body __SEEK_FRAUD_NN_XIN /If you are looking for a fast and effective way to get a diploma,\(non accredited\) this is the best way out for you\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_YM7Q1U /Our staff will get back to you in next few days\!/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HMVYSR /Outside US: \+1\.718\.989\.5746 \"Just leave your NAME \& PHONE NO\. \(with CountryCode\)\" in the voicemail\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_2811F9 /Provide us with degree you are interested in\./ # passed hit-rate threshold: 2.0 meta JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_1 (__SEEK_FRAUD_NN_XIN || __SEEK_FRAUD_YM7Q1U || __SEEK_FRAUD_HMVYSR || __SEEK_FRAUD_2811F9) score JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_1 3.0 describe JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_1 Body contains frequently-spammed text patterns body __SEEK_FRAUD_NFP2RC /Is your lack of a degree holding you back from career advancement\? Are you having difficulty finding employment in your field of interest because you don.{0,40} even though you are qualified\? / body __SEEK_FRAUD__70JEL / even though you are qualified\? If you are looking for a / body __SEEK_FRAUD_DKBMSM /\. Just leave your NAME \& TEL\. PHONE \# \(with country-code\) on the voicemail and one of our staff members will get back to you promptly\! / body __SEEK_FRAUD_LX2RCD / and a forwarding address to enable .. file / body __SEEK_FRAUD_9_SYQR / request that you kindly forward to .. your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_3ZGAWE / telephone communication in this regard / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XABL7X /I am not afraid of death hence I know .h/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_CTSHG_ / your letter of acceptance; your current / body __SEEK_FRAUD_8DOXAD /I once again try to notify you as my earlier .etter / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZHCQFW / after a brief illness that lasted for only / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QZ_MDM / All the legal papers will be processed .n/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_FREOKD /I hereby attempt to reach you again by .his .ame email address / body __SEEK_FRAUD_US_OFW /hilanthropy earned him numerous awards during his life/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IGL8BZ / part of our precautionary measure to avoid / body __SEEK_FRAUD_BXYWIK /On behalf of the Trustees and Executor of the .state of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZR4ER1 /r to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this ..s/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_F6XEM3 / earlier letter was returned undelivered/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_BGO5Z1 / activities and to help the poor and the needy/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_FOSRJQ / due to the death of all the members of his .amily / body __SEEK_FRAUD_FF96JI / endeavor to get back to me as soon as possible to enable me conclude my job/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_E0LMNE / to enable us seeing this .eal through\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OPAU37 /d over-invoiced payment as the effect has eaten deep into the economy of our / body __SEEK_FRAUD_SBLZOX /o you via our accredited shipping company / body __SEEK_FRAUD_CHLODJ / to enable us seeing this deal through\. I guarantee / body __SEEK_FRAUD_V1ULWA /married for eleven years without a child\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LTKAUK /ourt probate division for the release of th/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_RGFON2 /Leave your msg, with your full name and number / body __SEEK_FRAUD_49FI4O /ants to serve the Lord must serve him in / body __SEEK_FRAUD__IA9KC /his may sound strange and unbelievable to you, but / body __SEEK_FRAUD_F9YLOI / necessary documents at our .igh court probate division/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WJ2RR_ / left behind by my client before it is confiscated .. / # passed hit-rate threshold: 1.0 meta JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_2 (__SEEK_FRAUD_NFP2RC || __SEEK_FRAUD__70JEL || __SEEK_FRAUD_DKBMSM || __SEEK_FRAUD_LX2RCD || __SEEK_FRAUD_9_SYQR || __SEEK_FRAUD_3ZGAWE || __SEEK_FRAUD_XABL7X || __SEEK_FRAUD_CTSHG_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_8DOXAD || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZHCQFW || __SEEK_FRAUD_QZ_MDM || __SEEK_FRAUD_FREOKD || __SEEK_FRAUD_US_OFW || __SEEK_FRAUD_IGL8BZ || __SEEK_FRAUD_BXYWIK || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZR4ER1 || __SEEK_FRAUD_F6XEM3 || __SEEK_FRAUD_BGO5Z1 || __SEEK_FRAUD_FOSRJQ || __SEEK_FRAUD_FF96JI || __SEEK_FRAUD_E0LMNE || __SEEK_FRAUD_OPAU37 || __SEEK_FRAUD_SBLZOX || __SEEK_FRAUD_CHLODJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_V1ULWA || __SEEK_FRAUD_LTKAUK || __SEEK_FRAUD_RGFON2 || __SEEK_FRAUD_49FI4O || __SEEK_FRAUD__IA9KC || __SEEK_FRAUD_F9YLOI || __SEEK_FRAUD_WJ2RR_) score JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_2 3.0 describe JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_2 Body contains frequently-spammed text patterns body __SEEK_FRAUD_IQFKX9 / was a very dedicated Christian who loved to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_SGFSMN / msg, with your full name and contact number so we can call you back\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MY06YR /the lord will fight my case and I shall hold my peace/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JJQFVB /I know within me that nothing ventured is / body __SEEK_FRAUD_EH1G11 / until his death was a member of the Helicopter Society and the Institute of Electronic \& Electrical Engineers\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_38GETZ / he must have been in contact with you in the past or simply you were / body __SEEK_FRAUD_YGHQXE /ed to him by one of his numerous friends abroad who wished you good/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_W_EP8Q / particularly lived my li.{0,40}ever really cared for anyone/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_7XOY_V / papers will be processed in your acceptance\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LPT60S / your Embassy to locate any of my client/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_4IGE4U /or security reasons, you are advised to keep your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_AKYCPN /t want them to know about this development\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_BLDS9E / am delighted to inform you that the contract panel/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_TCL04Y / happiest woman on earth because I have received my / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XVM0G_ /ill make any one apprehensive and worried, but I/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_Z1DQSM /your acceptance\. In your acceptance of this deal, / body __SEEK_FRAUD_HWGAFY /it will be legally proper to present you as the next of kin of my deceased client/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OUQ7_6 / had planned to invoke the abandoned property .{0,40} to confiscate the funds after the expiration of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_MIIG_C / years, and his WILL is now ready for execution\. According to him this money is to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_BRNKW7 /f this business proposition offends your moral / body __SEEK_FRAUD_AAKMFF /or get a child outside my matrimonial home/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VJNKV_ /so that the proceeds of this account can be / body __SEEK_FRAUD_C0N_NJ / in the Codicil and last testament to his WILL/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_BZFTQQ /I was always hostile to people and only focus/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VRGLL3 /ow I regret all th.{0,3} as I now know that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the .oney in the world\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_PUJ_IF / your acceptance of this deal, we request that you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VXUYZK / at the age of 80 years, and his WILL is now ready for execution\...c/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_TWEN6R / benefit from the diplomatic immunity payment\. This panel was primarily delegated .. / body __SEEK_FRAUD__EVXD7 / will put you in place as the next of .in/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_YJUSBV /I have distributed ..n.. to some charity .rgani.ations in / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZMFYMV /Furthermore, should there be any change .. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_EO5_QW / that the proceeds of this account valued a/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_W7CWGA /The bankers had planned to invoke the abandoned property decree of/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LMLJQE /kindly forward to us your letter of acceptance. your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_PKVKI1 /I send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_5MCR_O / provide you with more details and relevant documents/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_7A8HJM / to your postal Address in your country / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XADCD3 / are only taking advantage of you and they will dry you up until you have / body __SEEK_FRAUD_EZFEDE /: Telephone\/Fax number: Nationality: Age: Occupation:/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KCB1NC / adopted a resolution and I was mandated to provide his next of kin for the payment of this money within / body __SEEK_FRAUD_FHIQQL / to confiscate the funds after the expiration of the period given / body __SEEK_FRAUD_0LP0QC /I have reasoned very professionally and I / body __SEEK_FRAUD_WQ3MYL / his WILL\. He left the sum of Thirty Million, One Hundred Thousand Dollars \(USD\$30,..0..00..0/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_L5CHVT / to inform you that you have won a prize money of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_5L07LP /s\. By virtue of my closeness to the deceased and his immediate family, I am very much aware of my client/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_SJNU8J /After these several unsuccessful attempts/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_TKRYFP /For privacy and confidentiality reply using my fax: \+44-700-596-1494 or email:/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_8D5ZCH /Full names: Address: Telephone and fax numbers: Age: Marital Status: Occupation: A copy of your identity:/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EOOFB8 /I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise, Please accept the content in good faith\. I do not intend to cause any grief to you and your family\. The .?eason for sending this mail is very fundamental to the doctrine of human privileges and right\. My name is Barrister John Wood a legal practitioner based in .?ondon and the personal Attorney to late Mr\. Adams, a national of your country who died along with his wife and two sons who died in the Tube explosion between King\'s Cross-and Russell Square in London\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_YA_RGO /Please get in touch with me by email with the information below to enable us discuss further\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_PRKDOF /\) in his domiciliary bank account in a commercial bank here in London\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_A1M2V4 /s Road London WC1X 8TH Fax: \+44-700-596-1494/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_Q2NVM5 /s can be paid to you\. We shall both share the funds\. 