# #header REPLYTO_MANY_AT Reply-To =~ /\@.+\@/ #describe REPLYTO_MANY_AT More than one @ in Reply-To: # #header SENDER_MANY_AT Sender =~ /\@.+\@/ #describe SENDER_MANY_AT More than one @ in Sender: # #header FROM_MANY_AT From =~ /\@.+\@/ #describe FROM_MANY_AT More than one @ in From: # header RDNS_LOCALHOST X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^\[ ip=(?!127)\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+ rdns=localhost(?:\.localdomain)? /i describe RDNS_LOCALHOST Sender's public rDNS is "localhost" #body EU_SPAM_LAW m,Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament,i #describe EU_SPAM_LAW Quoting "European Parliament" spam law ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEHeader mimeheader HTML_ATTACH Content-Type =~ m,text/html;.+\.html?\b,i describe HTML_ATTACH HTML attachment to bypass scanning? mimeheader OBFU_HTML_ATTACH Content-Type =~ m,application/octet-stream;.+\.html?\b,i describe OBFU_HTML_ATTACH HTML attachment with non-text MIME type mimeheader OBFU_TEXT_ATTACH Content-Type =~ m,application/octet-stream;.+\.txt\b,i describe OBFU_TEXT_ATTACH Text attachment with non-text MIME type mimeheader OBFU_DOC_ATTACH Content-Type =~ m,application/octet-stream;.+\.(?:doc|rtf)\b,i describe OBFU_DOC_ATTACH MS Document attachment with generic MIME type score OBFU_DOC_ATTACH 0.25 endif # general case of spample observation #header MUA_ONE_WORD X-Mailer =~ /^[A-Za-z][a-z]*$/ #describe MUA_ONE_WORD Single word X-Mailer: not CamelCase body DEAR_BENEFICIARY /^\s?(?:Dear\s|At+(?:ention|n):?\s?)Beneficiary\b/i describe DEAR_BENEFICIARY Dear Beneficiary: score DEAR_BENEFICIARY 2.0 body DEAR_EMAIL_USER /^\s?(?:Dear\s|Attention:?\s?)(?:E|Web)-?mail\s(?:account\s)?User\b/i describe DEAR_EMAIL_USER Dear Email User: score DEAR_EMAIL_USER 3.0 # from users list spamples 8/2009 uri URI_NUMERIC_CCTLD m;^[a-z]+://(?:\d+\.){2,}[a-z][a-z]/;i describe URI_NUMERIC_CCTLD CCTLD URI with multiple numeric subdomains # From should have whitespace between the comment and the address header FROM_MISSPACED From =~ /^\s*"[^"]*" 1 describe HDRS_LCASE Odd capitalization of multiple message headers # observed in UCE from India, 9/2009 header MDN_BOTCHED Disposition-notification-to =~ /<>/ describe MDN_BOTCHED Malformed return receipt header # observed in spam 9/2009 header HDRS_MISSP ALL =~ /\n(?:Subject|From):\S/ism describe HDRS_MISSP Misspaced headers score HDRS_MISSP 2.0 header SPAMMY_MIME_BDRY_01 Content-Type =~ /boundary="\@\@BOUNDARY"/ describe SPAMMY_MIME_BDRY_01 Spammy MIME boundary string score SPAMMY_MIME_BDRY_01 0.10 # testing header __TB_MIME_BDRY_NO_Z Content-Type =~ /boundary="-{8,}(?:[1-9]){16}/ meta TBIRD_SUSP_MIME_BDRY __MUA_TBIRD && __TB_MIME_BDRY_NO_Z describe TBIRD_SUSP_MIME_BDRY Unlikely Thunderbird MIME boundary # seen in a few HTML fraud spams rawbody RUNON_SHY /(?:\­){3}/i describe RUNON_SHY Repeating soft hyphens score RUNON_SHY 0.1 # Seen all too often header LAZY_LISTWASHING To =~ /\@(?:example\.com|example\.domain|your\.domain|some\.domain|domain\.dom|somewhere\.tld|somewhere\.com|your\.?domain\.com|your\.favorite\.machine)\b/i describe LAZY_LISTWASHING Lazy spammer, painfully obvious bogus addresses score LAZY_LISTWASHING 0.25 # Little to work with body __PLS_REVIEW /\b(?:please|kindly)\s(?:(?:re)?view|see)(?:\s\w+)?\sattach(?:ed|ment)\b/i body __DLND_ATTACH /\bdownload\sthe\sattach(?:ed|ment)\b/i ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEHeader mimeheader __DOC_ATTACH_MT Content-Type =~ m,\bapplication/(?:msword|rtf|vnd\.ms-word|vnd\.openxmlformats-officedocument\.wordprocessingml\.document)\b,i mimeheader __DOC_ATTACH_FN1 Content-Type =~ /="[^"]+\.(?:docx?|rtf)"/i mimeheader __DOC_ATTACH_FN2 Content-Disposition =~ /="[^"]+\.(?:docx?|rtf)"/i meta __DOC_ATTACH (__DOC_ATTACH_MT || __DOC_ATTACH_FN1 || __DOC_ATTACH_FN2) mimeheader __PDF_ATTACH_MT Content-Type =~ m,\bapplication/pdf\b,i mimeheader __PDF_ATTACH_FN1 Content-Type =~ /="[^"]+\.pdf"/i mimeheader __PDF_ATTACH_FN2 Content-Disposition =~ /="[^"]+\.pdf"/i meta __PDF_ATTACH (__PDF_ATTACH_MT || __PDF_ATTACH_FN1 || __PDF_ATTACH_FN2) endif ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::FreeMail meta RVW_ATTCH_FREEMAIL (__PLS_REVIEW || __DLND_ATTACH) && (__DOC_ATTACH || __PDF_ATTACH) && (FREEMAIL_FROM || FREEMAIL_REPLYTO) describe RVW_ATTCH_FREEMAIL Please review attachment, from freemail score RVW_ATTCH_FREEMAIL 1.0 endif body END_FUTURE_EMAILS /\bend future emails\b/i score END_FUTURE_EMAILS 0.25 describe END_FUTURE_EMAILS Unsubscribe body AD_COMPLAINTS /\bcomplaints about this ad+\b/i score AD_COMPLAINTS 1.0 describe AD_COMPLAINTS Complain about this spam # observed in bank phishing 09/2009 rawbody MISQ_HTML /<\w{1,20}[^>]{1,30}=[^"][^">]{1,30}[^=]"[\s>]/ describe MISQ_HTML Unbalanced quotes in HTML tag # observed in bank phishing 09/2009 uri WIKI_IMG m,^https?://[^/]+wiki[mp]edia\.org/.+\.(?:png|gif|jpe?g),i describe WIKI_IMG Image from wikipedia # observed in spam 09/2009 header SUBJ_RE_CLNCLN Subject =~ /^\s*RE::/ describe SUBJ_RE_CLNCLN Subject RE:: uri MANY_SUBDOM m;^https?://(?:[^\./]{1,30}\.){6}; describe MANY_SUBDOM Lots and lots of subdomain parts in a URI