestion to you is that . w..l/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_CAWSAY /I have since then, placed this amount o. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_C4GPMA /me forward all these years\. I am of the settled conviction that using my insider leverage/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_104OO7 /CHUBB INSURANCE COMPANY OF EUROPE S\..\. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZMFYMV /Furthermore, should there be any change .. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_4ZJ4MM / returned undelivered\. I hereby attempt to reach you again by .his .ame email address / body __SEEK_FRAUD_CHLODJ / to enable us seeing this deal through\. I guarantee / body __SEEK_FRAUD_TK7ZE5 /usiness as that was the only thing I cared for\. But .ow I regret all this as I / body __SEEK_FRAUD_AKYCPN /t want them to know about this development\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_GXCXNT /I THEREFORE PROPOSE THAT 40\% OF THIS ABOVE FUND WILL BE FOR YOU AS A FOREIGN PARTICIPANT IN RESPECT OF YOUR INVOLVEMENT, COMPLIANCE AND FULL CO-OPERATION TOWARDS THE SUCCESSFUL CLAIMANT, WHILE 5\% WILL BE FOR ANY EXPENSES THAT MIGHT BE INCURRED IN THE PROCESS OF PROCURING SATISFACTORY PROOF DOCUMENTS TO BE ISSUED ON YOUR NAME LEGALLY FOR BACK-UP TO ENABLE CHUBB INSURANCE COMPANY OF EUROPE S\.A\. PAY THE LUMP SUMS AND ALLOWANCE BENEFITS AS SET OUT UNDER THE CHUBB PERSONAL INSURANCE CASH ACCUMULATION MASTERPIECE POLICY HOLDER OWNERSHIP SCALE OF COMPENSATION AND THE REST FUND WILL BE FOR ME\. THEREAFTER, I WILL VISIT YOUR COUNTRY FOR DISBURSEMENT OF FUND AS I AM ALMOST DUE FOR RETIREMENT\.UPON THE RECEIPT OF YOUR POSITIVE REPLY, I WILL THEN INFORM YOU THE NEXT STEP TO TAKE\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZSKWKS /ON THIS VERY NOTE; AS NO ONE HAS COME TO PUT UP ANY CLAIM REPORT TO OUR OFFICE AS REGARDS TO THE BENEFICIARY TO THE MASTERPIECE POLICYHOLDER OWNERSHIP AND THE INSURANCE ETHIC HERE IN THE UK, REGULATED BY THE FINANCIAL SERVICE AUTHORITY \(FSA\) RULES FOR THE CONDUCT OF UK BUSINESS, INSURANCE CODE AND BUSINESS INSURANCE CODE STANDARDS OF WHICH CHUBB INSURANCE COMPANY IS A MEMB ER OF THE FINANCIAL OMBUDSMAN SCHEME\. DOES NOT ALLOW SUCH CLAIM TO STAY FOR OVER MORE THAN MANY YEARS, BECAUSE THE COMPANY SHALL HAVE POWER AFTER TEN GOOD YEARS TO DISCONTINUE THE POLICY AND TERMINATE THE INSURED MASTERPIECE POLICYHOLDER OWNERSHIP BENEFITS\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_CBG70P /UND INTO AN ACCOUNT OVERSEA\. I WAS DIVINE/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VNERKN /I was never generous, I was always hostile to people and only focus/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XNFRMH /\(2\) Address where you want the payment cent.. to send your ATM CARD/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_SF0AZL / on your behalf and they have brought a solution to your problem by co/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_G5JT11 / not to be contended with what I have left for them/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_APKMB5 / and forward any emails you get from impostors to this office / body __SEEK_FRAUD_NEIFXB / once asked members of my family to close one of my / body __SEEK_FRAUD_C7BE4W /It is understandable that you might be a/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_E2US_V /t is therefore upon this discovery that I / body __SEEK_FRAUD_NNCB1U /Do you want a more satisfactory future, / body __SEEK_FRAUD_Y6WUAZ /ourt probate division for the release of this .u/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LYNJ8F / was conducted from an exclusive list of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_WGBS3F / with the help of our Intelligence Monitoring Network/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_M8T_DX / so we could act upon and commence investigation\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_U6X3EQ / including the paper work of his .ank deposit/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_CEUKKB /ou are eligible to receive a tax refund of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_NS3JMI /by warned not to communicate or duplicate this message to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_K0Z_G7 / sent a routine notification to his forward/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_GPBJDX /e a letter of authorization to somebody to receive it on my behalf / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZOR3VR /\. 106 FENCHURCH STREET, LONDON EC3M 5NB UK\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_4FJBNM /elephone number\/your correct mailing address/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_R_Y6KV / talk and my doctors have told me that I have / body __SEEK_FRAUD_1OMKY9 / to be merciful to me and accept my soul/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_P8ZIB5 /fficially inform you that it has come to our notice and we have / body __SEEK_FRAUD_MS7V8W / and assets to my immediate and .xtended family members a/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_RTTFOO / required arrangements have been made ..r/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_0YTF3I /ll email addresses entered for th.{0,3} promotional draws were randomly / body __SEEK_FRAUD_Z5I5GN / Ltd\) under their instructions, to avoid raising an eyebrow/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_0EQFPK /As soon as I receive your acceptance mail by forwarding the above information\'s, / body __SEEK_FRAUD_GHFYA7 /Consequently, my proposal is that I want to seek your consent as a foreigner to stand as the owner of any of these accounts, since it has no trace or beneficiary which makes it easier and fine to transfer to your designated bank account as the beneficiary\. The nature of my work as a staff of the Bank will not allow me lay claim on the funds, hence this proposal to you and be informed that as long as you are ready to cooperate and be truthful to me, I can assure you that the sky will be our limit\..?All documents and proves to enable you get any of the money will be carefully worked out and more so, I assure you that the business is risk free, as everything will be handled in accordance with the International Monetary Guidelines\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WMAL5J /I am the accounting officer of Mr\. Ken Lay, Enron founder, who died on July, 5th 2006, at the age of 64 and his friend and partner Mr\. Jeffrey Schilling, Ex-Enron CEO who was recently convicted 24 years for his involvement on the collapse of Enron, the energy trading giant in America\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KHQJT8 /M dollars and on Tuesday, 24th April 2001, Mr Jeffrey Schilling deposited 1.