40\% for me and 55\% to you, while 5\% should be for Expenses or your Government may require as Tax\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_N2TUPL / including the paper work of his bank deposit/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_Y6P5MJ / contacting us through emails are fake\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OXQL3J / proved unsuccessful\. After several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_POQX46 /1\. Full Name and address 2\. Direct cell\/home telephone number 3\. Identification, either your id-card, driver\'s license or international passport\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VXEHN_ /As soon as i receive the requested information and confirm your readiness to handle this matter, i will process your immunity cash funds proof of ownership certificate and your cash funds delivery approvals form \"D\" and forward them to you for your own view and record, then i will advise you with the date and time the diplomats will arrive your country\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QJ58__ /Forward you next response to this email address: / body __SEEK_FRAUD_GVP80_ /Please you must know that the united nation want you to pay 50\% of this total amount \(\$10\.1 million dollars\) to any motherless babies home there in your country\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_6HPM5A /You don\'t need to worry for anything because this transaction is 100 risk free, the boxes are coming with a diplomatic agent who will accompany the boxes to your house or office there in your country\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EV4LPC /\.com and make sure you call me on this telephone number \+44-762-413-2116 immediately you forward your information so that even if am not on seat,i can go and check my email for immediate action\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_5_1_MB /orward to us your contact information as it is stated below:/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HHL9OS /r immunity agent there in your country to stand and receive this total amount of \$10\.1 million dollars by cash immunity delivery to your country which you are to meet with the diplomats on their arrival there in your country international airport to enable them take the clearance on face to face clearing with the customs at the airport to enable them move it to your doorstep without any inspection by the government agent as it has been directed by the united nation and .ritish government\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KFUGGV / guarantees the successful execution of this transaction\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_YRCV_U /Please always be prayerful all through your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_HPCAW3 / sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but / body __SEEK_FRAUD_VKUVK9 / stop any further communication with anybody or office/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_E2ESY7 / contacted him and he explained everything to me\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_SYXC7L / proposition offends your moral values, do accept my apology\. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_D3X77R /due to one reason or the other best known to you\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_TMN_LY /operation to enable us see this transaction through\. This will be executed under / body __SEEK_FRAUD_JJPKAG /9414,Batch Number: 573881545-NL\/200. and Ticket/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_D_Z7NM /Congratulations\! Thank you for being a user of the World/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EPEJ1_ /our online draws which was played on the year 20..\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NM1G_Z / you because you bear the surname identity / body __SEEK_FRAUD_OWE2LK /BARRISTER TEDDY WILLIAMS ESQ\.PRINCIPAL PARTNERS: Barrister Aidan Walsh\.Esq Markus Wolfgang,Smith Esq / body __SEEK_FRAUD_DJ79KN /I await your prompt response\. Yours in Service/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_3_8NUB /Tel\+34-658-654-308, Fax:\+34911414351 E-mail:/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_J2YHWJ /f this proposal is acceptable by you, do not/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_SJUAFZ / this transaction would be most profitable for both of us/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_GZBMOF / contacting you and telling you that your fund is with them/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_TFGP0H / you have not received your payment due to your lack of co-operation and not fulfilling the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_NNZJNQ /qualified by your name identity\. All the legal papers / body __SEEK_FRAUD_C5OQZD /hough what disturbs me most is my stroke/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NH9TNM / the Internet, to locate any member of his family/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_07NUWC / assets to my immediate and .xtended family / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QQ2665 /I have willed and given .ost of my propert/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XD3U8U / disbursement according to .he percentage/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_L4OF4_ /o obtain the necessary documents and letter of probate.administration in your favo/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UJZKNM /I will like you to provide immediately your full .ame/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_FYI5WN /with those liars that will be turning you around asking for different kind of money to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_PZKR_K /ever is contacting us through emails are fake/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UYQ1XG /the surname identity and therefore can present you / body __SEEK_FRAUD__4GEGC /Please contact me at once to indicate your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_UCAUVI /ttorney to provide his next of kin who should inherit his f/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZKHUET /This is to officially inform you that we have verified your contract / body __SEEK_FRAUD_MNSFWO /o obtain the necessary documents and letter of probate\/administration in your favo/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MO8JUB / through our SWIFT CARD PAYMENT CENT.. in Europe,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__2H_ZF /I have not particularly lived my life so well,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_G9KM9V /did not declare any next of kin in his official papers including the paper/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QHM0YN /ed by an advanced automated random computer/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_0BVEZG /You will provide him with the following information/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_C4M8O6 /\. I want you and the church to always pray for me bec/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_7E9IDU / acknowledge receipt of this message in acceptance of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_KR9WGG /o not betray my confidence\. If we can be of one accord/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UK1HZY /d to donate from what I have .nherited from my late .usband .o/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QFELT6 /t you keep the contents of this mail .{0,40} respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result of this / body __SEEK_FRAUD__EFA_O /yet to receive their payments and . saw you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__HJ2Y5 /\% to you, while 5\% should be for .xpenses or / body __SEEK_FRAUD_H613HT / secured way of getting the package out .. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_IILB8R /I hereby inform you that the united nation and British government has choosing you as their immunity agent there in your country to stand and receive this total amount of \$10\.1 million dollars by cash immunity delivery to your country which you are to meet with the diplomats on their arrival there in your country international airport to enable them take the clearance on face to face clearing with the customs at the airport to enable them move it to your doorstep without any inspection by the government agent as it has been directed by the united nation and British government\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_GQ_III / you as the Next of Kin to the Deceased since / body __SEEK_FRAUD_7SNXAJ /hat my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do .his / body __SEEK_FRAUD_KDGYCE / apology\. I must use this opportunity to / body __SEEK_FRAUD__SGKIK /as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I do on earth\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HLTNBY /Against this backdrop, my suggestion .. .o/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QHAHKB / and to conceal this kind of money became a .roblem for me/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_J8PIFZ /usiness as that was the only thing I cared for\. But .ow I regret all th.s/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_FKRVOS /they refused and kept the money to themselves\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZLALWU / per transaction\. So, if you like to receive your fund this way,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MQI_VX /Hence, I do .ot trust them anymore, as they seem not to be .onten.ed with what I have left for them\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_DLIZ7K /Now that my health has deteriorated so badly,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XDJEQN / another notification was sent.{0,20} no response came from/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_52TF6W /o avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_4KBBOJ /ow are you today\? Hope all is well with you and / body __SEEK_FRAUD_3HU72N / adopt a legalized method and the attorney will prepare all the necessary/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JLSUKM / funds belonging to Saddam Hussein\'s family / body __SEEK_FRAUD_LZUIM_ /man on earth because I have received my compensation funds / body __SEEK_FRAUD_PHXFSG / If you are interested I will send you the full details, my job is to find a good partner that we can trust and that will assist us/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_2U5_KL /m assuring you that all will be well at the end of the day/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_CRYRVO / hence I know where I am going\. I know / body __SEEK_FRAUD_DIIRM8 /With God all things are possible\. As soon as I / body __SEEK_FRAUD_WQPH_R /it is not a Drug Money or meant to sponsor Terroris. a.t/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_3BWYGW / accomplished family man, who made enough fortune before his untimely death\. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_TSWC8H / recorded\. My late client was an influential wealthy businessman, an oil m/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XDHW_C / so that you can be paid the funds left in his bank account/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KFEOGR / that the proceeds of this Bank Account valued at / body __SEEK_FRAUD_DCYEFP / you are nationals of the same country\. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_H6IXQ5 /After the death of my client his bankers contacted me/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_P_7YRN /I shall assemble all the necessary Legal Documents that will be used to back up our claim\. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_SKFND8 / and Ticket Number: PP3502 \/8707-01 on / body __SEEK_FRAUD_52A1GH / and please use .he ..n.. well and always extend the good work to others\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_FCD7Z9 / was able to get the package out to a safe / body __SEEK_FRAUD__OXXSN / to stop dealing with some non-officials in the bank as this is an illegal act and will have to stop if you so wish to receive your payment immediately\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_X7EJQN / as the next-of-kin and beneficiary of my / body __SEEK_FRAUD_1LS8UW /I want you to know that I have had everything planned out so that we / body __SEEK_FRAUD_5MEKF1 / and my doctors have told me that I have / body __SEEK_FRAUD_GTSAAF / while in the US, trying to get my payment / body __SEEK_FRAUD_215XVW / part of our security protocol to avoid / body __SEEK_FRAUD_SGH_BE / a different way from how I have lived it\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WH7YUM /I do solicit for your assistance in effecting this transaction/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XNIO3Q / required arrangements have been made for the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_LP_GQ9 /The above figure was given to me as my share/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_E3KTBE / confidential business proposition for you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_6ZXIA1 /that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct here in\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_FNYQLN /He informed us that he had a financial portfolio .. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_CKPXGA /rovide either an existing bank account or / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ENAUAY /decision, while I await your prompt response\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_PNYKVG / I therefore seek your consent to present you as the .. the .eceased / body __SEEK_FRAUD_KS6HHB /not with your fund, they are only making money o.. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_UPIS0F /office that no one except me knew of his / body __SEEK_FRAUD_6ZE0ZK / for the paper works, take note of that\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_58TQIN /Remember, all prize money must be claimed / body __SEEK_FRAUD_YKISUY / foreign partner that made me to contact you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VD8CIS /amily to close one of my accounts and distribute the money/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LQICIN /last testament of the deceased\.\(Name now withheld/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MGGP27 /implore you to exercise the utmost indulgence to keep this matter / body __SEEK_FRAUD_CDBI1H /e a second chance to come to this world I would live my life/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_L17Y6V /hich I have there to .harity organization/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_7CQUW3 /som of the Lord\. Exodus 14 VS 14 says that / body __SEEK_FRAUD_EXFYTU /ynthetic nylon seal and padded with machine/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_W_G8_H /, we sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his contract / body __SEEK_FRAUD_NPQMIG / in all his official documents, including his Bank/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JGB6V7 / the funds will revert to the ownership of the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_2BERS9 /\. I will also issue a .etter .f .uthori/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NYRWTG /e does not know the real contents of the package.{0,20} believes that it belongs to a/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IIRQDN /Upon maturity several notices was sent to him, even ..r/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_0WHPB1 /we have resolved in finding a solution to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_6GPS4I /nd he also confided in me the last time he was .. my..f/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IMVAPT /Sgt Marvin Oliver Telephone: \+44-762-413-2116/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KNJYYF /econd chance to come to this world I .{0,40} a different way from how I have .ived / body __SEEK_FRAUD_55WLGY /dvantage of you and they will dry you up until you have nothing\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_B0BTNE /mail because your package .{0,40}n a Special Order\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MA7TQS / for the collection of this international certified bank / body __SEEK_FRAUD_S3AFMN / therefore reckoned that you could receive these funds as you are/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_T6QSEI /I need your full co-operation to make this / body __SEEK_FRAUD__QPNON / presence of my husband\'s relatives around me/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_1SKLLZ /after the war another notification was sent.and / body __SEEK_FRAUD_BTTJ73 /For further Information about your Winnings.{0,3}ontact your Lottery Claims / body __SEEK_FRAUD_WKGUZG /ttorney at law\. A deceased client of mine/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_SIYSH8 / to always pray for me because the lord is my / body __SEEK_FRAUD_RZZRJV / apprehensive because you do not know me/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_C7BE4W /It is understandable that you might be a/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VBA2NT /ith the help of a British contact working / body __SEEK_FRAUD_V7MW4J /On this regards, do not hesitate to contact me for more details and direction,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_CPX6UT /Please, again, note I am a family man; I ha/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JDNTHW / once asked members of my family to close one of my accounts and / body __SEEK_FRAUD_E1MR3Z / came to our bank to engage in business discussions with / body __SEEK_FRAUD_NAWNBX / part of our International Promotions .rogram/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EGCOZC /\. I have a business proposal in the tune of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QO85UJ /ank and the interest is being rolled over with the principal sum at the end of each year\. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_JTNNU1 / trusted me to hand over the package to his / body __SEEK_FRAUD_M1HR35 / that will use this fund for orphanages, widows,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_L7_UPP /If per adventure, you deem it fit to be part of this great promising venture, please / body __SEEK_FRAUD_GMP0SY / shall share in ratio of ..\% for you and ..\% for / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ID2SB5 /Please note that your lucky winning number/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KBGNWU /My name is Maria\. I am looking for a new friend\. Write me at : / body __SEEK_FRAUD_0ENSZN / within the next ten official working days/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JFMEJI /Insurance premium and Clearance Certificate Fee/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WI_PXU /have been waiting for you since to contact me for your ..n/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_TZQSNN /Once again congratulations\. Your email ad/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_8BDNKT / client\'s next-of-kin will be provided\. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_BQVFV6 /around me always\. I don.t want them to know about this development/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZXHWD2 /ontact your Lottery Claims Officer with the following contact / body __SEEK_FRAUD_IQZZGV /l addresses, from Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, North and South America, Middle East and Africa, as .art of our International Promotions Program\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_3ED72H / the funds well and always extend the good work to others\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_FBIJMC /He took me to the paying bank for the claim of my Compensation payment\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_I3HLDY /m one of those that took part in the Compensation in / body __SEEK_FRAUD_B3XJII / does not know the original contents of the boxes\. What .{0,3} declared to them as the contents is Sensitive Photographic Film Material. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_1OMKY9 / to be merciful to me and accept my soul/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__ERENB /Confirm the receipt of this message and send the requirements to me immediately / body __SEEK_FRAUD_JYA5BT /This will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from many breach of the law\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_FTO6II / all arrangements and I .ill give you more information on / body __SEEK_FRAUD_5EKBBQ /he needed to make an urgent investment requiring cash payments/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_GVTOJY /propagating the word of God and to endeavor that the house of God is / body __SEEK_FRAUD_E2US_V /t is therefore upon this discovery that I / body __SEEK_FRAUD_YGYYT6 / understand that blessed is the hand that give/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_AAV9Q9 / discovered that the account holder died / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XY_KVM / will be safe in your care until I complete my service here/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EOLLNZ /\(Name now withheld since this is our second letter to you\)\. We contacted you b/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UCSJVN / from his account unless someone applies for/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_46RWYB / to inform you that you emerged a winner of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZN9EIN /andomly from World Wide Web sites through .omputer / body __SEEK_FRAUD_TELOJY /These requirements will enable us file letter of claim to the appropriate/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_DI5SMP /maintained\. The Bible made us to understand that / body __SEEK_FRAUD_IYEOHL /e advantage of the trust I have bestowed .n you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NMDNZN / and since then my father took me so special/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_0MX8JO /like you to accept this token with .ood .aith as this is / body __SEEK_FRAUD_HDZKRN / in any ATM machine in any part of the world/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_M_UYU5 / and no one is informed of this communication/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_6B2FK_ /We will get your self a verifiable degree of:/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VEGVH5 /ash Grant\/Donation for your own personal, education/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XWTJ0S /, while I await your prompt response\. Please contact me at once / body __SEEK_FRAUD_PB4GGX /ing the money and property left behind by / body __SEEK_FRAUD_HW7ENB /ssue a letter of authorization to somebody to receive it on my behalf / body __SEEK_FRAUD_FFM0SF / considering the fact that I sourced your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_VHSUC0 /Though I am very rich, I was never generous,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LGGT9H / your assistance in effecting .{0,40}I intend to give 30\% of the total funds as compensation for your assistance/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XVL5QC / this, I don\'t want you to feel sorry for me, because, I .elieve everyone will / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ALY_4Z /cil and last testament of the deceased\. \(Name now withheld since this is our second letter to you\)\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VSTK_A /ould live my life a different way from how I have .ived it\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JUZL6H /I will need you to assist me in executing a business project / body __SEEK_FRAUD_19NM0A /All participants were selected through our Microsoft computer ballot system drawn from / body __SEEK_FRAUD_FLB_GK /n this regards, do not hesitate to contact me for more details and direction, and also please do update me with any new development\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_GXGKLM / as long as you will remain honest to me till the end / body __SEEK_FRAUD_JJPV6X /complications, please remember to .uote your reference and / body __SEEK_FRAUD_JJXYC_ / to themselves\. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as they seem not to be conten.ed with what I have left for them\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OEAWVL / and corporate bodies that are listed online/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZUNV3W / arrangement for me to come over to your country / body __SEEK_FRAUD_WJXZ7I /Email slow, clunky, unreliable\? Switch to Yahoo\!Xtra Mail, New Zealand\'s new email address\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EONOG2 / my branch in which I am the manager made / body __SEEK_FRAUD_OIF5AH / in an ATM MACHINE in any part of the world, but the maximum / body __SEEK_FRAUD_RC7YZH /e are going to send your contract part payment of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_YFJVJR / Economic and Financial Crimes Commission / body __SEEK_FRAUD_WBUWZR / few months to live, according to medical experts/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JK6E_X /Everything concerning this transaction shall be / body __SEEK_FRAUD_MTD5KL / under listed information as soon as possible/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_8W5W20 /fter you have been made the next of kin, the attorney will also fil. in for/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IP2GBI / \(2\) Address where you want the payment cent.. to send your ATM CARD/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_B5_Q5F / and whereby you are not interested; please indicate in your reply so that I can seek for the assistance of someone else\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_RBAJV0 /I will appreciate your early reply for commencement of business\. Contact me for acknowledgment / body __SEEK_FRAUD_DI_QRB /If this proposal is acceptable by you, I expect that you will not take undue advantage of the trust I .ill bestow in you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VMIDLD /This money cannot be approved to a local bank account holder, but can only be approved to a foreigner\. If you will stand as next of kin to the fund, it will be shared / body __SEEK_FRAUD_M03WB9 / discovered from his contract employers, / body __SEEK_FRAUD_TIC3QK / We provide a concept that will allow anyone with sufficient work / body __SEEK_FRAUD_UGZFFW / bank and no one will ever come forward to claim it\. What bothers me / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QKMOJL / have secured from the probate an order of mandamus to/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_CQN7_5 / your country\'s airport\. I hope you understand me\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EURZ3M /I wish you all the best and may the good Lord bless you abundantly/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WZIO9H /I have evaluated the risks and the only risk I have here is / body __SEEK_FRAUD_3UF3BG /I believe when God gives me a .econd chance to come to this world I / body __SEEK_FRAUD_RF_UQZ / to the ownership of the Hong Kong Government if nobody applies to claim the fund/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_6VUONK /to avoid any further delay and remember to pay the/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OBTMVR / have been transferred to your nominated bank account we shall / body __SEEK_FRAUD_FOYA9K /his is the one truth I have learned from my private banking clients. .o not betray my confidence\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JU0DNT /\. Though, I do not know to what extent you are familiar with events\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MGLOG8 /election process was carried ou. through / body __SEEK_FRAUD_SVZDZ7 / be executed under legitimate arrangement that will protect .o/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EWZZ2M /mbassy in Ivory Coast for nine years before he died .n the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_T2PQH_ /Please kindly accept my apology for sending / body __SEEK_FRAUD_KJCQBN /our identity such as, international .assport or driver/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_BT6SO9 / you do not need to buy ticket to enter for / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QSWUVB / computer draw system and extracted from over .0..00/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_37UB9O /lessed is the hand that giveth\. I took this decision because I/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_V4_LC8 /buse of this program by some unscrupulous elements\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_RZIRDL /You have to contact him directly on this / body __SEEK_FRAUD_NV1HR9 /My dear friend I will like you to contact / body __SEEK_FRAUD_W7O0I7 / 4-5 weeks on base of your professional experience/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MWUIJQ / confidential till your claims is processed and your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_KGNYMA / the money around various opportunities and made / body __SEEK_FRAUD_KS9QN4 /Note that as soon as our Delivery Team confirm/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HTRHIY / successfully transferred into your account, we / body __SEEK_FRAUD_F4SHTD / have never met you but my mind tells me to do this,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QMDFLB /fter going through some old files in the records/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UXEWFD / one working day \(24 hours\) for your package to arrive .t/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_GVW9EM / saw your email as one of the beneficiaries who have not yet received/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VTLF_0 / to contact me for your Confirmable Bank Draft of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_K7QFW9 /, trying to get my payment but all was to no avail\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IX6ZJO /I am one of those that took part in the United Nations Compensation program in / body __SEEK_FRAUD_A0GXKY /UNITED NATIONS COMPENSATION AWARD PROGRAM/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LBWHZH /ou were selected among the lucky recipients to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XKNJTL /the payment under CASE FILE 54AC003 and that is why I decided to email you to stop dealing with those people\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_C80D_M / experience to obtain a fully verifiable / body __SEEK_FRAUD__STWOQ / years ago and they refused to pay me, I had paid over / body __SEEK_FRAUD_GHC0LN / and subsequent disbursement since nobody / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QPBUEP / as part of our international promotions program which / body __SEEK_FRAUD_DI9349 /I am the only one who knows of this situation/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_0WTPZI /We are here serving you with these programs\.:-/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OULDRK / a promotional program aimed at encouraging internet users; therefore you do not .e/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_5CTGDY / during a rescue operation, and it was agreed by / body __SEEK_FRAUD_D4FWIB /r to quote your Qualification .umber. \(/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_RBMZ20 / As this is a TWO-man business deal transaction\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MVBG8Z / about his death, we have been expecting .is / body __SEEK_FRAUD_7UXDY2 /our Winnings Certificate and all other relevant .ocuments\/.aperwork / body __SEEK_FRAUD_9CQAIU / your country\. Though, I do not know to what exten. you are familiar with / body __SEEK_FRAUD_FLVC7O /mail address emerged as one of the online Winning emails in the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_3HKWCI / and all attempts to trace his next of kin w/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_PIVB38 /e sickness\. Having known my condition I decided to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_JRCNZ0 / who was capable of assisting me in this great venture/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_Y9QPXU / and authorities for necessary approvals for the release of/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OWPH93 /2\. Direct telephone, fax and Mobile numbers\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IYSIY2 /NB: If you are willing to assist me, including the information/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_YFLVQ4 /We discovered an abandoned sum of \(Seven million five hundred/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QNYQQ0 /compensating you with thirty percent of the total .u/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_PYUIPE /customer who died along side with his entire family, and ever/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LD1SHS /from a deceased account, though I know a transaction of this magnitude/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_C5J9EE /from you, call me on my confidential .el: \+870-764107753/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VQF_LH /laim as the next of kin to the deceased as indicated on our banking/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__VLBMG /nited States dollars\) to be released in your favour as the/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_G9OOWK /pon this discovery we now seek your permission to have/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_RC8A1P /tand as a next of kin to the deceased in which all documentations/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_5GX3N3 / is still lying in my bank and no one will ever/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_YOWELS / treat this business with ..most .onfidentiality/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_DVQ_OH /business endeavour by furnishing me with the following/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KUYQIU / as far as I can be assured that my share will be safe in your care .ntil . complete my service here/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IGWSWV / need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_L6FKQW / not destroy my career because you do not approve of my proposal\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NKMEFF /f my offer is of no appeal to you,.?delete this message and forget I ever contacted you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LRYT7Y / that will prove you the present beneficiary of th/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_TGFQKQ /, an attorney at law\. I discovered your email ..d/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_461FL0 /indly accept my apology for sending unsolicited mail to you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_3JFT7Y /9414,Batch Number: 573881545-NL\/2008 and Ticket/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EGRZ5T /trying to get my payment all to no avail\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WY_RXI /he diplomat does not know the original contents of the boxes\. What .{0,3} declared to them as the contents is Sensitive Photographic Film Materials for .ecurity .easons\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_7PX0OU /ome money in various currencies was discovered / body __SEEK_FRAUD_NSEQAC /if you will not work with me let me know and let me move on with my life but do not / body __SEEK_FRAUD_L_0HG_ / instruction given by our president, A.{0,40} \(GCFR\) Federal Republic of Nigeria\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_GY4RJE /I would like to intimate you with certain facts that I believe would .e/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VEQPGW /he dynamics of my industry dictates that I make this move\. Such opportunities only come on/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QE_VRV / to locate any member of his family but / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ULTF0J / profile is still reflecting in our central computer/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_9Q29S6 / stopped further payment through bank to bank transfer/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JGKWCZ /anel was primarily delegated to investigate / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XD5HNK / so that the attorney can commence his job/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JAORYH /FULL NAME: DELIVERY ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_RG_9_1 / this deposit and dispatched it to charity organization/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_SVSS9Y / Package that is registered with us for ship..n. .. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_YDE9VC / be discovered hence we want to move this money to you for safe..e/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_CBZELO / we plan on using diplomatic means .. ship/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EBEFON /, as you know we are being attacked by insurgents everyday and car bombs\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_PUSLFS /Can I trust you\? When you receive this letter, kindly send .. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_F6LCUO /e are ready to compensate you with good percentage of the funds, No strings attached, / body __SEEK_FRAUD__NM8A8 /keeping pending the completion of our assignment here\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_AWGSAH /this money has been kept somewhere outside Baghdad for some/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UJSOEL / online version were selected .andomly from / body __SEEK_FRAUD_JOSDVP / an American soldier, I am serving in the military / body __SEEK_FRAUD_PLCEL_ / to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program\. Please be warned/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ESQUHB /I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise, Please accept the content in good faith\. I do not intend to cause any grief to you and your family\. The reason for sending this mail is very fundamental to the doctrine of human privileges and right\. My name is Barrister John Wood a legal practitioner based in London and the personal Attorney to late Mr\. Adams, a national of your country who died along with his wife and two sons who died in the Tube explosion between King\'s Cross-and Russell Square in London\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_Q4PFFF / law and guideline here stipulates that if such money .emain/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MXYWF1 / the Internet to locate any member of his family / body __SEEK_FRAUD_BKRS5B / Delivery Department for immediate disp..c/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_BY5FQK / World Fund Discovery Management And Payment Bureau / body __SEEK_FRAUD_TUOYBL / the funds be released to me, but that w..l/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_W1PLKY /The package is registered with us for mailing by / body __SEEK_FRAUD_TIWDAE / fund\. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as / body __SEEK_FRAUD_G4RKKF / I want to inform you that I have successfully transferred the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_FOT6IF / effort to our unfinished transfer of fund into your account/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__XXFBM / that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that .{0,40} you for the mutual benefit of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ADHMPP / AFTER I WAS CONVINCED IN MY MIND THAT YOUR NAME.