\.5/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IO3EVX /Please, if you are interested in working with me, I will like you to send the below information\'s to enable me / body __SEEK_FRAUD_EVV1E8 /\.5M dollars lying in the 2 accounts without any proof of ownership as it was opened with non-existing companies name and the bank is not aware of the real beneficiaries as the accounts did not bear any name\. As their accounting officer and financial adviser in charge of these accounts, I can comfortable present you to the Bank as the real beneficiary of the funds and they have no right to deny the application\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_L9OWQX /ill bestow in you\. I await your urgent response\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UGDSWW / accounting officer of Mr\. Ken Lay, Enron founder, who d..d on July, 5th 2006, at the age of 64 and his friend and partner Mr\. Jeffrey S/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_M0IWRF / but unfortunately for them and fortunately for me, the 2 men are gone\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_E2SH4C / to know that on Wednesday, 7th February 2001, Mr\. Ken Lay deposited a total sum of 2.{0,20}s and on Tuesday, 24th April 2001, Mr Jeffrey S.{0,40}s in our Bank\. These funds were deposited into a non-/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_2JYPLW /All documents and proves to enable you get any of the money will be carefully worked out and more so, I assure you that the business is risk free, as everything will be handled in accordance with the International Mon.tary Guidelines\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XDILM_ /I am offering you 40\% for your cooperation in achieving this aim\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LQBU2I /d on July, 5th 2006, at the age of 64 and his friend and partner Mr\. Jeffrey S.{0,3}illing, Ex-Enron CEO who was recently convicted 24 years for his involvement on the collapse of Enron, the energy trading giant in America\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NNQNVI /existing company\'s account which I opened in our bank/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_RBDABP /honest and above all, utmost confidentiality, to avoid escalating\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_3BUBEF /s lying in the 2 accounts without any proof of ownership as it was opened with non-existing companies name and the bank is not aware of the real beneficiaries as the accounts did not bear any name\. As their accounting officer and financial adviser in charge of these accounts, I can comfortabl.{0,40} the real beneficiary of the fund.{0,20} have no right to deny the application\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_P23CHZ /f course you shall be handsomely rewarded for your part in this transaction / body __SEEK_FRAUD_BRNKW7 /f this business proposition offends your moral / body __SEEK_FRAUD_84RQ6W /Let me repeat again, try to contact them / body __SEEK_FRAUD_YN2E2I /dollars in our Bank\. These funds were deposited into a non-/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QSWUVB / computer draw system and extracted from over .0..00/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_RTX9K6 / wish to receive your payment immediately\. After the .oard / body __SEEK_FRAUD_U5U5GZ /s was mentioned by one of the .yndicates/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WJ_B8R / PAYMENT and forward any emails you get from / body __SEEK_FRAUD_NM1G_Z / you because you bear the surname identity / body __SEEK_FRAUD_9_B4GD / evidencing your claim purported to have been signed / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QVAX11 / FULL NAME, DATE OF BIRTH, TELEPHONE NUMBER, FAX NUMBER/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__R9RUV / I, working with you can secure the funds in the account for us instead of allowing / body __SEEK_FRAUD_AIHGE4 /A foreigner with thesame last name as yours, died here in Singapore, twelve years ago leaving behind an estate\/capital \(US\$..\.8M/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_5GX3N3 / is still lying in my bank and no one will ever/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QNYY_W / received their contract sum, and people that / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QAMR9M /FORGIVE MY INDIGNATION IF THIS MESSAGE COMES TO YOU AS A SURPRISE AND MAY OFFEND YOUR PERSONALITY FOR CONTACTING YOU WITHOUT YOUR PRIOR CONSENT AND WRITING THROUGH THIS CHANNEL\.I GOT YOUR CONTACT FROM A PROFESSIONAL DATABASE FOUND ON THE INTERNET WHILE SEARCHING FOR A RELIABLE AND HONEST PERSON THAT WILL ASSIST ME TO SAFE GUARDA..UND INTO AN ACCOUNT/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EBNRUJ / bit apprehensive because you do not know/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IQFKX9 / was a very dedicated Christian who loved to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QA7MN5 /information confidential till your claim/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_H78OXL /ould live my life a different way from how . have .ived/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UEEF6W /after the war another notification was sent/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_9TSKUH /sion of your ATM CARD, you are hereby advi.e/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_K1G7F9 /I believe when God gives me a .econd chance/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VJNKV_ /so that the proceeds of this account can be / body __SEEK_FRAUD_OOJEB1 /I was always hostile to people and only focused on my business as that was the only thing I cared for\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IEETE1 /All the legal papers will be processed .n/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_6IEQFA /he is our representative in Nigeria, contact h.. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_30IJNC /I would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ITT6MQ /s instead of allowing it pass as unclaimed funds into the coffers of the Government of Singapore\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LOSETJ /Federal Bureau of Investigation \(FBI\) Anti-Terrorist And Monitory Crime Division\. / body __SEEK_FRAUD__IHT37 /t release it unless somebody applie. for it/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_TTMYIZ /istributed money to some charity .rganizations in / body __SEEK_FRAUD_VVC9YE /I PERSONALLY HAVE WATCHED WITH KEEN INTEREST TO SEE THE BENEFICIARY TO HIS MASTERPIECE POLICYHOLDER, BUT ALL HAS PROVED ABORTIVE AS NO ONE HAS REPORTED TO CLAIM HIS BENEFIT OF \[PERSONAL INSURANCE CASH ACCUMULATION MASTERPIECE POLICYHOLDER OWNERSHIP\] OF TOTAL SUM AMOUNTING TO A315,860 000\.00 \[FIFTEEN MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED AND SIXTY THOUSAND POUNDS STERLING\] ONLY, EXITING WITH THE INSURANCE COMPANY WHEN ADDED UP THE FOLLOWING BONUS: BASIC ALLOWANCE, WAIVER PREMIUM AND ACCIDENTAL INDEMNITY, WHICH HAS BEEN WITH THE INSURANCE COMPANY FOR A VERY LONG TIME UNCLAIMED\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IGTN_Z /Dearest HOW ARE YOU TODAY\? HOPE ALL IS WELL WITH YOU\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_V55UT_ /Ghana Commercial Bank Ltd GCB Head Office P\. O\. Box 134\. Accra/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HKHRV9 /Regards\. Mr\. Simon Dornoo Managing Director Ghana Commercial Bank Ltd\. my cell nu.{0,40} you can call me for any information You w/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_BZYQ5G /Consequently, my proposal is that I want to seek your consent as a foreigner to stand as the owner of any of these accounts, since it has no trace or beneficiary which makes it easier and fine to transfer to your designated bank account as the beneficiary\. The nature of my work as a staff of the Bank will not allow me lay claim on the funds, hence this proposal to you and be informed that as long as you are ready to cooperate and be truthful to me, I can assure you that the sky will be our limit\. All documents and proves to enable you get any of the money will be carefully worked out and more so, I assure you that the business is risk free, as everything will be handled in accordance with the International Monetary Guidelines\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WAAEJ8 /s your moral values, do accept my apology/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_43CX5K / to the ownership of the Hong Kong Government if nobody / body __SEEK_FRAUD_N5EBOL / is involved in this transaction, you have to be rest assured / body __SEEK_FRAUD_S4QI3T / respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result of this / body __SEEK_FRAUD_NL67SF / impostors, we hereby issued you our .ode of .onduct/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_CU_WUO / in all his official documents, including his .ank/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZLALWU / per transaction\. So, if you like to receive your fund this way,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QGQHGD /e over there and know when it will get to your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_59PL1E /Below are few list of tracking numbers you can track / body __SEEK_FRAUD_CV8TV7 / to themselves\. Hence, . do not trust them any/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_F9YLOI / necessary documents at our .igh court probate division/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KXDZWV /ntelligence Monitoring Network System that you / body __SEEK_FRAUD_V51UD0 / will appreciate your utmost confidentiality .n/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_Y2SCUB / with any other person\(s\) or office\(s\)/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_7SASLI /international passport or drivers license/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XBF8EX / and promote computer literacy worldwide/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__VYNLD / through random selection .n .ur .omputerized/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WQM_KS / that you are having an illegal .ransaction with / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XY_KVM / will be safe in your care until I complete my service here/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_DIIRM8 /With God all things are possible\. As soon as I / body __SEEK_FRAUD_2DP28A / Dollars\. This fund is the excess of what my branch in which I am the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_97G0RP /You have to contact him directly on this information below/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IBGA0Z /ill date nobody has come forward or put application for the claim\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_AFUQZ_ / category and therefore attracted a cash award of/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QH7GAD / you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that .{0,40} you for the mutual benefit of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_LPKLJU / no body came forward all these years\. I/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_1MXKDB /amily to close one of my accounts and distribute the money .hich/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_O3_VB8 / electronic balloting .ystem without the winner/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_I2R70M /According to the number of applicants at hand,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_58TQIN /Remember, all prize money must be claimed / body __SEEK_FRAUD_3ED72H / the funds well and always extend the good work to others\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD__W_YJ_ / the plane crash leaving nobody behind .o/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NDHKX1 / was married to my late husband for twenty years without a child/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_YMNO86 / to themselves\. Hence, I do not trust them any/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LUSJPG / and make sure your ATM SWIFT CARD gets to you\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HTL1M7 /lessed is the hand that giveth\. I took this decision because I / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZAOQNF /ANDREW A\. MCELWEE,JR\. DIRECT TEL: \+44-70.-/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_YFJVJR / Economic and Financial Crimes Commission / body __SEEK_FRAUD_CKWDC_ /nd Monitory Crime Division\. Federal Bureau .f Investigation\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KJCQBN /our identity such as, international .assport or driver/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_T3NJLB / and distributed each year among the .harity organization/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_0_Y674 /It is your decision\.\.\. Make the right / body __SEEK_FRAUD_J2PAMP / that will protect you and I from any breach of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_OBDE14 /I can confirm with certainty that the said .nvestor died / body __SEEK_FRAUD_OURLUN / of your choice and distributed each year among .h/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_8_XQAU / of the victims are from the United States,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZFQ12I / official working days\. Since I have been unsuccessful in locating / body __SEEK_FRAUD_MGLOG8 /election process was carried ou. through / body __SEEK_FRAUD__FVRHW / AWARD COMMITTEE, and I contacted h.. .n/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_CC1WDQ /tion my conditions is really deteriorating/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_S5PJZQ /fter further investigation it was also discovered that / body __SEEK_FRAUD__QPNON / presence of my husband\'s relatives around me/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OSPVFG / will be executed and also note that you will / body __SEEK_FRAUD_OUKYFQ /corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MT8HSH /nd this I must do to make sure that this fund is not wasted or end up in the wrong hands\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WNTV8S /transaction of this magnitude will make .n/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_INK5U0 / agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_T4DQGF / taken pains to find your contact through personal endeavo/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EXFYTU /ynthetic nylon seal and padded with machine/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KRLDWO / to confirm people like you who have received their payment successfully\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EZFEDE /: Telephone\/Fax number: Nationality: Age: Occupation:/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LZPJHV /e I know where I am going\. I know that I .m going to be / body __SEEK_FRAUD_NE3ZWV / you can call me for any information You which to know about the noble Project\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UVARBX / in Nigeria many years ago and they refused to pay me. I had paid / body __SEEK_FRAUD_WRDYDC / funds have been successfully transferred into your account, / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZGRQSU / need you to assist me in executing a business project from / body __SEEK_FRAUD_H96S58 / to contact me for your Confirmable Bank Draft of/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_BPT9ZD /should there be any change of address do .nform / body __SEEK_FRAUD_JH0IMU /econd chance to come to this world I .ould live my life/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_PUJ_IF / your acceptance of this deal, we request that you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZGPBQU / purpose\. Please assure me that you will act according/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__O9EUR /e that you stop further communication with any correspondence / body __SEEK_FRAUD_LXBIXJ /is WILL is now ready for execution\. According to him this money is to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_UYSKUY /is because you have not fulfilled your .inancial .bligation given to you in respect of your .ontract/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VKZHQG /aving received these vital payment number/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OPAU37 /d over-invoiced payment as the effect has eaten deep into the economy of our / body __SEEK_FRAUD_SBLZOX /o you via our accredited shipping company / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ECCV28 / processing and eventual payment of the above prize to you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_J215K0 / us 24 hours to start improving your life\!