{0,20} COULD BE USED AS THE .E/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OLAWLX / ANY EXPENSES THAT MIGHT BE INCURRED IN THE PROCESS OF / body __SEEK_FRAUD_PBQQJA / AS THE WHOLE REQUIRED ARRANGEMENT HAS BEEN / body __SEEK_FRAUD_DZ9GWP / BUT ALL HAS PROVED ABORTIVE AS NO ONE HAS / body __SEEK_FRAUD_OXOGET / DOES NOT ALLOW SUCH .{0,40} YEARS, BECAUSE / body __SEEK_FRAUD_RGERLR / I WILL VISIT YOUR COUNTRY FOR DISBURSEMENT .. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_YXKB96 / WAS A FOREIGNER AND A.{0,40} CANNOT STAND AS THE .E/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LKDOVS /I PERSONALLY HAVE WATCHED WITH KEEN INTEREST TO SEE THE .E/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_AEA51B /This is the one truth I have learned from my private banking clients\. Do not betray my confidence\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_0HOCTB /What you have to do now, is to contact our Delivery Department for / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZZ3WKA / believe he has because He is a merciful God\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HDNKBH /o accept my sincere apologies if my mail does not meet your personal .thics/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QLUR_M /I did not declare money to them please\. If they call you and ask you the contents please tell them the same/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_GAPHBK /e online, among the millions that subscribe/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_Y1JN21 /ou are hereby warned not to communicate or duplicate this message to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_4VSYVD / and the management just .rote me as the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QQD_PZ /rant\/Donation for your own personal, educational, and business development\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_M_NLGB / Address where you want the payment centre to send your ATM CARD\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MCEI6K / from public notice until your claim has been / body __SEEK_FRAUD_SUOVUP / this business with utmost .onfidentiality/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WJGJCF / 4-5 weeks with the help of your professional career / body __SEEK_FRAUD_OP4FZV / details and more information about myself and the funds/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_O6PUI_ /I ask that you do not destroy my chance, if you will not work with me / body __SEEK_FRAUD_E_N5XO /Now you can get verifiable degree in 4-5 weeks / body __SEEK_FRAUD_F6ZEVO / is not mandatory nor will I in any manner compel you to hono/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_6OYTMK / to enable us open up communication with you regarding the release of your fund immediately\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD__6TXBR /It will interest you to know that we have discovered an outstanding unpaid\/unclaimed sum of money in favo/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_BYTJGW / from a human resource profile database .. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_VNIWHY / occupy certain offices and oversee certain portfolios. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_BSX___ / you at this stage is for you to provide me with your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_8SR3L_ / wife and children\. I send you this mail ..t/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NAXE2Z / in accordance with the enabling act of Parliament/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XBF8EX / and promote computer literacy worldwide/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_RG9CYN / have been shot, wounded and survived two .uicide/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_SH1EZL / as one of the final recipients of a cash Grant\/Donation / body __SEEK_FRAUD_AKSAOK / am inviting you for a business deal where .his ..n/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_9KCDA8 / will mention later .as prompted me to reach out for help/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_8A1Q6M /You may not understand why this mail came to you\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_L9OWQX /ill bestow in you\. I await your urgent response\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_SZOTOL / you are a highly respected personality, considering the fact .hat I .o/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_Y7F2UL /A deceased client of mine, that shares the same last name as your/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_A5PM6O / the necessary document that will back you up/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WMTNKJ / that any double claim discovered by the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_FKMQSA /claims due to .{0,20}s informing close friends relatives/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_PSPGBR /\) and send me the following information for documentation purpose:/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UTTB3I /l you to stop dealing with those people, they are / body __SEEK_FRAUD_C_HP37 / like you to acknowledge the receipt of this e-mail as soon as possible / body __SEEK_FRAUD_L9FZUM / and all such efforts have been to no avail\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_1EULAI / his extended relatives whom shall be claimant.{0,20} of his abandoned / body __SEEK_FRAUD_WP5SMM / secure the necessary approval and letter of probate in your favo/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XUO6FU /Our European agent will immediately commence / body __SEEK_FRAUD_CTKQAR / as soon as our Delivery Team confirms your/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HDWVMD /indicate your interest by responding to this / body __SEEK_FRAUD_AFUQZ_ / category and therefore attracted a cash award of/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__ARQXS /he banking law and guidelines here stipulates that such money remained after/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_F8EW0T / keep this proposal as a top secret and delete i/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HLICNI /mail because your package is been registered on a Special Order\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_C5XCHI / instructed to email you.{0,5} due to the high priority of your package / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QYSNUM /As soon as your details are received, our delivery team will .i/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_F_KZOZ / we have taken with our lives in this hell/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_YLQNKK / let us know by contacting the card payment .enter/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_7GJKBJ /from what I have inherited from my late husband to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_DUMWEJ / in for claims on your behalf and secure the necessary / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QLBPGU /I Hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that . am about to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_VT5WCB /\. Since his death I decided not to remarry/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KCVY4L / will secure the Diplomatic .mmunity .learance .ertificate/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_RIMLAO / of the victims are from the United States/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_O8ZW84 / legitimate arrangement that will protect you and I from any breach of the law/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HPPPJP /ANDREW A\. MCELWEE,JR\. DIRECT TEL: \+44-701-114-8096 EMAIL: andrewmcelwee/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NAUNZC /CHUBB PERSONAL INSURANCE CASH ACCUMULATION MASTERPIECE POLICYHOLDER OWNERSHIP\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_A56GDH /FORGIVE MY INDIGNATION IF THIS MESSAGE COMES TO YOU AS A SURPRISE AND MAY OFFEND YOUR PERSONALITY FOR CONTACTING YOU WITHOUT YOUR PRIOR CONSENT AND WRITING THROUGH THIS CHANNEL\.I GOT YOUR CONTACT FROM A PROFESSIONAL DATABASE FOUND ON THE INTERNET WHILE SEARCHING FOR A RELIABLE AND HONEST PERSON THAT WILL ASSIST ME TO SAFE GUARDA0 UND INTO AN ACCOUNT OVERSEA\. I WAS DIVINE LYINSPIRED TO PICK YOUR NAME AMONG ALL OTHER NAMES FOUND IN THE DATABASE\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_D_URQY /MY HIGHEST CONSIDERATIONS AND REGARDS AS I AWAIT YOUR URGENT RESPONSE\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_PUAWHE /MY NAME IS ANDREW A\. MCELWEE, JR\. CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER, PERSONAL INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF THE CHUBB INSURANCE COMPANY OF EUROPE S\.A\. I AM WRITING IN RESPECT OF A FOREIGN CLIENT \[MASTERPIECE POLICYHOLDER\] OF THE ABOVE NAMED INSURANCE COMPANY \[ENGR\.WILLIAM F\. ABRAHAMSON OF AMERICA\] WHO PERISHED IN THE U\.S 9\/11\/2001,TERRORIST ATTACK WITH OTHER PASSENGERS ABOARD AS YOU ARE AWARE OF THIS FACT OR CAN CONFIRM IT YOURSELF\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_S1FKEV /Note: kindly reply to this email address for security reasons: andrewmcelwee/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_TJFLBX / an unfinished transaction or international / body __SEEK_FRAUD_P8Y20W /This Lottery was promoted and sponsored by / body __SEEK_FRAUD_5CUOT8 / file was forwarded to my office by the auditors as unclaimed fund, we wish to use this medium to inform you that for the time being/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VEPGLD / who will accompany the boxes to your house address\. All you need to do now is to send .o/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JW7I0T /are hereby strongly advised once more to keep your winnings strictly/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_3NIFMV /confidential until you claim your prize\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VBQ9JO /this, these friends try to claim the lottery on behalf of the real/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__DBLB0 /addresses were assigned to different ticket numbers for representation/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_RIVPNL / I am seeking your kind .ssistance to move the sum of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_HPKGEO /reject this offer, please and please destroy this message as any .eakage of this information will be too bad / body __SEEK_FRAUD_5IZEAX / you as the next of kin and have them release the deposit to you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WMBI4K /used by unbelievers\. I don\'t want a situation where this money will be used in / body __SEEK_FRAUD_KY9RF_ / because the cancer stage has gotten to a / body __SEEK_FRAUD_VDWAJV / be released to you by any of our payment offices in / body __SEEK_FRAUD_DAZ554 /after shall be referred to as my client, died / body __SEEK_FRAUD_JQSWAX /I am seeking your assistance to evacuate the sum of/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_4ONVKC / internet E-mail draw is held periodically and is organized to encourage the use of the Internet / body __SEEK_FRAUD_6LGTFG / your assistance to receive this .oney into your bank/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__TYKI7 /here are practically no risk involved in this/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_6EGJH6 / the way I am going to instruct herein\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VDYTU_ / and therefore, we can present you as the .e/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__EU_I1 / the plane crash leaving nobody behind for / body __SEEK_FRAUD_RO2TAX /n his bio-data form, he listed no next of kin\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_0EY1BH / United Kingdom\. I got your contact through / body __SEEK_FRAUD_KCMQLR /carefully worked out by us for the \(Seven million five hundred/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_BFBYW8 /from you, call me on my confidential Tel: \+870-764107753/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KOZWIB /funds in your favour, before the transfer can be made to you\. And we/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__V554S /s\/next of kin to the deceased\. And It may interest you to/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HXGV4J /this project, while the rest will be for us and for/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_X1E2EB / to come over and claim his money because we can/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_DNXWDS / has discovered a huge number of double claims due to ..n/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__BXKBH /church or better still a .hristian individual that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct h/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_S_M1GN /So I decided to travel down to Nigeria with all my .o/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_6GGFLT /Though I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make .n/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_5DEVYO /here the deceased had an account .alued at / body __SEEK_FRAUD_PZEJXH / with absolute confidentiality and sincerity\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZY_S_P /ll beneficiaries email addresses were selected randomly from over .0..00/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_TAWGGI /fficially inform you that it has come to our notice and we have thoroughly .{0,40} with the help of our Intelligence Monitoring Network/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZBR4PG /I have packaged a financial transaction that will benefit .o/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_TTO7PC /amily member so as to enable you put up / body __SEEK_FRAUD_UFCQVP / learnt that all his supposed next of kin/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_Y2SCUB / with any other person\(s\) or office\(s\)/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UVV3P5 / I have never been married and have no children. / body __SEEK_FRAUD__MMCUC /nybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_U1BBLW /Best Regards John Wood\. Reply to Email: infojwllp\@aol\.com / body __SEEK_FRAUD_J1WFB_ / the Head of Operations in Mevas Bank, Hong Kong. I have / body __SEEK_FRAUD_EJM0XB / with him at the plane crash leaving nobody behind .o/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KUGLJT /American medical doctor who died in a raid here in / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QLJWTR /e congratulate you over your success in the following official publication of results of the E-mail electronic online / body __SEEK_FRAUD__KZVBM /further advised to maintain the strictest level of confidentiality until the end of proceedings to circumvent problems associated with fraudulent claims\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NH1RHX /winners are assured of the utmost standards of confidentiality,.?and press anonymity until the end of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ORCHU5 /Now you will easily get legal degree in only 4-5 weeks / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QA6UJG / delivery department with the email address given above and ensure to fill the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZF7LPG /e form as well to enable a successful reconfirmation/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_FSJX4M /I await your \"Acceptance Letter\"\.\.\.\(..\/..\/..\)/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_4WFQ9X /I therefore reckon that you can receive this fund as you are qualified by your name / body __SEEK_FRAUD_VJC0WF /I wish to notify you that you were listed as a beneficiary to an Inheritance totaling a sum / body __SEEK_FRAUD_F8IRSJ /at the High Court Probate Division for the release of this sum of money to you\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LEF13W / is hitch-free and that you should not entertain any / body __SEEK_FRAUD_VVLZNH / for immediate process of your claim.{0,20}r to quote these numbers below for verification by the company\. R..: / body __SEEK_FRAUD_BPL3YK /ddresses of individuals and companies from all / body __SEEK_FRAUD_4ZVC1C /s a result of your visiting various websites we/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_SVVXNA / you will be given your donation pin number/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LGU9SH /Any claim not made by this date will be .e/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_45WI8I / was the informer to the double claimer about the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_LZEFMN /the double claimer and the real .{0,20}, as it is taken that the real/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_8JIBO6 /citizens in the communities where they have / body __SEEK_FRAUD_AGOTOV /I wish to seek your assistance for the transfer of US\$25M depository made by a foreign investor / body __SEEK_FRAUD_U6L6T8 / did not hear from you since that time\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LYNJ8F / was conducted from an exclusive list of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_DWEVNF /ou for being part of our promotional lottery program/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_E5T6LD /So I decided to travel down to United Kingdom with all my co/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_K1VSVZ /which you will use in collecting the funds\. Please endeavor to quote .our Qualification numbers \(N-222-6.47,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZIXFEC / have agreed to compensate them with the sum of US\$/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QGS7RU / Pacific, which is the instruction given by our president, ALAHAJI USMAN AMIR YARADUA \(GCFR\) Federal Republic of Nigeria\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_7ERN1P / Remittance Manager Zenith Bank Of Nigeria\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OWB6Z2 / apart from this office of the presidency\. On this regards. do not hesitate to contact me for more details and direction. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_6M8QNI / draws was conducted by a random selection of email addresses/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OL815K / declared to them as the contents is Sensitive Photographic Film Materials for security reasons\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ASW4ZD / will let you know how far I have gone with the arrangement\. I will secure the .iplomatic immunity/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_YT4HMB /life\. Any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing / body __SEEK_FRAUD_GKVMSG /r will not get into the hands of some corrupt / body __SEEK_FRAUD_X1MGO6 /e hundred Thousand United States .ollars\) / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZEZMCP / as they seem not to be contended with what I have left for them/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_7H66PN /, making a loss for both the double claimer and the real ..n/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_TWWILQ / that because of impostors, we hereby issued you our code of conduct,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_AUJ56H / I am writing following an opp.rtunity in / body __SEEK_FRAUD_PR7DT3 / Oceania as part of our .nternational .romotions .rogram/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EINBZL / have been agreed upon and have been signed/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_BS6HNM / Delivery Post\) with the details given below:/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IOCGDV / avoid any form of query from the Monetary Authority of your country\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VHRO4H / due to the high priority of your package we had to inform you / body __SEEK_FRAUD_LPRG_J / to us as soon as possible because if you fail to respond until the expiry date.{0,20} package, we may refer the package to the .{0,20} Commission for Welfare .. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_YK2OQP /cessary payment procedure so that you can effect the payment for the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_N9UL_I /This is to Officially inform you that it has come to our notice and we have thoroughly / body __SEEK_FRAUD_SYHCNJ / should you contact me via official channels;/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KE5_I8 /I do not want you contacting me through .