/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_GGXKDC / and confidentiality please contact me on my personal email address/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XJ5D1P / his WILL\. He left the sum of Thirty Million, One Hundred Thousand Dollars \(/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_0LP0QC /I have reasoned very professionally and I / body __SEEK_FRAUD_LHGW4U /and I was mandated to provide his next of kin for the payment / body __SEEK_FRAUD_Q4PFFF / law and guideline here stipulates that if such money .emain/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XRLAX1 /100\.000\.00\) to you in the Codicil and last testament to his WILL/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OS7__X /y from any ATM MACHINE CENTER anywhere in the world/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_BSX___ / you at this stage is for you to provide me with your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_VMKU09 / has called me, I have willed and given .ost of my propert/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MVYLQZ /ou are listed and approved for this payment/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EFJ5G0 / will be effected to your designated home address without any further delay/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_SFX7KT /here the deceased had an account .alued a/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OIF5AH / in an ATM MACHINE in any part of the world, but the maximum / body __SEEK_FRAUD_A0Z8QL / financial transaction that will benefit / body __SEEK_FRAUD_U3GWDO /hat my branch in which I am the manager made/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_THHLIU /Winners shall be paid in accordance with / body __SEEK_FRAUD_31UFBU /, none officials of Oceanic Bank, Zenith Banks,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IKN_IZ /Fortunately, you CAN get credit for your knowledge and experience by taking advantage / body __SEEK_FRAUD_WDFF6F /In today\'s world, sad to say, it is simply no longer good enough to just excel at what .{0,20}Very often, in addition to professional abilities a university diploma will be a firm prerequisite for any positon you seek\..{0,20}You can be very qualified, with years of practical experience and nonetheless be held / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QCECCM /back from even obtaining an interview for an appropriate position in your field due to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_UDM0LI / depository made by a foreign investor for an investment program/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QSH8TX / from Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, North and South America,.?Middle East and Africa, as .art of our International Promotion/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__GBFFZ / of the Central Bank Of Nigeria, Mr\. Patrick Aziza, / body __SEEK_FRAUD_PLK7HH / life of my family at stake with this venture\. Although nothing ventured / body __SEEK_FRAUD_RK2CEY / documents that can be used to back up any claim we may make/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_CEGV6I /ber is \+233 547572059 you can call me for any information You w/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HXXOMT /Therefore, we have contacted the Federal Ministry .f Finance / body __SEEK_FRAUD_B9PUIT / confidential till your claims is processed and your/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_SRT80U / to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_FIWDJB /e do await your response so we can move on with / body __SEEK_FRAUD_NZYXPO / Insurance premium and Clearance Certificate/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_RM9NLW / Us 24\/7 to start improving your life\!/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_Y8BNLB /ontact the processing office immediately / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QMDFLB /fter going through some old files in the records/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OPPWVY / as one of their victims of the operations/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LUL_2T / against\. When my late husband was alive he deposited t/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EDCVNN / with all my compensation documents, And I was directed to meet / body __SEEK_FRAUD_DE3CNN / Any prize not claimed within this period / body __SEEK_FRAUD_68YEDU /e, because, I believe everyone will die someday\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WS6TZL / in respect of your Contract\/Inheritance Payment\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UXYGSV / had planned to invoke the abandoned property .ecree of/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IYEOHL /e advantage of the trust I have bestowed .n you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LMCQMG / official publication of results .. the .-mail electronic .n/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_5JIM1P /\[1\] Full Names:.{0,20} \[2\] Contact address/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_1UDIVO /e write to officially notify you of this / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZGA9H_ / am thinking of relocating since I am now rich\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZYDQF_ / to contact the ATM CARD CENTER via email / body __SEEK_FRAUD_P8Y20W /This Lottery was promoted and sponsored by / body __SEEK_FRAUD_3MBUTP / of registered software and domain users/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_FKB4VT /This is a reward program for the patronage of internet services/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_Y6APRC / is highly confidential and top secret\. For this reason,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MH7DS8 /1\. You must keep my relationship with you highly secret/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_BUTAHU /2\. You must not expose all the above information to anybody\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_8X3XXX /3\. You must be willing to act fast on any information/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_C3MJRM /confidential from the public until your claim / body __SEEK_FRAUD_AV8IYA / this consignment\/Payment has been surrendered to the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_VTWIMX /s not mandatory nor will I in any manner compel you to hono/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__39VBB /ur foreign customer who died along .i.. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_WNOSDE / information confidential from the public / body __SEEK_FRAUD_PLT3QG / in getting those funds transferred .nder the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_DIWNPX / to his forwarding address but got no reply\. After a month/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_SZOTOL / you are a highly respected personality, considering the fact .hat I .o/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_FD5IJO /elvin Young of HSBC, Ben of FedEx, Ibrahim Sule,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MOKY_0 /CHUBB INSURANCE COMPANY OF EUROPE S\.E\. 106 FENCHURCH STREET/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_SSGUKP /JR\. DIRECT TEL: \+44-702-403-5965 EMAIL: andrew/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_4NJZJH / to benefit from this promotion and you are one of the Selected Winners/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VTJWZI / office immediately upon receipt of this message/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_J2YHWJ /f this proposal is acceptable by you, do not/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_2C0NY6 /nfortunately we learnt that all his supposed next/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_BM_KH_ /\. I trained and work as an external auditor/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_B9OPKL / entertain any atom of fear as all required .rrangements have been made ..r/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_J1D82S / private, and it should be treated as such\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_D5IZK2 / COURIER SERVICE now for the delivery of your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_UGZFFW / bank and no one will ever come forward to claim it\. What bothers me / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QNKXRT /\*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate\(/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VYG2E_ /has been greatly abused, I choose to reach you through/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_D3DWTR / I choose to reach you through it because it / body __SEEK_FRAUD_5BASXW / I wish for utmost confidentiality in handling this transaction/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_CYOVLC /pon your response, I shall then provide you with / body __SEEK_FRAUD_6PF_19 / I wish to introduce myself as a sympathizer of your situation\. I am / body __SEEK_FRAUD_D1ZGKY / this medium \(Internet\) has been greatly abused. I choose to reach you through/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LEF13W / is hitch-free and that you should not entertain any / body __SEEK_FRAUD_9CLB_Z /office that no one except me knew of his deposit in my bank\. So,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_0KBZGH / I believe everyone will die someday\. My name is / body __SEEK_FRAUD_TRWHTS /I sold all my inherited belongings and deposited all the sum of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_R4X996 /I have made several enquiries to his embassy / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XTAYXF /Confirm the receipt of this message and .end the requirements to me immediately / body __SEEK_FRAUD_2JEHTY / identity and therefore can present you / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XXKDNE /During our Investigation, we noticed that the reason why you have not received your payment is because you / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ISXYWV /Before the U\.S and Iraqi war our client / body __SEEK_FRAUD_YXZMUG / remains the fastest, surest and most secured medium of communication\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NNZJNQ /qualified by your name identity\. All the legal papers / body __SEEK_FRAUD_E3PLXF /It\'s your decision\.\.\. Make the right / body __SEEK_FRAUD_TXVIDM / from date of Draw Notification\. Any .rize not claimed within this period will be forfeited/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VSNAKR /implore you to exercise the utmost indulgence to keep this matter ..t/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZTOV4F / COPY OF YOUR INT\'L PASSPORT\/DRIVERS LICENSE/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WZH_EZ /FULL NAME: HOME ADDRESS: TELL: CELL: CURRENT OCCUPATION:/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QR3CL9 /PRINCIPAL PARTNERS: Barrister Aidan Walsh\.Esq M/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZXVMN_ /wait your prompt response\. Yours in Service/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_W6E6QM /Once again stop contacting those people, I will advi.e you to contact / body __SEEK_FRAUD_KNTZAU / of the National Security warehouse\. \(This is where all the abandoned consignments in .ondon are kept a. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_MVD_UL / and your Certificate of Merit Payment No/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WOV3PL / falls within our European booklet repre/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_GZ_U_4 /sponsor Terrorist attack in your Country/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JUFO6R /guarantees the successful execution of this transaction\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XV0VCM / contains details of the agent who will process your transaction/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_SIYSH8 / to always pray for me because the lord is my / body __SEEK_FRAUD_S_E6HT /to understand from our findings that you have been / body __SEEK_FRAUD__EWXDD /Since the Federal Bureau of Investigation / body __SEEK_FRAUD_EYLVCR /This is to officially inform you that we have verified your contract file presently on my desk, and / body __SEEK_FRAUD_JNSNIH / declared to them as the contents is Sensitive Photographic Film Material.{0,40} did not declare money to them/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WPB12A / does not know the original contents of the boxes\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MZZRAG /maturity, I sent a routine notification .. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_GFNFIK / that if such money remained unclaimed after / body __SEEK_FRAUD_DIPNHU /To file for your claim, please contact our fiduciary agent:/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LLSNRS / but please find time to read it carefully as we congratulate you over your success in the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_M03WB9 / discovered from his contract employers, / body __SEEK_FRAUD_WYVOGD / and is organized to encourage the use of the Internet / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XZMYR3 /claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program\. Please be warned/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_FQGB2K /kindly forward to us your letter of acceptance/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NAJXCS /After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to track his .a.. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_LYS3UM /I want you and the church to always pray for me/ meta JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_3 (__SEEK_FRAUD_5CCXJU || __SEEK_FRAUD_1X7RMW || __SEEK_FRAUD_6KHCDD || __SEEK_FRAUD_A4PBQQ || __SEEK_FRAUD_SB_6CQ || __SEEK_FRAUD_ERZYBD || __SEEK_FRAUD_E3KTBE || __SEEK_FRAUD_V3CKGD || __SEEK_FRAUD_4ZOBTH || __SEEK_FRAUD_UJZKNM || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZJ_CTH || __SEEK_FRAUD_6JVR8E || __SEEK_FRAUD_CAJIY_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_HOFNNA || __SEEK_FRAUD_46LNNK || __SEEK_FRAUD__KB0LN || __SEEK_FRAUD_GRYB_A || __SEEK_FRAUD_MZRPNR || __SEEK_FRAUD_W8_TDM || __SEEK_FRAUD_CLCJCB || __SEEK_FRAUD_XD3U8U || __SEEK_FRAUD_AIWDWD || __SEEK_FRAUD_1YKNCJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_IYGIHN || __SEEK_FRAUD_8ZPJJE || __SEEK_FRAUD_GTSAAF || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZMITTF || __SEEK_FRAUD_4KBBOJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_GZBMOF || __SEEK_FRAUD_HVUAWJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_BOG4XB || __SEEK_FRAUD_Y6P5MJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_27TPNC || __SEEK_FRAUD_DXLGXY || __SEEK_FRAUD_L2F6_R || __SEEK_FRAUD__DJDP2 || __SEEK_FRAUD_CHFCBK || __SEEK_FRAUD_LC7TDH || __SEEK_FRAUD_MZ4KU4 || __SEEK_FRAUD_PSN5ER || __SEEK_FRAUD_M_6KLX || __SEEK_FRAUD_QFFEQP || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZJRDRZ || __SEEK_FRAUD_VKUVK9 || __SEEK_FRAUD_B5_Q5F || __SEEK_FRAUD__2JC4J || __SEEK_FRAUD_AFBYWT || __SEEK_FRAUD_EYJYD5 || __SEEK_FRAUD_DT9WM6 || __SEEK_FRAUD_1_DZIV || __SEEK_FRAUD_CGIKXS || __SEEK_FRAUD_WGGBW4 || __SEEK_FRAUD_GZ7JBR || __SEEK_FRAUD_MEWT_S || __SEEK_FRAUD_CCW67M || __SEEK_FRAUD_TDHO9C || __SEEK_FRAUD_TFGP0H || __SEEK_FRAUD_IGL8BZ || __SEEK_FRAUD_NI2M7O || __SEEK_FRAUD_BGO5Z1 || __SEEK_FRAUD_GHC0LN || __SEEK_FRAUD_BEH_E0 || __SEEK_FRAUD_GXZFNG || __SEEK_FRAUD_QHM0YN || __SEEK_FRAUD_NEZYJA || __SEEK_FRAUD_U0YN9X || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZBJZVN || __SEEK_FRAUD_OVKMST || __SEEK_FRAUD_0WHPB1 || __SEEK_FRAUD__UWRPH || __SEEK_FRAUD_5PEVEG || __SEEK_FRAUD_NAUNZC || __SEEK_FRAUD_GZNCSH || __SEEK_FRAUD_JWAJKB || __SEEK_FRAUD_0XHMDO || __SEEK_FRAUD_KGPTES || __SEEK_FRAUD_3WKRVR || __SEEK_FRAUD_YRLEBH || __SEEK_FRAUD_D_URQY || __SEEK_FRAUD__Y9XPU || __SEEK_FRAUD_EYYR3G || __SEEK_FRAUD_8AR9FD || __SEEK_FRAUD_JJQFVB || __SEEK_FRAUD_1F4_68 || __SEEK_FRAUD_I3HLDY || __SEEK_FRAUD_RCLBZD || __SEEK_FRAUD_NN_XIN || __SEEK_FRAUD_YM7Q1U || __SEEK_FRAUD_2811F9 || __SEEK_FRAUD_FS94C5 || __SEEK_FRAUD_IBW3KJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_75EPGH || __SEEK_FRAUD_MCEI6K || __SEEK_FRAUD_GAABY3 || __SEEK_FRAUD__2H_ZF || __SEEK_FRAUD_JMW_MA || __SEEK_FRAUD_G9KM9V || __SEEK_FRAUD_XQPYRV || __SEEK_FRAUD_YITL7Q || __SEEK_FRAUD_XTYRNI || __SEEK_FRAUD_UD45OB || __SEEK_FRAUD_QNKQRV || __SEEK_FRAUD_WG7MJR || __SEEK_FRAUD_EXMVGJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_YKISUY || __SEEK_FRAUD_XMJLB6 || __SEEK_FRAUD_AGOTOV || __SEEK_FRAUD_XL24FM || __SEEK_FRAUD_CTSHG_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_OCO1GZ || __SEEK_FRAUD_012H4S || __SEEK_FRAUD_JMEGUU || __SEEK_FRAUD_EWPMRD || __SEEK_FRAUD_6GPS4I || __SEEK_FRAUD_0ENSZN || __SEEK_FRAUD_C0A401 || __SEEK_FRAUD_HWMBYB || __SEEK_FRAUD_RBMZ20 || __SEEK_FRAUD_X1E2EB || __SEEK_FRAUD_DPTPJ2 || __SEEK_FRAUD_QZQFG_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZIZCXR || __SEEK_FRAUD_PTGWBT || __SEEK_FRAUD_UDD6SD || __SEEK_FRAUD_Y1JTCA || __SEEK_FRAUD_LNN7PT || __SEEK_FRAUD_QYJ0F_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_U5YTAO || __SEEK_FRAUD_CAWSAY || __SEEK_FRAUD_C4GPMA || __SEEK_FRAUD_104OO7 || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZMFYMV || __SEEK_FRAUD_4ZJ4MM || __SEEK_FRAUD_CHLODJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_TK7ZE5 || __SEEK_FRAUD_AKYCPN || __SEEK_FRAUD_GXCXNT || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZSKWKS || __SEEK_FRAUD_CBG70P || __SEEK_FRAUD_VNERKN || __SEEK_FRAUD_XNFRMH || __SEEK_FRAUD_SF0AZL || __SEEK_FRAUD_G5JT11 || __SEEK_FRAUD_APKMB5 || __SEEK_FRAUD_NEIFXB || __SEEK_FRAUD_C7BE4W || __SEEK_FRAUD_E2US_V || __SEEK_FRAUD_NNCB1U || __SEEK_FRAUD_Y6WUAZ || __SEEK_FRAUD_LYNJ8F || __SEEK_FRAUD_WGBS3F || __SEEK_FRAUD_M8T_DX || __SEEK_FRAUD_U6X3EQ || __SEEK_FRAUD_CEUKKB || __SEEK_FRAUD_NS3JMI || __SEEK_FRAUD_K0Z_G7 || __SEEK_FRAUD_GPBJDX || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZOR3VR || __SEEK_FRAUD_4FJBNM || __SEEK_FRAUD_R_Y6KV || __SEEK_FRAUD_1OMKY9 || __SEEK_FRAUD_P8ZIB5 || __SEEK_FRAUD_MS7V8W || __SEEK_FRAUD_RTTFOO || __SEEK_FRAUD_0YTF3I || __SEEK_FRAUD_Z5I5GN || __SEEK_FRAUD_0EQFPK || __SEEK_FRAUD_GHFYA7 || __SEEK_FRAUD_WMAL5J || __SEEK_FRAUD_KHQJT8 || __SEEK_FRAUD_IO3EVX || __SEEK_FRAUD_EVV1E8 || __SEEK_FRAUD_L9OWQX || __SEEK_FRAUD_UGDSWW || __SEEK_FRAUD_M0IWRF || __SEEK_FRAUD_E2SH4C || __SEEK_FRAUD_2JYPLW || __SEEK_FRAUD_XDILM_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_LQBU2I || __SEEK_FRAUD_NNQNVI || __SEEK_FRAUD_RBDABP || __SEEK_FRAUD_3BUBEF || __SEEK_FRAUD_P23CHZ || __SEEK_FRAUD_BRNKW7 || __SEEK_FRAUD_84RQ6W || __SEEK_FRAUD_YN2E2I || __SEEK_FRAUD_QSWUVB || __SEEK_FRAUD_RTX9K6 || __SEEK_FRAUD_U5U5GZ || __SEEK_FRAUD_WJ_B8R || __SEEK_FRAUD_NM1G_Z || __SEEK_FRAUD_9_B4GD || __SEEK_FRAUD_QVAX11 || __SEEK_FRAUD__R9RUV || __SEEK_FRAUD_AIHGE4 || __SEEK_FRAUD_5GX3N3 || __SEEK_FRAUD_QNYY_W || __SEEK_FRAUD_QAMR9M || __SEEK_FRAUD_EBNRUJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_IQFKX9 || __SEEK_FRAUD_QA7MN5 || __SEEK_FRAUD_H78OXL || __SEEK_FRAUD_UEEF6W || __SEEK_FRAUD_9TSKUH || __SEEK_FRAUD_K1G7F9 || __SEEK_FRAUD_VJNKV_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_OOJEB1 || __SEEK_FRAUD_IEETE1 || __SEEK_FRAUD_6IEQFA || __SEEK_FRAUD_30IJNC || __SEEK_FRAUD_ITT6MQ || __SEEK_FRAUD_LOSETJ || __SEEK_FRAUD__IHT37 || __SEEK_FRAUD_TTMYIZ || __SEEK_FRAUD_VVC9YE || __SEEK_FRAUD_IGTN_Z || __SEEK_FRAUD_V55UT_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_HKHRV9 || __SEEK_FRAUD_BZYQ5G || __SEEK_FRAUD_WAAEJ8 || __SEEK_FRAUD_43CX5K || __SEEK_FRAUD_N5EBOL || __SEEK_FRAUD_S4QI3T || __SEEK_FRAUD_NL67SF || __SEEK_FRAUD_CU_WUO || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZLALWU || __SEEK_FRAUD_QGQHGD || __SEEK_FRAUD_59PL1E || __SEEK_FRAUD_CV8TV7 || __SEEK_FRAUD_F9YLOI || __SEEK_FRAUD_KXDZWV || __SEEK_FRAUD_V51UD0 || __SEEK_FRAUD_Y2SCUB || __SEEK_FRAUD_7SASLI || __SEEK_FRAUD_XBF8EX || __SEEK_FRAUD__VYNLD || __SEEK_FRAUD_WQM_KS || __SEEK_FRAUD_XY_KVM || __SEEK_FRAUD_DIIRM8 || __SEEK_FRAUD_2DP28A || __SEEK_FRAUD_97G0RP || __SEEK_FRAUD_IBGA0Z || __SEEK_FRAUD_AFUQZ_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_QH7GAD || __SEEK_FRAUD_LPKLJU || __SEEK_FRAUD_1MXKDB || __SEEK_FRAUD_O3_VB8 || __SEEK_FRAUD_I2R70M || __SEEK_FRAUD_58TQIN || __SEEK_FRAUD_3ED72H || __SEEK_FRAUD__W_YJ_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_NDHKX1 || __SEEK_FRAUD_YMNO86 || __SEEK_FRAUD_LUSJPG || __SEEK_FRAUD_HTL1M7 || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZAOQNF || __SEEK_FRAUD_YFJVJR || __SEEK_FRAUD_CKWDC_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_KJCQBN || __SEEK_FRAUD_T3NJLB || __SEEK_FRAUD_0_Y674 || __SEEK_FRAUD_J2PAMP || __SEEK_FRAUD_OBDE14 || __SEEK_FRAUD_OURLUN || __SEEK_FRAUD_8_XQAU || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZFQ12I || __SEEK_FRAUD_MGLOG8 || __SEEK_FRAUD__FVRHW || __SEEK_FRAUD_CC1WDQ || __SEEK_FRAUD_S5PJZQ || __SEEK_FRAUD__QPNON || __SEEK_FRAUD_OSPVFG || __SEEK_FRAUD_OUKYFQ || __SEEK_FRAUD_MT8HSH || __SEEK_FRAUD_WNTV8S || __SEEK_FRAUD_INK5U0 || __SEEK_FRAUD_T4DQGF || __SEEK_FRAUD_EXFYTU || __SEEK_FRAUD_KRLDWO || __SEEK_FRAUD_EZFEDE || __SEEK_FRAUD_LZPJHV || __SEEK_FRAUD_NE3ZWV || __SEEK_FRAUD_UVARBX || __SEEK_FRAUD_WRDYDC || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZGRQSU || __SEEK_FRAUD_H96S58 || __SEEK_FRAUD_BPT9ZD || __SEEK_FRAUD_JH0IMU || __SEEK_FRAUD_PUJ_IF || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZGPBQU || __SEEK_FRAUD__O9EUR || __SEEK_FRAUD_LXBIXJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_UYSKUY || __SEEK_FRAUD_VKZHQG || __SEEK_FRAUD_OPAU37 || __SEEK_FRAUD_SBLZOX || __SEEK_FRAUD_ECCV28 || __SEEK_FRAUD_J215K0 || __SEEK_FRAUD_GGXKDC || __SEEK_FRAUD_XJ5D1P || __SEEK_FRAUD_0LP0QC || __SEEK_FRAUD_LHGW4U || __SEEK_FRAUD_Q4PFFF || __SEEK_FRAUD_XRLAX1 || __SEEK_FRAUD_OS7__X || __SEEK_FRAUD_BSX___ || __SEEK_FRAUD_VMKU09 || __SEEK_FRAUD_MVYLQZ || __SEEK_FRAUD_EFJ5G0 || __SEEK_FRAUD_SFX7KT || __SEEK_FRAUD_OIF5AH || __SEEK_FRAUD_A0Z8QL || __SEEK_FRAUD_U3GWDO || __SEEK_FRAUD_THHLIU || __SEEK_FRAUD_31UFBU || __SEEK_FRAUD_IKN_IZ || __SEEK_FRAUD_WDFF6F || __SEEK_FRAUD_QCECCM || __SEEK_FRAUD_UDM0LI || __SEEK_FRAUD_QSH8TX || __SEEK_FRAUD__GBFFZ || __SEEK_FRAUD_PLK7HH || __SEEK_FRAUD_RK2CEY || __SEEK_FRAUD_CEGV6I || __SEEK_FRAUD_HXXOMT || __SEEK_FRAUD_B9PUIT || __SEEK_FRAUD_SRT80U || __SEEK_FRAUD_FIWDJB || __SEEK_FRAUD_NZYXPO || __SEEK_FRAUD_RM9NLW || __SEEK_FRAUD_Y8BNLB || __SEEK_FRAUD_QMDFLB || __SEEK_FRAUD_OPPWVY || __SEEK_FRAUD_LUL_2T || __SEEK_FRAUD_EDCVNN || __SEEK_FRAUD_DE3CNN || __SEEK_FRAUD_68YEDU || __SEEK_FRAUD_WS6TZL || __SEEK_FRAUD_UXYGSV || __SEEK_FRAUD_IYEOHL || __SEEK_FRAUD_LMCQMG || __SEEK_FRAUD_5JIM1P || __SEEK_FRAUD_1UDIVO || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZGA9H_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZYDQF_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_P8Y20W || __SEEK_FRAUD_3MBUTP || __SEEK_FRAUD_FKB4VT || __SEEK_FRAUD_Y6APRC || __SEEK_FRAUD_MH7DS8 || __SEEK_FRAUD_BUTAHU || __SEEK_FRAUD_8X3XXX || __SEEK_FRAUD_C3MJRM || __SEEK_FRAUD_AV8IYA || __SEEK_FRAUD_VTWIMX || __SEEK_FRAUD__39VBB || __SEEK_FRAUD_WNOSDE || __SEEK_FRAUD_PLT3QG || __SEEK_FRAUD_DIWNPX || __SEEK_FRAUD_SZOTOL || __SEEK_FRAUD_FD5IJO || __SEEK_FRAUD_MOKY_0 || __SEEK_FRAUD_SSGUKP || __SEEK_FRAUD_4NJZJH || __SEEK_FRAUD_VTJWZI || __SEEK_FRAUD_J2YHWJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_2C0NY6 || __SEEK_FRAUD_BM_KH_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_B9OPKL || __SEEK_FRAUD_J1D82S || __SEEK_FRAUD_D5IZK2 || __SEEK_FRAUD_UGZFFW || __SEEK_FRAUD_QNKXRT || __SEEK_FRAUD_VYG2E_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_D3DWTR || __SEEK_FRAUD_5BASXW || __SEEK_FRAUD_CYOVLC || __SEEK_FRAUD_6PF_19 || __SEEK_FRAUD_D1ZGKY || __SEEK_FRAUD_LEF13W || __SEEK_FRAUD_9CLB_Z || __SEEK_FRAUD_0KBZGH || __SEEK_FRAUD_TRWHTS || __SEEK_FRAUD_R4X996 || __SEEK_FRAUD_XTAYXF || __SEEK_FRAUD_2JEHTY || __SEEK_FRAUD_XXKDNE || __SEEK_FRAUD_ISXYWV || __SEEK_FRAUD_YXZMUG || __SEEK_FRAUD_NNZJNQ || __SEEK_FRAUD_E3PLXF || __SEEK_FRAUD_TXVIDM || __SEEK_FRAUD_VSNAKR || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZTOV4F || __SEEK_FRAUD_WZH_EZ || __SEEK_FRAUD_QR3CL9 || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZXVMN_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_W6E6QM || __SEEK_FRAUD_KNTZAU || __SEEK_FRAUD_MVD_UL || __SEEK_FRAUD_WOV3PL || __SEEK_FRAUD_GZ_U_4 || __SEEK_FRAUD_JUFO6R || __SEEK_FRAUD_XV0VCM || __SEEK_FRAUD_SIYSH8 || __SEEK_FRAUD_S_E6HT || __SEEK_FRAUD__EWXDD || __SEEK_FRAUD_EYLVCR || __SEEK_FRAUD_JNSNIH || __SEEK_FRAUD_WPB12A || __SEEK_FRAUD_MZZRAG || __SEEK_FRAUD_GFNFIK || __SEEK_FRAUD_DIPNHU || __SEEK_FRAUD_LLSNRS || __SEEK_FRAUD_M03WB9 || __SEEK_FRAUD_WYVOGD || __SEEK_FRAUD_XZMYR3 || __SEEK_FRAUD_FQGB2K || __SEEK_FRAUD_NAJXCS || __SEEK_FRAUD_LYS3UM) score JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_3 3.0 describe JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_3 Body contains frequently-spammed text patterns