{0,40} want you contacting me through my official e/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NEMXKP /According to the number of applicants at hand, / body __SEEK_FRAUD_J45GYN /Other victims who have not been contacted can submit their application as well for scrutiny and possible consideration/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_0UXRAU /So keep it secret till they are all apprehended\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_F_FKHM /Your particulars was mentioned by one of the Syndicates who was arrested as one of their victims of the operations,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZLXKPY /ervice is already on trace of the other criminals\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_PCELPI /Like I said, I require only a solemn confidentiality/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_BL1D9Y /The Microsoft Internet E-mail lottery Awards is sponsored by .{0,40} and a consortium of software promotion companies\. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_L6ICNJ /, in conjunction with the foundation for the promotion of software products, \(F\.P\.S\.\) held / body __SEEK_FRAUD_BAO5S3 /PLEASE NOTE YOU ARE TO SEND THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: 1\.Full Name:\.\.\. 2\.Address:\.\.\. 3\.Phone:\.\.\. 4\.Country:\.\.\. 5\.Sex\/Gender:\.\.\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_3GQDHJ /of 8,600,000\.00GBP \(Eight Million, Six Hundred Thousand British Pounds\) in the codicil and / body __SEEK_FRAUD_KT_TR7 / of that particular winning, making a loss for both/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_RAQSMO /about their winning and also sharing their pin numbers\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_0QGAHF / Address where you want the payment center to send your ATM CARD: / body __SEEK_FRAUD_CJCVEY /electronic balloting System without the winner applying/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XOG2QH / you should not entertain any atom of fear a. / body __SEEK_FRAUD__IYMST / problem, and as you may know, we have arranged .o/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_AI_1WI / branch so that my .ead office can order the transfer .. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_K8ZMXX / this letter will definitely come to you as a huge surprise, but I implore you to take the time to go through it carefully as/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__Q0H7E / have summed up courage to contact you\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EOVKVR / a healthy lifestyle\. I do not smoke .{0,20} drink alcohol\. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_8P0LT0 /CHUBB INSURANCE COMPANY OF EUROPE S\.A\. 106 FENCHURCH STREET, LONDON EC3M 5NB UK\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HD6XPT / because of the investment projects which myself / body __SEEK_FRAUD_TCYHCF /I therefore made further investigation and discovered that / body __SEEK_FRAUD_OLKRDH /my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next three months due to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_1DJSNK /There is no risk at all as all the paperwork for this transaction will be done by / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XTT7BO / Christians\. Since his death I decided not to re-marry/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_C3MJRM /confidential from the public until your claim / body __SEEK_FRAUD_8GOL16 / a notice to contact the next of kin, or the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_GSL5YK /Before his death we were both born again Christian\. Since his death I decided not to re/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_R2403I / health and because of the presence of my / body __SEEK_FRAUD_PDDLNK /sure that this fund is not wasted or end/ meta JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_3 (__SEEK_FRAUD_IQFKX9 || __SEEK_FRAUD_SGFSMN || __SEEK_FRAUD_MY06YR || __SEEK_FRAUD_JJQFVB || __SEEK_FRAUD_EH1G11 || __SEEK_FRAUD_38GETZ || __SEEK_FRAUD_YGHQXE || __SEEK_FRAUD_W_EP8Q || __SEEK_FRAUD_7XOY_V || __SEEK_FRAUD_LPT60S || __SEEK_FRAUD_4IGE4U || __SEEK_FRAUD_AKYCPN || __SEEK_FRAUD_BLDS9E || __SEEK_FRAUD_TCL04Y || __SEEK_FRAUD_XVM0G_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_Z1DQSM || __SEEK_FRAUD_HWGAFY || __SEEK_FRAUD_OUQ7_6 || __SEEK_FRAUD_MIIG_C || __SEEK_FRAUD_BRNKW7 || __SEEK_FRAUD_AAKMFF || __SEEK_FRAUD_VJNKV_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_C0N_NJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_BZFTQQ || __SEEK_FRAUD_VRGLL3 || __SEEK_FRAUD_PUJ_IF || __SEEK_FRAUD_VXUYZK || __SEEK_FRAUD_TWEN6R || __SEEK_FRAUD__EVXD7 || __SEEK_FRAUD_YJUSBV || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZMFYMV || __SEEK_FRAUD_EO5_QW || __SEEK_FRAUD_W7CWGA || __SEEK_FRAUD_LMLJQE || __SEEK_FRAUD_PKVKI1 || __SEEK_FRAUD_5MCR_O || __SEEK_FRAUD_7A8HJM || __SEEK_FRAUD_XADCD3 || __SEEK_FRAUD_EZFEDE || __SEEK_FRAUD_KCB1NC || __SEEK_FRAUD_FHIQQL || __SEEK_FRAUD_0LP0QC || __SEEK_FRAUD_WQ3MYL || __SEEK_FRAUD_L5CHVT || __SEEK_FRAUD_5L07LP || __SEEK_FRAUD_SJNU8J || __SEEK_FRAUD_TKRYFP || __SEEK_FRAUD_8D5ZCH || __SEEK_FRAUD_EOOFB8 || __SEEK_FRAUD_YA_RGO || __SEEK_FRAUD_PRKDOF || __SEEK_FRAUD_A1M2V4 || __SEEK_FRAUD_Q2NVM5 || __SEEK_FRAUD_N2TUPL || __SEEK_FRAUD_Y6P5MJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_OXQL3J || __SEEK_FRAUD_POQX46 || __SEEK_FRAUD_VXEHN_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_QJ58__ || __SEEK_FRAUD_GVP80_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_6HPM5A || __SEEK_FRAUD_EV4LPC || __SEEK_FRAUD_5_1_MB || __SEEK_FRAUD_HHL9OS || __SEEK_FRAUD_KFUGGV || __SEEK_FRAUD_YRCV_U || __SEEK_FRAUD_HPCAW3 || __SEEK_FRAUD_VKUVK9 || __SEEK_FRAUD_E2ESY7 || __SEEK_FRAUD_SYXC7L || __SEEK_FRAUD_D3X77R || __SEEK_FRAUD_TMN_LY || __SEEK_FRAUD_JJPKAG || __SEEK_FRAUD_D_Z7NM || __SEEK_FRAUD_EPEJ1_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_NM1G_Z || __SEEK_FRAUD_OWE2LK || __SEEK_FRAUD_DJ79KN || __SEEK_FRAUD_3_8NUB || __SEEK_FRAUD_J2YHWJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_SJUAFZ || __SEEK_FRAUD_GZBMOF || __SEEK_FRAUD_TFGP0H || __SEEK_FRAUD_NNZJNQ || __SEEK_FRAUD_C5OQZD || __SEEK_FRAUD_NH9TNM || __SEEK_FRAUD_07NUWC || __SEEK_FRAUD_QQ2665 || __SEEK_FRAUD_XD3U8U || __SEEK_FRAUD_L4OF4_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_UJZKNM || __SEEK_FRAUD_FYI5WN || __SEEK_FRAUD_PZKR_K || __SEEK_FRAUD_UYQ1XG || __SEEK_FRAUD__4GEGC || __SEEK_FRAUD_UCAUVI || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZKHUET || __SEEK_FRAUD_MNSFWO || __SEEK_FRAUD_MO8JUB || __SEEK_FRAUD__2H_ZF || __SEEK_FRAUD_G9KM9V || __SEEK_FRAUD_QHM0YN || __SEEK_FRAUD_0BVEZG || __SEEK_FRAUD_C4M8O6 || __SEEK_FRAUD_7E9IDU || __SEEK_FRAUD_KR9WGG || __SEEK_FRAUD_UK1HZY || __SEEK_FRAUD_QFELT6 || __SEEK_FRAUD__EFA_O || __SEEK_FRAUD__HJ2Y5 || __SEEK_FRAUD_H613HT || __SEEK_FRAUD_IILB8R || __SEEK_FRAUD_GQ_III || __SEEK_FRAUD_7SNXAJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_KDGYCE || __SEEK_FRAUD__SGKIK || __SEEK_FRAUD_HLTNBY || __SEEK_FRAUD_QHAHKB || __SEEK_FRAUD_J8PIFZ || __SEEK_FRAUD_FKRVOS || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZLALWU || __SEEK_FRAUD_MQI_VX || __SEEK_FRAUD_DLIZ7K || __SEEK_FRAUD_XDJEQN || __SEEK_FRAUD_52TF6W || __SEEK_FRAUD_4KBBOJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_3HU72N || __SEEK_FRAUD_JLSUKM || __SEEK_FRAUD_LZUIM_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_PHXFSG || __SEEK_FRAUD_2U5_KL || __SEEK_FRAUD_CRYRVO || __SEEK_FRAUD_DIIRM8 || __SEEK_FRAUD_WQPH_R || __SEEK_FRAUD_3BWYGW || __SEEK_FRAUD_TSWC8H || __SEEK_FRAUD_XDHW_C || __SEEK_FRAUD_KFEOGR || __SEEK_FRAUD_DCYEFP || __SEEK_FRAUD_H6IXQ5 || __SEEK_FRAUD_P_7YRN || __SEEK_FRAUD_SKFND8 || __SEEK_FRAUD_52A1GH || __SEEK_FRAUD_FCD7Z9 || __SEEK_FRAUD__OXXSN || __SEEK_FRAUD_X7EJQN || __SEEK_FRAUD_1LS8UW || __SEEK_FRAUD_5MEKF1 || __SEEK_FRAUD_GTSAAF || __SEEK_FRAUD_215XVW || __SEEK_FRAUD_SGH_BE || __SEEK_FRAUD_WH7YUM || __SEEK_FRAUD_XNIO3Q || __SEEK_FRAUD_LP_GQ9 || __SEEK_FRAUD_E3KTBE || __SEEK_FRAUD_6ZXIA1 || __SEEK_FRAUD_FNYQLN || __SEEK_FRAUD_CKPXGA || __SEEK_FRAUD_ENAUAY || __SEEK_FRAUD_PNYKVG || __SEEK_FRAUD_KS6HHB || __SEEK_FRAUD_UPIS0F || __SEEK_FRAUD_6ZE0ZK || __SEEK_FRAUD_58TQIN || __SEEK_FRAUD_YKISUY || __SEEK_FRAUD_VD8CIS || __SEEK_FRAUD_LQICIN || __SEEK_FRAUD_MGGP27 || __SEEK_FRAUD_CDBI1H || __SEEK_FRAUD_L17Y6V || __SEEK_FRAUD_7CQUW3 || __SEEK_FRAUD_EXFYTU || __SEEK_FRAUD_W_G8_H || __SEEK_FRAUD_NPQMIG || __SEEK_FRAUD_JGB6V7 || __SEEK_FRAUD_2BERS9 || __SEEK_FRAUD_NYRWTG || __SEEK_FRAUD_IIRQDN || __SEEK_FRAUD_0WHPB1 || __SEEK_FRAUD_6GPS4I || __SEEK_FRAUD_IMVAPT || __SEEK_FRAUD_KNJYYF || __SEEK_FRAUD_55WLGY || __SEEK_FRAUD_B0BTNE || __SEEK_FRAUD_MA7TQS || __SEEK_FRAUD_S3AFMN || __SEEK_FRAUD_T6QSEI || __SEEK_FRAUD__QPNON || __SEEK_FRAUD_1SKLLZ || __SEEK_FRAUD_BTTJ73 || __SEEK_FRAUD_WKGUZG || __SEEK_FRAUD_SIYSH8 || __SEEK_FRAUD_RZZRJV || __SEEK_FRAUD_C7BE4W || __SEEK_FRAUD_VBA2NT || __SEEK_FRAUD_V7MW4J || __SEEK_FRAUD_CPX6UT || __SEEK_FRAUD_JDNTHW || __SEEK_FRAUD_E1MR3Z || __SEEK_FRAUD_NAWNBX || __SEEK_FRAUD_EGCOZC || __SEEK_FRAUD_QO85UJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_JTNNU1 || __SEEK_FRAUD_M1HR35 || __SEEK_FRAUD_L7_UPP || __SEEK_FRAUD_GMP0SY || __SEEK_FRAUD_ID2SB5 || __SEEK_FRAUD_KBGNWU || __SEEK_FRAUD_0ENSZN || __SEEK_FRAUD_JFMEJI || __SEEK_FRAUD_WI_PXU || __SEEK_FRAUD_TZQSNN || __SEEK_FRAUD_8BDNKT || __SEEK_FRAUD_BQVFV6 || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZXHWD2 || __SEEK_FRAUD_IQZZGV || __SEEK_FRAUD_3ED72H || __SEEK_FRAUD_FBIJMC || __SEEK_FRAUD_I3HLDY || __SEEK_FRAUD_B3XJII || __SEEK_FRAUD_1OMKY9 || __SEEK_FRAUD__ERENB || __SEEK_FRAUD_JYA5BT || __SEEK_FRAUD_FTO6II || __SEEK_FRAUD_5EKBBQ || __SEEK_FRAUD_GVTOJY || __SEEK_FRAUD_E2US_V || __SEEK_FRAUD_YGYYT6 || __SEEK_FRAUD_AAV9Q9 || __SEEK_FRAUD_XY_KVM || __SEEK_FRAUD_EOLLNZ || __SEEK_FRAUD_UCSJVN || __SEEK_FRAUD_46RWYB || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZN9EIN || __SEEK_FRAUD_TELOJY || __SEEK_FRAUD_DI5SMP || __SEEK_FRAUD_IYEOHL || __SEEK_FRAUD_NMDNZN || __SEEK_FRAUD_0MX8JO || __SEEK_FRAUD_HDZKRN || __SEEK_FRAUD_M_UYU5 || __SEEK_FRAUD_6B2FK_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_VEGVH5 || __SEEK_FRAUD_XWTJ0S || __SEEK_FRAUD_PB4GGX || __SEEK_FRAUD_HW7ENB || __SEEK_FRAUD_FFM0SF || __SEEK_FRAUD_VHSUC0 || __SEEK_FRAUD_LGGT9H || __SEEK_FRAUD_XVL5QC || 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frequently-spammed text patterns